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Nadia Grell... Should she be like Qyzen and Iresso and have the ability to tank?


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Qyzen is a great tank for us, just put him in purple gear and he is a wonder.


I also agree that Nadia should be more of a DPS tank than what she is really now DPS. It would give her more utility as a companion in PvE content. As it is she is a bit cosmetic.

Edited by Ewgal
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I look forward to all the "all my companions are useless except Nadia" threads if they ever do this so....

/support :)


Think it's been said here already, but naturally being able to select the role for companion (even if from a few presets only) would/should apply to all of them, not just Nadia. Although her being our padawan makes the complete lack of being able to teach her more annoying. They could give Nadia a healer and tank options, give Tharan a *good* dps-scoundrel role and so on. Bottom line, people would have more choice to select the companion they like looks/personality/story-wise, not because their spec relies on certain support companion.

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This is the issue as I see it. Why are the tank companions versatile enough to fill two roles while the DPS companions (Zenith is in the same boat as Nadia) can't do anything other than DPS? I'd like to see each companion be able to fill two potential roles. Those who need healers should have more than one option in case they don't like Tharan. I'm a DPS Sage, and I exclusively use tanks. I might use a healer if Tharan wasn't so insufferable. If Nadia could either tank or heal, I would use her.



This right here is a great compromise to the complete customization argument. Heck, I'm not even asking her to directly heal. But can you give her some self healing abilities? Maybe abilities that cause a group drain to help your self healing? I like Nadia simply for the fact that she's a girl! Jedi consulate have WAY too many men comps.


We have a lot of tanks/dps. Why can't we have dps/heal?

Edited by Bewoulff
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As a Shadow Tank, I, of course, think she should heal :D


THIS! Knights get a tank companion that has a heal or two. Why not do the same with Nadia? She can be DPS with just a smidge of healing and she's instantly much more useful.

Edited by Tedroni
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Nadia is an assassin and gank tanks. As in, she is a high DPS character like an assassin and doesn't need a tank if she kills things fast. Just wish you could get her sooner, got the 4th pet on the Inquisitor which is dual saber melee and a little impressed though it is poorly geared. Not really looking forward to Xenith, don't really like ranged DPS pets so much except for Vette (whose DPS is high at the lower levels, but at higher levels require so much micro managing to keep alive)
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I wish they'd add a "powers customization" slot, like the appearance slot. So Nadia, for example, would have either a set of Shadow melee DPS abilities (as she does now), or a set of Sage healing skills. Each companion would have 2, perhaps 3, possible load-outs.


I have a Balance Shadow, and I'm pretty much tied at the hip to Theran. I did use Qyzen for quite some time, but the difference in survivability and downtime between fights is staggeringly huge.


I like Nadia, and I'd prefer to have her tag along as a companion, but even fights with just a few regular mobs usually ends up requiring a post-fight meditation. "Gold" mobs are out of the question. With Theran, there's just no stopping between fights, and I'll walk over bosses all night long. Basically, not choosing Theran is gimping myself.


I am biased against the system as a whole, though. I don't like having a ship full of companions that just get ignored, or only pulled out for special occasions. Seems like kind of a silly idea on Bioware's part.

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As a hybrid tanking shadow (21/0/16) I think there is no better companion than Tharan C. but he disliking all jedi stuff and being everything but heroic he is a psychologically a real pain in the ***.


I agree, Theran is your most effective companion for survivability, if not likeability.


As a Shadow tank, we can be complemented well by a healer (Theran) or dps (Nadia, Zenith). Qyzen can do good dps too, and I haven't really figured out how to get good results out of Iresso.


Anyway, use a dps when you are running around questing and want to progress quickly. Nadia works great at this. Her aoe nuke works well with your abilities to burn down groups quickly. For tougher fights where you are less confident about using a dps friend, call in Theran.

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My Nadia is geared so well compared to the rest of my companions, that even if I didn't want to user her I would almost have to. And this isn't because I've favored her, it's because she gets hand me downs. Or when I get pieces from hard modes or ops that I already have, she gets some new gear.


She has almost 17k hp now. Makes dailies a lot easier.


Note: I also used her almost exclusively once I got her. Yes, it would have been nice if she had a couple taunts, but I did just fine. The damage of her unique aoe abilities is fantastic.

Edited by Liaskar
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I went with the defence route I think I mentioned earlier. Only just started ops/hms so neither of us have that good gear yet. Regardless, as dps (balance) sage, I can do all dailies with her cept the two champions in Belsavis HC2 (and HC4s ofc). That said, I really do wish she could be a healer (as optional stance).
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  • 3 months later...

Nadia Grell should be able to tank. As I leveled up my Telekinetics Sage I looked forward to having Nadia and questing with her. When I finally got her I tried running with her a bit and found that I was screwed and my dreams of playing with my Padawan companion were dead before they were born.


Giving her a taunt and an aoe threat gen ability and let her tank, please. It is really hard for dps sages to use Nadia without becoming a tank. Healers and Shadow Tanks seem to do fine with Nadia, but should us dps be punished.


Come one devs, help us out a little.


[EDIT] I now change my post. After hitting 50 and using Nadia on Correlia she is absolutely usable and fun to use at that just has she is. What some people may not like is that you can't be as lazy about fights as you can be with Qyzen. You actually have to pay attention, interrupt and keep shields up. I haven't had this much fun leveling since before Corso Riggs had his harpoon taken away. [EDIT]

Edited by Ramahospitality
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm really hoping there is an overwhelming response to this, and that the Devs make changes accordingly. I love the whole idea of having a Padawan companion, but if I'm going to have a Padawan, I want her to be able to come on missions with me.... as a healer, her being a pure DPS companion sucks, and makes her nearly unusable unless I am way over-level for the mobs I'm fighting. For the most central Companion character we get throughout our storyline, I would think they would make her usable by healing sages as well as the other specs...



Who thinks this is the way to go for a future update?


Make Nadia have two possible roles just like the other companions do.....!!!


I think you are going to get an overwhelming response on this one, alright... but not the overwhelming response you are looking for.

Every class in the game has the same companion layout - 2 tanks, 2 DPS and 1 healer - who come at different times in each quest line. If you want a melee tank, then you have a freaky green lizard for that. No-one else gets to rework their companions's abilities so there is no justification for allowing a healing Sage to do it simply because some players do not like Qyzen as a tank.


"She is my padawan, so I should be able to get her to do what I want her to do"? Umm, sorry, no. If that is the case, then


the Sorcerer should be able to turn Ashara to the Dark Side, the BH should be able to refuse to let Skadge join, same for the Knight with Scourge, and do not get me started on what the Sith Warriors would like to do to Quinn


The companions are there in the specific configurations to give each class the same set of tools and options that everyone else gets.

Besides, from a roleplaying perspective, as Nadia's master you are not there to define her role in life and the Star Wars universe. You are there to be a guide and a teacher in the ways of the Force. The task of determining her path falls to Nadia and the Force :)

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I want moar pretty girl healers, to be honest. Kind of unfair for every class but BHs and Troopers run around with creepy perverts, mad scientists, snivelling sycophants of undetermined sexual orientation and effing fish.


Why are there no Force-based healers? Nadia would make an excellent candidate.


Besides, from a roleplaying perspective, as Nadia's master you are not there to define her role in life and the Star Wars universe. You are there to be a guide and a teacher in the ways of the Force. The task of determining her path falls to Nadia and the Force :)

I actually liked the old concept for the companion model. It allowed us to give companions "kits" that gave them specialization skills - tank, healing, damage, in addition to their basic skills.


While I do understand why BW went with what we have now, but it's still essentially "kits", just extended- and glued to the companion.

Edited by Helig
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My impression of Nadia has changed. When I was leveling up and her gear wasn't too good, fighting elites with her usually ended up with me healing myself and DPSing the elite whenever I had some spare mana while Nadia tried her best to annoy it.


I didn't mind it until I started noticing the repair bills on my armor in-between quest hubs. Yeah, okay. Iresso -- get back here. Nadia -- back on the bench.


Now Iresso is a mix of Tionese and Rakata. Nadia is mostly full Columi with some Rakata. Guess what? I still prefer Iresso because whenever I use Nadia, I get a bigger repair bill. Nadia just doesn't hold aggro as well as Iresso. It's sure as hell entertaining to watch her go to town on the mobs, but geezus, all I have to do to pull aggro off her is attack anything with my full DPS rotation (even her current target,) or do some healing. Boom. Mobs are on me like white on rice.


Sure, I can slow down my DPS and my healing. But hey, with Iresso, I can go nuts with my DPS and Forcequake. He'll hold aggro and save me my repair bill. It's slower with Nadia (even though she does more damage,) than it is with Iresso (because Iresso lets me do my damage and healing.)


The other problem with Nadia is her AE knockback. Seriously, the number of times I've seen a mob go flying .. flying .. flying ... landing into another group of mobs -- oops -- is enough that I turn it off on Nadia whenever I summon her. Also her other AE is point-blank generated. Yeah, I've seen her select an enemy that is 20 yards away, and then channel her 8-yard range AE centred on herself. Uh-huh. Okay. Another ability I tend to turn off.


So yeah, I'd like to see Nadia in a different role. Maybe a healer. Maybe a shadow tank. That'll be interesting. Why have Nadia tank instead of Iresso? Because as a consular, she gets my hand-me-downs. She is the best geared companion I have.


But right now? She is the best geared companion that I rarely use because of her ability line-up and inability to hold aggro.

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