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Jedi Consular who has actually leveled?


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lvl 50 shadow here. Your best bet is to learn what his casting abilities are, and which ones you cant allow to happen. I believe i was a few lvls ahead of this mission when i completed it. Just really comes down to timing the interupts.


It only gets harder from here, at lvl 40+ the game takes a dramatic turn twards the harder category, if you can get a good handle on stuns and interupts, you should be in great shape. If not, its really goina to take you awhile to beat whats his nuts when he's collapsing a cave on your head.

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Another 50 shadow here.

Vivicar? Well, he died in 40 sec or so. I've yet to face anything I can't overcome.

Relic, Force Potency, couple of double strikes, stun, backstab, project, force-breach, mind snap if he's casting some scary stuff, deflection/force-wave if he does it again. Repeat until he's dead.

I did this with qyzen, btw. So he rcvd damage first.


So if you can't do, you can get some xp elsewhere, get better gear or change your tactics. You can also play tanky - get combat technique, shield generator and hope than he will not "one-shot" you.


PS. In my perspective, Sidonie was tougher than Vivicar. I died once with Sidonie. Changed tactics and killed her quickly. Vivicar was not much of a problem for me.

Edited by Holy_Cheater
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They teach you to use your interrupts and watch the bosses casting bars. Force Crush (Vivicar) specifically has to be interrupted, same is true for Sidonie's attacks. I am by far not a great player and my Sage is completely Healing specced but I had no issues with any of the bosses so far (despite them being orange to my level). Vivicar took a second attempt since he was the only one having an ability that one shot (afaik- might be mistaken since it has been a while since I fought the bosses of Act 1). I had actually more issues with Yuan when she is possessed, since for whatever reason Qyzen decided to not join the fight and I had to solo her. Interrupting her constant healing was much more annoying for me -.-


Either way, as I understand it they are toning those down with 1.1. I am not really sure why or if I was just lucky but I did not find the fights particularly hard (might have to do with being healing specced though). I start off with a stun (or force lift if I have time) to prepare for the battle. Dot them up and keep them dotted throughout the whole fight, interrupt, keep force shield up at all times and heal my companion (Qyzen in that case) and help with dps whenever possible. Rinse and repeat :) If you got aggro issues, line of sighting around obstacles might help as well while having the boss dotted up.

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Two options:


1) Do some space missions and finish the sidequests you skipped to get your level up.


2) Get a friend to help you and duo the mission.


There's a third one as well: use the interrupts. Force stun, force wave, and the actual interrupt skill mind snap. Break up Vivicar's specials and he dies.

Edited by RobNightfall
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I had a Consular Shadow that couldnt beat Sidonie Garen on Alderon. Game ends for that character.


I leveled a Consular Sage(even more powerful), beat Sidonie in first fight. Finished up all quest on Alderon.


Only 1 quest in queue.


Vivicar. I am level 32, he is level 34 Gold and has a Specil that 1 shots, both me and my companion.





With my Shadow I did Vivicar with lvl 30...(Did only class quests and a little bit of pvp)

Sidonie was actually the much closer fight for me, if you interrupt Vivicar properly he doesn´t deal much dmg overall, its not an easy fight (most class quests fights arent) but far from as impossible as you make it out to be ;)


Use a willpower stim and use a good medkit, interrupt the hard hitters and you can do it easily on the first try


/edit oh and use theran his interrupt + small heals + medium dmg are excellent for such fights, no matter if you are a healer, tank or dps

Edited by Garbald
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Yeah. I don't want to sound like a jerk, I really don't. I'd think of myself as pretty casual, all things considered. But Vivicar - He killed me a couple of times, but I paid a bit of attention, worked out what was going on, and applied not leet player skills but simple problem-solving skills. Once I figured out what needed to be done, I won. That's not really hardcore gaming, that's just... gaming. Press the right button in under 5 seconds when you see the cue. I can't imagine what could be more casual, other than to have no game at all.
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If your unable to get through your quest, then ask for help, and team up with some one who can help do your quests with you. No point in blaming the class, it comes down to skill management in the end, and keeping your gear up to spec. Choose your advanced skills wisely and use them in your rotations. Don't stand there and take punishment, move about, and use any CC you can take or use the green lizard guy to give lots of agro.
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It should go without saying that there are spoilers incoming...


He CAN one-shot you and unless you wait a long long time, that is how it is going to be. I agree with the other crowd that a ONE shot it a little much, but whatever.


If you can't ask for help, then here is what I can tell you to help you myself.


You have 3 interrupts. Force Wave, Force Stun, and the Mind Snap (which comes with a 4-sec lockout). Stun and Snap are instant. Wave is "instant" and requires a 1 sec warmup period before it is discharged. Use these skills when he is charging up the skill.


Sometimes the skill will bug and not show up as him casting. Accept that this is a bug, and a new game, and move on.


Interrupt these skills AS LATE AS YOU CAN. If you interrupt him (or anyone for that matter) as late during the cast as you can, you have just made that entire time a waste FOR THEM. While you pounded they casted, while you DoTd, they casted. Then, they neared the end of their cast and you interrupted it.


Vivicar is tough at that level, I recommend you wait until 33 or 34. Do PvP, Space, and move on to the next planet if you need to. The quest will frustrate you with all the other bugs that might occur aboard that ship. When I did it, every time there was a spawn, the entire spawn would charge at me. I'm talking 20 standard guys charging at me and Tharan. That s**t was ridiculous.

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I can understand having difficulty with Sidone. She is a tough fight. My Sage is heal specced, and I had to pull out Tharan as my companion for the fight. Vivicar? I don't see how you have had an issue with him. That was one of the easiest fights I have had. I did it at 30 with no issues. I really don't think he should be a 34 gold.
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If you're really this frustrated with Vivicar and you don't want to listen to the advice given here, you might as well just stop playing now. Vivicar is only a tough fight if you are not using your interrupt abilities (Force Wave, Stun, Mind Snap). He is a complete pushover otherwise.


There are fights later down the road that you are probably going to smash your monitor in if you don't take the advice being offered. Attis Station will require all your crowd control abilities and Stark is, well, Stark is Stark, lol.

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Allrighty, you have 2 interupts you should use on this fight.


First is your Mind Snap, use it the first time he tries Force Crush, this will lock him out of the ability for a while. Then after a while he will try again. At this point use Force Stun. After gets out of Force Stun he will attempt his 1 shot kill again, when he does Mind Snap will be off of CD and you will lock him out again.


By then he should be dead. I 1 shotted him as TK spec. Just used all CD's and pulvarized him while rotating Stun and Snap. He barely broke through my lizards shield.


He is corrct Sir! I fought him lastnight and used my heal companion. Keep Vivicar stunned and interupted and slow burn him out. Also if you have to back up a bit and throw rocks do so. The timer is about 85% of his health and he throws the bomb. I got wiped first round then second attempt took him out.

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May I make a couple of practical suggestions here?


1) Turn off your companion's name label. You know what he's called and it just gets in the way of the enemy's casting bar. If you have Qyzen, he's a pain because he's tall but it helped me a lot.


2) Remove the debuff effect on you with Restoration


3) Make sure that your companion's gear is uptodate. This is something I fell down on for the Sidonie fight. You're expecting a lot from your companion, gear them well.


4) Use the stuns, everyone here has mentioned.

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The quest will frustrate you with all the other bugs that might occur aboard that ship. When I did it, every time there was a spawn, the entire spawn would charge at me. I'm talking 20 standard guys charging at me and Tharan. That s**t was ridiculous.


As a shadow tank, I found that hilarious, and it led to quite a bit of fun. I had quickbinds

for Theran passive/aggressive, and Ms. Holiday deployment. When the army pounced, I'd

hit a few silvers, deploy holiday, and place Theran on passive. Next was a sprint to hide

in some far off alcove. Then re-activate Theran. He'd heal us up, the evil horde gradually

triapsed in. We'd damage a few, then deploy Holiday run/hide again.


It was kind of slow, looked insane, and mostly, it was rediculous fun.

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you know, there's these mobs in WOW that can one-shot you if you don't interrupt stuff. They are called 5 man and raid bosses. The only difference here is that BioWare puts them at the end of leveling quests and designs them to be solo'ed.
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I thought there were only 2 really tough fights when playing as a Shadow. I was able to solo every boss but 2. Those 2 were the Jedi master on Alderaan, and the final boss at level 50 (won't say the name as its a spoiler). Vivicar was not that tough IMO. Theran as your companion enables you to solo almost anything as a Shadow.
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The ability with the really long cast time that kills you instantly if he finishes casting. Interrupt it.


The stuff that does moderate damage - let it through, if your finding he gets your health down too quick, use force wave to interrupt a couple of the non-lethal ones.


I died once, figured out that I need to interrupt the really long one that one shot me - interrupted it everytime, profit.


If you really still can't do it then ask for someone to tag along with you.


But believe me if Vivicar is causing you problems then the end boss on Corellia will make you cry. Master your interrupts now.


(oh I did it as Shadow too - I honestly can't see how you can find it hard as Sage with healing abilities on top of an interrupt)

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I just did it as a shadow. It was an easy fight I'm using a tank build though and had tharan as my companion to heal me.


All you have to do is spam dual strike and single strike. Use crushing mind, your Tk shield, and saber block when able. If you see her casting a long activation interupt or stun her. User your skill that recharges stun if you need another one.


I don't market, I don't make my own stuff, I use only what I find in game (heck I don't even mod items). That pattern is what I use to kill pretty much everything. I'd get you exact names of skills but at work.

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Two things. That particular fight is tough. That fight is being modified in the upcoming patch which leads me to believe the devs see something in their stats that indicates that fight may be a little too tough for what it should be. It will be getting a little easier.


That said, you can beat it now, it just might take a few tries. I ran into the same issues and it took me a few tries.


Keep at it. Worst case, wait until after the 1.1 patch to try it again after the devs have changed it a bit.


They're actually fixing a bug I ran into, whereby every time you lowered a forcefield on the ship, about 12-15 enemies would spawn instantly and swarm you. It meant death. I'm fairly good at juggling groups, but 12-15 enemies? I died. I basically resigned myself to dying every time I lowered a force field, since after the enemies spawned and swarmed, they'd revert to their intended groupings (2-4 enemies per group, spaced far enough apart to take a group at a time).


Nothing to do with the Vivicar fight itself, I believe.


Anywho, I understand that the casual player isn't going to use interrupts as a first thought (I remember when I was very casual, I just wanted to spam my damage buttons all day because it was easy and I understood what they did). Understanding interrupts, however, is very necessary for the following planets (Balmorra and the Project Storm) and the game is trying to teach you to use them, since it's obviously a mechanic that is important going forward.


Kiting is fine if you'd prefer to do it - however, it's really easier to learn how to hit/click one or two more button(s). Mind Snap is your fried :) So is Force Stun. Place it somewhere on your bar where it'll be easy for you to remember and practice with it!

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I was wiped out by this guy very quickly, too. Difference is, I learned from the experience and paid attention to the spells he was casting and interrupting them.


It's not difficult, just use your interrupts. If you can't handle that, then maybe you -shouldn't- be levelling any further.

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Op this is an important moment for you. There are more skills than just offensive ones. I suggest you start to pay more attention to the fight and use your interupts. It'll make this fight and those that follow much easier.


I had no trouble with vivicar (inf/shadow) the only hard bit was when my comp pulled the entire ships mobs.


Remember interupts and you'll be fine. Learn your skills as you level you'll even need those interupts for silvers later.

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The Vivicar was a breeze once I figured out which ability to interrupt. Sidonie though was quite another story.


I had wiped about 6 times in a row and decided to ask for help on general chat. Another consular responded immediately so we joined up and eventually killed her twice (once for my instance and another time for his). I’m currently lvl 41 and she’s the only class quest boss I’ve had to join up with someone else to kill.

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