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Everything posted by Jaexyn

  1. Holy crap, you're not paying extra for a day. If you payed $5 down, that comes out of the cost of the end price of the game (i.e. $60, $80, or $150, meaning you'll pay, after that $5 down, $55, $75, or $145). Unless you meant why is it advertised that you'll get in 5/7 days early? It's not. You'll get in UP TO 5/7 days early. Read mongrels! READ!!
  2. OP and all others whining about not getting in 1 minute after servers went live...please an hero. Thank you, that is all. (Don't know what "an hero" is? Google it then try it)
  3. No where, never once, did BW say you would get in 5 days early. It's always been UP TO 5 days. Don't understand how people can be so peeved if they don't get in on the 15th. If you get in on the 19th then BW is still living up to their word. Shut up, quit crying and understand that any early access is a bonus. Jesus...figured most that played this would be mature. There goes that idea.
  4. Only in a "deep down in the pants" kinda way...
  5. Good lord you people cry a lot. And I'm gonna have to share game space with some of you whiners? lol
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