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Who cares about EGA lets discuss this galactic imbalance


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Its basicaly the same (i think) as with WoW, most people assume the kids will go Republic (Alliance) and as such the hardcore (Ie, the type of people who pre-order games and like to PVP in particular) will end up Empire (Horde)...


At some point if its an issue im sure BW will end up giving some fancy advantage to been Republic to try and get some folks to cross over but in the end we are just talking about peoples first toons...


I intend to go Empire the first time, after that ill most likely start to make one of everything starting with a Republic toon.

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Alliance outnumbers horde 55% to 45% in WoW




Of those 45% who are Horde, 14% are Blood Elf, who aren't really Horde anyway.


Meaning that Alliance-types outnumber Horde types 70% to 30%, give or take a percentage.



Your analogy just poofed.


It becomes irritating when people use bad math to win arguments.


--> 14% of %45 is .14*.45 = 6.3%. So the ratio is (55+6.3) : (45-6.3) = 61.3 : 38.7

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Nobody cares about imbalance when they can't actually play the game to begin with. Whoever had the idea of putting people in multiday long forced ques rather then a few hours of server que needs to have his head checked. See if he actually has a brain.


I am betting you pre ordered AFTER Nov beta

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my theory is server imbalance is actually an equation that revolves around the pvp guilds on a server, and that pvp guilds tend to go where the action is, meaning they will roll the other faction. I think in time this will spread out.


the problem is, in more time .. eventually, 1 guild on each server becomes dominant. And at that point the server really flops and becomes desolate for 1 faction.


you always have these faction problems at release, but the median result is usually fairly even. once things are even, that is when the real trouble starts because then each individual server splits on a different side of the factions.


once that happens it's all over.


So. The solution I don't think is to restrict factions at release, but rather after release. Once the pvp guilds have formed and the general population becomes more even, then lock down servers so that people cant transfer an empire toon to an empire heavy server, and no one can create an empire character on those servers if they don't already have an empire character on that server.

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It becomes irritating when people use bad math to win arguments.


--> 14% of %45 is .14*.45 = 6.3%. So the ratio is (55+6.3) : (45-6.3) = 61.3 : 38.7


It's not bad math, I just used bad wording.


14% of ALL WARCRAFT players are Blood Elves, so my math stands, I just said "14% of all Horde" when I should have said "14% of all Players"

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Yes, its a rather sad condition that has begun afflicting the worlds Bee population. Ever since 'Batman Begins' came out, millions of Bees worldwide have wanted to be Christian Bale. Since cosmetic surgery is obviously unaffordable in a honey-based economy, they have opted to play videogames that feature character customisation in order to live out their dreams.


Insectologists are very concerned about this issue, as they are spending more time online and less time pollenating flowers. There is also the cruel irony that Christian Bale is actually allergic to bees, and now has wear a complete bubble wrap bodysuit to avoid inadvertent stings from Bee-Fans.


xD i was actually thinking of something like this when i read the "Christian wanna bee's" post eheh

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They're not going to restrict anything. Why should they?


I should point out that Huttball alleviates some of the warfront issues (though even with Huttball you still seemed to have longer queues as Imperial on Darth Malak, but hardly what I'd call agonizing; minutes, rather than the seconds long queues I had as Republic on that beta server, and being able to get a leg of a quest done inbetween queues is a lot more relaxing then having constant instant ones imo).


As far as Illum is concerned, it's instanced just like every single other zone in this game. So there will always be one instance of that planet that has roughly equal numbers of both factions. There'll be a lot of Imperials who end up having hardly anyone to fight in the other instances/phases of Illum, and a few unlucky Republic who are all alone, but such is life. With most players secretly just wanting loot as fast as possible, I suspect the cries over this will be largely superficial.


Ultimately, the faction imbalance means very little. Unless you're so obsessed with Valor/second that it overrides anything else in your life. Then, yes, you should probably roll Republic. I can't imagine you live a very fulfilling life though. :D

Edited by revial
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That's ALL servers.


PvE faction inbalance is just as much a concern as PvP faction imbalance since open world PvP zones exist on both PvE and PvP servers.

no the dont pvp servers is all the matter for any pvp player pve dont count in any pvp as pvp is allways on a pvp server and

on a pve its more your choice if u WANT TO PVP or not

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no the dont pvp servers is all the matter for any pvp player pve dont count in any pvp as pvp is allways on a pvp server and

on a pve its more your choice if u WANT TO PVP or not


First of all, do me the decency of typing to me with proper grammar. It's insulting to be spoken to in the manner you are speaking to me.


Second of all, YES, OPEN WORLD PvP zones, where you are FLAGGED WITHOUT CHOICE exist on both PvE and PvP servers.


Just like in WoW, if a person on a PvE server entered Wintersgrasp, they were auto-flagged. You could not be in Wintergrasp and not be flagged even on a PvE server.


The same types of zones exist in SWTOR.


Research dude.

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