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Is Tracer distracting us from Bodyguard?


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Hello fellow Mercs!


After reading countless "I'm not satisfied with Merc pvp" thread I've noticed a trend.


Usually when someone post a previously mentioned thread... It is followed by much agreement by the community... until someone posts a "Idk what everyones problem is I own with my merc"


I've also noticed that this person usually mentions that they are heal spec.


Now I am starting to wonder...


Are we supposed to be going Bodyguard?


I mean sure Arsenal gives us more dps overall... but do we need it? Should we just put points into Bodyguard for the extra heals and be a long term fighter?


Keep in mind I am only level 22 and I may be naive but I wanted to start a


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I agree mate


I think most people would class a player who has some healing skills as honourable, because they would naturally assume that some of those heals will go to the team... but in all reality ive seen most(not all) hybrid temps use thier sets of tracer missiles and then the heals on themselves alone.


Most frequently I see them use tracers which do not kill the enemy, and then die whilst healing themselves :)


It all comes down to situation and play style I guess.. those who go full DPS will reap the rewards of it especially if they have a dedicated healer on the team.. however those who play from a more solo/selfish point of view will just continue to be mediocre

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I think you should play what you want. If you're a decent player you can make it work either way.


I think people who are set on DPS should not tunnel-vision too much on Arsenal though, Pyrotech has some real pvp viability.

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all three trees have huge viability, I am 100% full dps arsenal because in raid i pour out the dps, making another toon for pvp... guild before self, and guild needs dps


If i was going to spec for pure pvp i would hybrid bg/as , and i have fought enough pyro's in hutball to know that it is a good fight so we are both viable.

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I created a BH alt after lvling my Operative medic to 50.


Originally I thought I'd stay Arsenal until I get a DPS companion, then I can switch to Bodyguard.


But then I got Tracer Missile. Compared to a medic who relies on high cd or stealth openers to do damage, I was instantly hooked on the Tracer Missile/Rail Shot combo. TM all day all the way > whatever rotation I use on my Op.


Now I'm not so sure about respec, the damage in comparison just feels too sweet to give up. :D


For me at least, Tracer is -the- reason I'm not going to Bodyguard, even though I know I can heal much better than I did with my Op, given the tools a Bodyguard spec has available.


Maybe I'll do the healing spec when I roll a Sorc alt =P

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I'm hybrid BG / AS and proud. It doesn't make me selfish -- it lets me heal stronger players in a WZ but also gives me survivability for PVE. I prefer open world PVP to WZs and the hybrid has worked well for me there as well -- with biotech / mako / pts in BG -- I can deal with players a few level higher satisfactorily.


I don't play in pre-mades so as far as PUGs go I can't be sure of who I'm playing with so I can make my choice about where to put my support. Heal or DPS. I also rarely play with groups in PVE -- actually only once. I always take my time to find a guild.


I don't feel gimped on damage -- feels like the sweet-spot for my playstyle. But if someone were rolling with a group / guild always than total focus on DPS may work better for them. But that's their style.

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I think that it is important to notice that, by design, none of these specs are supposed to run alone. Everything in this game is focused team play.


Bodyguard will technically last longer verses 2 or 3 opponents (1v3) but that doesn't mean he is actually going to kill any of them. Just channel cast heals on himself.


I love bodyguard personally. At the receiving end of a channeling dps merc things arn't going to go my way until I can LOS, heal up and then begin my attempt at dps again.

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