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No patch on 1/17/2011


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On the press, my friend. That press that's churning out positive review after positive review. Like it or not, but as long as the press says that this game is good, the vast majority of the people will lean towards the same opinion.


Social environments are another big factor.


AoC Aion and STO didn't have the same situation in game and in neutral environments like twitter, facebook or similar. Those environments require very little effort for one to express one's opinion, so the "quiet majority" uses them much more than the forum. And guess what? Those are filled of enthusiastic comments, with negative comments so obewrhelmingly outnumbered that it isn't even funny.


If you looked the same environments for AiC, Aion and STO even near launch, they were much more leaning towards complaints or disappointment.


It's called social media, and it's a vastly more effective method than any forum to read trends. Marketing 101 for you.



Quoting reviews from magazines as proof that the game is epic? LMAO


As for social media, heck look what happens when any thread on here starts talking bad about the game........deleted or closed.

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LOL. You never played a new MMO obviously. This game had *way less* than any other MMO at launch in the industry of the genre. and it's still bigger than most.


Funny how some people really love to resort to petty lies thinking that someone will actually believe them. :rolleyes:




Like these people are experts and there have been SO MANY MMO's launched in the past 20 years.



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Must be why most writers (most of which reviewed both games) must be saying exactly the opposite right? :D


Let's not even talk about the horrific security issues rift had. Smooth launch? Please. Not even mythic managed to handle it that badly.


Oh and here............they gave Rift and SWTOR the same rating



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All the conspiracy theories that stemmed this thread have been debunked, painfully, and obviously this makes you mad. Must be why you're resorting to bash the game completely off topic.


They fixed this game more than any other MMO at launch. It's that simple.


Dude your the worst kind of fanboy because your not even truthful. There is a big difference between fact and opinion. Let me say I play rift currently and I play swtor. I love both games since they are 2 totally different genres my intentions were become as much as a swtor head as I am a rift head. That being said I want to see swtor thrive but in doing so I feel obligated as a starwars fan and a consumer to express my dissatisfaction with latest starwars release i'm "trying" to fall in love with in hopes it will be brought up to modern mmo standards so i can enjoy myself. Also coming from someone who plays both and loves both swtor and rift. I can state with a very unbiased opinion that as it stands Rift is worlds ahead of swtor from every aspect except the story line. To me rift is the most current and polished mmo on the market and by far has been the most competition WoW has had to this day. I with BW took notes from trion they really would take this game to the next level.

Edited by Poisonsenvy
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Quoting reviews from magazines as proof that the game is epic? LMAO


As for social media, heck look what happens when any thread on here starts talking bad about the game........deleted or closed.


They do close threads because they derail much as this one has.

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I'm sorry, did you not see all the whining about "Too many patches" and "too much downtime" a week or so ago.


Did you miss all the talk about hotfixing and what a hotfix is? quick!


Not meaning to bring it up again, but rifts patch/hotfix downtimes, 20 mins on average

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Must be why most writers (most of which reviewed both games) must be saying exactly the opposite right? :D


Let's not even talk about the horrific security issues rift had. Smooth launch? Please. Not even mythic managed to handle it that badly.


Gotcha...you got your Rift information from reviews. That's all you had to say buddy.


Paid reviews are an awesome source to go off of. You lost all credit right there.


Security issues? Oh, you mean the brute forcing (since you obviously have no clue what actually happened? Yeah, guess what. That was fixed in less time as the ability lag here :)


Like I said, it's easy to see you read about the game and didn't play it.

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Quoting reviews from magazines as proof that the game is epic? LMAO


As for social media, heck look what happens when any thread on here starts talking bad about the game........deleted or closed.


No, threads get deleted or closed whenever some troll decides he can circumvent the rules of the forum. You didn't even realize that the existance of this very thread is the simplest evidence of the fact that you're spelling nonsense? :D


Reviews from the media (that don't include just magazines) are what create the opinion of the masses, my friend, together with opinion leaders like the dudes of Penny Arcade, CTRL-ALT-DEL, G4 and so forth. And they're all posting day after day how much they love the game.


And let's not forget a little detail. The community team can't delete posts on twitter, facebook and so forth. The widespread opinion expressed there is that of the masses, and unfortunately for you it's generally very, very positive. No need for EA to move a finger.

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So aggressive. I'm almost intimidated.Almost.


And you say you're not mad. :rolleyes:


I'm sorry to burst a bubble, but you saying "this is fact!" doesn't make it fact. The so dreaded "ability delay" is unnoticeable for the 99% of the playerbase. Go ahead and quit over it. You and the other 100 will hardly make a dent.


There is intelligent fanboy (me) and blind fanboy (abriael).


It is fact. I was in early beta. Again. Saw what they ignored, what they said they would fix and what they didnt. Fact.


If you dont notice ability lag youre either not competitive or just ignorant to what is happening on your screen and with your UI. Nice made up number to support your false claim.

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No, threads get deleted or closed whenever some troll decides he can circumvent the rules of the forum. You didn't even realize that the existance of this very thread is the simplest evidence of the fact that you're spelling nonsense? :D


Reviews from the media (that don't include just magazines) are what create the opinion of the masses, my friend, together with opinion leaders like the dudes of Penny Arcade, CTRL-ALT-DEL, G4 and so forth. And they're all posting day after day how much they love the game.


And let's not forget a little detail. The community team can't delete posts on twitter, facebook and so forth. The widespread opinion expressed there is that of the masses, and unfortunately for you it's generally very, very positive. No need for EA to move a finger.


Yeah cuz EA doesn't pay them with advertising lol, heck a bad review of Kane and Lynch 2 got someone fired from Gamespot lol

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Did you miss all the talk about hotfixing and what a hotfix is? quick!


Not meaning to bring it up again, but rifts patch/hotfix downtimes, 20 mins on average



Probably, the thread is moving to fast. But the word is being thrown around in this thread with all sorts of different meanings, like the one that asked "does the patch contain a hotfix for X"


I tend to think of hotfixes as live server updates. Anything else is just a patch.

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There is intelligent fanboy (me) and blind fanboy (abriael).


It is fact. I was in early beta. Again. Saw what they ignored, what they said they would fix and what they didnt. Fact.


If you dont notice ability lag youre either not competitive or just ignorant to what is happening on your screen and with your UI. Nice made up number to support your false claim.


Stop fighting you are making the baby tauntauns cry!

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Gotcha...you got your Rift information from reviews. That's all you had to say buddy.


Nope. Reviewers are simply the best way to see where things lie. Scripta manent. Written stuff remains. The consensus of the reviewers is that this is the most polished launch in the history of the genre. And having been there for both (And for basically every other major MMO that ever hit the market, and even many minor) I know for a fact that it's true. The only launches that have been as polished were those of games that were just localized and had been out for month or even years on the korean market before.


Paid reviews are an awesome source to go off of. You lost all credit right there.


I'm afraid you didn't have much credit to begin with. You really don't know how the press works, I'm afraid. It's the press that holds the dagger by the handle, not the publishers. The press can afford spewing all the hate they want on a game they want if they find it warranted, and guess what? publishers will still smile and send them more games to review next time.

There's no payment going on, and your "they disagree with me! They must be paid!" philosophy doesn't fly and doesn't include the slightest bit of realism.


Security issues? Oh, you mean the brute forcing (since you obviously have no clue what actually happened? Yeah, guess what. That was fixed in less time as the ability lag here :).


That was also way easier to fix, and the sole fact that it happened (and it' a way more serious issue) is a quite large stain on the launch of rift.

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Stop fighting you are making the baby tauntauns cry!


Shhhh it's okay Sunsoar and Abriael still love each other...it's just sometimes they disagree, but you need to know no matter how much they fight it's never your fault and they both love you very much.

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Yeah cuz EA doesn't pay them with advertising lol, heck a bad review of Kane and Lynch 2 got someone fired from Gamespot lol


You really have no idea of how the press works, do you? lol.


"they disagree with me! they MUST BE PAID!"


Sorry, this is laughabe.

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Shhhh it's okay Sunsoar and Abriael still love each other...it's just sometimes they disagree, but you need to know no matter how much they fight it's never your fault and they both love you very much.


That make me feel a little better, but i ran out of tissues.

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You really have no idea of how the press works, do you? lol.


"they disagree with me! they MUST BE PAID!"


Sorry, this is laughabe.



Um..........yeah I do know how the press works, obviously in your little diluted world there is no such things as payoffs, hell look at Fox News as a big one for that! Not to mention Gamespot fired a reviewer for posting a negative review of Kane and Lynch 2 because Square threatened to pull advertising, you are seriously delusional.


Oh and just an FYI word of mouth if more powerful than the press when it comes to entertainment.

Edited by Gunryu
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Shhhh it's okay Sunsoar and Abriael still love each other...it's just sometimes they disagree, but you need to know no matter how much they fight it's never your fault and they both love you very much.


I have no love for blind faith and idiocy.


If you don't fit those two categories then maybe, just maybe, I will love you one day.


This post made me laugh though, thank you Jett.

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There is intelligent fanboy (me) and blind fanboy (abriael).


Lol, gotta love the "i'm intelligent, you're blind" argument. That sure holds sooo much water.


It is fact. I was in early beta. Again. Saw what they ignored, what they said they would fix and what they didnt. Fact.


Not all can be fixed in time for a MMO launch. Fact. They sure fixed the largest majority of it.


If you dont notice ability lag youre either not competitive or just ignorant to what is happening on your screen and with your UI. Nice made up number to support your false claim.


Oh, I notice it. It just doesn't bother me, because the game works smoothly anyway.


The only false claims as yours. You don't even realize that the "competitive" elitists are such a small minority that they're completely inconsequential to the success of a game. Like it or not (and I'm not saying that I do), casuals rule the gaming market now.

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Um..........yeah I do know how the press works, obviously in your little diluted world there is no such things as payoffs, hell look at Fox News as a big one for that! Not to mention Gamespot fired a reviewer for posting a negative review of Kane and Lynch 2 because Square threatened to pull advertising, you are seriously delusional.


Oh and just an FYI word of mouth if more powerful than the press when it comes to entertainment.



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Not all can be fixed in time for a MMO launch. Fact. They sure fixed the largest majority of it.



Big issues need to be fixed for a launch. This is 2012 not 2003. Standards are different and competition is abound.


Lol, gotta love the "i'm intelligent, you're blind" argument. That sure holds sooo much water.


Oh, I notice it. It just doesn't bother me, because the game works smoothly anyway.


Point proven. Blind faith. Stupid consumer.


"competitive" elitists are such a small minority that they're completely inconsequential to the success of a game. Like it or not (and I'm not saying that I do), casuals rule the gaming market now.


What about competitive casuals (me). Casual = I have a life and actually go to work, take care of my son, etc etc. Doesn't make me not competitive I just don't get to sink my time into a game like high schoolers and basement dwellers.


Don't presume to know what I do and do not realize.

Edited by Sunsoar
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Lol, gotta love the "i'm intelligent, you're blind" argument. That sure holds sooo much water.




Not all can be fixed in time for a MMO launch. Fact. They sure fixed the largest majority of it.




Oh, I notice it. It just doesn't bother me, because the game works smoothly anyway.


The only false claims as yours. You don't even realize that the "competitive" elitists are such a small minority that they're completely inconsequential to the success of a game. Like it or not (and I'm not saying that I do), casuals rule the gaming market now.


From your precious press, about Rift


It's a finished product. How many times have you said that about a just-released massively multiplayer online game? In a genre dominated by disastrous bugs and missing features at launch, Rift stands out for the amazing feat of being complete right out of the box. As you play Rift, rarely do you say "If it only let me do this," or "It really needs that." Sure, there is room to grow; there always is in an online role-playing game. But even now, there is little to stand between you and your questing, save those pesky rifts that open up within the colorful fantasy world of Telara and pour invading forces onto the ground. Rift sets a new standard for MMOG launch quality[/Quote]


Nothing said like that about SWTOR, heck it even stated it did nothing new only added a little polish to older stuff.

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Um..........yeah I do know how the press works, obviously in your little diluted world there is no such things as payoffs, hell look at Fox News as a big one for that! Not to mention Gamespot fired a reviewer for posting a negative review of Kane and Lynch 2 because Square threatened to pull advertising, you are seriously diluted.


First of all, there's no shred of evidence about that. Is it the fist worker you hear whining because "they fired me because of this unfair cause!"

if you check his reviews, they were simply poor in general. How do you know he was fired because of that? maybe he didn't respect deadlines? maybe he wasn't productive?


The funny part is that Square Enix is a VERY minor player advertisement-wise on the western media, and Gamespot has the traffic to get advertisement from the major players easily as snapping their fingers.


The press is the one holding the dagger by the handle in the press-publishers relationship. Do you seriously think that any publisher with a brain would really risk angering a major media outlet? Be real.


Oh and just an FYI word of mouth if more powerful than the press when it comes to entertainment.


First of all no. Simply because of the fact that most word of mouth still stems from reviewsand from opinion leaders.


Secondly, where do you think most "word of mouth" happens on an online game?

On twitter, on Facebook. And those independent environments are full to the brim with positive comments about this game.

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