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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Artifice - Magenta Monopolization?


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And if your female?


This is precisely the reason I was gonna get one for Kira. >_>


I can just be patient though. I was just riled up a bit by the guy's response. After seeing them up close and personal in-game, I'm not entirely impressed either. Think I'd probably just get one for Kira and leave it at that. :p

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In a generally commodity market mmo like this, you have to earn all you can when you're a monopoly, cause it won't last long. There's always crap dropping and it's only a matter of time till you see those first undercuts.


If i was seller the very last thing I would do is make it for other people with their mats, unless one heck of a fee was involved. See, if I make it for you, you're not in the market for what I have on the GTN. So, I'm gonna make you wait. Either you wait or you're going to buy my good at a righteous markup while I can get it.


In a few weeks there'll be plenty and the margins will shrink quick.

Edited by Marlaine
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Most prices are undercut horribly on the AH, at the moment.


This kind of price gouging is a reaction to the inability to make money in a climate where people are listing items at almost 0% profit margin.


Kinda sucks - but i honestly cannot blame them.


Would i personally list it that high if i had it? no.


Would i still try to list it at 300? probably.


Blame all the competitors who halve my listed prices - and then list 2 items to make up for it :rolleyes:

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I hate to say it, but I agree with the crafter in this scenario. In fact, I like the crafting system the way it is now because it discourages the whole, "I got the mats, now make it for me for a tiny 'tip'." scenario for crafters.


I really doubt the crafter in this case got the pattern just so he could go around using his crew and time to make magenta crystals for other people for small tips. He probably wants to make them himself and sell them for a healthy profit, which makes perfect sense in pretty much every way.

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I hate to say it, but I agree with the crafter in this scenario. In fact, I like the crafting system the way it is now because it discourages the whole, "I got the mats, now make it for me for a tiny 'tip'." scenario for crafters.


I really doubt the crafter in this case got the pattern just so he could go around using his crew and time to make magenta crystals for other people for small tips. He probably wants to make them himself and sell them for a healthy profit, which makes perfect sense in pretty much every way.


Except the recipie and mats are earned by a group of people and not individuals.

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Except the recipie and mats are earned by a group of people and not individuals.


It would be reasonable for people that were in the raid when it dropped to request to have them made with their own materials, and knowing what raiding guilds are like I am sure this would be happening.


It is not reasonable to expect to just have the item made for you using your materials + tip if you had no involvement in the raid, let the public price be driven by supply/demand. If you think it's too expensive then just go without it or wait until they are more common - expect to pay a lot if you want something that's scarce.

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I was turned down before I could even make an offer. Try again.


EDIT: Obbu we were farming the boss whenever we saw it, had quite a few kills. Now their guild is camping it waiting on respawns. Republic-side on our server is still fairly weak in the 50 population, so there's no one to really contest them (outside taunt-resetting the boss constantly). Just a crappy situation, especially when our server is supposedly "Very Heavy" pop during peak hours. I also have this feeling that if my group camped the boss, they'd do the same in return (taunt-reset until we gave up) based on their actions.


Ok, we haven't even killed the boss yet, it won't even spawn since the empire killed it. We've checked a couple of times after we got done raiding, and you may have seen a couple of us once or twice, but by no means does that mean we're camping it. Most of your stories are made up on the spot, by the way lol.

Edited by Deivii
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Ok, we haven't even killed the boss yet, it won't even spawn since the empire killed it. We've checked a couple of times after we got done raiding, and you may have seen a couple of us once or twice, but by no means does that mean we're camping it. Most of your stories are made up on the spot, by the way lol.


Nothing I stated about what I did in this thread was made up. Since you're claiming to be on my server, prove it. The assumption I made about camping Destroyer is a pretty fair assumption considering your guild was selling a Magenta on the GTN and therefore it's fair to assume you want the other two patterns.


Had the guy I talked to not been so "secretive" and just flat out said "our crafter isn't actually on this faction," I might have said differently. It's hard to know the whole story when...you don't give the whole story. Again, it's a fair assumption that because you had the gem, the crafter was probably Republic. Hell, if I had known that, I might have actually been willing to pay 600k for it.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, and since it seems pretty...odd that multiple members from the same guild would be advertising a good, that's why I assumed that Drex (or whatever the name is that starts with a D) was the crafter since he clearly wasn't the one listing. Honestly never seen multiple members of the same guild peddling one item. Ever.

Edited by TheCheatz
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Nothing I stated about what I did in this thread was made up. Since you're claiming to be on my server, prove it. The assumption I made about camping Destroyer is a pretty fair assumption considering your guild was selling a Magenta on the GTN and therefore it's fair to assume you want the other two patterns.


Had the guy I talked to not been so "secretive" and just flat out said "our crafter isn't actually on this faction," I might have said differently. It's hard to know the whole story when...you don't give the whole story. Again, it's a fair assumption that because you had the gem, the crafter was probably Republic. Hell, if I had known that, I might have actually been willing to pay 600k for it.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, and since it seems pretty...odd that multiple members from the same guild would be advertising a good, that's why I assumed that Drex (or whatever the name is that starts with a D) was the crafter since he clearly wasn't the one listing. Honestly never seen multiple members of the same guild peddling one item. Ever.


We want the other 2 patterns? Fact; we want 'A' pattern, we do not have a pattern and YET again, we haven't even KILLED the boss once, not ONCE. You fail to realize that no one on the republic even has the cuts, we're getting them from the Empire.


Maybe if you hadn't acted like such an immature kid to begin with, and making up entire stories about us camping bosses when that was no such truth. You may have had a chance to get it without paying 600k.


P.S. Character name is the same as my forum username, there's your proof.

Edited by Deivii
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im basically telling you im the crafter and drex is selling them for me


like i couldnt make that more clear


Not really. I could easily mistake you for the person in their guild being on the receiving end of the transfers from Empire to Republic. Ambiguity != obviousness. Sorry for, you know, not reading your mind.

Edited by TheCheatz
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Well I was talking to Deiv and he said that you guys said you haven't seen the boss spawn in like...a week? A group of ours killed it 5 or 6 days ago, I checked back with them and they killed it again while I was offline. They said he took 6 hours to respawn that time. I haven't personally seen him up since then.
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