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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood On/Off Toggle?


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Look at the new PvE end-game armor vendors for jedi knight. Both have two hoods. up at down. Bioware prepared hood down visuals. Why? Must be a reason. Hood toggle must be on its way! :'(


i wouldnt get too excited. They'll proably make each toggle cost 100 cartel coins...

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A Dev mentioned the hood toggle in an IgN video. It didn't come out, but there is a good chance this means they are actively working on it, and he just didn't know the release date. To clarify this is a video about Makeb. The one where he also says that everything that was missing at launch is now in the game. He talks about it like it is completed. Edited by JohnRoy
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This is such a ridiculous argument that has raged for over a derpin' year. It's not going to derpin' happen.


This thread has turned into a "last" thread and is quickly approaching full derp potential.




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It's going to happen don't worry. They're keeping info on it tight because when they finally do announce it, it will be coming shortly. You guys don't lack patience but you lack faith.

I wouldn't expect this feature to be available for all gear when it comes though.

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This is such a ridiculous argument that has raged for over a derpin' year. It's not going to derpin' happen.


This thread has turned into a "last" thread and is quickly approaching full derp potential.








Hood toggle is mentioned just a few seconds in.


It's happening. Only a matter of time.

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Good god! What did they do to Darach's face? His eyes look like Sith eyes. Is that even supposed to be him?


Nope, those are just random Jedi Knight and Consular from the new Jedi Defender set I am in love with. I already got prepared head replacements to make them look like my Knight and Kira ^^


Marauder from thi set looks beast. And he wears Columi armor you can't get anymore ;)

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Bad news from their livestream event:


Q: Hood toogle


A: It is not off the table, it is one of the thing it would be great if we had build the game like that from the beginning. Doing that now is a lot of work. It doesn’t mean it is off the table, it is just in the list behind other issues. I am an old DAOC fan and I love my hood toogle.



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Because it would take time away from their precious schedule to create stuff like the Turncoat armor...... :confused:


Or the long-awaited Huttsbane garments. Now, you too can look like a colorblind hobo for the low, low price of 400cc!


Pay for a hood toggle? Don't be silly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For a lot of lower level chest pieces (meaning: Coruscant) it would be very easy to do, because half of them are just hood-up versions of the armor most Jedi NPCs wear, but for the more unique pieces, they would need to alter the meshes and textures to remove the hood. Then again, there are the headpieces that block out hoods, which makes it seem that all that need happen to remove the hoods is add a few lines of coding or to make a helmet with no mesh to take the place of the hood. Unless everyone wants a little fold at the back of their robe for realism, which would still not be that hard because it would just be adding the same thing to everything. Edited by shonenjumpstyle
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  • 9 months later...

In 2.7 the new armor models are going to come with separate Hood Up and Hood Down versions.

I strongly doubt they would be bothering to do that if there was a toggle currently in the works or planned for the near future.


(And on top of that, I believe I heard Eric Musco say during last week's livestream that there were "no current plans" for this feature - although I'm not 100% sure I'm remembering correctly which question that was in response too.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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