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Marauders and Huttball


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Is vanish on cd? Do you have nearby LOS? Do you have 30stacks of fury for predation, to get out of range? Do you have frenzy up to get 30 stacks? Are you carnage traited, can you snare the merc to get back in range, or obfuscate from range? Are you rage traited, do you have obliterate up? Did you have CoP/saber ward up to mitigate the damage?


I actually ran out of cooldowns last night in a huttball match, it amazed me. I almost always have *something* to pop when in trouble.


I'd prefer a knockback immunity before a knockback. And a pull before a knockback, if immunity is too much. I do not understand why people want a knockback on a melee class.


I would most like a stun and a knockback immunity.


Seriously, *** do we need pommel strike and savage kick for? They are useless at 50. You cant stun/immobilize bosses and cant use the 2 abilities in pvp. They are an idiotic waste of space.


Make savage kick a 3 second knockdown adn tool down teh damage.

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You are totally full of it. No class can score faster than Assassin or Sorc. They have knockbacks, stuns, SPRINT. And their sprint is far faster than we run with predation up. Sorc can even pull friendly ball carriers to them.


Marauders are garbage in huttball compared to other classes. This is another Elite Lamer post by someone who wants to claim they are better than everyone else.


You spend a lot of your time running to attack people because you ahve to save your force charge for the inevitable knockback. Then you just get knocked back or pulled again. I know everyone gets knocked back on this map.


I just want to be able to do something too.


If your specced for the extra run speed in predation sorcs are not faster and it does not last nearly as long. Plus if you have already been fighting you can use it twice in a row and run all the way from your own side at that speed using frenzy. Assassin and sorc are paper compared to a marauder. you also have your fear stun. Our team runs two anni mauraders and It's very rare that we don't 6-0. This is a definite L2P.

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A lot of fail here. I pretty much carry teams when I need my daily wins. Any mara/jug can.

Knockbacks are irrelevant if you position yourself properly so you won't get knocked off the ramp. Charge + obliterate make us and juggs the best possible class to ball carry and score.

This is by far the most powerful melee have been in any mmo I've played. Our mobility is amazing and our uptime on a target is right where it should be.

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Is vanish on cd? Do you have nearby LOS? Do you have 30stacks of fury for predation, to get out of range? Do you have frenzy up to get 30 stacks? Are you carnage traited, can you snare the merc to get back in range, or obfuscate from range? Are you rage traited, do you have obliterate up? Did you have CoP/saber ward up to mitigate the damage?


I actually ran out of cooldowns last night in a huttball match, it amazed me. I almost always have *something* to pop when in trouble.


I'd prefer a knockback immunity before a knockback. And a pull before a knockback, if immunity is too much. I do not understand why people want a knockback on a melee class.


How does any of them mitigate the person Tracer Spamming you? Most of the time I'm killing someone else and a Trooper high up will tracer spam me - still hurts even with cd's - I kill my target but I'm usually very low hp and die.

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How does any of them mitigate the person Tracer Spamming you? Most of the time I'm killing someone else and a Trooper high up will tracer spam me - still hurts even with cd's - I kill my target but I'm usually very low hp and die.


Most of them either directly mitigate the damage, prevent them from attacking you entirely, or enable you to reengage them faster.

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A lot of fail here. I pretty much carry teams when I need my daily wins. Any mara/jug can.

Knockbacks are irrelevant if you position yourself properly so you won't get knocked off the ramp. Charge + obliterate make us and juggs the best possible class to ball carry and score.

This is by far the most powerful melee have been in any mmo I've played. Our mobility is amazing and our uptime on a target is right where it should be.


Not everyone can be as elitist as you though. lol j/k your post is full of non sense

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A lot of fail here. I pretty much carry teams when I need my daily wins. Any mara/jug can.

Knockbacks are irrelevant if you position yourself properly so you won't get knocked off the ramp. Charge + obliterate make us and juggs the best possible class to ball carry and score.

This is by far the most powerful melee have been in any mmo I've played. Our mobility is amazing and our uptime on a target is right where it should be.


How can you position youself to not get pulled or kicked off the platform when your running to cap, you either get knocked off or pulled or you dont, its mostly out of our hands.

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How can you position youself to not get pulled or kicked off the platform when your running to cap, you either get knocked off or pulled or you dont, its mostly out of our hands.


The direction you're knocked back in depends on your position and the position of the person knocking you back. You can control your own position.


If there was a line drawn between the person knocking you back and you, you are knocked back along that line.

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im confused... i see the need for an immunity but a knock back? what are you gona do after that? force lightning? id much prefer a grab than a knockback


A knockback would give us more defence in a 1v1 or 2v1 situation to save time.


In 1.1 force pull would also give us mobility since it refresh the cooldown on force charge


It is also gamechanging in huttball, knock the healer or ball carrier off the edge/bridge thing


a knockback is also fun, the marauder is the only class without one, we cannot have fun with a knpckback + fire, we can only be a victim of it. I really don't know what they were thinking? make us unique?

Edited by mastersloup
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A knockback would give us more defence in a 1v1 or 2v1 situation to save time.


In 1.1 force pull would also give us mobility since it refresh the cooldown on force charge


It is also gamechanging in huttball, knock the healer or ball carrier off the edge/bridge thing


a knockback is also fun, the marauder is the only class without one, we cannot have fun with a knpckback + fire, we can only be a victim of it. I really don't know what they were thinking? make us unique?


ok i get the fire thing but reality check are we melee or are we range? melee duh so if i have a sorc and i knock them back what happens? he laughs and frys me. no over all knockbacks are ******. we need a knockdown+force pull. that combo would rock then if they knock u back u have force leap to get back at them..... think with your head not with yout imagination of throwing ppl in fire

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You need to know how to use your marauder properly that is all.


Firstly if you went annilation tree, you would be able to use predation and an additional movement speed increase of 15 percent, thus making you run like a bish with the huttball. When you are thrown into the flame or fire use your force camoflage which will make you take no damage at all.


What i do with the ball is i run towards the goal by activating predation leading to undying rage then frenzy to get the 30 fury again and than predation which would normally lead me at the goal already.


You could also try undying rage+predation which would enable you to literally run through fire without being dmg by anything at all.


To play marauder, you need to exactly know how to use your skills at the right time and what exactly each skill actually does for you.


Undying rage= makes you god for abit

Predation=Run like you never run before

Force camo=no dmg to you during camo

Edited by Vamistle
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A lot of fail here. I pretty much carry teams when I need my daily wins. Any mara/jug can.

Knockbacks are irrelevant if you position yourself properly so you won't get knocked off the ramp. Charge + obliterate make us and juggs the best possible class to ball carry and score.

This is by far the most powerful melee have been in any mmo I've played. Our mobility is amazing and our uptime on a target is right where it should be.


Sorry fella, I agree with a lot that you post on here but your wrong about knockbacks being irrelevant.


After Charge/Obliterate you DO NOT choose where you get positioned - 90% of my knockbacks occur after I've charged and thus completly out of my control. This is a huge oversight - this is why we need CC/Knockback immunity after a charge so we can position - then it becomes a matter of player skill if they get knocked off a platform or not.. Not relying on luck to charge into a position that leaves you safe from the inevitable insant knockback.

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ok i get the fire thing but reality check are we melee or are we range? melee duh so if i have a sorc and i knock them back what happens? he laughs and frys me. no over all knockbacks are ******. we need a knockdown+force pull. that combo would rock then if they knock u back u have force leap to get back at them..... think with your head not with yout imagination of throwing ppl in fire


We want a knockback because it is a very game changing mechanic. No marauder wants a knockback for dps purposes. We want a knockback so we can get free kills on voidstar when people cross the bridge, we want a knockback so we can make use of the environment in huttball and get some amusement out of the slime pit/fire, we want a knockback for more survivability in huttball...many a ranged have saved themselves from dying to me by knocking me down out of their LOS long enough for them to heal up and/or run away, we want a knockback so we can combine it with our vanish to ensure we can escape even if there are no LOS opportunities available. think of the big picture and not just "oh we are melee so having a knockback is dumb because that puts them out of our dps range"

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yeah we're completely useless


force charge in to score zone


defensive cooldowns while running the ball


time it right with predation u can run thru the fire..with the ball


snare / heal reduc / choke



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yeah we're completely useless


force charge in to score zone


defensive cooldowns while running the ball


time it right with predation u can run thru the fire..with the ball


snare / heal reduc / choke




What's useless is trying to get through to some of these kids. They have it drilled into their brains that they are a much better player than they really are, so of course it's a problem with the class. I hated knockbacks too... for about a few games when I first started playing, then I stopped being awful.

Edited by Kricys
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I agree that as a marauder, we have alot of tools to be excellent ball carriers. However, what about open world pvp in groups such as illum? Gaurding a door in White star, or assaulting a turret in Civil War? Closing the distance across the bridge on White star, no matter how well you try to position yourself, you will be knocked off the ledge more times than NOT, simply because you HAVE to be melee, and that means that when you are on the offensive, you are easillay positioned to either be kited, or knocked off.


In before you tell me to NOT fight on the bridge: A trooper/BH, consular/sorc and smugglar/sniper can hold one end of the bridge against 5 players. My guild's premade makes our stand there frequently. It's a defensive choke point that manipulates the weakness of the attacking group. Marauders and sentinals are the weakest classes to overcome such tactics.


In civil war, using the terrain against a marauder is their best defense. Yes, if you find a keyboard turning scrub that stands there an tanks you, you're gonna mow em over unless they outgear you. However, Even in ataru and carnage spec (+15% combat running speed), I cant close the distance to a skilled player that practices kiting. I'm no scrub at closing the distance, but I'm also not the almighty pro either, so if there's a secret I missed, do share.


Example of anti kiting: If I'm slowed an cant slow them, I try running the opposite direction to reach my charge min range, their counter: chase me. I pop predation and due to the tell tale animation and delay before the ability actually takes effect, they stun me or vanish.


Now, I tell you these things, because I practice them on my alts, I have a trooper that I kite the piss outta battlemaster geared maras with (at lvl 27)


We have obsticales in huttball, but huttball is only a small piece of teh iceberg, an it's not just player skill and a steep learning curve. A CC resistant/immunty time period would be great, even tho it would possibly mean ANOTHER button to keybind, and ability delays should rectify a few other problems we have.

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However, Even in ataru and carnage spec (+15% combat running speed), I cant close the distance to a skilled player that practices kiting. I'm no scrub at closing the distance, but I'm also not the almighty pro either, so if there's a secret I missed, do share.


Force Charge dead zone if Carnage = 10 yards or less.


Deadly Throw's Root range if Carnage = 10 yards or less.




It is virtually impossible to kite a Carnage specced Marauder, at least. I honestly can't remember it ever happening to me.

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Force Charge dead zone if Carnage = 10 yards or less.


Deadly Throw's Root range if Carnage = 10 yards or less.




It is virtually impossible to kite a Carnage specced Marauder, at least. I honestly can't remember it ever happening to me.


Deadly throw when specced into it, only properly roots the target 50% of the time in my experiance.


Virtually impossable, then why, as I have first hand experiance in the marauder's weaknesses, am I able to exploit them on an alt? Maybe you are the lucky one an have not actually fought a really good pvper that also knows how to exploit your class' weaknesses.


"L2P" is a trollish response, and rather uneducated when directed at me. Being kited happens rarely, but it happens, and most of the time it DOES happen, is after I've burned vanish and predation just to get close after being knocked back and rooted/stunned.


If you really feel that I am noob, then please, share your wisdom an vast experiance to prevent it from ever happening :)


Edited for clarity

Edited by Shadinaxx
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Deadly throw when specced into it, only properly roots the target 50% of the time in my experiance.


Virtually impossable, then why, as I have first hand experiance in the marauder's weaknesses, am I able to exploit them on an alt? Maybe you are the lucky one an have not actually fought a really good pvper that also knows how to exploit your class' weaknesses.


"L2P" is a trollish response, and rather uneducated when directed at me. Being kited happens rarely, but it happens, and most of the time it DOES happen, is after I've burned vanish and predation just to get close after being knocked back and rooted/stunned.


If you really feel that I am noob, then please, share your wisdom an vast experiance to prevent it from ever happening :)


Edited for clarity


The root has never failed me.


I've been 50 for over three weeks. I think it's statistically impossible for me to not have met a good pvper in that time.


If one person is able to keep you in your dead zone, instantly remove your root, magically prevent your predation and/or Force Camo, instantly remove your Force Choke for when they are in your Dead Zone and you need another tick or two for Deadly Throw to get back off cooldown...as well as consistently keep your snares off them that you apply whenever you are in range, well they are superman. That is all I have to say.



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I was 50 within the first week, but I'll bow to you being better than me, but I ask you, is daedly throw your only saving grace, or should I just reroll another class because I'm THAT bad to get kited as carnage "sometimes"


Edit for response to your edit, lol:


Force choke while on the run is stupid, even when I stop an try to apply force choke, 7 times out of 10, it bugs out an I CC myself. Predation is blatently obvious when you START to use it, by the time it takes effect, a smart player will stun you or vanish themeslves. My vanish is negated with a small aoe, force charge is tricky, sometimes goes off if I play yo-yo tag, but is usually met with a knockback/snare.


I generally try to save charge as a closer on the guys that sprint away to escape me when I do work em down.


I never said that I LOSE these fights, but I tell you it's agravating to have to work so hard at staying on a target that should be easier to latch onto. I do lose alot tho, just being honest here, but I also win quite my fair share.

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The simple answer is your not doing enough damage on your uptime. They have to stop to cast no matter the class. If someone gains distance on me they are usually bleeding to death and healing me at the same time. Your fear is also a 10m range if you haven't noticed and can keep you from getting kited very easily. If they are dead zoning you run away from them till your not in a dead zone which should take about half a second if they are trying to kite.


Maybe 1 in 20 fights EVERYTHING is down and i get kited. In these cases I was usually just on a murderous rampage where 10+ people got ruined so I don't really feel bad about dieing to that person. Even then you can pillar cheese or drop off a scaffold and charge back up there when all your **** is back up 10 seconds later. Have some spacial awareness, use your environment and be smarter about your uptime. Do you have any idea what a hard time ranged can have doing damage in huttball because of los? Other then that I don't really know what your doing wrong as I haven't seen you play.

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