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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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I personally am getting more than 30 fps in SWTOR in an almost 4 year old PC.


The issue sounds like it's on your end.


Is SWTOR the best optimized piece of software out there on the planet? Not even close. I freely admit that. But for people complaining about 5 and 10 FPS...you need to look to your own house first, because you're the rare exception, not the norm.


Tell that to the people in customer service section in the "Horrid FPS" thread which have about 1500 pages of posts with people reporting same issue (and keep in mind that it's only 1 thread, in 1 language), with wide hardware selection from phenoms to i5/i7's with all kind of GPU's including 560 ti's etc.


There was even Dev's responses that they are "working on it", who are you trying to fool?

Edited by Kelcior
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The lack of a lfg tool right now is the one that bugs me the most. Actually, the entire philosophy toward player interaction needs work. Making both pve and pvp difficult and time consuming for those who do not wish to join a guild is a horrible (and horribly common) mmo mistake. It won't make us join guilds and it will make us play less often and leave the game sooner.
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Tell that to the people in customer service section in the "Horrid FPS" thread which have about 1500 pages of posts with people reporting same issue (and keep in mind that it's only 1 thread, in 1 language), with wide hardware selection from phenoms to i5/i7's with all kind of GPU's including 560 ti's etc.

Some people behave ignorant. Or even judge without wisdom.

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Because we bought the game and are riding out the free month?


What kind of question is that. Whats wrong with voicing your opinions about a game that obviously still needs a lot of work?.


He's entitled to his opinion, but unless he's offering something constructive he's just another forum whiner saying 'zomg this sucks, i quit'

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This post made me realize...


Swtor looks worse than most current-gen console ports... YET has worse performance.


I have yet to have any performance degradation or crash/blue screen/freeze with this game.


If Bioware wanted the game to look modern, they would have done such. I'm not saying that the game looks amazing, just stating its what they wanted it to look like. ;)

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1. Eu maintenance times.

2. Ability lag (Big one)

3. Rediculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.

4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.

5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?

6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.

8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.

9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.

10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.

11. Theres more really but im not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.

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The lack of a lfg tool right now is the one that bugs me the most. Actually, the entire philosophy toward player interaction needs work. Making both pve and pvp difficult and time consuming for those who do not wish to join a guild is a horrible (and horribly common) mmo mistake. It won't make us join guilds and it will make us play less often and leave the game sooner.


Then an MMO is not for you.


Paying for the game and winning are two concepts that should NEVER join hands.


You think I'm crazy but in 50 years when you rocking in your rocker you will have no stories to tell of the difficult days.


I kid but if you can see the truth behind such satire you get a cookie.

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Tell that to the people in customer service section in the "Horrid FPS" thread which have about 1500 pages of posts with people reporting same issue (and keep in mind that it's only 1 thread, in 1 language), with wide hardware selection from phenoms to i5/i7's with all kind of GPU's including 560 ti's etc.


I"m on a core duo e8400, w7/64 with 4 gigs of ram and a 460gtx with no ssd and I'm doing just fine. Just because you've got the hardware doesn't mean you know how to use it...

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Most of the things that bugs me are there simply becouse it's soon after release and they will get fixed. But being the story/lore guy I think Bioware was talking a lot about capturing iconic moments, but in the end they went only for the heroic ones and being heroic 24/7 might get a bit tyring.

I lack moments like these


Everything in the games feel a bit cramped and you can't walk ten metters without some native monster trying to kill you, which kinda makes me not want to explore planets. TOR might be first MMO where i didn't find single moment, when I wanted to stop, look around and enjoy being part of the world. Even the old SWG for all it's flawes had them and I'm one of the guys who made fun of SWG vets pre-release. But I guess lot of people wouldn't care about such things, since staring at the sunset isn't going to make sun drop epic gear, although they might add achievment for this later on. Speaking about sunsets I really miss day/night cycles.

Edited by Karai
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Everything maxed, 60+ constantly.


Reflections off my armor, game is gorgeous, well if you have a good computer that is. It is rough on slower machines but that will catch up in time.


Gotta love people confusing hardware limitations with bad graphics though. Silly noobs.




So true this runs great on my machine and looks wonderful to boot.....ppl who dont understand why computers dont run well shouldnt talk and or complain about them

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1. Eu maintenance times.


Given me a time where everyone on the planet sleeps who is not Assie North and south American and EU. Someone is going to be screwed it just happens to be you.


2. Ability lag (Big one)


Yeah it sucks, can't argue


3. Ridiculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.


So is WoW, tell me when they fix the Mage blink bug that's been in game since day 1 and we will talk about bugs.


4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.


Again can't argue but half your points are lacking thus far for the record.


5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?


While I can't blame you for this point I feel the need to point out do you think they intend to keep it that way or see what they can add to it as we go?


I still agree with you but is waiting that bad?


6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

These things are nice but do not an mmo make. Some MMO's have only half these things and do fine. I Cite EvE. Toys are fun but if a bare bones system works and works well it works.


Doesn't mean I'm not advocating change but this is a taste thing not a failure on the creators part.


7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.


Do you watch cartoons at all? Spongebob is really rocking out hi-def CG these days I hear....


Not like his audience has shrunk considering 'omg graphics'.

On that topic his show is also linair and the plot resets ever week like Operations/Raids....




8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.


Or maybe there are too many negative threads? WoW's method of dealing with them was to have CM's cleverly disarm stupid people or send Ghostcrawler to troll back.


Frankly I'm completely fine with those in authority here going 'Yeah your stupid' To themselves as they delete the thread.


Comes out the same if you ask me.


9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.


Again there are mmo's without them.


10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.


No you have to list them to be valid buddy. You do not get off that easy.


11. There's more really but I'm not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.

If they know you don't need to tell us or them. At this point your being impatient and ranting. I'll grant you every customer needs to do now and again as long as they understand they are ranting to let off steam and not expected to be taken at that face value.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.


Just because a game is free to play doesn't make it bad. D&D Online would like a word.


So in short you know a bit but have no grasp on the reality of it.


Call me a white knight if you like but I just don't care. Its called being Pragmatic.... look it up.

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BF3, Skyrim capped at 60fps @ 1680x1050 with high settings, also with the overclock i'm on pair with stock non OC'd 560's performance wise (not Ti).


Try again.

your whole system is the problem looking at your sig, old, outdated tec.

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Tell that to the people in customer service section in the "Horrid FPS" thread which have about 1500 pages of posts with people reporting same issue (and keep in mind that it's only 1 thread, in 1 language), with wide hardware selection from phenoms to i5/i7's with all kind of GPU's including 560 ti's etc.


There was even Dev's responses that they are "working on it", who are you trying to fool?




1500 WHOLE pages?


And how many boxes were sold? Something near 2 million?


You do the math and figure out the percentages.


And the fact that it IS a wide selection of hardware configurations having the problem should TELL you that the problems tend to be LOCAL. For example, crossfired 4890's is, in theory, giving me roughly the same performace as a single 5870. People with 5870's complain that they barely run the game. I, on the other hand, never drop below 40 fps.


That SHOULD tell you something.


I'm not saying you're NOT having problems. I'm saying that a big chunk of them are on your end somewhere. And I'm also saying that overclocking DOES NOT give you the same real world performance as hardware designed to run at those speeds, regardless of what the benchmarks say. Which is why I never overclock and just bite the bullet and pay for better hardware.

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Can't pick just one. Too many.


- Airlocks and excessive, unnecessary walking. Why must I zone 4 times to land on a planet?


- Bugs everywhere. I mean, 'no way to exist instance' and 'mobs constantly reset' and 'story crippling can not advance parts of the game' type bugs. The type that should not make it to release


- Crew Skills a time sink and mostly useless


- Massive balance problems requiring major nerfs to many skills with in two weeks of launch. I understand if you have to make a 10-20% adjustment to something, but if you are having to make 71% adjustments in the first week, you screwed up designing your game to begin with (and yes, I agree the nerf was needed)


- Imbalances in the quality of Empire and Republic side content. Having played both side its obvious to me that the Republic side was never balanced and is much more unfinished. Numerical differences in abilities for mirror classes in crafting and combat between the two sides baffle me.


- Poorly designed PVP - Ilum is a mistake that should have never happened is actually going to get worse with their 'fix'


- Terrible graphics. Pre-2005 quality textures

Edited by Bluejayoo
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1500 WHOLE pages?


And how many boxes were sold? Something near 2 million?


You do the math and figure out the percentages.


And the fact that it IS a wide selection of hardware configurations having the problem should TELL you that the problems tend to be LOCAL. For example, crossfired 4890's is, in theory, giving me roughly the same performace as a single 5870. People with 5870's complain that they barely run the game. I, on the other hand, never drop below 40 fps.


That SHOULD tell you something.


I'm not saying you're NOT having problems. I'm saying that a big chunk of them are on your end somewhere. And I'm also saying that overclocking DOES NOT give you the same real world performance as hardware designed to run at those speeds, regardless of what the benchmarks say. Which is why I never overclock and just bite the bullet and pay for better hardware.


Also there is the right way to overclock and the wrong way

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<1 gig memory on card makes it a dinosaur.


Try again.


If <1 Gig memory makes his card a dinosaur, what does releasing as a DX9 game without AA, only 8x AF, med-res textures, and a terrible shadows implementation and still requiring a high-end system to run smoothly make TOR?


Stop looking at Tomshardware rankings of graphics cards and correlating them with release-dates on games. Just because TOR is a new game doesn't mean that, given its level of graphics quality, it shouldn't run almost perfectly on any system with multiple cores and a DX9.0 graphics card. The graphics just aren't good enough to justify lagging on any system that meets the minimum requirements.


There are people with far worse systems than his who claim to be having no issues at all. There are people with systems that would eat almost any other system alive who are having issues. Stop blaming the player for Bioware's failings. The fact that Bioware left out hi-res textures on character models because, in their own words, it lags out clients when they get multiple characters in the same area, is all you need to know to explain how primitive TOR's engine really is. That's a problem MMO's had figured out 6 or 7 years ago.

Edited by Mannic
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