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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Ha Ha this is what happens when you bring Mythic over to Bioware to make an MMO. You are aware that many mythic folk were transferred over to Bioware FT to work on this game, which is not a good idea since Mythic are so incompetent. I knew this was going to be a bust, my wife bought me the game with 3 months sub time, unfortunately I allready canceled the sub and uninstalled. I told her I wasnt really interested much in the game but she figured as an extra Xmas present to get it for me. She wasted her money unfortunately. Now if Bioware makes it F2P (which will be the case sometime either later this yr or early next yr since they will probably lose a ton of people and merge servers) I will go back to check it out.

Huge mistake making this game on the Hero Engine which is not a great engine at all (it has alot of issues with rendering shadows and AA etc).

NEver thought I would say this but I am back to WOW and having some fun in Azeroth again, also playing STO since it went free its a decent game to play I guess. Waiting for MOP (I think its going to be pretty cool if you ask me, and of course Guild Wars 2 looks amazing). Sorry Bioware you should have never made this game and just made a nice long single player KOTOR 3 like everyone was asking for DUH! You live and you learn lol. They could have made KOTOR 3 with the damn Dragon Age Origins engine andI would have been a happy camper but instead we get this crap, GO EA!!!! Only game I will purchase from Bioware is Mass Effect 3 then I am done with them for good.

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Keep telling yourself that.


beacause clearly postpining a patch that SHOULD have been a launch-day patch is postponed yet again. make no mistake every single bug that is supposedly being fixed with this patch was reported during beta an ega; will be completely igonred by the playerbase. keep telling yourself that this game is perfect and nobody will leave regardless of its overly buggy state

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I agree i cannot prove or disprove your statement. Same as you can niether prove or disprove your statement.


The fact that the patch coming out after the re-sub date does NOT fully prove they did it specifically for the fact they needed to re-sub. Your own logic debilitates your own statement.


Granted it is fishy. but it still cannot be proven without a shadow of doubt on either end of the spectrum


i disagree. this is typical carrot and stick marketing work, if i were patching this game and it was in the state that it is, i would move and delay patches to just before or just after resub dates simply to ensure that the suckers continue to be suckered.

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hes just one of thos Anti-Americans that has to take a jab at America any chance he gets...


If by "America" you mean UNITED STATES of AMERICA then you are correct. "America" is not a country it's a CONTINENT!!!


It amazes me how most of us keep making the same mistake (presidents included).

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If by "America" you mean UNITED STATES of AMERICA then you are correct. "America" is not a country it's a CONTINENT!!!


It amazes me how most of us keep making the same mistake (presidents included).


I think most consider it America and Canada, which makes USA the America part. Not really correct but what can you do. :p

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I think most consider it America and Canada, which makes USA the America part. Not really correct but what can you do. :p


Slap people upside the head with a globe, a history book, a geography book, and um.......any other kind of book.

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If by "America" you mean UNITED STATES of AMERICA then you are correct. "America" is not a country it's a CONTINENT!!!


It amazes me how most of us keep making the same mistake (presidents included).


Yes, let's drag this off-topic. United States of America. Notice how "America" appears in the name of the country? But let's take it a step further and say it needs more than just "America" to qualify. Well here ya go, it's "of America." These united states are of this place called "America."


It's America.


And now this thread is off-topic.

Edited by Dezzi
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There is nothing to be disappointed about. The patch was not ready, let them fix it so we are not repeating the same cycle we are already in with as many bugs as there are now. I would rather wait, get the few flaws cleared up, and have a perfect new raid rather than get a broken raid now. Nuff said.




In other news, I am disappointed they decided not to release a mini-patch fixing a few of the bugs that are in the "current" content. For instance, I am tired of our tank properly soaking Revans Force Lightning, interrupting it, then Revan turning around and hitting someone else with it, thus killing him. Or how in EV, Hardmode Soa's lightning balls decide to start hitting you from a mile away..

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There is nothing to be disappointed about. The patch was not ready, let them fix it so we are not repeating the same cycle we are already in with as many bugs as there are now. I would rather wait, get the few flaws cleared up, and have a perfect new raid rather than get a broken raid now. Nuff said.




In other news, I am disappointed they decided not to release a mini-patch fixing a few of the bugs that are in the "current" content. For instance, I am tired of our tank properly soaking Revans Force Lightning, interrupting it, then Revan turning around and hitting someone else with it, thus killing him. Or how in EV, Hardmode Soa's lightning balls decide to start hitting you from a mile away..


Sad part is, it will be repeating the cycle, the patch is mostly about content rather than fixing the current content, so you will actually have double the amount of bugged content.

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In other news, I am disappointed they decided not to release a mini-patch fixing a few of the bugs that are in the "current" content. For instance, I am tired of our tank properly soaking Revans Force Lightning, interrupting it, then Revan turning around and hitting someone else with it, thus killing him. Or how in EV, Hardmode Soa's lightning balls decide to start hitting you from a mile away..



Thanks for the Spoiler Alert smart guy.

Edited by Etravex
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Erm no people weren't fine with it, there was a lot of complaining the last time it happened, but at least they FIX THINGS.


The things is: They pulled that crap a lot of times, putting patches onto the servers that apparently haven't been tested before.


Also, I know from a lot of people, that WoW still has bugs from Beta these days. So i can't really see where their fixing is different to the fixing BW is doing.


I also still am surprised that we get that many fixes and updates within the first month. Regardless of this delay on the patch, which I don't see as a issue or conspiracy behind it.



Fact is: Stuff happens, even a few hours before a patch is released, happens here, and in other MMOs, and there is two things you can do: Put the patch on the servers and hope it works, or you delay it.



What also many people don't understand: A bug report always gets a premade response. There is no point in informing the bug reporter about every little step that's done to fix the issue.


In regard of release: It's still one of the most bug-free MMOs that's just one month old, sound dumb, but sadly is reality. Some MMO's take months to get to this state.


Also comparing a MMO like ToR, to little Half Life mods is also kinda... how to say it... comparing the fixing and building of a Ford Model T with a the building and fixing of Mercedes SLS AMG. The Model T simply has hardly anything that can break...



What also many people don't see: The Game simply has to be released at some point, and a MMO won't be bug free at release, that never works, and will never ever happen. Thing is also: It's not just BW and/or EA that decide when a Game is being released. It's also the licence owner (Lucas Film Ltd.). And oh, from a Marketing point of view, it would be a smart move from Lucas to force EA/BW to release ToR around the time Episode 1 3D comes into the cinemas.



Also: There are bugs that are considered high priority and low priority. So, some things might be pushed back, happens. Sure there are wrong decisions under it, like the Kira bug, they probably though, "We release the game and within the first week we fix that." But people that already leveled so high, kinda got stuck, and have to wait for 1.1 now. Just a bad estimation on how fast people would level, and yeah apparently it turned out that they couldn't fix it as easy as they thought. So yeah bad decision. Would BW do it different with that knowledge now? Probably yes.



Of course you can be disappointed about that. But if you have a problem with such stuff, you shouldn't buy a MMO on release day, cause such things are gonna happen, always did, and always will be, on every MMO out there. So wait a few months.

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


seriously if people leave just because its the end of the free time, how are you ALL going to play the game after your FREEBIE runs out ?


just close the door on the way out quietly.

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wait, let me get this straight. We bash BW for rushing SW out the door early with bugs, and then we bash them again for delaying a patch to make sure the patch is good and ready?




i don't get it either. boggles my mind when people ***** and complain saying bioware rushed the game out. or EA some say both did. but then when they want to make sure a major content patch is updated and is ready to be released they ***** and complain some more

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In regard of release: It's still one of the most bug-free MMOs that's just one month old, sound dumb, but sadly is reality. Some MMO's take months to get to this state.[/Quote]


Rift had a better launch, better customer service and fixed bugs as they were brought to their attention....this game was rushed out to stores too early and now the delay of the patch is the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people.

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i don't get it either. boggles my mind when people ***** and complain saying bioware rushed the game out. or EA some say both did. but then when they want to make sure a major content patch is updated and is ready to be released they ***** and complain some more


Most people see it as a scam to get people to resub not that there was an actual problem with the patch seeing as it was announced it would be delayed at the last minute, would have helped with better communication on Biowares part IF it was a real problem with the patch.

Edited by Gunryu
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No, we don't have to be patient. We don't have to "give them a chance." We don't have to "Compare to WoW *at release*." We can set whatever the hell standard we feel like and vote with our wallets.


That's some real common sense for you.


that is some truth right there brotha!

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