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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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SoE was famous for delaying progression in this manner, you will recall the Rathe Council Event was unbeatable by design to prevent entry into Time.


The Rathe Council Event kept us from the Plane of Time until Sony decided it was time to open it up. So to claim the game was bugged or broken isn't exactly true.




<In Virtue>(prior to server change) and <Caer Cadarn> Vazaelle member


This isn't what they did with GoD though. It was released incomplete and everyone knew it. The mechanics themselves were simple, but there were arbitrary limitations/extremes to numbers which made it evident that the content was not designed for that particular level. That's all it was, really. Level 70 content being pushed on lower levels, mechanics not being especially difficult -- just level limitations. It would be like putting Level 70's in full Black Temple and Sunwell gear into Icecrown Citadel and claiming ICC was the hardest raid ever created.

Edited by CapitaFK
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TLDR? ... Only bad players need or want damage meters. If you are incapable of seeing if you or other people are playing badly without them.... well... maybe you have other good qualities.



So...you're trying to tell me you can 'eyeball' my performance with no factual data to back it up? Beyond my ability to move away from or out of 'bad', how could you possibly know if I was doing anywhere near my potential damage/heals in order to support the raid? I'll tell you something...you can't. It's impossible. Without information, your appraisal of my skill in an OP is worthless.


You CANNOT DETERMINE A WEAK LINK SIMPLY BY WATCHING THEM PLAY. It is impossible! You're bad, you know it, hence why you are afraid of a raid-wide damage meter shining a spotlight on it. Nuff said.

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TLDR? ... Only bad players need or want damage meters. If you are incapable of seeing if you or other people are playing badly without them.... well... maybe you have other good qualities.


So you're saying the top 100 guilds in the world on WoW are bad players?

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This isn't what they did with GoD though. It was released incomplete and everyone knew it. The mechanics themselves were simple, but there were arbitrary limitations/extremes to numbers which made it evident that the content was not designed for that particular level. That's all it was, really. Level 70 content being pushed on lower levels, mechanics not being especially difficult -- just level limitations. It would be like putting Level 70's in full Black Temple and Sunwell gear into Icecrown Citadel and claiming ICC was the hardest raid ever created.


The GoD raid content was beaten before the re-tuning by SoE. I was there. I'm beginning were you even tacvi flagged. Were you even Time flagged?

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So...you're trying to tell me you can 'eyeball' my performance with no factual data to back it up? Beyond my ability to move away from or out of 'bad', how could you possibly know if I was doing anywhere near my potential damage/heals in order to support the raid? I'll tell you something...you can't. It's impossible. Without information, your appraisal of my skill in an OP is worthless.


You CANNOT DETERMINE A WEAK LINK SIMPLY BY WATCHING THEM PLAY. It is impossible! You're bad, you know it, hence why you are afraid of a raid-wide damage meter shining a spotlight on it. Nuff said.


Geez, stop shouting. If you can't debate without shouting go elsewhere.

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Actually, seconded. Your reply appeared to be directed at the C'Thun post above. It completely shot the validity of your argument.


I can't be held responsible for your inability to read and follow a thread. Seconded.. how childish is that.. Are you 2 going to go share some candy now?

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I can't be held responsible for your inability to read and follow a thread. Seconded.. how childish is that.. Are you 2 going to go share some candy now?


you can't say "my guild beat it" and quote a post before that which states "c'thun was unbeatable at launch"


i'm sorry but there's no escaping that. i suggest you cut your losses and move on

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This isn't what they did with GoD though. It was released incomplete and everyone knew it. The mechanics themselves were simple, but there were arbitrary limitations/extremes to numbers which made it evident that the content was not designed for that particular level. That's all it was, really. Level 70 content being pushed on lower levels, mechanics not being especially difficult -- just level limitations. It would be like putting Level 75's into Icecrown Citadel and claiming ICC was the hardest raid ever created.


You do realize Omens is basically a continuation of GoD. Once again, this was Sony's way of buying time and stalling progression. Working as intended :p


Omens and Gates were SoE's way of charging us twice for the same expansion :p

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The GoD raid content was beaten before the re-tuning by SoE. I was there. I'm beginning were you even tacvi flagged. Were you even Time flagged?


Do you remember when you beat it? Furthest my guild got was Txevu before we moved to WoW. AFAIK, only one guild ever beat that content before it was severely nerfed, so if you're saying you were in that guild, then kudos to you.

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If they use live meters during raids.. Yes, absolutely.


Easy to say this, harder to prove it. Some of the best WoW guilds came straight from hardcore EQ raiding and even they use addons.


This next question is a genuinely curious one: Have you ever played WoW on a competitive level? If not, you have no right to say you're better than those players without having experienced the content because you would know just how different boss mechanics are to warrant the use of these addons.

Edited by CapitaFK
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Actually I use caps to emphasize what I usually consider to be the most pertinent portion of my post, in case you're skimming, you're still likely to read the part that draws your eye. Plus, it's an indisputable fact, raid-wide, real-time damage meters only improve your skill by giving you the ability to compare yourself to others. You cannot deny this. Quick scenario.


16 people enter an OP. You face down a boss, sabers are flashing, blasters are smoking, and the boss dies. You feel a great sense of accomplishment! That even seemed easy! You brag to your friends about how you were part of this group of elite gamers who downed a difficult boss with ease. You keep clearing more content, thinking everything is hunky dory.


Then BW decides to add a raid-wide damage meter. You're not scared. You're a good player, right? The first fight, you dodge all the bad, you never let up your attacks...and low and behold, you were last on the meters. What? Surely this is wrong! You've been through this content a dozen times, and you'd always done well! Hadn't you? But wait, how would you actually know? You can't see anybody's numbers but your own? If you'd been performing poorly this whole time, surely somebody would have noticed? But how could they? They can't see what you're doing, and vice versa.


TL;DR - Without the ability to compare yourself to others, you have absolutely no way to know how well or poorly you are performing and you never will. You CanNOT become better if you aren't even aware you're underperforming. Your argument is invalid. Please stop trying. Every top raid guild in the history of MMOs uses whatever tools are available to advance, and you would be foolish not to.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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I fully support an in-game version of recount and combat logs so that I can evaluate my performance as well as others. I honestly cannot see how any logical argument against a combat log add on could be valid.


This game will not be taken seriously without some way to evaluate other players. This cannot be done with normal observation.

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I fully support an in-game version of recount and combat logs so that I can evaluate my performance as well as others. I honestly cannot see how any logical argument against a combat log add on could be valid.


This game will not be taken seriously without some way to evaluate other players. This cannot be done with normal observation.


Thank Dog I'm not alone.

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