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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why Are Mods Deleting All Threads About Staggered Access?


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Is this China? LOL


All threads about staggered access (and apparently suggestions on how to improve a launch) are being deleted...


poor form BW, poor form...


I don't think BW plans on launching an MMO again any time soon, so suggestions on how to improve said launches are useless to them.

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Is this China? LOL


All threads about staggered access (and apparently suggestions on how to improve a launch) are being deleted...


poor form BW, poor form...


Because this horse is not only dead and you're still beating it, but it's now just a bloody pulpy mess that no longer resembles anything living. How much longer do you intend to beat it?

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And, there's a single main thread about it somewhere. They're trying to keep it all in one topic so that people can discuss other things about the game and not have their topics pushed 4 pages down by 57 threads about how someone sold their child to the circus to have enough money to pre-order their game for the 5 days of early access, and how they've been wronged by only getting 6 days.
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In 2 weeks it will be nothing but people whining and crying about the game I suspect. Roll on nerf threads.


"i was playing on my pvp server when this guy ten levels higher than me killed me while i was resting after killing six mobs, bioware needs to fix this or i'm quitting and TOR will crash and burn!!!!!11"

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Is this China? LOL


All threads about staggered access (and apparently suggestions on how to improve a launch) are being deleted...


poor form BW, poor form...


They're not. They're closing them and linking to the thread about it so bozos can all gather there and stop QQing the forum repeatedly like a bunch of rabid crybabies.

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"i was playing on my pvp server when this guy ten levels higher than me killed me while i was resting after killing six mobs, bioware needs to fix this or i'm quitting and TOR will crash and burn!!!!!11"


The sooner you quit the better. Bye...

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Hello all,


In order to keep feedback and discussions consolidated in easy-to-find places, we ask that you use current and ongoing threads to add your thoughts to. If a thread is created and there is another ongoing discussion, we'll go ahead and redirect to that thread. This makes things easier from a moderation standpoint and it keeps that discussion easier to keep up on.


We're going to go ahead and close this thread, but if you have any further questions, please let us know: bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com


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