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No patch on 1/17/2011


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The 20th can't come soon enough....


There is so many people in this thread that need tin-foil hats it's just not funny do you people really think Bioware sits around with nothing better to do then worry about what your doing with your life and if your gonna threaten to quit or unsub just because the patch wasn't ready on time.....


The patch was delayed probably for a day or two but if it isn't till after the 20th oh well guess you don't get to play it unless you stay subbed too bad so sad.


I don't think the rest of will miss you considering we have no idea who you are or were for that matter....


And as for the people saying if the patch isn't done by the 20th there gonna lose all these subs well considering atm they probably have more subs then every other MMO but WOW I don't think there gonna miss ya they will still be raking it in......


Ya, you know it. Drive the majority away then all development stops, no more content for you, no more fixes. You'll be playing this version till in a few years EA closes this game. You apperently don't know that EA's threshold of a steady playerbase is even worse then SOE. EA pulled MMO's before, and will NOT hesitate to do it again.

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Nope not a game developer, but I do know when any MMO I have played stated a damn bug is fixed IT'S FIXED!


Just provided me with my point. Code breaks with everything new thats added. Maybe it was fixed, they release patch, something else in that patch put in at the last moment broke it. Its not hard... use common sense.


Really sad seeing a UO player act like this.

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Just provided me with my point. Code breaks with everything new thats added. Maybe it was fixed, they release patch, something else in that patch put in at the last moment broke it. Its not hard... use common sense.


Really sad seeing a UO player act like this.


Ignoring the fact that I said every MMO I have played ever when they state a bug is fixed it's actually fixed? You know.....as in it doesn't happen anymore? Use common sense.

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Well, I'm giving them another month to see how things change. I started Rift in April, 1 month after it's launch and it was pretty amazing technically and performance wise. The amount of bugs were nowhere near what I'm seeing in SWToR... and some people here are claiming Rift at launch was really bugged.


If Trion was able to fix Rift into the amazing state it was in when I started in April, then I'm sure Bioware should be able to do an even better job... given they have a bigger team and a larger budget.


I played Rift, from launch, and don't recall many bugs to be honest. Maybe I was just lucky. Had 2 max level characters before I left, in May.

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Nope not a game developer, but I do know when any MMO I have played stated a damn bug is fixed IT'S FIXED!


I played WoW from the begining. In almost every major patch there was always this



- fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missle from firing correctly




-Fixed a bug that prevented blink from working correctly



oh hey look patch 4.2




still have arcane missle bugs.

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Ignoring the fact that I said every MMO I have played ever when they state a bug is fixed it's actually fixed? You know.....as in it doesn't happen anymore? Use common sense.


You just do not understand do you?


Code BREAKS, have you not learn anything over the years?


Its like talking to a brick wall.

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Ughhh for the hunderth time....it's bugs from the new content. WE ARE WAITING SINCE BETA ON BUG FIXES! Now go make lunch for your kids....


YOU DON'T KNOW THAT, nobody outside BW does yet. We all want bug fixes, but shoving in something that isn't ready isn't a solution.

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This bugs me because I didn't have beta access. Everyone says "Reported in beta, never fixed"


I don't understand how both ability lag and the default UI made it to live without the entire beta forums being FLOODED with complaints. Either the testers didn't raise as big of a fuss as they should have, or their work was for naught.


Nor do I. Republic has a TON of animations that take 1 second to actually deal damage, which can be interrupted/stunned before the damage is applied via the animation. -.-

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BW has conceded they are not ready for 1.1, who cares what specific bug it was!!!????


And we know jack crap about what is really happening behind the scenes, it's pointless to speculate. As a career software engineer I am very satisfied somebody stopped the train before it came off the tracks.


God knows SWTOR has lots of bugs, BW exercising some discipline in the name of quality assurance is something we should all celebrate.



To an extent I agree, MMO'S are not single player games. We all need to take a breath and look at what we all (Bioware+Players) can acomplish. O but EA dont !@#$ with us. :cool:

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I played WoW from the begining. In almost every major patch there was always this



- fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missle from firing correctly




-Fixed a bug that prevented blink from working correctly



oh hey look patch 4.2




still have arcane missle bugs.


My arcane missile fires fine *shrug* oh and it's a different type of bug..........nice try tho.

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This game was released to early and with to many bugs. Why did BW decide to release it when they did, during the holiday season... most likely for financial reasons. BW should at least extend the free subscription period to appease consumers.
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You just do not understand do you?


Code BREAKS, have you not learn anything over the years?


Its like talking to a brick wall.


Code breaks right at patch launch after saying it's fixed? Man you are trying your damndest to stick up for this company and failing, I have never EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER seen code break right at launch.

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This game was released to early and with to many bugs. Why did BW decide to release it when they did, during the holiday season... most likely for financial reasons. BW should at least extend the free subscription period to appease consumers.


First sensible reply we all can agree with, can't we??? :D:D:D:D

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Code breaks right at patch launch after saying it's fixed? Man you are trying your damndest to stick up for this company and failing, I have never EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER seen code break right at launch.


And thats why you're not a dev. Once again talking to a brick wall.




Im not trying to stick up for this company, I know code, I know code breaks. Its not hard to see this. Go back under your bridge maybe?


Pandas ----> that way.

Edited by darthdoll
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them closing the posts really just makes them seem like an even shadier company.


I'm pretty sure that the mods that are closing threads aren't really invested in the public relations department. They are probably college students or stay at home parents doing it, part-time.


But, they could have been given directives too. Where is my aluminum-foil hat?

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I'm starting to get the feeling that Bioware can't handle this type of game. I love their games (except for Dragon Age 2) but an MMO is a completely different animal. Most companies that make MMOs are built from the ground-up as an MMO company. Even Blizzard had to totally reinvent itself when they made WoW -- they threw their whole company behind it, and they didn't make another game (not counting WoW expansions) for six years until they finally came out with Starcraft 2. Bioware meanwhile is spread very thin, trying to manage an MMO on top of producing Mass Effect 3, a new Dragon Age game in the works, a Command & Conquer game and who knows what else. I know it's all different teams, but it's still one company juggling all of these balls and certain important people, such as Ray and Greg and a lot of the most talented people in the company, are not available to devote their attention to this major project.


I think they may have underestimated the work-load that goes into an MMO, and therefore have a team that is much too small to manage the game. Considering how many bugs the game has, the patch notes on 1.1 should be much longer. Stupid bugs like invisible weapons in cutscenes, companions wigging out on elevators, dialogue scenes with no dialogue options, etc. should have been stomped out by now. The patch notes for the first major WoW update was three times as long as SWTOR's 1.1, and IMO WoW had fewer problems to be fixed when it was released than SWTOR. My conclusion is that there just aren't enough people working on SWTOR because Bioware is spread too thin.

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I bet you dimes to dollars these same people would be the first on the forums screaming about how the patch was not tested enough if there are any bugs.


People need to grow up and get a sense of proportion here. IT IS A GAME. If you are not having fun playing the game... STOP PLAYING THE GAME. Whining about silly things like delayed patches makes you look both foolish and childish.

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And thats why you're not a dev. Once again talking to a brick wall.



"Ok let's fix the unharvestable nodes"


"Is it fixed?"




*launches the patch*


*Code breaks*


That's 1 way you are presenting it the other is this.....


"Is it fixed?"




*does another patch*


"That last bug the code broke so it isn't fixed"


"Well screw it launch the patch we will still say it's fixed"


Both ways sound really stupid.

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