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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I can't believe some of the stuff that's being posted here.


You pay to play, not to get patches when you want patches.


They were going to release the patch in time for the resubs so people would have more content and bug fixes, allowing Bioware to show you they really do care to make this game awesome. At the last minute they decided to delay it because of some bugs that would be game breaking.


Do you seriously think Bioware did that to SCAM people into resubbing without the patch? What kind of crazy business model do you think they run? This hurts Bioware the most but they still pulled the patch because it's not ready.


End of the story, keep paying if you enjoy playing. If you don't, no amount of game patches delivered on time will keep you here for any extended period of time worth whining about on here.


And I can't believe you actually wrote that. I have to ask, does Bioware PAY you?


If Bioware cared, they would have hotfixed things. Instead, they tried to pull a stupid stunt and "wow" people by fixing everything right before resub. That is purely a stupid PR and financial stunt to convince people to resub. It's not a scam, no. What it is, however, is short sighted, incompetent, and indicative of a design and patch mindset that is less about delivering quality game play and more about , how to put it, leveraging a patch as a tool to make PR.


I pay to play a game that works as promised. I pay to receive regular maintenance on the game. I certainly don't pay to play a game where I can't even proceed in class quests due to bugs and then have someone tell me I have no right to complain.


End of the story: If you enjoy playing even though the game is full of bugs, you can post, otherwise, any complaint, legit or not, makes you a troll and you should unsub.


Great work there. Bioware should make you head of PR.

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Do you guys realise, that if they switched staff that was working on new content patch for like 2-3 days all of these bugs would be fixed?


Don't you think is ok to wait for a week to polish your car, but it's kinda not ok to ride for a week if one of your car's wheels fell of?


While I can understand what you mean, It's not exactly correct.


You don't take your car to the tire store when your engine falls out.


The people creating new content are not the ones that can fix bugs. Coding is not the same as making cinematics/VO/ect. Different teams. Im fine with new content coming out. Im NOT fine with bugs not getting fixed fast enough

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I noticed this when I came to the boards tonight and saw they had postponed the patch. It is an attempt to keep people playing past their first free month. The only reason Bioware would do this is because they have probably seen a large number of people all ready cancelling their accounts and this attempt of putting a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.


Unfortunately I do not think it will work. Patch 1.1 doesn't address anything substantial to keep people playing. Adding Koan is not enough content. They do not address response issues, high res textures, customizable UI, guild tools, or anything else really that would make the game a better experience.


Nice try though on their part using the patch to entice people to re-sub - it is something any company might do when they know their one big chance to impress has been a total failure.

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While I can understand what you mean, It's not exactly correct.


You don't take your car to the tire store when your engine falls out.


The people creating new content are not the ones that can fix bugs. Coding is not the same as making cinematics/VO/ect. Different teams. Im fine with new content coming out. Im NOT fine with bugs not getting fixed fast enough


I suspect they must have many of the core engine coders working on the content, when I'd rather those coders be working on bugs.


I understand the VO , graphics, sound and design assets don't carry over. But there are design bugs, graphics bugs, even VO bugs (the speech of the android trooper in DK doens't match the subtitles at all, for example).


Bugs , then content.

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A list of the last couple pages of minor bugs that add up pretty fast, and having to experience them all the time, does start to get old after awhile. These are the things that should be fixed with hotfixes (not all listed can be, but most)


  1. Kira patch to placate those affected.
  2. Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP
  3. And fix guild listings (For real this time)
  4. And non-responsive UI bug (have to CTRL+Ux2 to fix)
  5. Or ability lag
  6. or patcher issues
  7. Or dying for no reason in ops
  8. or randomly respawning ops bosses
  9. or randomly NOT spawning ops bosses
  10. or not getting credit for daily pvp wins
  11. Add in fix unharvestable nodes (for real this time)
  12. Companions dropping dead for no reason when exiting a shuttle
  13. enemies getting stuck in the wall and you not being able to kill them but they can kill you
  14. Or companions randomly falling down and getting back up continually
  15. Or the fact they don't auto repawn after you exit a vehicle OR the fact you can't summon them once in a fight your in because you get blown off a vehicle
  16. OR the fact they have massive green random instances
  17. Only the group that gets the killing blow getting credit for mission completion in Ops


  1. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  2. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  3. People randomly crashing when zoning
  4. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  5. Random Escape pod deaths in EV

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Great work there. Bioware should make you head of PR.


Actually I think Hubalualub has that job already. He is also head of CS. He can't speak english and has never played the game, but he can close your tickets and smile sweetly.

Edited by Swampfot
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I can't complain much but it was poorly handled at the least. As a working adult, the patch day unfortunately falls on my day off. The day that I can put any real time into a game that I am paying for. To adjust to this issue, I attempt to play for as long as I can before sleeping. Which is usually somewhere near the time the servers go down for patching. Their was no notice to my knowledge that was up by the time I hit the bed. I wake up an hour ago & just now, I am seeing the notice about the delay of the patch. Not really upset about the delay but at the timing that the post went up. I refuse to believe that " the issue " that they came across in public testing was absolutely last minute. I'm confident that they could of made players aware of this issue a few days in advance.
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  1. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  2. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  3. People randomly crashing when zoning
  4. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  5. Random Escape pod deaths in EV


Also the countless NPCs that can be attacked before going straight into evade mode & full health.


I will say it again, The core game needs fixing before you think about adding any new content/expansions.

Edited by Mattey
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Also the countless NPCs that can be attacked before going straight into evade mode & full health.


I will say it again, The core game needs fixing before you think about adding any new content/expansions.


Also this is literally the only game I know where someone asks "What are you doing" and you can HONESTLY say "Watching grass grow"

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The only thing that I want is to get level 50's out of my Warzones, which never happens because content updates/various fixes get delayed, every single time.


You would figure that a multi-million dollar company could get their stuff together, but whatever. I'm not going anywhere.

Edited by Lazirus-
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Clearly a grab for subscriptions. There's simply no way they postpone at the last minute because of some glaring issue they didn't notice before. This patch has been on public test for days now...


BW, your transparency is showing.

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While I can understand what you mean, It's not exactly correct.


You don't take your car to the tire store when your engine falls out.


The people creating new content are not the ones that can fix bugs. Coding is not the same as making cinematics/VO/ect. Different teams. Im fine with new content coming out. Im NOT fine with bugs not getting fixed fast enough



You are not exactly correct =)


New content requires all same people that could fix bugs. Not in the same proportions ofcourse, but still. There are so many bugs that any specialist would be able to fix smth. These are not 'all core coding' bugs we have here. Interface bugs, graphincs bugs, sound bugs. Lots of stuff.



There is no way you gonna need a core engine coder to fix Kira's bug for instance. Etc., etc.

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Clearly a grab for subscriptions. There's simply no way they postpone at the last minute because of some glaring issue they didn't notice before. This patch has been on public test for days now...


BW, your transparency is showing.


Sadly what they hoped for is now backfiring.

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Sadly what they hoped for is now backfiring.


It is, and it's because they think we're stupid. I'll give them that many of us are, but there are enough smart ones to set the bunch straight. Case in point, the low-res texture fiasco.

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Clearly a grab for subscriptions. There's simply no way they postpone at the last minute because of some glaring issue they didn't notice before. This patch has been on public test for days now...


BW, your transparency is showing.




People are so naive and/or blind

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Clearly a grab for subscriptions. There's simply no way they postpone at the last minute because of some glaring issue they didn't notice before. This patch has been on public test for days now...


BW, your transparency is showing.




I think they did this and planned it to come out as planned today , actually. It's a PR thing. "Look, we fixed all the problems, WZ brackets, blah blah. Now resub!"


And it would have worked, except they hit a snag somewhere, and since they linked all this together being fancy , now it's backfiring.


The reason I don't think they are doing this as a grab is that they must know they will piss off and lose more people this way than will stick around.

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I think they did this and planned it to come out as planned today , actually. It's a PR thing. "Look, we fixed all the problems, WZ brackets, blah blah. Now resub!"


And it would have worked, except they hit a snag somewhere, and since they linked all this together being fancy , now it's backfiring.


The reason I don't think they are doing this as a grab is that they must know they will piss off and lose more people this way than will stick around.


I didn't suggest they were doing the smart thing, but you could be right. Based on previous experience, I'm gonna go with sub grab and just pray to the Maker people like you are right about this whole thing. If you are, I'll be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.

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I think they did this and planned it to come out as planned today , actually. It's a PR thing. "Look, we fixed all the problems, WZ brackets, blah blah. Now resub!"


And it would have worked, except they hit a snag somewhere, and since they linked all this together being fancy , now it's backfiring.


The reason I don't think they are doing this as a grab is that they must know they will piss off and lose more people this way than will stick around.


This makes more sense to me here.

EDIT: most of the people here see the way EA is and tend to throw them to the fire for good reason

Edited by Spyderwraith
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On the same vein it can be said to many people cry conspiracy theroy


You can't disprove what I said, right? Because there's no information. "We found a bug" is not that same as "there was a conflict between two of the systems we were tweaking with regard to faction balance." The less specific they are, the easier it is for people like me to fill the vacuum with nonsense.


Communication and transparency all but negates conspiracies.

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You can't disprove what I said, right? Because there's no information. "We found a bug" is not that same as "there was a conflict between two of the systems we were tweaking with regard to faction balance." The less specific they are, the easier it is for people like me to fill the vacuum with nonsense.


Communication and transparency all but negates conspiracies.


I agree i cannot prove or disprove your statement. Same as you can niether prove or disprove your statement.


The fact that the patch coming out after the re-sub date does NOT fully prove they did it specifically for the fact they needed to re-sub. Your own logic debilitates your own statement.


Granted it is fishy. but it still cannot be proven without a shadow of doubt on either end of the spectrum

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