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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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I have another worst thing to add...


This patch.


The worst thing about TOR?


I'd have to say the whiners like the OP. Nothing constructive ever offered...just whining morning, noon and night. A lot will depart in the next few days taking their tales of 'TOR's Doom' along with them. No loss in population quality, just a slight dip in numbers :)


Everyone is entitled to an opinion and that's my one I guess.


Good luck in your next game to the OP. Sincere thanks for the smiles your threads have always given me.

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Have fun in swtor (no seriously, not being sarcastic cause it probably sounds that way).


Ah thanks mate.


If they added sandbox elements and/or Space pvp like in SWG i'd be hooked for life. As it is I'm here enjoying the storylines and making new friends ingame. Game isn't perfect but I need months before I can judge the experience properly.


For now, am loving logging in and playing. Again, hoping space gets some serious love asap!

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So I guess this is the officiall rage thread?


Its quite nice of bioware to lump these all into one consolidated thread so that it doesnt look like many people are having an issue. But the truth is, almost every single person i have talked to in game has admited to having gamebreaking bugs present on their system. So its not just "ohh your rig sucks" its a problem with ****** coding.


Seriously doing a lot of people dirty by shipping the game with this many gaping problems in the code. And add to that there are many seriously necessary portions of the game missing like guild banks and their "legacy system" and the galactic trade network UI needs a complete overhaul. Nothing works like it says. And everytime I say something about it, people are like ooooo mmo launch without bugs is unheard of.... ohhh how nice of you to sugar coat it for the fanboys. Launching an mmo without bugs is unheard of, but the rate at which they are dealing with the bugs is at an apauling rate. Its been one month and they have not tackled a small portion of the problems that people are having issues playing the game.

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Worst thing about SWTOR?


Too me it would be the whiny *** *****es complaining ALL the time and that still hang around even though they say they canceled their sub.


That is the WORST thing.


Any other actual thing with the game I believe will be fixed and polished over time.

No MMO has been flawless from start.


Stop being spoiled WoW kids that doesn't realize that ,that game was a mess for a while before it picked up.


Go play Kung-fu panda that was specifically made for the Chinese market, hence ignoring the western market.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!

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The forums.


The game plays great, few bugs aside. You guys really are making a huge deal out of nothing. I don't know how I can go through this game with friends on vent and enjoy it and whenever I take a glance at the forums, its kids crying because things aren't just the way they want it. Hopefully they'll leave soon.

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well we want to play a fun game, and we are looking to swtor to deliver. When the expectations are not met people get angry. But when you call the game out for bugs and glitches that isnt ************. Quit being a suckup and realize that bioware is being a lazy developer by stalling the bug fixes they have been promising us for over a month. Open your eyes to the problem before it bites you in the ***. If you think that rift had this many issues 1+ month into the game you are wrong. They did a much better job of managing their release and fixing all the bugs as they came up. You can and will think whatever you want, just try and base it somewhere close to reality.
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Worst thing about SWTOR?


Too me it would be the whiny *** *****es complaining ALL the time and that still hang around even though they say they canceled their sub.


That is the WORST thing.


Any other actual thing with the game I believe will be fixed and polished over time.

No MMO has been flawless from start.


Stop being spoiled WoW kids that doesn't realize that ,that game was a mess for a while before it picked up.


Go play Kung-fu panda that was specifically made for the Chinese market, hence ignoring the western market.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!


You sound really angry, relax man.


What's your worst / least favourite thing in game?

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The forums.


The game plays great, few bugs aside. You guys really are making a huge deal out of nothing. I don't know how I can go through this game with friends on vent and enjoy it and whenever I take a glance at the forums, its kids crying because things aren't just the way they want it. Hopefully they'll leave soon.


How does this game play great exactly? Not trying to troll, but almost everything it does is riddled with bugs / bad engine optimizations.

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