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This is what I have to deal with.


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Lol. Should of waited till the changes before having a sook.


This is how I see it. Right now you're complaining about something that you yourself can get access to but you decided not to. Ok.


Then you say if the changes made aren't to drastic you will get it.


I am amused.


Protip: The point of the thread isn't about Biochem nor am I complaining about it.

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I dont care about responses, im giving people an idea how bad things are in this game. There are countless threads on the same topic so it isn't just my server.


It's every server and the changes BW is doing isn't going to help that fact in any way. Currently I goto ilum and the most I have ever seen at one time is 15 players republic but no matter when I go as soon as I flip an objective I have 10+ imps show up wanting to trade.


With that said Bioware's solution to this issue is to make kills count for the objective while not addressing the real problem of the matter which is the huge population imbalance. So what's going to end up happening on almost every server is suspect are Imperials camping every since speeder pad in ilum farming any one that shows up. Getting a group will not matter as they are always going to have more than you, period.


They are also adding more same faction warzones so the final advantage republic has over the imperials is completely gone. I also know of guilds on the imperial side leveling republic alts to objective swap, so even if the republic boycott ilum because they are overwhelmed it doesn't matter they will just complete the dailies themselves. It seems like Bioware is systematically making the republic obsolete.

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It's every server and the changes BW is doing isn't going to help that fact in any way. Currently I goto ilum and the most I have ever seen at one time is 15 players republic but no matter when I go as soon as I flip an objective I have 10+ imps show up wanting to trade.


With that said Bioware's solution to this issue is to make kills count for the objective while not addressing the real problem of the matter which is the huge population imbalance. So what's going to end up happening on almost every server is suspect are Imperials camping every since speeder pad in ilum farming any one that shows up. Getting a group will not matter as they are always going to have more than you, period.


They are also adding more same faction warzones so the final advantage republic has over the imperials is completely gone. I also know of guilds on the imperial side leveling republic alts to objective swap, so even if the republic boycott ilum because they are overwhelmed it doesn't matter they will just complete the dailies themselves. It seems like Bioware is systematically making the republic obsolete.


I guess it isn't a surprise being this is a pve game and they catered heavily to casuals. MMO pvp in general is a joke compared to real PvP such as FPS, but that doesnt mean it cant be fun or competitive.

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Despite his angry posts, I understand his frustration. I'd like to see other people pull 200k+ damage on a match where you are constantly steamrolled because the rest of your team can't manage to get their **** together. I get these kind of matches regularly as well. It's extremely frustrating to work hard on winning a match, and to see that your teammates don't bother to do the same. Obviously, judging by that scoreboard, alot of people left and new ones joined. But still, understandable frustration.
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Despite his angry posts, I understand his frustration. I'd like to see other people pull 200k+ damage on a match where you are constantly steamrolled because the rest of your team can't manage to get their **** together. I get these kind of matches regularly as well. It's extremely frustrating to work hard on winning a match, and to see that your teammates don't bother to do the same. Obviously, judging by that scoreboard, alot of people left and new ones joined. But still, understandable frustration.


Indeed, the insecure types start hating just like the thread when the guy did 800k+ damage. Jealousy/rage went through the roof.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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If I had Biochem and reusable stims/etc. I would wipe the floor with you Imperial scrubs who are full BATLLEMASTER gear. And yes I can tell they are because all I see on lvl 50 EMpire players is "Battlemaster" title.


ok, so take biochem.

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It's every server and the changes BW is doing isn't going to help that fact in any way. Currently I goto ilum and the most I have ever seen at one time is 15 players republic but no matter when I go as soon as I flip an objective I have 10+ imps show up wanting to trade.


With that said Bioware's solution to this issue is to make kills count for the objective while not addressing the real problem of the matter which is the huge population imbalance. So what's going to end up happening on almost every server is suspect are Imperials camping every since speeder pad in ilum farming any one that shows up. Getting a group will not matter as they are always going to have more than you, period.


They are also adding more same faction warzones so the final advantage republic has over the imperials is completely gone. I also know of guilds on the imperial side leveling republic alts to objective swap, so even if the republic boycott ilum because they are overwhelmed it doesn't matter they will just complete the dailies themselves. It seems like Bioware is systematically making the republic obsolete.


It is possible to win when the odds are against you, my guild does so all the time. Illum is deserted right now because the number of 50s is slowly growing instead of rapidly spiking. There are players that enjoy being the underdog because our victories mean that much more and are that much more fun to obtain. Bioware restricts player choice on all sorts of things and they are wisely not doing so on class selection given how pissed off so many players are about things like outfits and crystals. The simple truth is the sith look cooler and always have and therefore the republic will be outnumbered. Cope with it or re-roll Empire.

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Get a guild that can pvp ... queue with them ... profit.


On Tomb of the Freedom Nadd, (the best pvp server in Europe ... or at least the one with the most queue times) .... we win about 80% of the time losing to better geared/skilled premades .


If you're queuing solo and complaining ... it's a learn 2 socialize problem.

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Thanks for the bump, keep them comming. The closest guy we have to valor 60 is ONE guy who is valor 58. We also have drama queens at lvl 50 who leave the game when the going gets rough.


As opposed to drama Queens like yourself who make a whole thread about one bad warzone.



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Yes I am close to full champion gear, but i do NOT have Biochem as a profession so I have no medpacs/stims/adrenals etc.. Only the overcharge consumables from the daily quest reward. If I had Biochem and reusable stims/etc. I would wipe the floor with you Imperial scrubs who are full BATLLEMASTER gear. And yes I can tell they are because all I see on lvl 50 EMpire players is "Battlemaster" title.

I'm not quite sure why you are getting aggressive with Empire players over this. The rest of your team was awful and were utterly useless bar the tank and healer. It's not really the empire players fault, you should be blaming your teammates more than anything.
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Thanks for the bump, keep them comming. The closest guy we have to valor 60 is ONE guy who is valor 58. We also have drama queens at lvl 50 who leave the game when the going gets rough.


There should be dozens of valor 60s on both sides by now. Seems like you rolled on a server for scrubs full of scrubs.

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