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I suck at PVP with my BH


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Could try waiting till after patch so you're not against 50's and see how you do.


If you just suck in general though, more info would be needed. Like what's your general rotation? Spam tracer missile while standing around in 1 spot? Moving around a lot? Going mainly for objectives instead of more damage/kills so your stats seem lower than everyone else (this is usually my demise)?

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Well, first off... To be very effective at PvP... You need to reset your key bindings to your most popular moves at the 1-4 keys... (if you're a clicker) And get used to moving around with your mouse besides using "wasd."


And right now, at level 35, you will get steam-rolled by 50's... It becomes MUCH more fun when you get some PvP resilience gear at lvl 50.


But some advice I can give you right now...


-Stay on the high ground if you're just a pure DPS... You really don't need to be running the ball at all... Just crowd control


-Pick your fights WISELY... Knockbacks are huge... There's just some classes you can't solo if you aren't in the right position... So simply knock a melee class off the edge and run away... Choose your battles wisely. I'm in full Champion gear and sometimes I have to knock someone back, run away, and heal up... No shame in that



If you control the middle in Huttball, then you will most likely win... But remember, you're going to get pounded if you just run into the middle where the ball respawns



(This post is for Huttball of course)



For the other 2 Warzones: You are most effective when you are not running around. Just unload on people in the background as your allies tank the damage. Don't try to solo until you're comfortable with your knockbacks, stuns, and the rest of your abilities.

Edited by Kentontudor
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You have to adopt a different mindset when you're in PvP. You can't treat a group of players like you treat a pack of weak mobs in PvE, because they will rip you apart. Keep your distance as well as you can, try not to get noticed, and prioritize targets that are already weakened. About the only time you should try to take on several players at once is if you're essentially suiciding yourself in order to stall a turret/door capture.
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I'm a 34 Merc and I do pretty well considering.


DONT run head on into packs and expect to dominate, you WILL be torn to pieces.


Try and find good vantage points above/distanced enough from the big melee.


This is personal but I like to keep rail shot for when I have someone on me and I need moveable dps/ a finisher.


If someone gets on you jetpack them/ or electro dart them. If they are still on you hit your shield, hit Kolto overload and lolspam them until they die. This works well for me even against most 50's. If you have more than 2 people on you it'll be gg anyway. (Don't forget rocket punch can be specced as a knock back as well).


Hope this may have helped a little.


EDIT: Also I'd lose advanced targeting and integrated sytems and use the points elsewhere on your main tree. IE get pinning fire.

Edited by Sharad_Hett
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You are not at the top of the food chain, so let those that are do the heavy damage, and you pick off the cripples of join in when its safe for you. Don't stay in one place long for the most part. And when you see the tide of battle moving your way relocate.
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try not to get noticed


You are not at the top of the food chain, so let those that are do the heavy damage, and you pick off the cripples of join in when its safe for you


God I picked the wrong class, is this playstyle actually fun for anyone? We have no survivability and mediocre damage. What's the point?


To the OP, I felt the same way as you at your level and nothing has changed. I've tried Pyro and Arse and used all the right rotations, left alone I can do "alright" damage but nothing extraordinary and if I'm noticed and targeted I can either die or jet boost, run a few feet away and then die. Take my advice and go Bodyguard spec or reroll to a more useful class.

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It gets better, I'm a 50 merc and am nearly on the top dps chart every game. While yes you are basically a turret, and have to act as one, you are a force to be reckoned with if you have a healer and decent armor.


While tracer missile -> heartseeker - railshot should be your single target burndown, don't be afraid to let fusion missile, explosive dart, and death from above loose on groups of enemies crowded around a single opponent, this is where a vast majority of your damage will come from, and because you are hitting multiple targets for vast amount of damage a single healer can't cope with all of it. While if you get dogpiled, yes you will die, with explosive dart and aoe abilities you can make them pay somewhat for killing you. One of my favorite things to do is to aoe blast them back, shoot explosive dart and then fusion missle. It will take a large chunk of their health as they close back in.


So, in summary, yes it does get better as a BH, all lower level classes will get very quickly destroyed until they separate the brackets, as I can basically target a player in their teens and burn down within five seconds of pure damage.

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Interestingly, I consider myself a really poor PVPer too. I currently play a 25 Merc that was Arse specced (I switched to Pyro yesterday but I'm finding myself stuck with too much heat).


I freely admit I have very poor reflexes and don't react well to people beating on me. However, when in a semi-decent team (I queue solo so its touch and go) I seem to do crazy damage even as a level 25. In some games I am top 3 damage and kills and in majority of them I am at least in the top 5 in terms of damage and kills.


The point is, I am not bragging because like I said, I freely admit that I suck *** at PVP. But for BH you need to understand its class strengths.


For me, as a Arse-spec I will always engage people at max distance if possible. I tend to choose two kinds of targets, 1. always engage the enemy with the lowest remaining health (duh!) 2. next always choose the support classes to beat on (healers primarily). Then always lolspam your AOE abilities when you see a clusterf**k of enemies.


I personally don't take deaths too hard (getting royalled screwed by 3 50's beating on you is natural, there's nothing to QQ about that) so just get back in the fight ASAP.


Sure, Arse specs are as mobile as the Taj Mahal but that was always the point of the class. We are not tanks nor healers, we are pure ranged DPS so I try to play that role the best I can. We are always going to get steamrolled when enemies get close, but I don't like to complain about that because its always rock-paper-scissors.


So at this point (lowbie 25 vs. some 50's) I'd say I'm having fun in PVP. I used to play a PvE warrior in WoW (guild needs) and you can imagine how badly I sucked at PVP (made me /ragequit). Again I freely admit I am a terribad player (I button-click, tells you all you need to know). But even so, I don't think my BH is faring too badly. :)

Edited by finkfad
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I actually found my commando to have the easiest time BY FAR of all my classes in PvP (marauder, commando and sorcerer). This is talking mid-30s PvP too. You are pretty much mature by the time you have grav round/tracer missile. You can do 1000ish damage per hit with it easily, fire off a rail shot/high impact bolt and a full auto/unload and you'll do fine. It's such a simple class and it matures very early because of that. Just try to stay out of the thick of things in PvP, that's where you're most comfortable. Some people consider it to be a boring playstyle because of how effective spamming a single button can be, but those are the ropes.
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I'm at 26 right now and have been PVPing with bodyguard and full heals since around lvl 20 and its been working great for me. I sort of try and blend into the background and just pump out my heals. I also try to stay with a few 50s for my own protection and so they can attract most of the attention. I'm at the top for heals a lot in my matches and I've enjoyed PVP thus far. As my tree progresses, I can only imagine it'll get easier and more fun. Good luck!
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I freely admit I have very poor reflexes and don't react well to people beating on me[/b].


If your feeling the adrenalin rush when you get attacked one on one in pvp to the point you can hear your heart pound in your ears and see your hands shake....don't worry....it's just pixel death :)


But seriously....I still really having a tough time when ever I pvp because of this. An adrenalin dump will cause you to have tunnel vision and not focus on anything except what you precieve as the threat...in life and in game.


You won't notice things like....debuffs and specials from your attacker on your bar...little tells from animations that will let you know what they are about to do. You won't notice these things if all your doing is mashing buttons in the hopes something happens.


What I do at least once a day when pvping is just decide that I'm going to die this time. Pick a time when your going up against someone solo if you can and just try and watch whats going on to you in response to being attacked. The first time just watch your cooldowns for once and try and time them so your not hitting the button 6 times in a second....just hit your buttons once.


What you should notice is things will slow down and fights will seem a lot longer. You can position your self to actually take advantage of LOS....remembering to use heals and shields was my first big improvment...stuff that will actually make you a better pvper if you can use the info to live longer.


Excitement in pvp is why I do it...but I constantly have to remind myself it's not personal...I'm not really being attacked and it's supposed to be fun.

Edited by Hadlis
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If your feeling the adrenalin rush when you get attacked one on one in pvp to the point you can hear your heart pound in your ears and see your hands shake....don't worry....it's just pixel death :)


But seriously....I still really having a tough time when ever I pvp because of this. An adrenalin dump will cause you to have tunnel vision and not focus on anything except what you precieve as the threat...in life and in game.


You won't notice things like....debuffs and specials from your attacker on your bar...little tells from animations that will let you know what they are about to do. You won't notice these things if all your doing is mashing buttons in the hopes something happens.


What I do at least once a day when pvping is just decide that I'm going to die this time. Pick a time when your going up against someone solo if you can and just try and watch whats going on to you in response to being attacked. The first time just watch your cooldowns for once and try and time them so your not hitting the button 6 times in a second....just hit your buttons once.


What you should notice is things will slow down and fights will seem a lot longer. You can position your self to actually take advantage of LOS....remembering to use heals and shields was my first big improvment...stuff that will actually make you a better pvper if you can use the info to live longer.


Excitement in pvp is why I do it...but I constantly have to remind myself it's not personal...I'm not really being attacked and it's supposed to be fun.


this phenomena is common in any pvp environment. It is kind of like mountain biking in that you have to do 100's of endo's (end over end flips) before you are considered a pro... in pvp if your mouth goes dry when a fight starts you are 30% more likely to lose. You have to die over and over until you stop caring, then you are "steeled" and you can start looking around for how to kill them.


people talk about Merc turrets and no mobility, i just hunker down and take what they have to dish, if they can take me down before i can take one down then i was going to lose anyway, if you run your dps drops so much you cant win so take your lumps. Obviously if you can LOS them you do but if you are caught out in the open just dish out as much as you can as fast as you can, heat does not mean anything when you are dead.

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God I picked the wrong class, is this playstyle actually fun for anyone? We have no survivability and mediocre damage. What's the point?


To the OP, I felt the same way as you at your level and nothing has changed. I've tried Pyro and Arse and used all the right rotations, left alone I can do "alright" damage but nothing extraordinary and if I'm noticed and targeted I can either die or jet boost, run a few feet away and then die. Take my advice and go Bodyguard spec or reroll to a more useful class.


Disagree about the mediocre damage... I'm an Aresenal Merc and it's rare that I'm not top damage... Granted I do have full Champions gear, but I dish out some sick damage.


I would stick with it and learn the class. Crowd control (controlling the middle) is just as important as a good healer.

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I am lvl 35 PT Shield. To late to spec that obviously but I rolled a Merc in my low 20s and hated it. I liked the PT in your face moves. Once I got the move equivalent to force leap it was on like DK. I am doing fairly well. So well I am getting ground pouned by groups once they notice me running all kinds of interference in Hutt Ball and picking off guys.

Now I am scoring and getting decent medals.


BH PT shields come into their own mid 30s so it seems like you hate your survivability.

I can make a lvl 50 pay for trying to roll me up. Keep your gear as UTD as possible and may do better. And do stay sneaky sneaky so you can mop guys up.

Edited by Sepulta
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God I picked the wrong class, is this playstyle actually fun for anyone? We have no survivability and mediocre damage. What's the point?


To the OP, I felt the same way as you at your level and nothing has changed. I've tried Pyro and Arse and used all the right rotations, left alone I can do "alright" damage but nothing extraordinary and if I'm noticed and targeted I can either die or jet boost, run a few feet away and then die. Take my advice and go Bodyguard spec or reroll to a more useful class.


Your obviously not playing the class right at all... Arsenal - Top DPS charts if you know how to do your job. :rolleyes:


Honestly it all comes down to your play style... You might get rolled with bodyguard and wreck face with arsenal or pyro or could be vice versa. It all comes down to how you play the game..


Whoever posted about basically "understanding" why and how you die will make you a much much better player.^^

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