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This is just outrageous!


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I can't remember the last time I felt so squishy/weak/useless in a game like now. There really have to come changes in Marauders/Sentinels.


I come from World of Warcraft where I played hardcore pvp since 2006 and achieved many many high end ahievments and thought it was time for a switch, to a different MMO. I fell in love with SWTOR right at the moment I tried it out and knew it would have a lot of potentional.


The thing is that the PVP system is so broken right now, that I literally wanna throw up.

I have been through a lot and know that this game is only 1 month old and should have patience with it.


The thing is that it has already been serval months since beta and there hasn't even changed one simple thing in Marauders/Sentinels. Right now the class is really at the bodum of the foodchain. Unbelievable how a full dps, not hybrid class can be so bad in an MMO.


We literally have 0 CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals. I just love the feeling of being usefull in a Warzone/Battleground, but why on earth would you take a Marauder over any other class today in a pvp combat as part of your team?


Any other Hybrid class can do atleast as much if not more damage than a Marauder + they have all those CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals.


I really don't care about a little bit inbalance here and there, but when something is so damn obvious it just need to be spoken out asap.


The thing that got me worry is that after so much time Bioware hasn't even taken the time to mention the situation of Marauders/Sentinels. I still cant believe why on earth would you give Marauders, the pure dps medium armor class such a low surviveabillity/mobillity and literally no CC at all?


I know this may be another QQ thread like many others, but this has to be fixed once and for all.


Sorry for my English.

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I played hardcore pvp since 2006


Sorry bro you picked the wrong game to be competitive in.




As long as they don't fix the engine I don't see SWTOR having a future in eSports. Any competitive player like me knows the important of being 0.2 seconds faster than the guy next to me, its the difference between landing an interrupt- the difference between winning and losing. When I PvP I feel as if I have to fight against my own UI my character isn't moving the way I want it to move the skills aren't even working. I can't even reduce my animation time because Biowear wants me to show off my flashy skills.

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I agree with both posts so far. Worst part is at first I thought it was my FPS or latency and did numerous things, from reducing all graphic settings, to changing many settings in my Nvidia control panel and still nothing. The only comfort I take is knowing other people are fighting it too, so we are all at the same disadvantage, like if we all had one eye or were in the midst of a serious phone call and playing at the same time. Or just annihilated drunk.
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I can't remember the last time I felt so squishy/weak/useless in a game like now. There really have to come changes in Marauders/Sentinels.


I come from World of Warcraft where I played hardcore pvp since 2006 and achieved many many high end ahievments and thought it was time for a switch, to a different MMO. I fell in love with SWTOR right at the moment I tried it out and knew it would have a lot of potentional.


The thing is that the PVP system is so broken right now, that I literally wanna throw up.

I have been through a lot and know that this game is only 1 month old and should have patience with it.


The thing is that it has already been serval months since beta and there hasn't even changed one simple thing in Marauders/Sentinels. Right now the class is really at the bodum of the foodchain. Unbelievable how a full dps, not hybrid class can be so bad in an MMO.


We literally have 0 CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals. I just love the feeling of being usefull in a Warzone/Battleground, but why on earth would you take a Marauder over any other class today in a pvp combat as part of your team?


Any other Hybrid class can do atleast as much if not more damage than a Marauder + they have all those CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals.


I really don't care about a little bit inbalance here and there, but when something is so damn obvious it just need to be spoken out asap.


The thing that got me worry is that after so much time Bioware hasn't even taken the time to mention the situation of Marauders/Sentinels. I still cant believe why on earth would you give Marauders, the pure dps medium armor class such a low surviveabillity/mobillity and literally no CC at all?


I know this may be another QQ thread like many others, but this has to be fixed once and for all.


Sorry for my English.


been playing exactly a month now.. spent all that time to get to 50.. and to pvp to get huttball 8/10 games just to get tossed off the platform in huttball, stunned, tossed, get to the bottom and get to the top again while every other class is pew pewing at you. thanks bioware for my 4 sec invis and -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 secs or watever it is.. love you

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5/10 times we use ravage in pvp it bug and we become a even more free kill i bet soon people will see the animation and know "ahh the ravage bug i just waste him now" or when we use force choke and the person is still running around and we stand there futile with our hand in the air "cmon lift to the air" its like the other person can sense our weakened state and just ignore it LOL...
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stop the qq pls...


comparing other mmo pvp with this pvp and thus hoping to dominate is so .... stupid?

i played 6 years Guild wars gvg last 3 years in the top 20, so i gotta be awsome in this game, right?

why is every thread starting with a list of privious pvp archievments in other games, ... just dont get it:confused:


Its a l2p issue!!! Marauders can get some love, but this doesnt include cc/stun.


fix latency/fps issues

fix resolve bar crap

fix animation crap (choke/ravation/ double swing etc.)

(give force push/saber throw back)




this class is the most durable after tanks!!!


you can pretty much walk into 1on1 / 1on2 without getting scratched if you know what you are doing


if you have a problem with knockbacks your doing it wrong and should l2p.


- every class that has 1 is using it right after you leap to them = predictable


---> you can avoid getting knocked off ledges etc .. by positioning yourself in the right angle where even if you get knocked you cant fall off


---> immediately walk 3-4 meters away after your leap + jump and you can avoid being knocked back completly


---> immediately cast choke and in 70% you will catch them (sorcs) in the air



cc becomes only a prob if you fight 3+ enemies, why it is rediculous annoying it is neccesary for casters, otherwise they would be screwed when ever they face a meele




and btw marauders have OP self heal!! and good group heal!!

every time you pop berserk in annihilation ( having a 15k avarage hp in the team)

you do + selfheal arround 9k healing!!!


at lvl 50 with pvp gear and say 15k hp, you heal yourself with every crit of your bleeds

for arround 285hp, pop berserk and it results in 2.5k self heal!!!! while not bothering!!! you just cut throw enemy lines while getting spam healed and healing your own team.

Ive seen marauders get 200k healing... and you say we have no offheals xDDD

Edited by texoc
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I don't play a marauder, so I wont speculate. All I know is on the republic side one of the toughest people I go against is a marauder, every single pvp match I have seen him in he does 300k+ damage and at least 100k healing.


One of my favorite partners to pvp with on the sith side is a marauder and he absolutely tears every game up.



I am just a healer, so I can't really comment much on 1v1 battle, but I get focused a lot and I can tell you that this specific marauder is unbelievably hard to kill and dishes out a LOT of damage.


I can totally understand the ability delay problems etc, but being called squishy and the bottom of the totem pole I just don't understand, considering I have run into some incredible marauders.


Ps: I'm valor rank 51 and almost full champ gear (missing one piece)

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I agree that we're incredibly underpowered compared to other classes, not to mention my awful luck with the Champion Bags, which is a whole other story. But in PvE I've torn everything apart and haven't really had that much trouble. Even in that respect it's obvious that there's imbalance in PvE combat as well, but I find it much more enjoyable.
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i played 6 years Guild wars gvg last 3 years in the top 20, so i gotta be awsome in this game, right?


What guild were you in? And last 3 years means nothing. Now to get into top 10 you need an ELO of 1100+. I played when GW was it was ESports competitive- When they put up prize money for a million dollars. I played when you needed an ELO of at least 1200 to be in top 500. My guild was top 200 I had an ELO of 1450. Last 3 years of Guild Wars is a joke. My Monk's ID was Infusing Touch. After my guild disbanded I used the name Bambi is Strong. What was your Gamer ID and what was your Guild name?

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op i feel your pain -

people say l2p and the class is fine -


the class is fine if you are geared out and lucky enough to have your skills kick in when you activate them.

but why the hell should you need uber gear to be competitive -




yes fixing the latency / abilty delay issues will resolve alot of our issues but despite the "pro" players saying everything is okay there are known issues also - ravage / choke being the top of the list.



for everyone saying class is op / perfect there are 2 saying there are issues -

this has to be more then altp issue.


so notice my sig - these forums are the worst of any game i have ever come across for leetness - rather then be one community trying to work together it is just abuse.

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A problem with knockbacks is that, if force charge is down, and on a 15 second CD as the only gap closer (w/o obliterate, which costs rage and is only 10 meters), it will often be down, knockbacks are stuns. For ranged classes they're not, as though they move you positionally you can simply continue to unload, or use instant ranged abilities while repositioning. Marauders, however, rely incredibly heavily on melee range, and so having to run back to the person is essentially a stun, but worse. Why worse?


Knockbacks don't add a fraction of the resolve stuns do, many snare or slow you AFTER the knockback, on maps like Huttball they allow for abuse of hazards/platforms, they give enemies time AND distance to run if desired and we thus we MUST wait the sad 15/12 seconds of force charge CD chasing them down before reinitiating combat, potentially only to be denied AGAIN.


I propose marauders have a resolve modifier applied to knockbacks if applying them to all classes would be imba: they are ridiculously effective against marauders, and all QQ you see about stuns from every other class (which I also agree with) needs to be applied to marauders and for both stuns AND knockbacks, as we suffer enormously from both.

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Don't expect the game to be the same as WoW, that is your first fail.


The game has issues, but it's new and it will ALWAYS be in development and it will get better. Whatever issues you suffer from, remember the other player suffers from it too so don't use excuses.


You need to get familiar with the game and play it as its own game and not wow or whatever other MMO you played.


All the issues will be resolved in time.

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Don't expect the game to be the same as WoW, that is your first fail.


The game has issues, but it's new and it will ALWAYS be in development and it will get better. Whatever issues you suffer from, remember the other player suffers from it too so don't use excuses.


You need to get familiar with the game and play it as its own game and not wow or whatever other MMO you played.


All the issues will be resolved in time.


People been saying there are issues since the beta started which was, ehm, months ago? These issues were not resolved. You advice is to wait however long necessary? Really?

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I'ts not just Sentinels/Marauders who suffer from the knockback BS, its the JK/SW class in general.


JK/SW is apparently getting a buff in the near future as BW have taken a look at our defensive performance and found it to be lacking, compared with the vision they had for the class.


They are also proposing a perk that allows force push to reset the cooldown on force leap (For Guardians) and I'm sure they will have something similar planned for Sents/Marauders.


Start running Mr Sorc!

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I'ts not just Sentinels/Marauders who suffer from the knockback BS, its the JK/SW class in general.


JK/SW is apparently getting a buff in the near future as BW have taken a look at our defensive performance and found it to be lacking, compared with the vision they had for the class.


They are also proposing a perk that allows force push to reset the cooldown on force leap (For Guardians) and I'm sure they will have something similar planned for Sents/Marauders.


Start running Mr Sorc!


Not in near future bro. They have said that they are aware of the complexity of marauder/sentinel but they have nothing specific planned as of yet. Apparently the class is underpowered as intended.

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That's exactly why you should save your Force Charge for AFTER the knockback. Many players think Force Charge is your skill to use when initiating combat, which it is in PvE, but not in PvP.


A fight between Warrior and Sorc is (just as Mage vs. Warrior in WoW) a challenge of gaining and closing distance. The Sorc has a knockback to gain distance and the Warrior has Force Charge to close distance.


Of course there are several other tools, a Sorc can Stun, which a Warrior can counter with his anti-cc ability. A Sorc can Force Speed, which a Warrior can Counter with Force Choke. Another important thing is that the first thing to do after you're on your target as a Warrior is to use your snare, which many Warriors seem to forget.


In the end, if both players are competent, it usually comes down to the fact if the fight started at melee or at range. If the fight started at range the Sorc will most likely win, if it started at melee the Warrior will most likely win.


That said, as a Warrior you have to play smart with positioning and LOS to let the fight start in melee range. If a Sorc is casting at you in the open field from range, it is a REALLY BAD thing to Force Charge him, which many Warriors do in such a situation. If you do this, the Sorc has the distance gain/close advantage and will just use knockback like the OP posted, leaving you with a serious disadvantage.


In a situation like that it is usually better to just back off and get behind the closest corner. If the Sorc follows you, you have the chance to start in melee range without wasting Force Charge, if not, just choose another target or focus on th WZ objective.


Many people complain about melee in PvP and often the reason is that their playstyle in PvP is much different in comparison to PvE. While playing a ranged class is often characterized by just nuking everything in range and start a fight every time something comes close, as a melee you have to choose fights wisely and start at the correct moment. Playing a melee in PvP is NOT about jumping into the heat of battle and dishing out damage. This is something you have to consider when you start a melee and want to PvP.


If you're like starting fights instantly a stealther might fit your needs much better, where stealth really is a mechanic meant to close distance at the START of the fight.

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In the end, if both players are competent, it usually comes down to the fact if the fight started at melee or at range. If the fight started at range the Sorc will most likely win, if it started at melee the Warrior will most likely win.


That said, as a Warrior you have to play smart with positioning and LOS to let the fight start in melee range. If a Sorc is casting at you in the open field from range, it is a REALLY BAD thing to Force Charge him, which many Warriors do in such a situation. If you do this, the Sorc has the distance gain/close advantage and will just use knockback like the OP posted, leaving you with a serious disadvantage.



It all looks good on paper, but it's not realistic. Let's walk up the ramps so we dont play bad and use our leap early. Proceed to get melted while strolling on foot gg.


Use leap get knocked off get melted or use defensives.


Let's use your theory, get in the "smart" way cause we we're tricky enough to convince the ranged to follow us into melee range. That's a dumb ranged btw. But let's play it out.


Now we get kb, but we've got our leap. Let's leap in and be smart go for the snare. Okay now we are stunned. Proceed to either get focused out, ranged speed boosts back to kiting range ignoring our snare and we either pop more cooldowns or get melted, rooted, second stunned to full resolve. Rooted which may as well be another stun .. With full resolve.


You get the picture, we are constantly playing against the odds.


Again we are not talking stomping random pugs, we are talking good players vs good players.


We don't even need to get into insane scenarios like organized assist train operative, assassin combos and what they will do to you coming out of stealth.


Seriously we have a good framework but aren't there.

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melee dps has always been about complexity and playing against the odds. everyone expects to faceroll as a melee class but when they don't they scream UP! UP! . after that they might play something like sniper, and come back to the marauder forum screaming UP! UP! even harder than before. the fact is the player i just described is just a BAD melee dps, and better of in a protected position. a GOOD melee dps should be able to defeat people easier than a good ranged dps - a bad ranged dps will be better than a bad melee however.


in addition, it's entirely possible you're just not made for playing a marauder. you might think it's the coolest, but there's like a 12% chance that this is the adv. class you're the best at.

Edited by DarthBoga
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