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so the stealther just stunned you


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so Devs what is your thing to do??


What was your plan


they take us to what? half health or more what did you want us to do then? heal /intterupt and a waist of 3s considering the burst they have


or did you want us to magicly dps them down before they can finish the last 40% of our hp?? were not all biochem ya know we cant heal ourselves to full on one button??




thats right working as intended = your slacking fix it


lots of my abilities do things to standard and weak targets and to PLAYER targets time to fix these abilities so they do less to players


then pve and pvp will be happy

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Stealth classes have always been like this in MMOs but I some-what agree. When ever one knocks you down out of stealth it seems like way to long before you get up, and then they can just hit you with another stun. The DPS isn't the problem it's the stuns.


As for your healing comment, my 42 Merc on the live servers can bring myself back up to 75%-ish if the Smug/IA doesn't hit me with another stun which never happens. Half the time the second stun isn't even needed. I don't know the exact length of the knock down they use but it seems really long.

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You play with a team you muffinhead. 31 Powertech, reroll to my server and queue with me, I guarantee a stealther will never kill you when I am there. And I'm always there, like Jesus. Or wait for my Juggernaut to hit 50 and I can leap to you, taunt, guard, and literally make him do 0% damage. Then when he can hit you again after 6 seconds,but for only 45% damage, I will choke him out for 3 seconds. If he breaks out of that I'll send him flying with force push and we'll snare and ******** his corpse.


If he jumps on me, hopefully you won't run like a little girl.

Edited by Caribroo
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so Devs what is your thing to do??


What was your plan


they take us to what? half health or more what did you want us to do then? heal /intterupt and a waist of 3s considering the burst they have


or did you want us to magicly dps them down before they can finish the last 40% of our hp?? were not all biochem ya know we cant heal ourselves to full on one button??




thats right working as intended = your slacking fix it


lots of my abilities do things to standard and weak targets and to PLAYER targets time to fix these abilities so they do less to players


then pve and pvp will be happy




what I dislike is 100 percent snares that don't fill up your resolve bar.. that's the only thing I don't like about pvp


and just coming here and telling you that is the first i've posted of it, because its not really that big of a deal, but its more of an issue then what you're referring to.

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ALL CC should break on damage, imo. I'm tired of trying to capture a turret on Alderaan to just get stunned until death.. or even worse, when someone is guarding it on their own and an operative stuns them and caps it :s


IF you are guarding the post alone and have just used your cc breaker then it may happend. Guarding a post alone is a risk, deal with it. A BH/trooper may as well come around and blast you and cap.


Stop whining about pointless stuff.

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When you get knocked down, use your unbreakable will (or whatever your classes is called) to break the cc and you can press the space bar to instantly get up via a jump. Works for me all the time.


When an operative comes and knocks me on my but, I do this, throw a dot on em, and its game over for the operative.

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When an operative comes and knocks me on my but, I do this, throw a dot on em, and its game over for the operative.


Seriously. All this crying about how much damage Ops do when they attack from stealth but it's the only thing they've got. Once they are out of stealth they are completely boned and useless.

Edited by iain_b
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Seriously. All this crying about how much damage Ops do when they attack from stealth but it's the only thing they've got. Once they are out of stealth they are completely boned and useless.


most people that complain about stealth classes dont realise that the trade-off for stealth is that were squishy and after that initial burst were pretty much spent. they just see somebody appear out of nowhere to attack them, panic, fat finger the wrong stuff and die. then they come here and QQ.

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IF you are guarding the post alone and have just used your cc breaker then it may happend. Guarding a post alone is a risk, deal with it. A BH/trooper may as well come around and blast you and cap.


Stop whining about pointless stuff.



What I find more painful is, that one stealth class can successfully prevent 4 people from capping Alderaan cannon withouth being in danger. He doesn't kill anybody but basically chain stuns them round the clock. No CD on ability, instant cast, only the GCD. CC Breaker is useless you get stunnded right away again. You then need to go stealth hunting with running around like a headless chicken.

Edited by Neska
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Seriously. All this crying about how much damage Ops do when they attack from stealth but it's the only thing they've got. Once they are out of stealth they are completely boned and useless.




I play a scoundrel and the only way for me to actually get a kill is to ambush the one that is far away from his group and doesn´t know how to play with a team, and hope that i will crit, otherwise im f*cked.


As quoted, we are useless out of stealth. No gapclosing abilities, 10m range with a useless attack... All we can do out of stealth and more than 10m away from your target is pray to god that noone will pay attention to you. Because as soon as the enemy can see you, his buddies will come and bash the crap out of you with glowbats, lightningfingers, grenades, missiles etc.

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so Devs what is your thing to do??


What was your plan


they take us to what? half health or more what did you want us to do then? heal /intterupt and a waist of 3s considering the burst they have


or did you want us to magicly dps them down before they can finish the last 40% of our hp?? were not all biochem ya know we cant heal ourselves to full on one button??




thats right working as intended = your slacking fix it


lots of my abilities do things to standard and weak targets and to PLAYER targets time to fix these abilities so they do less to players


then pve and pvp will be happy



Pvp is not 1v1.

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What I find more painful is, that one stealth class can successfully prevent 4 people from capping Alderaan cannon withouth being in danger. He doesn't kill anybody but basically chain stuns them round the clock. No CD on ability, instant cast, only the GCD. CC Breaker is useless you get stunnded right away again. You then need to go stealth hunting with running around like a headless chicken.



An operative doesn't have four stuns, and if one operative kept four of you locked down I'd have to say you're making it up.

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l2 roll with pocket healer IMO. Make sure you roll with a tank GUARDING the healer. Then you LOL at operatives after their initial burst.. They have about a 10 second window to kill someone.. if they dont.. then its run away and wait a minute or so for CDs again.
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