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trouble with Defeat Borga


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I first got this quest going at level 29 or 30 cant recall. I'm now level 31, and still can not defeat him. Does anyone have a strategy or suggestions to help me out?


I'm Merc, with healing side.


I tried doing a search on this forum but really, it does no good.

Edited by Simmin
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Is that the Gammorean you have to duel to please the Mistress of Pain?


If it is, it was tough...


I used a stim to increase aim, had some med pacs and times electro-dart and On The Hunt carefully to get in as much healing as possible.


Spam Tracer Missle as well, got 3 hits in before he reached me....

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I really don't know how people are struggling. But here's how I did it without a problem.


Get three tracers on him if possible, if not two will suffice, then just kite him with Electro Dart, Jetboost, Rocket Punch, On-the-hunt + Electro Dart again - While getting in railshots, and take the chance to stop and either cast a few moves or heal yourself.


Stand still, and you die.

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I completed this at Level 25. I used Mako and healed heavily throughout including a stim heal. I healed Mako a few times as well. Sort of let her tank a bit to catch my breath.


Nothing unusual in the strategy -- plenty of electro dart and tracer missile.

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  • 1 month later...

I believe he runs at you to swing and hit you with his weapon. When he does this, try to time it and move away as he swings all the while hitting him with your attacks.


Careful with your heat, it builds up pretty fast in this fight.

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I managed it one lvl below the q with 1 endurance stim, medpacs and Mako on dps. Armormech so both me and Mako is in all blues:s. Might make a difference. Kited him around like there's no tomorrow, Mako pulled him off me when he was about 20%. Then I threw everything I had him and that was it. A very very close fight but it worked.


Died one glorious fast death first before I went back to the nearest sickbay and got a stim and mended my gear. That time I had Mako on healer-stance but this guy hit's so hard it just wasn't enough for me.


Kiting seems to be one solution. Hope it works =)

Edited by SilentKitty
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  • 3 weeks later...

A method I used was to start off with the 4 second stun, apply fusion missle which does damage over time, rail shot, activated my 'heroic' power, which started regenning me and reset my stun. So when he came out of his stun, I hit him with the stun again and kept firing. That 8 seconds of stun at the start of the fight. Jet blasted him away when he charged and generally just kited, used my shield, medpacked when Mako was clearly not keeping up and used a few heals on myself (since I was a healspecced Merc.) Keep fusion missle up and combustable gas cylinder to keep DoTing him and rail shot whenever it's up.


And if it's still not working, get a friend or guild mate to assist. You don't *have* to solo him! :D

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I finally figured out that buying the highest lvl blasters at the Tat mods weapons vendor was what it took to beat Borga, even when I couldn't kill him at nearly 3 levels higher than he was. Just needed better gear. I ended up facing the same problem at end of Voss missions, stuck on class quest until I got better blasters.


He's easy to kill on my P-tech cause she's got mad interrupts, a bit of a struggle on a DPS Merc, maybe bugged too I think. Maybe Merc's really need some interrupt abilities.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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  • 4 weeks later...

I realize this is an old thread but hopefully this helps someone else who may have had as much trouble as I did.


It took me over 2 hours last night to bring him down dying at least 8X but I FINALLY got him, here's how:


FIRST AND FOREMOST--make sure all your armor is 100% or as close to it as possible wearing and using the best equipment you have...you're gonna need it...


On the right side of the arena there is an opening where you can get in a few tracer shots before he reaches you. Then, either electro-dart or concussion missle him and unload on him or run away. At that point Borga may focus on Mako, if he does you can get in a few shots before you haul arse outta Dodge. One of the problems is he closes on you very quickly and does booku damage even when you're out of his melee range...couldn't quite figure that one out... O.o In any case, use the whole arena to your advantage--one of your best friends in the fight is Jet Blast, that pushes him away from plus allows you to ED and run or blast away at him.


It's a very tough fight but it is winnable, you will need to use every trick in your book--concussion and tracer missiles, electro-dart, rail shot, unload, jet blast, afterburner (if you have it) and stay away from him as much as you possibly can again using the entire arena to your advantage.



I first got this quest going at level 29 or 30 cant recall. I'm now level 31, and still can not defeat him. Does anyone have a strategy or suggestions to help me out?


I'm Merc, with healing side.


I tried doing a search on this forum but really, it does no good.

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As a Pyro merc, I don't think I took one point of damage. Sweltering Heat kept him snared, running pathetically at me while I circled around the arena, blasting him to half-pound chunks. Incidently, this is how Melee mobs SHOULD be. Not constant pulls, charges, stuns... like 99.99% of melee NPCs in the game. There should be a penalty for being melee. (For being dumb enough to bring a stick to a gun fight.)
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  • 1 month later...

Just completed this one - unnecessarily hard!


Completed at lvl 27 (purely from a consistency point of view its hard to understand how this is a lvl26 quest when the goal is to kill a lvl27 elite) but i did it as a Bodyguard (healing) spec Merc, with Mako in healing stance.


Thanks for the advice above - I fired off a power shot, eletro dart, unload, and then with judicial use of jet blast, energy shield, vent heat, rocket punch, flame thrower and missile blast (though not necessarily in that order) with Heroic Moment and a lvl24 medkit I finally got him down.


Sympathies to anyone have trouble with this guy - and good luck :-)

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I FINALLY completed this one! I wish to thank StaticJoe for helping me. I didn't take much of his advice, but he did point out the opening in the guard rails on the right side of the arena. Starting off there, I got quite a few shots off. Then Borga moved all the way up to me and I hit Jet Blast. Pushing him off the platform, into the arena. Then I could hit him from a distance again. Repeat until dead.


For a bounty hunter, I wasn't very perceptive on how to use the terrain to my advantage. Thank you StaticJoe for helping me see what was right in front of me.

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I FINALLY completed this one! I wish to thank StaticJoe for helping me. I didn't take much of his advice, but he did point out the opening in the guard rails on the right side of the arena.



TY Gargnob but I cannot take any credit for first finding that tip, I saw it on swtorhub or swtor-spy...can't recall which.


Borga was tearin me up pretty good and no matter what I did I kept dying--at the time youtube didn't have anything helpful but I found the tip on a SWTOR db site and even then it still took me a few tries, but those were L2P issues more than anything else...I'm gonna have another go at him with my Pyro PT...I'm literally going to burn him down...

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Just completed this one - unnecessarily hard!


Completed at lvl 27 (purely from a consistency point of view its hard to understand how this is a lvl26 quest when the goal is to kill a lvl27 elite) but i did it as a Bodyguard (healing) spec Merc, with Mako in healing stance.


Thanks for the advice above - I fired off a power shot, eletro dart, unload, and then with judicial use of jet blast, energy shield, vent heat, rocket punch, flame thrower and missile blast (though not necessarily in that order) with Heroic Moment and a lvl24 medkit I finally got him down.


Sympathies to anyone have trouble with this guy - and good luck :-)



He's as predictable as he is tough--he simply charges at you while swinging his axe and clobbering you for BIG damage so if you can jet boost him off the platform and back down into the arena you can then pop a medpack and do a healing scan while your JB and ED are on cooldown and maybe fire off an IM or TM or a UL before he's again on you...it's a very tough fight but if you manage all your resources properly, including BiS for your and Mako's gear, you can take the big boy down plus he'll wait for you in the arena so you can always let him sit for a while, do other quests to hopefully ding a level or 2 then go back and light him up...I know I'm going save him and Tyresius for very last.


Part of my problem was not using my planetary commendations for better gear--I'm also going to visit the Specialty Goods stores as I missed that vendor too first time around, again L2P and lessons learned

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  • 2 months later...

DPS (Arsenal)-specced Merc here. It took me SEVERAL tries, but I finally beat him. My heroic moment was on cooldown after an earlier unsuccessful venture, but I did have an Aim stim. I also disabled Mako's combat abilities and had her focus completely on healing me.


Two keys to success (finally) for me: 1) Borga is kind of dumb and 2) he left my Mako pretty much completely alone, probably because I'd had her combat abilities disabled.


I actually started out on the high platform at the end of the arena--it took him longer to get to me. I started with a fusion missile, stunned him, then hit rail shot before he came up to get me. Unfortunately he was out of my LOS until he got to the ramp up to the platform. I couldn't quite position him to bump him off the platform using jet boost, so I just ran for the hills, down off the platform and back toward the entrance. As he was trying to figure out a way down to me, I self-healed like crazy. I hit him a couple more times, then ran back up onto the platform. Wash, rinse, repeat--do NOT stand still, and make liberal use of any DOTs.


As an aside, one really good reason to go Arsenal is the Terminal Velocity ability, which makes High Velocity Gas Cylinder vent heat every 8 seconds. I'm pretty sure I'd have been screwed without that ability in this fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to all the suggestions here. I too thought you had to be "in the arena" to work this one. I'd get really close to taking him down; then get clobbered. Very frustrating. Once I realized I could use the whole map, all kinds of possibilities opened up for my DPS Arsenal Merc. Opened up with Electro Dart, a few tracer missles, fusion for some DoT, then Heroic to Electro Dart again. From there it was kite-fun with rail shot, tracer missles and jet boost when he'd close in. And the suggestion for using Combustible Gas Chamber was great; really helped out when utilizing Rail Shot as well as extra DoTs..............


One thing I wondred about, did anyone notice if Borga's level went up with your own? Maybe I didn't see it right, but I swore he was a lvl 26 or 27 initially. When I faced him the last couple of times as a lvl28/29, he was also the same level. Or was he always that high? Just curious, thanks!

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he's really not that hard, Im a powertech tank and it took me a couple of trys to see what he does which is melee with that axe, so what I did is simple just kept his aggro on me and kited him around the "arena" letting mako burn him down, using my cooldowns, and strongest medpack/stam stim i could use, my gear wasn't anything special no was mako's hers was just the quest reward gear that i picked up for her everytime it was a choice, as for my gear 2 orange pieces (legs, and the great hunt blaster) with the proper mods and enhancements for the level i was.


this fight seems specificy designed to teach you how to use cooldowns and how to kite, mako's dps is plenty to burn him down and heal you too if you keep up with her gear. As a tank its going to be a long fight,



there is almost the exact same fight again on i think belsavis, i think the guy even is same species and has same axe


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I don't see the problem people had. I use a shield tech in the tank stance and had mako in a healing stance (like always). I did this yesterday, it was a fun fight because it was close. A lot of people say to roll shieldtech for leveling because it's slightly easier to go through and it's nice having that survivabilty and oil slick is a nice ut-oh button when health gets down low, throw on a CC, use a med pack and have malo heal you while you wait for your health to go up. This situation almost never arises, but it's my best chance when I get low in health. And upon reading this I realize that the post has little to do with the question...
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