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Pulling a player with the huttball should not be allowed.


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You realize just removing it from a ball carrier only accomplishes one thing:


Instead of pulling you when you have the ball, you just pass him the ball and he pulls you up right afterwards... Both players are still in the same spot, the only difference is a different player has the ball... Once here, he can either pass it right back or have you go get open further down and pass it up field..


Essentially all you do is slow down the game, you don't change strategies - just who has the ball. And while that will prevent a Sorc 1 hit from death from pulling the ball carrier to the goal and helping score the ball, it really doesn't change the game too much.


So maybe it's not a big deal whether you take it away from the ball carrier or not, but if you take away leaps to enemy players and keep in pushback, the games are going to be 0-0 and it will absolutely kill Huttball.

Edited by Semitote
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Let's just take away everyone's abilities and make this a fist fight. Each class has its own abilities. Taking an ability from one creates would require taking other abilities from others. When does it end. Stop poo pooing and devise tactics. Party up then que with a group so you have a plan with at least some of the players.
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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Sure- also remove the ability for any class to leap in huttball, since that makes it easier to stop a cap/root a carrier, or carry the ball a long distance. Make offensive leaps banned for the same reason. No stealth either cuz someone can sneak to the endzone for an easy pass. Remove sin and marauder immunities while carrying the ball, remove PT and jugg immunity to CC while carrying the ball too, makes it too easy to run the last thirty feet when you're taking no damage or can't be stopped. Make knockbacks not work too.


Let's remove the only ability that the class has for usefulness- and only on the offensive at that- while leaving every other class with abilities that are often very useful on offense and defense in huttball. Amirite?

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I play a Sorc and I make heavy use of rescue to pull ball carriers to safety.


To comments/observations...


1) While I can pull teammates to me, other classes can pull them right back. Just saying, there is a counter.


2) I'm actually 100% ok with this being disallowed, but you would have to disallow a whole bunch of other abilities being used by or on the ball carrier. I'm not against this, but please keep in mind that you may be just as unhappy about that game as you are with the current one.

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You know what huttball would turn into if all these abilities were changed/modified?


Which team had the most healers spamming heals on the ball carriers. I think we get enough of that type of gameplay in the other 3 warzones.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Sure, as long as they simultaneously remove the ability for Knights/Warriors to leap w/ the ball, and remove the ability for a Vanguard/Powertech to pull someone with the ball.

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Doesn't matter. You got CC'd. Totally different story. What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill at passing a huttball. Get the ball, get pulled. Cap. Pretty simple. No chance at a bad pass. No chance at an interception. And it's much faster.


It is of course impossible to CC or kill the Sorc/Sage before he can do so. :rolleyes:

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A fun solution might be to put a grid on the huttball zone, say 100 lines. Invisible or visible doesn't really matter, it would primarily be for the purpose of the game being able to monitor movement of the ball. Then add two unresistable/uncleanable buffs, one just a 2 minute timer, the other a counter starting at 120. Both would be applied to anyone recieving the ball who doesn't already have them.


Now, any forward movement by the ball carrier, intentional or otherwise, would cause both time from the timer and points from the counter to be removed. The amount would be based solely on the distance moved forward, let's say 3 seconds/points per line crossed.


Passing the ball, or dropping the ball would stop both the timer and counter.


If a character is carrying the ball when either the timer or counter reach 0, the ball explodes and they die, with the ball then returning to its spawn point. If they aren't carrying the ball when the timer reaches 0 then all that happens is both buffs are removed.


This would require at least one pass per ball carry, as well as force groups to have more than just the one go to ball carrier with whatever outrageous defensivemovement buffs they may have stacked. And it would give repercussions to chain rescuing/force charging/force dashing without requiring changes to the basic effect of those abilities on the ball carrier.

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This might be one of the worst posts ever. I'm sorry but if you complain about my SI pulling the team mate to me ad not complain about all the other pulls and charges then this topic isn't even worth reading. Although I use my pull to help team mates that are in danger with health too.
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Here is how you fix this issue.... Pushes,Knockbacks and pulls give the ball carrier a 20 sec imuntiy to pit fire dmg and acid dmg. All abilities should be in the game and be able to be used but to constantly have 3 or 4 FOTM shadows or assassins with Force pull one shotting the BC in the fire is clearly STUPID!
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If passing the ball didnt exist, I doubt I would have any problem with the pull ability. But because it does, they can completely circumvent it. Taking all the risk that could ever be involved away.




why would i pass to a guy that could be covered soon when i could force charge to the guy near the goal line and then pass the ball?


why would i pass the ball to a sage near the goal line when i can run near him and wait for the pull?


with that im lost as to why you think pulling is op.

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Whilst reading the QQ'ing....I mean, perfectly reasonable request by the OP, I began to think.


"I wonder what his face was like when someone first used a pull against his team?"


"was he in awe? Did he tip his hat? Did he ponder at this inovating idea?"


As the Ballcarrier got yanked from the top most platform, straight to the goal line, greased up ball in hand. The OPs' face whilst seeing that player zoom from left to right of his screen must have looked something like this:







Edited by chimex
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Have a teammate gaurd the ramps and kill the pullers ;) there you go glad I could help you. Next problem please I am on a roll.


The number one way I see the opposition score in Huttball is because someone tried to guard the ramps and a sith warrior leapt to them, pushed them off, and proceeded unhindered to the goal line.

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Friendly pull is basically nothing compared to friendly charge. It is defeated easily by grapple and if you don't got grapple you probably lost the game already because you'd have no defense against enemy charge either.


Friendly charge is the only ability that might needs nerfing in Huttball, partly because it also grants immunity to KB effects if one is speced for Huttball. You can usually preemptively use grapple to stop it, but there are a lot of ways to get it off successfully even against the best defenses.

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I like all the litle cheap abilities in huttball, my biggest problem is I can't use my stealth with the huttball( id settle for a short duration), like it would be that much more unfair then leap or pulls.
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TBH out of the hundreds of huttball games i've played i can say i've NEVER seen anyone use pull to help team mates out of a fight, i have though across many servers heard players say "who wants to getz pulled ova the line? lolz" in just about every game. This experience leads me to believe that certain posters here are lying...


Pull/grapple etc should be Defensive only when used on a ball carrier, the people who are likly to oppose this are people who use the tactic or so logic would dictate rendering their oppinions biased and irrelevant on the matter.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Or....and I'm just thinkin' out loud here....you could learn to play and use strategy.

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I used to love yanking someone down into the pit at the last minute before they score, never get's old!!! While all these things can be annoying, knockbacks, pulls, leaps etc... they do add an element of strategy to the game. You can counter things like the sage pull, for example if I'm going against a team that I know like to pull people with the Sorc/Sage pull, I move to intercept that Sorc/Sage, I knock them down, pull them down, basically do whatever I have to do to put them in a position where they cannot pull someone up while the rest of my team nukes the ball carrier.


Other things are reliant on players being situationally aware, i.e. not standing on our goal line or putting themselves in a position where someone can just leap to them for an easy score. Or saving a root ability for when someone is over a fire pit,even when there resolve bar is full. Other things you can do, try not to use your breakfree ability in case you get the ball and someone tries to CC you over a fire pit or trying to position yourself so that your not an easy target to be pulled to your doom.


Everything does have a counter, of course some classes are a lot harder to stop than others, for example a Sin/Shadow with Force Speed + Resilience + Deflection (they don't even really need deflection) is almost guaranteed to score if they get onto the top section, I've done it a gazillion times.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


What's stopping you from targeting the pullers first and take them out before they get into position? :rolleyes:


I mean, Huttball's been around from the very beginning. Both sides start at the same time, and try to make it past enemies. What were you and your seven buddies doing while a sorc/sage just walks past you and positions himself to an advantageous spot to pull the ball carrier for a quick goal? :eek:

Edited by kweassa
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