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Doubts about combat spec and class in general


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First of all, sorry about my english: I'm italian, will try to do my best to make it comprehensible.


I'm a lvl 50 sentinel with full champion gear, except for my lvl 50 modded sabers.


I am currently using this build, because i wanted to do a lot of pvp and this one looked good because of burst damage.




Now, thing is i feel underpowered in warzones, and my build is not that effective in pve. I don't have real problems getting medals because i learned how to play my combat spec and i usually manage to get 7-8 of them everytime. Despite this, i do not feel "powerful". It takes a lot to bring most of the other classes down, and i have to focus a lot or i'm dead.

My skills seem weak, max damage from Saber Storm is around 3k (when it crits), even if I use Precision Slash and Blade Rush before.


I'm getting frustrated seeing bounty hunters laughing at me while shooting me their missiles. Four hits and I'm down, while it takes ages for me to kill them.

Also frustrating to be three-shotted from agents and see sorcerers and assassins not taking damage at all for looong time when they're inside their "sphere".


Dunno. I'm not satisfied by this class, the class i wanted to play since the first moment they announced it. Should I use Watchman? If so, why anyone should play Combat when the damage is lower and main thing you expect when playing a sentinel is dealing damage?


Is it really an under-powered class or is it only my impression?



Edited by Zenmar
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combat spec is terrible for PvP its better for PvE however if you want a good build you pretty much have to go focus or watchman or mix them


No, combat is not 'terrible' for PvP. There's many sents who pvp as a successful combat player, me being one, and Combat is good for PvE. Maybe watchman is a little better but meh I don't think its a big difference. But combat is not terrible by any means so don't call it that.

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I don't know what you Anti-Combat people are smoking, but Combat is awesome in PvP and PvE.


I do great damage overall (equal to Watchman) and I burst so much better than the Watchman. The only time that Watchmen get more medals than me, is because of their ability to get healing medals.


Your build (OP) is a little Eh. Here is what I run with:



Taking the Focused Slash in Watchman lowers your Blade Rush to 1 focus per use when you activate Zen. Also, you need to work on a rotation for Combat because Combat relies on procs and building up Focus to dump on your target.


Here is my rotation:


Rebuke>Force Leap>Zealous Strikes>Precision Strike>Blade Rush>Blade Storm (Then go back to your Zealous Strikes and follow the rotation until you have them on CD)>Master Strike>Force Stasis (repeat). Then just be mindful of your Centering mechanic as this build will build up centering and focus very quickly.


Also make use of Force Camoflague, Pacify, Valorous Call, Guarded By The Force and Awe as these are useful in crucial moments.


The major issue that us Sentinels run into is a high skill ceiling compared to other classes. If you are wrecking people, know that you are much better than most of those on the battlefield.


Combat is a build that is meant for momentum. Once you are in battle and stay in battle, you become a wrecking ball that cannot be stopped. Unless you get focused down by 4 or more people. I have successfully won many 3v1's in WZs by timing my CDs and bursting them down. When you get a pocket healer with you, forget about it. You will own everything in your path. Juggs (lol), Tracer Missile spamming BHs (lol) and Ops (lol).


Just work on that rotation and trim up your build, we have a lot of synergy in our tree. I didn't take the Master Strike one as it doesn't work correctly and I didn't take the AoE damage reduction, because I don't stand in the "stupid".


Hopefully that helps you and if you are on Hedarr Soongh look up Archonis and I will run some WZs with you and help ya. Just don't give up on Sents, we are great, you just have to find your comfort zone.

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saying that combat is a terrible in pvp just goes to show how ignorant you are. I am a combat sentinel and we are far from "gimp," combat isn't just something you can pick up and do uber damage with thats called focus and its a one trick pony. combat does excellent damage but only if you know how to use it.


@OP this is how i have spec'd combat: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501ocZGMrbddrRMsZhM.1 it is a great spec and has given me numerous 300k dmg matches and a handful of 400ks. oh and like the post above me i have 3v1'd using this spec by utilizing CDs one was even against all 50s, sorc, merc, assassin.

Edited by Shandrii
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No, combat is not 'terrible' for PvP. There's many sents who pvp as a successful combat player, me being one, and Combat is good for PvE. Maybe watchman is a little better but meh I don't think its a big difference. But combat is not terrible by any means so don't call it that.


yeah you can get kills as combat, but not as quick and clean as the other 2, ive pvpd alot with all 3 specs, and believe me, when you are fully geared, watchman scales the best and is devastating in pvp and pve, focus is not far behind, combat is too iffy to be totally reliable, 1v1? np any spec can win 1v1, but you will rarely ever 1v1 iin pvp


I have no hate against combat its my favorite spec, it just needs some major core buffs... if anything a little more bladestorm damage and ataru form buff

Edited by HollowVamp
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First of all, your English is very good. I live in Italy and I teach English as a freelance teacher (I'm American), and I wish more people here had your grasp of the English language as well as you do. Io direi che tu sei AL MENO un B2/C1 in inglese...quindi, stai tranquillo. :)


As for the question, I have the same problem. I'm leveled up in Combat as well, so do you guys think I should go Watchman? I don't PvP that much, but that's just because I'm only level 38 and Huttball is as boring as watching grass grow. I mainly do PvE stuff and only PvP when I'm bored/want a change of pace. I think I'm gonna try to respec Watchman. Any suggestions?

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First of all, your English is very good. I live in Italy and I teach English as a freelance teacher (I'm American), and I wish more people here had your grasp of the English language as well as you do. Io direi che tu sei AL MENO un B2/C1 in inglese...quindi, stai tranquillo. :)


As for the question, I have the same problem. I'm leveled up in Combat as well, so do you guys think I should go Watchman? I don't PvP that much, but that's just because I'm only level 38 and Huttball is as boring as watching grass grow. I mainly do PvE stuff and only PvP when I'm bored/want a change of pace. I think I'm gonna try to respec Watchman. Any suggestions?


As a few of the guys above said, Combat isn't useless. For the average player, the other two trees will be easier for you, because they tend to be a bit simpler, and one includes self healing.


I've known I wanted to spec Combat since I first saw the trees, always knew I wanted to play a Sentinel, etc - I've had my doubts at times wondering if I should change spec, but sleeping on it always brought me right back to loving my spec.


We do have to work hard for our kills - but it's so much more rewarding when you get them. As it was said - we're an absolute wrecking ball when we can stay up. For best results partner with a decent healer and use your defensive cooldowns liberally and you will steamroll in PVP. I won't go into attack chains since you've already been given a very good one to use. Precision/Blade Rush/Blade Storm is our bread and butter in PVP and PVE. In PVE (and even PVP on a foolish healer/ranged that doesn't move) use master strike liberally as well, it's too high damage to ignore, contrary to what some people might tell you.


In PVE Combat is fine - there were a couple fights that taxed me while leveling but overall it wasn't bad - it just taught me how to play the class better. Most of the times I died were because I forgot about a certain skill at my disposal (or was sleep deprived).


If you really like your spec, don't change it because of what everyone on some internet forums tells you. For that matter, don't keep it because of what I told you. If you find yourself really unhappy and don't think you're doing anything wrong, it might be time to respec. Sometimes a respec just reminds you of how much you missed your old playstyle, sometimes it makes you wonder why you waited so long to do it. We're all different, only you can make that call.

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As a few of the guys above said, Combat isn't useless. For the average player, the other two trees will be easier for you, because they tend to be a bit simpler, and one includes self healing.


I've known I wanted to spec Combat since I first saw the trees, always knew I wanted to play a Sentinel, etc - I've had my doubts at times wondering if I should change spec, but sleeping on it always brought me right back to loving my spec.


We do have to work hard for our kills - but it's so much more rewarding when you get them. As it was said - we're an absolute wrecking ball when we can stay up. For best results partner with a decent healer and use your defensive cooldowns liberally and you will steamroll in PVP. I won't go into attack chains since you've already been given a very good one to use. Precision/Blade Rush/Blade Storm is our bread and butter in PVP and PVE. In PVE (and even PVP on a foolish healer/ranged that doesn't move) use master strike liberally as well, it's too high damage to ignore, contrary to what some people might tell you.


In PVE Combat is fine - there were a couple fights that taxed me while leveling but overall it wasn't bad - it just taught me how to play the class better. Most of the times I died were because I forgot about a certain skill at my disposal (or was sleep deprived).


If you really like your spec, don't change it because of what everyone on some internet forums tells you. For that matter, don't keep it because of what I told you. If you find yourself really unhappy and don't think you're doing anything wrong, it might be time to respec. Sometimes a respec just reminds you of how much you missed your old playstyle, sometimes it makes you wonder why you waited so long to do it. We're all different, only you can make that call.


I changed to Watchman a few hours ago. I have to say that the amount of damage difference even from just a level 38 like me was quite surprising. It's a bit slower due to the lack of the other stance available only in Combat (the name eludes me now). However, the actual killing isn't necessarily slower...just the rotation. With Combat, you're as busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest with your rotation. With Watchman it seems the abilities are more effective. Also, I'm staying at full health nearly constantly with Doc as my companion, whereas before I was having to rest quite regularly after a fight.


It's difficult to describe. After respeccing, I'd say Combat is a bit more for crowd control and is a sort of "Attention Deficit Disorder" class due to the timing and such. Watchman feels a bit slower but also feels a bit less spastic. BOOM...he's dead; that sort of thing.


If you played both specs as they're supposed to be played and are skilled enough to do so, I'd say that the difference would be negligible. Combat also appealed to me from the beginning, but 38 levels later and after a bit of difficulty with an especially difficult elite every now and then, coupled with getting bored spamming the same rotation over and over again, Watchman kinda feels more like a relaxing breath of fresh air. It's slower, sure, but for now I like spamming three abilities instead of six to get a kill on a regular mob.

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IMO, the only problem with Combat is its style of survivability... Its burst damage is awesome when your specced right. Watchmen is a bit slower on damages output because of DOTS, but u wont miss it because of the survive-ability.
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Thanks for your answers, guys.


I tried Watchman a few days ago, but I can't really say I liked it. Slow rotation, it is also hard to do it right when you have 2+ people engaging you.


I feel more comfortable with my Combat spec, and about the rotation, yes, I was already using the one suggested.


Nonetheless, it doesn't give me the the feeling I had playing melee Dps classes in other games.


I'm leveling a commando as an alt, and it is so easier. I obliterate mobs in pve and deal great damage in pvp without really concentrate. I love my character, I spent days on him and I don't want to reroll, but it is frustrating.


Atm i wouldn't roll sentinel again. I concentrate a lot to kill one single target, I use all I have and when I'm done with it my hp are probably low and my defensive skills are in cd. But somewhere there is a Bounty Hunter spamming 2 skills and taking me down while drinking a tea.


I like the fact this is a difficult class. I like the fact you have to suffer and stay focused to express it's full potential. But I hate that this only applies to us.

Edited by Zenmar
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