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Please fix players missing from the raid frames


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For the love of god, please, fix the issue that some team members don't show up in the raid frames in Warzones. It's absolutely annoying to try to heal someone random during pvp mayhem without having a frame to work with -.-
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Hehe indeed. Not to mention, hardly anyone stays in one spot for longer then a few seconds and chasing someone down just to get that heal off is seriously making me want to bang my forhead into my keyboard..


I was trying to figure out if it had to do with premades but I couldn't really see a pattern. Random bug is random.

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  • 3 months later...
I agree as well. One thing you can do however is put them as your focus target. At least that way you can click on the focus plate to target or use your cast on focus bind.


This is what I do to get around it but it still messes me up. I just started doing it tho, so I'm going to blame it on teaching an old dog new tricks

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One of the few threads on the pvp forums that I can get behind.


This needs to be fixed ASAP.


From what I can tell, this occurs more often when a person enters late and doesnt click enter right when it pops. But thats not always the case, sometimes its just random.

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I agree as well. One thing you can do however is put them as your focus target. At least that way you can click on the focus plate to target or use your cast on focus bind.


sadly, focus target is not reliable. it goes away after some deaths. goes away when i take a speeder. goes away on other times that i probably dont even notice or know of...just not good enough for healing in pvp.


this has been an issue since launch, maybe even beta. it should have been fixed by now, why is that not the case.


PS, as someone who likes getting heals, i support this thread lol

Edited by ForsakenKing
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if this was the only bug in warzones it would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice... but yes aint, there are alot of bugs that are worse than this (making you unable to do anything as example)


and yeah too many bugs in this game atm... so slowly but steady ibegin to wonder what all these devs are doing (about 200 as far as i know!?) and how they are srsly making balance in pvp worse with every patch.... just because all these changes are 100% PvE even if they try to convince us they aren't...


because otherwhise why are assa/sin tanks and pyro/vanguard tanks just dominating everything? imo they are even ALOT stronger than marauder because they just have everything, survivability, utility and ... even pretty nice burst and overall dmg... so yes.... why take full dds if you can get tanks that do thesame dmg :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...
I just want to mention... 1.2.3 - still no fix.


Just in case somebody cares.


Ok, seriously what the heck?!

I stopped playing swtor shortly after my last post (3 years ago), reactivated my account this week, reached level 60, joined a few WZ and... YES! the bug is still there.


Is there any QA left at Bioware/EA... anyone?! ..at least ONE person?

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I noticed this once in a warzone a few days ago. I thought that we only had seven players and was wondering why it was taking forever for backfill (prime time on a busy server, backfill is usually within seconds). Later I realized that the player was not showing in the ops frame. I think it may be a recent rebirth of an old problem and you just re-joined at the right (wrong) time.
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