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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood On/Off Toggle?


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Didn't they already said something about running into some problems when implementing the hood toggle in the live stream? still no ETA though.

I didn't read the past few pages so i don't know if this was mentioned yet.

Edited by Alduinsm
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Didn't they already said something about running into some problems when implementing the hood toggle in the live stream? still no ETA though.

I didn't read the past few pages so i don't know if this was mentioned yet.


They did say something like that but, come on, it is in works since Winter! How difficult it can be to implement in a 200 million dollar game? ETA is really what we need, as well as the current progress :/ Its' been in works for too long now. Long enough, to create offsprings like companion head toggles and colour matchings. Every RPer wants a hood toggle, though. It is very hard to accept playing a hooded Jedi for the whole time.

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Didn't they already said something about running into some problems when implementing the hood toggle in the live stream? still no ETA though.

I didn't read the past few pages so i don't know if this was mentioned yet.


They did say something like that but, come on, it is in works since Winter! How difficult it can be to implement in a 200 million dollar game? ETA is really what we need, as well as the current progress :/ Its' been in works for too long now. Long enough, to create offsprings like companion head toggles and colour matchings. Every RPer wants a hood toggle, though. It's very weird to play a Jedi that has his hood up at all times.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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They did say something like that but, come on, it is in works since Winter! How difficult it can be to implement in a 200 million dollar game? ETA is really what we need, as well as the current progress :/ Its' been in works for too long now. Long enough, to create offsprings like companion head toggles and colour matchings. Every RPer wants a hood toggle, though. It's very weird to play a Jedi that has his hood up at all times.


They said that it is one of things that looks easier than it is but as a result of the research going into they companion head toggle and hue to chest was implemented.


It does appear that they are researching how it bring in game.


I guess the cash shop will now feature hood down armors which is a cop out imo but they have get people to spend cash somehow.

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"Hard to implement" is a way of admitting they fired too many people. When most of what they'd need to do involves recoloring Sith robes and putting them in on the Republic side (and recolored Jedi robes for Marauders who want a hood up). This whole process, I'm willing to admit, could take a month or more. It seems so easy to just say "psh! a week, tops!" but new item implementation has to be harder than just inserting it.


So... why won't that work until you can give us a fully-functional hood-toggle? You'd definitely take some heat off yourselves. But is that too much to ask? Or is EA demanding you charge us $1 every time we toggle our hoods in order to line the CEO's pocket?

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Don't needa a hood toggle as much as I want a hood-down robe tbh. It can be just a simple reskin or putting in the NPC robe to be usable by player. It shouldn't be in the cash shop, imo. It should be available from the very beginning. Look how weird it actually is that Sith have a good lot of hood-down robes and Jedi don't. Rampage assault chestguard is a recolour of Knight's legacy armor with hooded robe over it. Would be so hard to just recolour that rampage assault chestguard to fit the legacy armor and put it on the legacy vendor as well?


Another thing is that I just don't understand is WHY they would go for the hoods on every single Jedi robes! I just cannot understand that. Why would they put every single robe in the game with hood up, knowing that players don't really like it. Isn't a hood up robe even more work than a hood down one? Who is responsible for this? He is a very, very strange person!

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I am getting tired of it - how long it's been since launch and how hard it is to put in orange versions of even two orange Jedi robes that would have hoods down? There is only one hood down model on the republic side, it's medium armor but it's a rather poor looking robe and it's blue/green.


I am asking only for few orange robes with hoods down, how hard is it?! You implemented new chestpieces for the Black Hole Heroic but they all have hoods up! Seriously, it's still long time til we get a cash shop and I 100% sure that you have those armor pieces ready... We seriously deserve to get few at this stage, after all this advertising and hood toggle promises. If you can't manage hood toggle - fine. Then give us alternative versions of chestpieces! You have them already, they just need to be made player-wearable.

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Signed, sealed, delivered.


Wake the funk up Bioware.


A player puts a helmet on and then a line of code runs that tells the game to remove the hood. The reverse happens when the helmet comes off.


Put in a simple if > then > else where /hood checks:


if hood.up


then hood.down


else hood.up


Why so hard to do?

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This explains pretty well and makes sense.

Oh, SWG was built on the Hero engine as well eh? This really is such an ignorant statement it made me facedesk.. you owe me a new keyboard.


Bioware already stated in the past that they made a bad judgement call concerning this and that the hoods are not a seperate part of the chest piece but an integral part. Making a toggle would basicly require them to either make a different, hood-down version of every hooded item in game and make a mechanism that switches these two chest pieces' look on command (with all inherent risks), or regenerate all items in game to ensure they have the hood as a seperate entity they can work with armor design wise and then make a hood toggle similar to helmet toggle.


So really, it is a lot more complex and there are no short cuts available because of a bad mistake very early in development when it came to determining what seperate parts made up a chest piece.


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This explains pretty well and makes sense.



From this thread



I disagree with that quote. Man says that they'd have to create hood down variants... But they already exist. They were all created and are somewhere out there. There is a lot of evidence for that (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=541885).


While we understand at this stage, that hood toggle can be beyond their abilities to implement, making hood-down versions of items is easily achievable. Because they are already out there and nobody has to create new models and skins. Datamining can even find you some hood down robes. If you'd hack the game, like Catch did in order to get the white crystal, I am sure you'd be able to get yourself a hood down robe for a Jedi.


Here. Find me a difference apart from textures and hood up:




Solution to the entire hood toggle issue is here:




Give two variations of each chestpiece. It's so simple!


Somebody tell me what this is?


Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I completely agree with adding hood down version of items :). It's most likely that they will add them on the cartel shops though,so we can only wait till FTP launch.


btw new dev post about this


Hood up and hood down is still in the works. Unfortunately, it requires a few changes to our art pipeline and reprocessing those assets by the artists. The team has been hard at work on our upcoming content, and priorities put hood up/down on the back burner just a bit, but it's still on the To Do list and we are still very much aware of the demand - by developers and players alike!


Edited by Alduinsm
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This explains pretty well and makes sense.



From this thread



Except that randomdude002545 provides no source, and even if he did, the person sourced is clearly wrong because you can make the hood disappear on any hooded robe by putting on a helmet or being a twilek. As has been pointed out many many many many many times, all that is involved is adding a ui option for a toggle value, and then adding that value to the very same existing routine that checks for a helmet or the twilek race and disables the hood. Boom, done.

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By the recent dev tracker post it sounds as though they have to redesign all the robes in game to have a hood down appearence then have code to toggle.


It's probably simpler than sounds but then again I have to coding experience or Hero Engine experience.


I hope it comes soon either way as we shouldn't have to look like troopers.

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Based on the fact that every hooded robe already has an unhooded variant (helmet on, Twi'lek, etc...), I would say this is mostly a UI project. Models are already there, and are already toggled by helmets.


I'd guess they're avoiding any character customization tweaks at the moment because the FTP patch will include new character customization tools, to go with the new shop items.

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Based on the fact that every hooded robe already has an unhooded variant (helmet on, Twi'lek, etc...), I would say this is mostly a UI project. Models are already there, and are already toggled by helmets.


I'd guess they're avoiding any character customization tweaks at the moment because the FTP patch will include new character customization tools, to go with the new shop items.


But because this was promised before, I think subscribers should get hood on hood off toggle for free, so long as they subscribe. If only because it's something the community was promised before Free to Play came about.

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But because this was promised before, I think subscribers should get hood on hood off toggle for free, so long as they subscribe. If only because it's something the community was promised before Free to Play came about.


Yeah, it's not like we're requesting things for free... We've put a lot of money into the game at this stage and comparing to other sub based MMO TOR received very little content updates over time. We're simply requesting something that was promised, pretty much, right after the launch. And if it's too hard we'll be happy with hood down variants of the robes which exist in the game. It's not so much to ask. How many subscribers did they lose because the promises weren't kept? :/

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I think you're blowing it way out of proportion. Ever sub they lose is a pay cut to the company. Each pay cut means lay offs. Lay offs mean less people working on things like this.


Don't get me wrong you wont find someone who wants hood down robes more than me but we're not entitled to anything like you're suggesting. The cash shop is a good idea because if you want this game to continue to progress they have to have a cash shop and something popular people will buy, like the hood down, to get money to develop the game. MMO's make more money off of micro-transactions like race change in WoW than they do from subs.

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I personally know people who unsubbed due to lack of apperance options, especially for the Jedi Knight... First of all, they should've prevented the subscribers unsubbing and thus the lay offs, by delivering things they've promised. I wouldn't mind getting the game for the Summer, instead of gettng the unfinished product on December (there even wasn't AA on start).


Request a hood down variants of some robes is not much to ask for... They are already out there, just not for Player Characters (though it was advertised otherwise).


This game bought me by advertising the characters, I can become, wearing all those pieces of gear... It was back when nobody would even think that the $200 million game would turn into f2p so soon and those sets would go cash shop. From what I've heard from others, hood down robes were available in pre-release builds. If the only reason for their sudden removal was that they can make it to the cash shop then it is a very bad move and a slap to the face to everyone who bought the game.


There are so many robes out there it wouldn't hurt them to add just few hood down variations in the closest patches. It's just already existing models converted into player-wearable pieces of equipment.


http://postimage.org/image/wwdumgcxb/ - Why should this robe, highly desired by me, make it into cash shop after over half-a-year of teasing everyone who is creating a Jedi Knight character. It is already out there any characters can wear it in the character creation screen and character selection (if you alt-f4 during the first JK loading screen).


And it's not like I won't be buying anything from the Cash Shop and I call everyone to boycott it. I prolly will because I love this game but I hate to think that it is so long ahead. I'd love to get a Cash Shop right now and buy those robes if it was only possible. Getting items which should make it for the release but will available after nearly a year is very awful. I am still waiting to play my Guardian that's gonna look like a Jedi.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Based on the fact that every hooded robe already has an unhooded variant (helmet on, Twi'lek, etc...), I would say this is mostly a UI project. Models are already there, and are already toggled by helmets.


I'd guess they're avoiding any character customization tweaks at the moment because the FTP patch will include new character customization tools, to go with the new shop items.


Helmet's don't toggle the hood they remove it completely from the armor model.


You can see on NPC's where the hood is down and then check against player worn robes to see it doesn't actually toggle.

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