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Bugged or Missing Codex Entry List


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I saw this list on what looked to be European forums so i figured i'd repost it here and see if people can add to it, as im finding this very frustrating myself... I do codex entries while i wait for my friend to get on to level... and i find that i cant even complete them. So here is the list...It also states some other known bugs.





  • 1 Title

Imperial Scholar



  • 1 Location

Sith Academy



  • 3 Species


Sith Pureblood (Bountyhunter and IA: Quest reward for Purity)

Abyssin (Bountyhunter and IA: Quest reward for Creeping Hunger)

Dashade(as Sith Warior,bounty hunter and IA)



  • 2 Lore:


The Red Engine (Bountyhunter and IA: inside quest area for The Hate Machine)

Sith Weapons (Bountyhunter and IA: class quest for SI A Map for the Future and SW The Final Trial)





  • 2 Persons


Nem'ro (unable to attain for Sith)

The Red Blade(Imperial Agent)



  • 2 Species

Evocii (unable to attain as Sith)

Ugnaught (unable to attain for Sith)





Dromund Kaas:



  • 3 Lore:


Lord Parnax’s Lost Recordings

The Blade of the Sith Executioner

The Phobis Devices



  • 1 Organization:





  • 3 Species:









  • 1 Title:


Conqueror of Balmorra



  • 1 Lore:


The Invasion of Balmorra



  • 2 Species:






  • 1 Person of Note:


Lieutenant Major Pirrell (Bounty Hunter)





  • 1 Title:


Primeval Explorer



  • 1 Lore:


History of Tatooine




Nar Shaddaa:


  • 1 Lore:

The Spice Business



  • 2 Organizations:


The Exchange



  • 1 Species:







  • 1 Title:


Champion of House Thul



  • 2 Persons of Note:


Rehanna Rist (Inquisitor)

Bouris Ulgo



  • 1 Species:







  • 1 Title:


Scorcher of Worlds



  • 1 Lore:


Rakghoul Disease (I am quite sure it is not bugged but I just cant find it)



  • Quesh:


  • 1 Title:





  • 1 Lore:


The Three Families







  • 1 Game Rule:


Combat Ratings



  • 1 Ship:


X-70B Phantom-class Prototype (Agent)





There is a category above all others (Above datacrons) that has an empty tag but can be clicked. I got 4/0 entries in this category:

invalid entry

outlaw's den

Illum landing zone

and one without any text and title

There is no codex identification window popping up after you hit lvl 50



Feel free to add anything you have seen that is not listed. Thanks.


If you like this list request a sticky or keep posting so the SWTOR team sees this.


Also if you know how to get some of these entries please let us know.

Edited by Grimfyre
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I would have to say that most of these entries don't count, while some may. Certain entries are only available to one faction or another, and some are only available to certain classes. I'm fairly certain some just don't count, because of my experience with the "Mutated Colicoid" entry. It is possible to get with some tricky rock jumping, but getting it did not actually increase my number of "found" entries on Balmorra. It's supposed to only be accessible by the SI, but I got it as an IA. It's still recorded in the Codex, but it doesn't count towards completion. I have 3/6, one of which is the "Grandfather" World Boss. I have no idea what the other two are, but since that's less than what's listed up there, I can conclude that some entries have been made so that they are only needed by some classes/factions for completion (ie. those that can actually get them). In addition, there are reports of being unable to get codex interactable items in certain areas as one faction , while being able to get them while playing a character from the other faction.

I can also say for certain that the "Persons of Interest" specific to each class do not count outside the class, as I only need 3 more entries on Tatooine, and there are much more than that listen in the Persons of Interest for the classes that have them exclusively.


Not that there aren't bugs or mysteries. The "History of Tatooine" one, for instance, is one entry that we might be able to all get, but I have found no clue of where it might be. The titles may also be bugged, given the huge number still shown in the codex compared to the few we can still get (unless there really are 57 titles accessible by the IA, which I suppose there could be).


I think that such a list of broken/bugged/missing entries needs to be much more refined. Separating out what isn't needed for which class, and which entries really are messed up.

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  • 1 Location

Sith Academy


I read on another board that the only way to get this is to go to the Sith Academy at level 1, but I've never been able to confirm it. Every time I've tried it, I level up killing Slugs on the way (it's either that or die).

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Re the OP, the info is good but I would use a more concise format. It takes a while to scroll through it that way.


I am also frustrated with this. I started this chase last night and immediately ran into issues on the first 2 planets, which are the simpler ones I would think. How can they get the Sith Academy wrong? And, not fix it?


If they have been removed, then update the Codex info. Since they took the time to give an accounting of codex by planet and completion rates, they must have wanted us to chase this.


Re the Sith Academy, I read a post who got it at L1, and as soon as he made L2 it dropped off. So it could be we all get it early and later drops, who knows. Thats the only one I have missing in Korriban, and I am missing about 6 or 7 in Dromund Kaas.


I know that balancing the L50 PvP battles is important, but I hope they find the time to invest on cleaning this up for the PvE people. :-(

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I found this in the basement of Dynamet General Hospital, down in the research facility. It is on the desk behind the Champion mob.


I find some while questing then just fill in the rest from swtor-spy.com. Thier guide is decent, not really organized enough, because a lot of stuff is Empire or Republic only, etc. But if you read the comments under the entries they usually clarify this.


Sometimes you can use logic too, Taris is a level 30 something Empire zone and high teens to low 20's for the Republic. So obviously the stuff listed at the appropriate levels is relative to each side.


You can also look at the maps, since sometimes they are named different for the Sith side.


The one I have not found yet, which is not listed anywhere on the net that I can find is the

History of Tatooine lore entry on Tatooine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I read on another board that the only way to get this is to go to the Sith Academy at level 1, but I've never been able to confirm it. Every time I've tried it, I level up killing Slugs on the way (it's either that or die).


Incorrect. Even at level one it is not possible to gain the Codex Entry for the Academy, I tried this. I don't really know why Bioware still hasn't fixed this in 1.2

Edited by Mormoz
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
There is also a missing datacron on Dromund Kaas according to the codex. It lists 6 possible datacron entries, but there are only 5 listed anywhere.


actually there are 5 datacrons aand the assembly chamber.... this is not a datacron

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  • 10 years later...

So, here we are in January 2024, and one that was omitted from this list still has not been fixed:

Imperial Agent, X-70B Phantom Starship Codex Entry 

This has been a known bug since at least 2012, as mentioned HERE by several players, and it still hasn't been put right.  So my new Imperial Agent character doesn't get the entry for his cool stealth ship. 😒

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