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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orbital Stations Must Die!


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I cant begin to say how many times i railed on this stuff in the beta. So dont blame me.


The long walk to 25.

Load screens 2 times just to enter ships.

Orbital stations...


So much load screen nonsense and time wasting could have been cleared up long ago.


Its not immersive, and its not fun. Its just resource draining. Theres no reason in creation that we need 2 load screens and a long walk just to board our ship (which needs to be done about 20 times a day)


This isnt real life where trudging through the tedium of real space is an issue. This is a game we play to escape that crap.

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I don't think they're going to remove the orbital stations entirely.


All they really need to do to make it less tedious though is:


1) Allow speeder use on them, for the love of all that is holy.


2) Eliminate the 100% entirely pointless running through an airlock just to get to the elevator that takes you to the orbital station. Just put the room with the ship directly behind the phase barrier, or, if that's a problem for some reason, then put the airlock door directly behind it, or even just make the elevator button take you directly to the ship. There's no need for an intermediate step here.


3) Add GTN terminals, class trainers, crew skill vendors, etc. to make the orbital stations at least not a big waste of empty space.


Mainly, just freaking allow speeder use.

Edited by the_banana
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I cant begin to say how many times i railed on this stuff in the beta. So dont blame me.


The long walk to 25.

Load screens 2 times just to enter ships.

Orbital stations...


So much load screen nonsense and time wasting could have been cleared up long ago.


Its not immersive, and its not fun. Its just resource draining. Theres no reason in creation that we need 2 load screens and a long walk just to board our ship (which needs to be done about 20 times a day)


This isnt real life where trudging through the tedium of real space is an issue. This is a game we play to escape that crap.


It sounds like people are upset with the loading screens, not the orbital ships. Fix the loading screens and problem solved.

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they are not on each planet they are on some planets.


And no it really does not bother me all that much.


They are on ALL of the high level planets. When you level up you will realize this and it will probably bother you after a while.


Wait and see.

Edited by monjiay
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I think you missed my point though, they aren't exactly threatening.


That's irrelevant. You're trying to use that ship as an example of a shuttle docking in the movies, when it's neither a real shuttle nor does it dock with anything in orbit.


It's a TERRIBLE example because it's 100% wrong.

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This doesn't bother me because like EVERY SINGLE MMO EVER CREATED, there are things in it that are tedious and lame just to make you say "CURSE YOU!!"


Name one game that doesn't have something annoying in it.


Nothing in Rift really bothered me at all. I thought that game was very well designed and now will probably go back.


I think some people had issues with the pvp, but I don't pvp so I can't speak to that.

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That's irrelevant. You're trying to use that ship as an example of a shuttle docking in the movies, when it's neither a real shuttle nor does it dock with anything in orbit.


It's a TERRIBLE example because it's 100% wrong.


Again, you missed my intended point and instead just want to argue.


The simple fact is that there can be perfectly logical reasons why shuttles would be allowed onto the surface of certain planets when others ships wouldn't be able to land there.


Of course, that's just a "lore" reason, not necessarily a real/technical one.


Anyhow, we are getting off the track of the thread.

Edited by Tarka
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lol, they might be annoying, but not every planet has a spaceport, it would look really weird to go to Hoth, where your mission is only to "**** off the republic and make them waste resources", and build a luxury Spaceport for every ship to land there...


They suck, but it adds realism, lol

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When I realized I spend more time "wasting time" going from place to place then actually doing things in-game, I realized I am not going to renew my payment and just play another game when my time runs out.


It really hit me near the end of Chapter 1 as a Bounty Hunter:


I am told to go back to Dromund Kass and talk to the assistant huntmaster. So I go through elevator/load screen getting on ship/travel/getting off ship/elevator/taxi (but taxis dont connect for some stupid reason on the capital planet) so walk for 3 minutes to other speeder (i was almost level 25) then take taxi/run another minute or so/talk to him/lrun back/taxi/run 3 minutes/taxi/elevator/load screen on ship/loading galaxy map/hutta orbital station loading screen/elevator/shuttle loading screen/run 3 minutes up to place in palace/ run out/take taxi 1/3rd of the way as closest i could get/ run 3 minutes/fight/take teleport option/run up to room/talk/run over to spaceport/loading screen shuttle/elevator/loading screen ship/galaxy map wait/loading screen dromund kass hangar/elevator/taxi/3 minute run to next taxi/taxi/run 2 minutes/talk/run back/taxi/run to next taxi/taxi/elevator/loading screen leaving/galaxy map/loading screen next planet/elevator/etc. etc.


I spent 1.5 hours doing this required class quest in places I have already spent a LOT of time on when 2 simple holocalls from the assistant huntmaster would have saved 1 hour of that time. The developer intentionally create massive time sinks to eat up time on our way through the game and if you add it all up with gathering resources/crafting/running to level 25/loading screens everywhere/etc. You actually spend regularly about 1/3rd of the game time just idling in boring highly repetitive non-play just to eat up time so the game takes longer. I can spend more time at work if I wanted tedious highly repetitive boring tasks and get paid for it at least.




My first MMO, so maybe this is normal, but I am too bored to care at this point. Im off to other games once my subscription expires.

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"Agreed, it makes sense to go through an orbital station when you don't have a ship, but when you do you should be able to just land on the planet, LIKE IN THE MOVIES. Getting a ship should feel more rewarding in not having to sit through so many load screens. It makes sense having to dock your ship at a station for quest-related things, but I'd rather to get to the planet faster."


That right there, getting a spaceship should be a cool, awesome event, not something that makes you go oh man, more load screens.


Theres a bunch of content they could put in to allow for landing on planets too. Put in a quest you need to do so you can get security clearance, or access to the governors private shuttle landing pad. Put in a little space battle that you have to fly through if you want to land directly on a hostile planet. Theres tons of cool stuff the devs could have done that would have added to immersion, made you still take time, and most importantly NOT BEEN AS BORING AS RUNNING DOWN ENDLESS HALLWAYS.



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When I realized I spend more time "wasting time" going from place to place then actually doing things in-game, I realized I am not going to renew my payment and just play another game when my time runs out.


It really hit me near the end of Chapter 1 as a Bounty Hunter:


I am told to go back to Dromund Kass and talk to the assistant huntmaster. So I go through elevator/load screen getting on ship/travel/getting off ship/elevator/taxi (but taxis dont connect for some stupid reason on the capital planet) so walk for 3 minutes to other speeder (i was almost level 25) then take taxi/run another minute or so/talk to him/lrun back/taxi/run 3 minutes/taxi/elevator/load screen on ship/loading galaxy map/hutta orbital station loading screen/elevator/shuttle loading screen/run 3 minutes up to place in palace/ run out/take taxi 1/3rd of the way as closest i could get/ run 3 minutes/fight/take teleport option/run up to room/talk/run over to spaceport/loading screen shuttle/elevator/loading screen ship/galaxy map wait/loading screen dromund kass hangar/elevator/taxi/3 minute run to next taxi/taxi/run 2 minutes/talk/run back/taxi/run to next taxi/taxi/elevator/loading screen leaving/galaxy map/loading screen next planet/elevator/etc. etc.


I spent 1.5 hours doing this required class quest in places I have already spent a LOT of time on when 2 simple holocalls from the assistant huntmaster would have saved 1 hour of that time. The developer intentionally create massive time sinks to eat up time on our way through the game and if you add it all up with gathering resources/crafting/running to level 25/loading screens everywhere/etc. You actually spend regularly about 1/3rd of the game time just idling in boring highly repetitive non-play just to eat up time so the game takes longer. I can spend more time at work if I wanted tedious highly repetitive boring tasks and get paid for it at least.




My first MMO, so maybe this is normal, but I am too bored to care at this point. Im off to other games once my subscription expires.


Yes, it's pretty standard to have time sinks like this in MMOs. It's a transparent way of adding hours to gameplay in hopes of impressing gamers.

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Some people need to understand this is star wars, not star trek. In order to land your ship, there needs to be a physical space port built. Not every planet has one. Some planets do not have them due to civial war (Balmorra), No room (Hoth) or for other reason (Quesh so that you dont instantly die when you leave your ship).


Orbital stations have a reason to be there. And personally, i see nothing wrong with adding a tiny bit of travel time. I do agree on the loading screen issue however. Loading screens, not orbital stations, must die... Or at least be reduced. If i could dock at an orbital station, have a loading screen and then have no more loading screens until i leave Hoth, i'd be happy.

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