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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I like how they worded the message.



BECAUSE WE CARE.... to bad they didn't have that saying back during beta phase when these issues were already bugged and talked about lol w/e


'cause we messed it up' would get more respect for me. I wonder if they will finally fix broken harvesting nodes this time? It really does not bode too well when the things they 'fix' are not (fixed).

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I am suprised I thought the whole point of doing the patch on the 17th was to keep subs who end on the 20th. However it might as some people have pointed out work the other way too. The speed people can play content means they would complete patch 1.1 in 1 day and still quit. Keeping it over to the 4/02/2012 means that people will have to keep subbing to see it.
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I was so sure they wouldn't fix a thing before the one month ends. I think they will eventually pay for this (it sounded worse than I mean it :p ). I mean people do not forget this kind of things and will leave with the first new content from wow, or GW2 or diablo 3. And they will be right to do so. Loyalty is for the small population of fanboys. The rest follow the known rules. You know... If you product is good they pay for it. If you do not respect your customers they will eventually abandon it.
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well either way if people wan to to leave fine the rest will enjoy this game as it was intended to be frist they call it a wow clone then clomplain it dosent have wow fetures and dosetn play like wow.... then complain more cause they cant turn it into wow. they met peple 1/2 way and we are getting pearsonal combat logs.


lol even right now there a fourm about certain people crying cause they dont ahve auto attack.


and my OP why theirwas alot of buggs at launch is that people durning beta just wanted to play and didnt report the buggs that wa noticed .. but that is just my OP

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I am suprised I thought the whole point of doing the patch on the 17th was to keep subs who end on the 20th. However it might as some people have pointed out work the other way too. The speed people can play content means they would complete patch 1.1 in 1 day and still quit. Keeping it over to the 4/02/2012 means that people will have to keep subbing to see it.


I somehow did not realize my subscription ended in a day (that is what my subscription page says).


Quite interesting. If they release the content now and it is messed up people will be pissed. If they do not release it people will be pissed and might quit.


The proximity to my subscription's end is very strange. I think I will just watch the forums for a little bit and see what people say :)

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I'd rather have them polish it and make sure everything works as best they can, than have them release it with issues. So we have to wait a few extra days, seriously? Who cares??? People can be so silly! Edited by Jesira
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I am pretty disappoint that BioWare have decided last minute not to release patch 1.1 tomorrow as scheduled. I realize that issues arise within development that can delay this sort of thing, but I was looking forward to not having to deal with the stupid green glow from companion healing. Not to mention that it would be really nice if we Jedi Knights who have been with you since launch could progress our storylines with Kira Carsen. She's been bugged from the beginning for me.


I agree I want to be able to play my 50 against other 50's, every time I get in a WF and see my team having less 50's then the pther then its almost always an auto lose, on the same token I dont do premades and I pug exclusievely so playing against other 50's ensures my opponents and for the msot part my teammates will have all their skills and talents.


Also I want to be able to play my Op and Merc while leveling excluievely through PvP and storyline quests, and my 22 Op is no way ready to take on other 50's.


All in all I am very dissapointed in this announcement and it leaves me to wonder if they keep holding off on these changes because they are catering to the whiners and ************ of the vocal minority of PvP'ers stating such drivel as the queues will take forever, when in all reality all they want to do is steam roll under 50's all day aquiring all that cheap pvp gear with no risk.

Edited by Zederok
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I'd rather have them polish it and make sure everything works as best they can, than have them release it with issues. So we have to wait a few extra days, seriously? Who cares??? People can be so silly!


I think the point some people are making is the timing. It is very odd for them to pushback the content when a lot of people's subscriptions are up in 1 day. I alreaddy unsubbed so there is basicly no reason for me to be worried about this lol.

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I agree I want to be able to play my 50 against other 50's, every time I get in a WF and see my team having less 50's then the pther then its almost always an auto lose


Separate tier in wfs for lvl 50 should be done since day one, no excuses.

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It is quite odd to me that they pushed the content back. I am just sitting here thinking about it because my agent is dancing on the fleet in the slave girl uniform and I am fine with that for now.


Now, why push back content and risk losing subs and keeping unsubbed from resubing? I would be one who unsubbed and was going to resub. so now no fixes for me to test, no seeing if I like what they did. hmm...


but then there is what some people say might happen, people keep subs to see content. but why do that when you can unsub, wait a week and see what happens? i don't see BW's logic, even if the patch is junk, it's out and it might fix some things.


I just don't get it. From a business standpoint this is odd.


unless they found sometihng like a market bug. then that would just be very bad.

Edited by Aisar
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u bioware r only doin patch later 4 teh money!!!11!1


u promised 17th now u don't com with patch ***...



Seriously, the posts in this thread made my day. You guys are so hilarious. Thanks!


Np on the other hand you fanboy fanacism crits us for 100000.

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Np on the other hand you fanboy fanacism crits us for 100000.


Cool, over 9000!!!1!1!!11


I don't know where you base that on, that I'm a fanboy. I was stating that most of the posts in this thread just made my day, because people post the most dumbest things.


I'm not a fanboy. This game is not perfect and I'm not joining the club of "give the game a chance because it's only out for a month". But, the game has a few nice aspects that makes me enjoy the game and I don't care if a patch comes two or three days later. And I'm sure as hell not thinking there's some sort of theory behind it, and if there is one, **** it. I'll still play the *********** game.


I've got to admit, there are people with some creativity out here, because the theory's I've read about why Bioware rescheduled the patch just needs some good creativity.

Edited by Artuso
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Thank you for the postponement of 1.1 patch, Bioware. I cannot speak for everyone, just know however that I, for one, love seeing patches delayed and under-go more testing rather than rushing things out because the "vocal community" demands such.


Please, do not give into the demands of a rushed product. Instead, please take as much time that you feel necessary to release content as bug-free as humanly possible.


Thank you!


Unless of course you intended all along to cancel this update. Which is fact do to the last minute rescheduling, please fan boys take the wool out of your eyes, companies will continue to screw customers if they can even if its an extra penny. In this case its 14.99 X at least 500,000 which is what they stated they needed.

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It´s curious that these supposed issues were not deserving of any feedback in the forums, as of yesterday everything on the test forum was working as intended and ready for deployment.


3 Days before the month renewal... they pull this with no justification beyond a vague message. Myself, if bioware doesn't offer a marked improvement over what they have currently on the test server when it goes live, these first 2 months will be the only subscription they will get from me.

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Anybody who's ever done software development knows that sometimes you miss a deadline and things aren't ready when you hoped they would be.


This. As a software developer I am always astonished by the amount of people which think delay never happen. Or people which think bugs and feature can be easily corrected at a snap of hand, and "threaten to unsub".

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How the hell do you not know you will miss your deadline until 10 pm eastern?


They had all day to postpone.


They chose low forum traffic.


It happens. Likely you know a day beforehand that you might miss the target , and at the last moment something even little happens which make you shift past the "safe" zone and force you to re-time the release.


it happens, and working on mainframe / big server, it happens sadly more often than we are willing to admit.


Furthermore don#t forget the game is world wide : There is no way they can target a moment where the forum traffic is low for every part of the world. Especially, if they post in US low tide, chance is that it is a EU high tide or Oceania high tide..

Edited by Aepervius
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