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Yuuzhan Vong


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I know the Yuuzhan Vong havent been to this galaxy yet in EU, but maybe they did and there is no record of it or something. Either way that would be a sweet expansion dont you guys think?


Please no. I despised them with every cell in my being..... Couldn't even finish the NJO series. Honestly about half of that was due the the Vong, and the other half was due to the sheer amount of authors on the project and lack of character continuity but I digress.....

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Please no. I despised them with every cell in my being..... Couldn't even finish the NJO series. Honestly about half of that was due the the Vong, and the other half was due to the sheer amount of authors on the project and lack of character continuity but I digress.....


I loved the NJO. Started off really badly, but got absolutely amazing 4-5 books in, and became one of the best stories in the EU in my opinion.

Edited by Kirjava
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I loved the NJO. Started off really badly, but got absolutely amazing 4-5 books in, and became one of the best stories in the EU in my opinion.


I suppose this is subjective. I did get about halfway through the series (it pained me, but I really tried to stick it out) but I still came to the same conclusion. Actually, the series seemed better to me in the beginning rather than the later on. Regardless, the Vong just never made sense to me as an antagonist species and all the different writers and their styles just jarred me throughout my whole experience.

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I know the Yuuzhan Vong havent been to this galaxy yet in EU, but maybe they did and there is no record of it or something. Either way that would be a sweet expansion dont you guys think?


I've thought the same thing a few times. Would be a great addition to the game IMO.

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I know the Yuuzhan Vong havent been to this galaxy yet in EU, but maybe they did and there is no record of it or something. Either way that would be a sweet expansion dont you guys think?


If they appear in the game, and your characters become entangled with them...then knowledge of their existance would pre-date when they were discovered in the books.

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I'd be okay with vague allusions to the Yuuzhan Vong. Perhaps even a Space Mission where you briefly run into a vessel that could possibly be Yuuzhan Vong.


I'd rather not have them serve a significant role in Flashpoint, Operation, or Story. Their story has already been told and it takes place thousands of years in the future. I don't think Bioware needs to retell the Yuuzhan Vong story. It would likely detract from the Empire vs. Republic story as well.


Bioware has a mostly blank slate. I'd like to see them explore themes introduced in KOTOR II and delve into the nature of the Dark and Light.

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I'd like to see a flash point where a scouting ship is intercepted and you defeat them, sure... But that's about it.


Id be more curious to see a whole new species introduced that never made it out of this time period for whatever reason... Or perhaps something like Caverns of Time from WoW where we can visit different time periods in star wars lore for a flash point, operation or warzone!


No clue how to implement time travel without it being ridiculous though

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The Yuuzhan Vong accomplished something for me that no other Star Wars product ever accomplished. They got me to stop buying certain Star Wars products (the NJO books). And this is coming from a guy that played and loved Masters of Teras Kasi and Star Wars: Demolition.


In my very humble opinion, the Yuuzhan Vong feels like the result of a brainstorming sessions of executives ("What would be the perfect Jedi enemy?") instead of the inspired result of a writer. It feels like a bunch of executives just told writers, "Here's what we want. Make a good book out of it."

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Despite haters, the Yuuzhan were introduced to give Jedi and the republic a legitimate threat that wasn't Sith for the umpteenth time.


And hate aside, they worked. Where before a Jedi could generally see an enemy's attack coming from a mile away, the Yuuzhan eliminated their battle sense, so you were either a good swordsman or you could use the Dark Side, since Lightning was pretty much the only force ability you could directly use on them.



It was a very fun plot, despite that the writers were forced to kill off many signature characters just to make the threat seem more real and be more important than the crap they were rehashing before, 'oh boy Kyp Durron is evil again. Etc ad nauseam



Did they fit? Not really, nigh invincible baddies from beyond the galactic rim is more star trek territory. But the idea that the EU is somehow not allowed just because it's an unusual story is pretty stupid, way more stupid than the YV ever were.

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I'd be okay with vague allusions to the Yuuzhan Vong. Perhaps even a Space Mission where you briefly run into a vessel that could possibly be Yuuzhan Vong.


I'd rather not have them serve a significant role in Flashpoint, Operation, or Story. Their story has already been told and it takes place thousands of years in the future. I don't think Bioware needs to retell the Yuuzhan Vong story. It would likely detract from the Empire vs. Republic story as well.


Bioware has a mostly blank slate. I'd like to see them explore themes introduced in KOTOR II and delve into the nature of the Dark and Light.


This idea could work. As said, introducing the entire species before the invasion took place would kind of upset the dynamics of the 'new threat' that they posed later in the franchise. However, it has been confirmed that the Yuuzhan Vong have appeared in this galaxy before hand. It was, like, one scout who got stranded, but she was refered to as a demon who influenced those she knew before she died.


Personally, I'd like to see the Sith take the Yuuzhan Vong. Nothing huge, but just seeing the two supposed perfect enemies of the Jedi fight one another would be pretty interesting.

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Despite haters, the Yuuzhan were introduced to give Jedi and the republic a legitimate threat that wasn't Sith for the umpteenth time.


And hate aside, they worked. Where before a Jedi could generally see an enemy's attack coming from a mile away, the Yuuzhan eliminated their battle sense, so you were either a good swordsman or you could use the Dark Side, since Lightning was pretty much the only force ability you could directly use on them.



It was a very fun plot, despite that the writers were forced to kill off many signature characters just to make the threat seem more real and be more important than the crap they were rehashing before, 'oh boy Kyp Durron is evil again. Etc ad nauseam



Did they fit? Not really, nigh invincible baddies from beyond the galactic rim is more star trek territory. But the idea that the EU is somehow not allowed just because it's an unusual story is pretty stupid, way more stupid than the YV ever were.


I actually welcome unusual stories. I love them. I just didn't like the Yuuzhan Vong. They felt completely uninspired. I'm not against them because they are unusual. I'm against them because they felt like they were created by a program that analyzed the Jedi then - point for point - created a villain that was immune to everything that made the jedi strong.


In my humble opinion, the Yuuzhan Vong simply weren't interesting. To me, they felt completely manufactured and were - in a word - boring.


That's totally my opinion and I most certainly don't claim my opinion is any more valid than anybody else's... but this sentence: "But the idea that the EU is somehow not allowed just because it's an unusual story is pretty stupid, way more stupid than the YV ever were" is a generalization that is completely wrong and describes nothing close to the reason I disliked them.

Edited by Vecke
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But the idea that the EU is somehow not allowed just because it's an unusual story is pretty stupid, way more stupid than the YV ever were.


I'm fine with EU additions when they make logical sense and respect some semblance of a reasonable timeline.


I don't think adding the Yuuzhan Vong would do that for this game, except as vague allusions (as was mentioned earlier).


I think there is a significant volume of other things that would make more sense to add before we have to start shoe-horning things in like bad product placement. I'd even be fine with (prepare gasp now) with Bioware adding some new things (initiate gasp now!) before shameless EU plugs.

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do not want. They always seemed like a genric sci fi villian and not something star wars like.

So true. There are a handful of way overused sci-fi villians such as:

1) All organic technology

2) Bugs

3) Human harvesters (often are also bugs)

4) Bugs

5) Sentient machines


I didn't have some incredible dislike towards the YV, but I'm just tired of seeing the same enemies.

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So true. There are a handful of way overused sci-fi villians such as:

1) All organic technology

2) Bugs

3) Human harvesters (often are also bugs)

4) Bugs

5) Sentient machines


I didn't have some incredible dislike towards the YV, but I'm just tired of seeing the same enemies.




They would have been a fine enemy, imo, if the war hadnt gone on for years and the NJO last like 18 books.

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What I hated about the story arc was what was mentioned, 18 fricken books, the war lasts awhile and they even wipe out coruscant, turning it into a green, verdant world copying their original home world. Neat idea and ey massacred billions to do it.


Fast forward, coruscant is now a mostly the city again and it's business as usual.



Shock value just for the sake of it. Ugh.

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I like how you trudged through 4-5 really bad books just to see if it got better hahaha... :cool:



You say it like nobody does it. Plenty of people watch crappy episodes of a TV show in the hopes that it will get better. (like Heroes, amazing first season hooked people for subsequent seasons, where the show went way Downhill)


On a nerdier note, i did it for Dragonlance. Now I wish I never read anything past the original trilogy and the twins trilogy. Everything that came after was dog ****.





The whole NJO arc was tainted and poorly conceived. "lets kill chewy so people will read." ok, I can live with that, it was interesting reading Han sink into depression. "let's kill Anakin Solo because the prequels are out and we don't want to confuse new (and apparently stupid) readers.'


That was when I went ***, really? The whole series had one good book (traitor) and a bunch of mediocre books. Two of them were intentionally funny, (to break up the doooom) and the first few were just terrible.



Anyway. Back to the Vong. They were built up to be a huge threat and wound up being irrelevant very quickly.

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Let's face it, the Vong were something other than Sith for once. They were a unique enemy, and as much as people might say they found them boring, I thought the exact opposite.


Organic technology? awesome,

ships grown out of coral? Neat!

Utter loathing for droids and machines, check

Crazy fanatical religion with multiple gods, Check

entire race seperated by castes who can be told apart by appearance, check.

Nom Anor, the character you love to hate, and hate to love. Check. (hope he's still out there btw).


I loved learning about them and their ideologies. Especially with the way their entire society basically reformed at the end of the series.


Really, the YV war was needed for SW, It made changes to the galaxy which had been static for so long. It was a threat which brought the entire galaxy together against a common foe.


You could say that including the vong in TOR would ruin the lore, but if you'd remember, by the ABY era, few even know that the Rakata ever existed. I don't want to see a full galactic invasion, but a Flashpoint or Operation against a scout party would be awesome. Even some kind of Time Travel or Flow Walking to a period within the war would be a neat experience.


Hate the YV all you want, but at least they'd be something to fight in the game other than droids or bugs

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