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how long between waves?


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We are all adults to a point though, so if say we knew may 1-21 is 2nd wave and I was say in the 3rd wave. I would know when my guild mates in the 2nd wave were in and I could start bringing up the game client there after and not sit around and waste my time.


I understand it will be when they make it so, does not mean I have to like it. :p lol



In a perfect world I'd expect nothing less than hard dates. However, have you read the forums before? Reasonable, patient and even tempered individuals aren't the norm. There are a handful of players like you and I who would react to a setback like, "adults" as you put it, but I think most would over react.

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7/23 and feeling scared that i wont get in today, i got my hopes up so much


Keep your chin up! It's only been the first wave of invites for the day so far, and I'm sure it was more limited than the next ones will be so they could try to tweak the servers for increased loads....at least that's what I'm hoping! ;)

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Keep your chin up! It's only been the first wave of invites for the day so far, and I'm sure it was more limited than the next ones will be so they could try to tweak the servers for increased loads....at least that's what I'm hoping! ;)


Probably, atleast let's hope so :)

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I believe what most people want is something like.... "we are gonna send out the next wave in 3 hours"


Then said people can be like "thanks, I can sleep for a couple more hours instead of sitting at my computer waiting"


Or "I can go get some breakfast and be back to see if I'm in the next wave"


What people DO NOT want to do is...... "I'm tired, gonna get a few hours of sleep" /log off.... (2 minutes later after computer is turned off, Poof e-mail waiting)


Me personally, I can wait..... but I want to know if my breakfast is gonna be Mountain Dew and Doritos or an actual breakfast like Eggs and Bacon or whatever. Ie. am I gonna eat at home or go out :)

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What they'll probably do, since they're obviously being 'safe' with their staggered e-mails and such, is simply allow more people into the next wave and more after that.


It's all about testing server stability, again, for them and making sure there're no problems or crashes that're to be had due to letting a giant influx of players in all at once - regardless if they had little to no problems during the Thanksgiving weekend test. ;p


So, hypothetically if they let, let's say.. 100,000 people into this wave.. who's to say they don't let 250,000 in the next?


(P.S. The numbers aren't meant to be accurate.)


The thing is we already SLAMMED the servers during the stress test and they held up fine, they're playing it way to safe.


This is not a whine, or a QQ, server status page has many servers still at low pop.

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My guild leader who got in sent me a text about half an hour ago of "It is easier to do these starter quests when there are only 12 people on Tython". 12? In the Thanksgiving beta weekend, I would see 200-300 people on my location shard all the time, what is up with such a small first wave?


That weekend was a stress-test, with a somewhat outdated, minimal client and a maximum number of potential players to gather metrics on server load and performance.


Now we have the real deal..and they're being cautious. Two servers have already crashed last I read, so they're a lot more interested in making sure that behavior doesn't continue, as opposed to "opening the gates" and hoping to holy hell the Internet doesn't catch fire.

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I find the "When you pre-ordered" thing not valid.


People who pre-ordered yesterday are in today. I am a first day and nothing for me. This system they have is working really well.


I wouldn't mind if they came out and said "We are just picking people at random.", at least I would know what is going on.

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I find the "When you pre-ordered" thing not valid.


People who pre-ordered yesterday are in today. I am a first day and nothing for me. This system they have is working really well.


I wouldn't mind if they came out and said "We are just picking people at random.", at least I would know what is going on.


Do you have valid proof of what you're arguing?


I'll be curious to see how you can be so adamant about that one. Don't let the trolls feed you non-sense. :p

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I find the "When you pre-ordered" thing not valid.


People who pre-ordered yesterday are in today. I am a first day and nothing for me. This system they have is working really well.


I wouldn't mind if they came out and said "We are just picking people at random.", at least I would know what is going on.


Really? Please have someone who preordered yesterday, and is in game, post a screen shot of both them ingame right now, and a screen shot of their order date...I really want to see that....but I'm calling shenanagins....

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Everyone will get 5 days early access. not 2-3. But I'm going crazy waiting for this.


That's not true. Originally that say you MAY get up to 5 days play, now that's extended to 7. But if you Pre-Ordered last minute I would highly doubt you'll get 5 days of EGA.

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Everyone will get 5 days early access. not 2-3. But I'm going crazy waiting for this.


I had remembered reading that normal edition pre orders would get in 3 days early or less, and the deluxe would get in 7 days early. This was back in July when I put in my code, but then I never checked for 3 months and now all information regarding that has disapeared. So assuming it is still valid, unless you payed for that super expensive pre order you won't get in for another 4 days. Can anyone that has gotten in confirm that they only payed for the $60 pre order and not any of the more expensive bundles?

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