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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I think its time for me to change my stance on a LFG tool.


I havnt opposed a LFG tool but I definately havnt been a supporter of one either. Having a mostly solo/pvper playstyle, I didnt really care either way. Untill now.


Ive noticed that here in SWTOR most people bypass group content while leveling wich leaves the few people who want to do group content struggling to find groups. Hopelessly spamming /1 trying to find people to group with untill they just simply give up and move on.


It makes me feel bad for these people. All they want to do is enjoy the game and they miss out.


And with server populations seeming to dwindle its making it harder for these folks.*


*Note: I have no hard numbers to confirm or deny server populations nor am I implying in any way that SWTOR is dying. Just my own observation and personal opinion.


I say give them a legitimate LFG tool that will make thier MMO life a little easier if they so choose to use it.


So for the record: I am in full support of a functional LFG tool and I hereby officially request such a tool.


please dont hate me :(


:sy_lightside: 250 light side :D 149 affection :o 50 social points


Wow... here's someone who cares about other people's concerns even if they don't personally effect his playing experience. I guess empathy does exist in the MMO world. Bravo... Bioware, give this guy an instant social level ding and some "you give a damn about other people commendations" to trade for loot lol. He just earned it.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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There's ways to accomodate everything with a LFG system. At first I was opposed to having one at all, a gated community seemed ideal. But then when you look at factors like off-peak hours and play times, low population servers and having to deal with headaches trying to get everyone together, it boils down to one thing.


A LFG system IS needed. Now, many people will QQ because they believe it will be forced upon them, so let's make it easy.


You have one of THREE options.


1. Don't use it at all.


2. Use the LFG system, but check the option to make it same-server only.


3. Use the LFG sytem to its fullest potential, and use the cross-server feature.



And to all the stubborn piles of sith that cannot accept change and threaten to unsub if the system is implemented:


You are the weakest link, goodbye.

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I personally am against a cross server LFD...


1. I would like to see how our community takes to a server-side LFD first.


2. If the server side LFD works well, maybe consider cross server LFD, HOWEVER, I want the option to tick 'server only' on said LFD tool if it were to go cross server.


WoW had cross server and when that hit it all became 'go go go go' ...


Rift changed to cross server after having it's normal LFD tool out for a while and again, it turned into the 'go go go' crap I saw in WoW.


I met some of the best players, and made more lasting friendships in game with server-side LFD than cross server. There was more of a sense of community and you did get to recognize people and their guilds better with server only LFD. It actually strengthened the community rather than weakening it.


I think some of you that have been hooked on the cross faction LFD tool really need to step back a bit and realize it can do bad things to a strong community, and is likely to weaken a weak one even more. I think a pure server only one will strengthen, not weaken, our community.

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I personally am against a cross server LFD...


1. I would like to see how our community takes to a server-side LFD first.


2. If the server side LFD works well, maybe consider cross server LFD, HOWEVER, I want the option to tick 'server only' on said LFD tool if it were to go cross server.


WoW had cross server and when that hit it all became 'go go go go' ...


Rift changed to cross server after having it's normal LFD tool out for a while and again, it turned into the 'go go go' crap I saw in WoW.


I met some of the best players, and made more lasting friendships in game with server-side LFD than cross server. There was more of a sense of community and you did get to recognize people and their guilds better with server only LFD. It actually strengthened the community rather than weakening it.


I think some of you that have been hooked on the cross faction LFD tool really need to step back a bit and realize it can do bad things to a strong community, and is likely to weaken a weak one even more. I think a pure server only one will strengthen, not weaken, our community.


I am here to play a game not get all buddy buddy with people. Screw the community i play for myself.

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I just really wish people would stop perpetrating the rumor that cross-server LFD had anything to do with the collapse of communities. Communities suck because people are jerks, want proof?






That was from a minute long search..

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just wanted to say that im all for a DIFFERENT and BETTER LFG system that the LFG comment that you can set.


because of how long it takes to find groups for heroics, flashpoints, and operations.. besides the black talon one, which took 30 minutes or so to find a group for that a couple weeks back, i havent done a single heroic/flashpoint/operation.


there is plenty of content to lvl your way to 50 just by missions doing solo play.. so until i find a guild, or until we get some sort of good tool to find PUGS to group up.. i and lots of others wont even attempt to waste time spamming for a group.


ive said this in general chat a few times and i was initially suprised at how many people thought exactly the same way.. they didnt waste their time looking for groups either...

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The reasonable amount of time would pass without a doubt, unless i contact people i already know, friends, guildies, and they contact their friends. But for that, they need to be online, available, etc.

The chances of getting a full FP group together through General while there is a LFG system (which is more convenient and wouldn't just reach out to people in whatever area you're in) is so silly you might as well just use the tool.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to my response Psychode. Ok I believe I understand what you are trying to say, that it retracts a lot of players from the pool of eligible players to grab from. At first it only grabs those who have no desire to be patient and wait and then a chain reaction occurs where more inclined to wait players have less people to grab them and eventually nobody could be bothered to wait around for hours on end to form a pug since everyone is using a more efficient tool.


Here's my issue with that, you're complaining that it takes too long to form a group internally cause the majority of eligible players aren't available to you anymore. It's not impossible to find a group, I've witnessed groups being formed and done so myself, the issue is the length of time it takes to form them. Well that feeling is EXACTLY how the rest of us have felt when trying to form a group under current conditions, so how can hinge your argument on against the X-LFD on the basis of the exact same reasons we need a X-LFD?


What I think personally we need is a dual tool, an X-LFD plus an advanced intergrated internal tool. I'll have to ponder on it.

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Off-topic: If I never play another Huttball match I will be a happy player. They now need cross-server Warzones and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in (in this case I would only ever choose Alderaan because that is my favorite and with cross-server I would get a decent queue for Alderaan). /end off-topic rant


Still haven't played a Flashpoint. And it even seemed like there were less LFG spam in the station today. People bored of doing that now? Would love to see Bioware's metrics on what percentage of people play and/or finish Flashpoints.

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I do not support a looking for group/dungeon tool. After playing WoW for the last six years and seeing how the community collapsed considerably after the LFG system was introduced, I have a very strong opinion on this matter.


Pre-LFG WoW was a great place to be. You chose a good server, started playing, and quickly teamed up with people who wanted to accomplish the same things as you. Of course there were jerks in the game, but they were few and far between. More people were too concerned with the group breaking up and having to look again than to criticize every little thing somebody does. There was always one or two bad seeds, but as was said before, you learn not to group with that person, as many other people did.


The server I was on before LFG was Smolderthorn, and it was a great server with one of the top US guilds on it. It was heavily populated. Even with all the people on the server, almost everyone knew who to group with and who not to group with. How, you ask, could so many people know this? Community. People talked, and more importantly, people listened. What Bioware is doing is not limiting your gaming experience, they're shifting the mmorpg focus back to a strong principle that WoW threw away: Community. It gives the game an incredibly personal feel, something that WoW has tried to compensate for by throwing shiny things at you and hoping it satisfies. I haven't loved the game like I used to since they introduced dungeon finder and badge (now valor points) gear.


I would like to address a prominent counter argument as well, which is LFG doesn't kill communities, people kill communities. This argument is flawed in the sense that the LFG augments a persons rational thought as far as what they can and can't get away with. With LFG, typically nice people turn into pretentious jerks because they know full well that there are no repercussions for chastising somebody in a randomly generated group from a cross-server population. Anybody who argues that "90% of all the groups I get in WoW are full of nice people" are blind. As I've been playing and grouping using the LFG system the last four or so years, the probability of getting into a group with someone who isn't a huge tool has dropped significantly. Raid finder has perpetuated this almost to the point of exhaustion. It's hard to fathom getting into a group with people who are helpful, calm and even tempered.


Another argument I've seen commonly is "I don't play at pique times, I can't find anybody to group with, give me LFG." This is a better argument than the first, but still the answer is in the complaint. You don't play at pique times? Then you can change to a server where YOUR pique time is the server's pique time. Don't want to change servers? Then you are perpetuating your own anger by being stubborn/ignorant to a viable solution. Why change one of the fundamental principles of an mmo (a strong, tight-knit community) just because YOU can't do what you want, when you want to do it? That's just childish.


There is no easy solution to the problem at hand, which is not being able to find groups for the things you want to do. Was it easy to do in WoW? No. But what did you have to do in order to accomplish dungeons/group quests and such? You had to make friends, find people you liked to group with, and stick with them. They grouped with you to do a dungeon, you grouped with them to do something, it was a give and take that made the game come alive. It's a hollow shell of what it used to be, and the people who weren't there at the time just can't comment on it.


I support BioWare for not giving in and implementing lfg. They understand what keeps a community together and how to keep that community together, by having them work towards a common goal. You become familiar with people, and they become familiar with you. When everybody starts working together instead of fretting and being abhorrently selfish, you'll see the game become what I'm sure they intended it to be. Too many people are comparing it to WoW, a game that has fundamentally broken itself by appeasing to too many audiences at one time. The product is still excellent, but it's not the same product that many of us fell in love with.


Maybe I'm just dreaming though, and people can't work together anymore. Perhaps building a community based around the gamers of today is just a foolish notion. It's all "gimme gimme" and not enough "How can I make this work, so I can do what I want to do."


tl,dr: You're lazy and part of the problem. Read it.

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I do not support a looking for group/dungeon tool. After playing WoW for the last six years and seeing how the community collapsed considerably after the LFG system was introduced, I have a very strong opinion on this matter.

Rhetroic. Me and an increasing number of others are asking you to substantiate your claims since our enjoyment of the game depends on the addition of something you so strongly protest. The gauntlet has been thrown down and we are still waiting for someone to pick it up.

Pre-LFG WoW was a great place to be. You chose a good server, started playing, and quickly teamed up with people who wanted to accomplish the same things as you. Of course there were jerks in the game, but they were few and far between. More people were too concerned with the group breaking up and having to look again than to criticize every little thing somebody does. There was always one or two bad seeds, but as was said before, you learn not to group with that person, as many other people did.


I find that funny because the only time I've had something ninja'ed from me is prior to the X-LFD. I've seen my share of groups where there was a vocal ******e like a tank and nobody would quit or defend the person being assaulted for fear of the group ending cause of how long it takes to reform without a tank. Unless someone really screws up you can't get blacklisted in these MMORPG's anymore. A guy was screaming in /fleet that a guy rolled need for his companions and that was a ninja and what not, the fleet told him to bugger off and people put him on ignore instead of the thief.

The server I was on before LFG was Smolderthorn, and it was a great server with one of the top US guilds on it. It was heavily populated. Even with all the people on the server, almost everyone knew who to group with and who not to group with. How, you ask, could so many people know this? Community. People talked, and more importantly, people listened. What Bioware is doing is not limiting your gaming experience, they're shifting the mmorpg focus back to a strong principle that WoW threw away: Community. It gives the game an incredibly personal feel, something that WoW has tried to compensate for by throwing shiny things at you and hoping it satisfies. I haven't loved the game like I used to since they introduced dungeon finder and badge (now valor points) gear.


Here is the problem with making a specific claim, someone can call you on it. Smolderthorn was and is to this day my home server. The reason why Smolderthorn fell apart is because lag couldn't be stabalized after an expansion and all the guilds transferred off. The server fell into dark disarray and became known as "smolderfail". The server only grew again AFTER the x-LFD made grouping possible. Shot yourself in the foot didn't you there?


"90% of all the groups I get in WoW are full of nice people" are blind.

Yeah you're right, it's about 95-98%


Another argument I've seen commonly is "I don't play at pique times, I can't find anybody to group with, give me LFG." This is a better argument than the first, but still the answer is in the complaint. You don't play at pique times? Then you can change to a server where YOUR pique time is the server's pique time. Don't want to change servers? Then you are perpetuating your own anger by being stubborn/ignorant to a viable solution. Why change one of the fundamental principles of an mmo (a strong, tight-knit community) just because YOU can't do what you want, when you want to do it? That's just childish.

Why are you using the word pique? It doesn't mean what you think it does. Your solution is change servers? I'm not even going to respond to that.


There is no easy solution to the problem at hand, which is not being able to find groups for the things you want to do. Was it easy to do in WoW? No. But what did you have to do in order to accomplish dungeons/group quests and such? You had to make friends, find people you liked to group with, and stick with them. They grouped with you to do a dungeon, you grouped with them to do something, it was a give and take that made the game come alive. It's a hollow shell of what it used to be, and the people who weren't there at the time just can't comment on it.


In every point you make you sneak in that WoW is bad for X,Z,Y followed by rose coloured glasses point X,Z,Y.


I support BioWare for not giving in and implementing lfg.


This is the part I find the most confusing, Biowares releases a game early to meet their holiday deadline and were unable to include a lot of in-game stuff that they plan too. They say they aren't sure about how good a x-LFD is for the community but they are just buying time to get their dungeon data. They are already scrambling for a better working LFD cause the old model does not work.


Perhaps building a community based around the gamers of today is just a foolish notion.

I'm sorry to tell you this but you are the decreasing minority of gamers. No longer do we have to play these games for more then 10+ hours a week if we wish to advance, I have a family, job, and ...a freaking life outside of a video game.

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I play a game just for the sake of playing it, not to befriend every single virtual pixel I play with. If I were to socialize, then I just go out with my real life friends, the people I see their faces and share good times with.
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I support BioWare for not giving in and implementing lfg.


This is the part I find the most confusing, Biowares releases a game early to meet their holiday deadline and were unable to include a lot of in-game stuff that they plan too. They say they aren't sure about how good a x-LFD is for the community but they are just buying time to get their dungeon data. They are already scrambling for a better working LFD cause the old model does not work.


This part frustrates me the most. People like Trik use this as some sign of support from Bioware. Like you said Touch, the only reason the tool is so bad today is because they had to release the game at some point. Perhaps Bioware doesn't want the exact tool that WoW has (I hope that they do and wish they had launched with it), but just because it's not there doesn't mean they support a certain gameplay style.


Perhaps building a community based around the gamers of today is just a foolish notion.


I'm sorry to tell you this but you are the decreasing minority of gamers. No longer do we have to play these games for more then 10+ hours a week if we wish to advance, I have a family, job, and ...a freaking life outside of a video game.


Agreed. I don't even have a life and play WAY too much and I still want a tool to help me play more efficiently and to have fun. I know, having fun is a sin, but it's what I like to do.

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Sometimes I'm just really amazed at these crazy zealous claims about "tight knit community" ina video game... I've been playing MMOs for 10 years, and I don't see anything like what you claim an MMO community is. In fact, I think if this group of people in a video game with you is really so important in your life that you call them your community, there is something really lacking in your life that you have such an unhealthy, clingy attachment to people you meet in a game. This is just a game, and interactions SHOULD be simple and shallow, enough to be just FUN. If you're looking to belong to a close group of people, get out of your house and join some kind of social group or a church or something lol.


The rest of us are just looking to play a game, and yeah we want to play it with other people, many of us want to be good sports and have friendly interactions too, but that doesn't mean we have to form such a deep emotional attachment to the people we play with, the environment or the "community"... we don't, because we have a normal, realistic, healthy perspective that this is just a game, and these are just people we interact with in a game on a shallow level... and that's fine and fun. You people with your attachments to this idea of community seem like you're clinging to the only thing you have in life, like it's way to important to you to be normal... it seems bordering on insane sometimes lol.


I just want to get into a game, quickly form a team and play and have fun with people.


What I don't want is to form a close social group, a "community", to make best friends, to form attachments and emotional connections with people... I'm not here to find my soul mate lol.


I play a game just for the sake of playing it, not to befriend every single virtual pixel I play with. If I were to socialize, then I just go out with my real life friends, the people I see their faces and share good times with.


Exactly. Maybe these people just don't understand the enjoyment of keeping things simple with other people in life, they have to be downers by making everything into something unnecessarily deep and important, into such a big damn deal. Or maybe they're just lonely and desperate for friends. It doesn't seem healthy that friendships made in a game are so important to them.


Yeah I want to have friendly interactions with people I play with, I even make some in game friends... but our interaction is just through the game and it doens't have to be so damned deep

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This is the exact type of ignorant crap that ruins the game and community. I don't understand how people can arrive at their self worth through a video game, it's just mind blowing. I've had very man pleasant groups in WoW with the LFD finder, in fact 95% have been great experiences. If you don't believe me, you'd be hard pressed to find a real reason why people keep running them over and over again if they are such miserable experiences.


LFD in wow was brilliant at start , untill they made it crossserver then the word ninjalooter became a whole different meaning in that game ><,

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Funny, you know, what these WoW players keep calling "community" just sounds like a bunch of gossiping, labeling, blacklisting, elitism, talking behind people's backs, and drama to me.


Before X-LFD + LFR you needed gear that was better then what dropped in the instance in some of your slots before you were allowed to run most instances/raids at max level. Yean that strong, compassionate community again! It was only once the x-LFD opened up chunks of people got the opportunity to do higher level instances.

Edited by Touchbass
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Before X-LFD + LFR you needed gear that was better then what dropped in the instance in some of your slots before you were allowed to run most instances/raids at max level. Yean that strong, comparing community again! It was only once the x-LFD opened up chunks of people got the opportunity to do higher level instances.


Yep *********** gearscore. The bane of...well everyone. Especially casuals like me. LFD/LFR got rid of that for a LOT of players.

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Maybe the reason why some of you have had such bad experiences in groups is because you go into them with such negative attitudes, defensive mindsets, treating everyone like they're out to steal from you and stab you in the back... Such a paranoid mindset isn't very conducive to friendly interactions, to fun shared experiences, and certainly doesn't make people want to be part of a "community" with you.


I see a bunch of very vocal and uptight individuals, with a mindset that everyone else MUST play your way because you don't like them playing the way they have fun with; you call everyone lazy for wanting to play a different way from you... Maybe YOU, with all these negative attitudes, are the reason you're not having good interactions... maybe it's not everyone else, hm? If you project negative energy and paranoia, that's what will come back to you from others.


I've teamed with people in alot of MMOs, very often with strangers I would meet on the spot, and I haven't had many bad experiences with people at all, sure a few jerks, but not many at all considering I've played various MMO games for 10 years.


It's funny, so many people who are preaching about "community" and about socializing are displaying some of the most paranoid, antisocial behavior -- they're showing some of the most narrow-minded, self-centered mindsets, giving some of the most aggressive opposition to other people's wishes (which have no impact on your playing experience, because if you don't like the tool you don't have to use it.)


You are insistent on other people playing your way, you try to crush others' freedom of choice, you show no empathy... who the hell would want to be part of a "community" with people like you? Who would want to be your friend? I don't want to be friends with someone who tries to keep me from having fun my way and tries to impose his views on me.


Yes, the more I analyze the behavior of you anti-LFG "community" preachers, the more I am convinced that any problems you had with people you teamed with were the result of your own negative attitudes and your own antisocial, bordering on fascist, behavior.

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.."community" = drama...


I'm most of the way convinced that a large portion of the anti-lfd crowd have memories of themselves at the pinnacle of some vaguely perceived hierarchy where they could dictate who got groups and who didn't. At best, its entirely delusional - this goes well beyond rose colored glasses.

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I find that funny because the only time I've had something ninja'ed from me is prior to the X-LFD. I've seen my share of groups where there was a vocal ******e like a tank and nobody would quit or defend the person being assaulted for fear of the group ending cause of how long it takes to reform without a tank. Unless someone really screws up you can't get blacklisted in these MMORPG's anymore. A guy was screaming in /fleet that a guy rolled need for his companions and that was a ninja and what not, the fleet told him to bugger off and people put him on ignore instead of the thief.


You don't think that it's a bad thing, that the person who was trying to warn people of a ninja/jerk is the one that is "blacklisted"? How does that make ANY sense? You're empowering the people who turn good games into bad games by turning a blind eye.


Here is the problem with making a specific claim, someone can call you on it. Smolderthorn was and is to this day my home server. The reason why Smolderthorn fell apart is because lag couldn't be stabalized after an expansion and all the guilds transferred off. The server fell into dark disarray and became known as "smolderfail". The server only grew again AFTER the x-LFD made grouping possible. Shot yourself in the foot didn't you there?


If you were on Smolderthorn as I was, it started dying when NA, Dies Irae and the only good alliance guild fell apart and the rest of their players bailed. Lag was an issue, yes, but it was certainly not the only reason people left the server. I didn't leave smolderthorn until this past xpac was released, and it was still awful. LFD did not help Smolderthorn, what helped Smolderthorn was free xfers. What guilds were you in? (This is not important in the conversation, I'm just curious)


Also, don't try to invalidate my opinion by discrediting me. That's not how arguing/debating works... unless we're in politics.


Yeah you're right, it's about 95-98%


We're both using percentages that don't exist. It's my experience vs yours, and it will of course not be the same.


Why are you using the word pique? It doesn't mean what you think it does. Your solution is change servers? I'm not even going to respond to that.


I want to hear your rationale for NOT server transferring to make things easier for yourself, instead of complaining. Or, in fact, I want to hear about why you started a character on a server, knowing that you won't be able to play on that server during peak times. I'm not saying YOU did this specifically, but there has to be some sort of justification to it if there are many people complaining about it.



In every point you make you sneak in that WoW is bad for X,Z,Y followed by rose coloured glasses point X,Z,Y.


Again, it's how I experienced the game vs how you have experienced the game. And in the end, it's how we want THIS game to be, which is up to neither your or me but the devs. The obvious comparison of this game is to WoW, which I have done. Argue my points, not me.



This is the part I find the most confusing, Biowares releases a game early to meet their holiday deadline and were unable to include a lot of in-game stuff that they plan too. They say they aren't sure about how good a x-LFD is for the community but they are just buying time to get their dungeon data. They are already scrambling for a better working LFD cause the old model does not work.


You're right, they did push out the game before it was truly finished. And I hope they don't release a LFD tool. Until they do, I will say that they have done the right thing.


I'm sorry to tell you this but you are the decreasing minority of gamers. No longer do we have to play these games for more then 10+ hours a week if we wish to advance, I have a family, job, and ...a freaking life outside of a video game.


Listen, I understand that everybody has their own life and can only spend a certain amount of time playing games. I'm honestly only lvl 25, even though I've been playing since launch. I don't have that much time to play unfortunately, due to the fact that I have a real life. I play this game as a casual, and I still stand by the things that I have said. If playing a game takes too much time from your life, then don't play it, it's that easy. Saying "Hey, change this, so that it takes ME less time, regardless of the effects on overall game health", is incredibly selfish.


And please remember to debate the points that I make and not to question the integrity of my opinions.

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LFD in wow was brilliant at start , untill they made it crossserver then the word ninjalooter became a whole different meaning in that game ><,



Hellow again :D


The word ninja isn't being used in it's correct text here, actually, it's not being used correctly anywhere. You cannot ninja something in WoW, to be a 'ninja' you have to roll need on something you don't plan to use. WoW has put in a system to prevent people from doing that, albeit you could technically 'ninja' something in the lower leveling dungeons but that is for a few reasons which I won't get into.


If someone decides to roll on an off spec piece, they have the right too. Too many tanks get geared this way due to the amount of pressure and criticism put on them by other players. How else would you expect tanks to complete the leveling dungeons --> heroic dungeon gap without rolling as off spec? In the majority of cases if you speak to people about your rolling intentions you can solve the majority of the issues.

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Before X-LFD + LFR you needed gear that was better then what dropped in the instance in some of your slots before you were allowed to run most instances/raids at max level. Yean that strong, compassionate community again! It was only once the x-LFD opened up chunks of people got the opportunity to do higher level instances.


I'm seeing behavior like this now in TOR... I'm at a point now, I've been level 50 about a week and an half, I'm equipped with daily mission plating.. And now I'm seeing that many of the elitists don't want to let people into HMs unless they're already wearing tionese or columni or pvp gear. It's like those entry level jobs that won't hire you unless you have 4 years of experience lol. Even with level 51 plating from daily missions slotted in my orange gear, I don't get let in on these "leet" teams that are all geared up in raid gear.


At least with an LFG tool I would be more likely to get a team together with people looking to run HMs and are at the same level of gear acquisition as me. Instead of being left out by people who were level 50 a week after the game came out and have all the best gear now already and think they're better than everyone else, and refuse to let the new level 50 guys get their chance to gear up too.


I don't even know why they're running HMs anymore if they have all the gear they expect me to have (unless they're getting stuff for companions or something). If I DID have it all already, I don't think I would do it anymore, except to help a friend or whatever.

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I'm seeing behavior like this now in TOR... I'm at a point now, I've been level 50 about a week and an half, I'm equipped with dialy mission plating.. And now I'm seeing that many of the elitists don't want to let people into HMs unless they're already wearing tionese or columni or pvp gear. It's like those entry level jobs that won't hire you unless you have 4 years of experience lol. Even with level 51 plating from daily missions slotted in my orange gear, I don't get let in on these "leet" teams that are all geared up in raid gear.


At least with an LFG tool I would be more likely to get a team together with people looking to run HMs and are at the same level of gear acquisition as me. Instead of being left out by people who were level 50 a week after the game came out and have all the best gear now already and think they're better than everyone else, and refuse to let the new level 50 guys get his chance to gear up too.


I don't even know why they're running HMs anymore if they have all the gear they expect me to have (unless they're getting stuff for companions or something). If I DID have it all already, I don't think I would do it anymore, except to help a friend or whatever.


..You're trying to do hard modes with daily gear? Isn't it meeant to go

daily gear>levle 50 FP gear > Heroic FP gear > Raid gear > HM raid gear?

Edited by acheros
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