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how long between waves?


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Yup, but if BW were a tad more transparent about everything, less people would moan. Some people always will, but a lot of threads and moaning in here is because people don't know anything concrete.


Yea you're 100% right, if BW/EA said ok guys here's the deal from the get go:


A) We will be doing X number of Waves per day every X number of hours to X number of people

B) If X number of people don't log in within X number of time we will institute another wave

C) We're sorry for companies like BB and Amazon jackin you guys with bad codes.

D) Here is our game plan for the rest of the week


It would make things a lot easier you're right, a lot of this QQ is justified from what I am seeing because BW/EA isn't giving a lot of information out atm

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Yea you're 100% right, if BW/EA said ok guys here's the deal from the get go:


A) We will be doing X number of Waves per day every X number of hours to X number of people

B) If X number of people don't log in within X number of time we will institute another wave

C) We're sorry for companies like BB and Amazon jackin you guys with bad codes.

D) Here is our game plan for the rest of the week


It would make things a lot easier you're right, a lot of this QQ is justified from what I am seeing because BW/EA isn't giving a lot of information out atm


For some reason all I can picture in my head is a fellow of Homer Simpson's equivalency sitting in front of a panel of buttons.

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Yea you're 100% right, if BW/EA said ok guys here's the deal from the get go:


A) We will be doing X number of Waves per day every X number of hours to X number of people

B) If X number of people don't log in within X number of time we will institute another wave

C) We're sorry for companies like BB and Amazon jackin you guys with bad codes.

D) Here is our game plan for the rest of the week


It would make things a lot easier you're right, a lot of this QQ is justified from what I am seeing because BW/EA isn't giving a lot of information out atm


right now, I'd be happy with 'we're doing x number of waves today, y tomorrow and then z every day until everyone is in'. I understand they can't specify how many people get in per wave, it's really dependant on server stability. But some idea of how many waves to expect is good. Knowing when they do each wave is a bonus, but not needed (imho)

Edited by Heappestre
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SWTORThe Old Republic


Don't worry, there are still more invites coming today! We will announce when the next wave is sent.


2 minutes ago


SWTORThe Old Republic


If you were not invited during today's invites, don't worry! We will continue to invite more people as Early Game Access continues.


6 minutes ago


So let's see at first they made it seem like they are done with the invites, and 4 minutes later they say there's going to be more



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Just think if their are this many qq posts now because people arent getting in yet, what are you guys going to do when the game is live and your servers cant handle the load and now you have people who have actually spent money on the sub fees saying *** bioware why did you take care of this sooner now I cant play and I am paying for your service.



Ppl are always going to QQ and today is a fine example. last week they change 5 days of early access to 7 days, and now ppl are crying because they aren't getting in on the extra earl day that didn't exist 6 days ago. All the gigantic man-babies with overblown senses of entitlement need to go back to wow where they wipe your bums and dry your tears. It's established, live, and whey are willing to ruin the game to pander to the whining masses.

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right now, I'd be happy with 'we're doing x number of waves today, y tomorrow and then z every day until everyone is in'. I understand they can't specify how many people get in per wave, it's really dependant on server stability. But some idea of how many waves to expect is good. Knowing when they do each wave is a bonus, but not needed (imho)


Yea some solid ideas would be nice, but it all seems to be smoke and mirrors atm, even the twitter page can't seem to make up it's mind

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SWTORThe Old Republic


Don't worry, there are still more invites coming today! We will announce when the next wave is sent.


2 minutes ago


SWTORThe Old Republic


If you were not invited during today's invites, don't worry! We will continue to invite more people as Early Game Access continues.


6 minutes ago


So let's see at first they made it seem like they are done with the invites, and 4 minutes later they say there's going to be more





I'm a bit worried about the future of the game if basic communication is to hard.

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So let's see at first they made it seem like they are done with the invites, and 4 minutes later they say there's going to be more




They have. It's the last 2 weeks all over again. The 'more invites' and 'don't worry EA continues' refer to the fact that there is another wave coming today (the one more in SR's twitter/facebook) and the fact they are picking up again tomorrow. I'll be disgusted if they only do 4 waves today, but I fully expect it. Nowhere have they said 'sorry, our mistake, there is more than 4 waves today'. They haven't changed their mind, just trying to calm everyone down.

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I'm a bit worried about the future of the game if basic communication is to hard.


yea TBH right now it almost seems like the way people are when they get to class the professor says POP QUIZ and no-one did the reading and is scrambling to CYA but I think it's all of these first day jitters kind of thing right now

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They have. It's the last 2 weeks all over again. The 'more invites' and 'don't worry EA continues' refer to the fact that there is another wave coming today (the one more in SR's twitter/facebook) and the fact they are picking up again tomorrow. I'll be disgusted if they only do 4 waves today, but I fully expect it. Nowhere have they said 'sorry, our mistake, there is more than 4 waves today'. They haven't changed their mind, just trying to calm everyone down.


From what I have seen the past month what they are doing vs. what they have said they are going to officially do is insanity one minute it's this, then the next that, then back to the first idea, then off to something completely different then back to the second idea, I think it has a lot to do with it being these guys first MMO launch and not wanting to get themselves backed into a corner

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yea TBH right now it almost seems like the way people are when they get to class the professor says POP QUIZ and no-one did the reading and is scrambling to CYA but I think it's all of these first day jitters kind of thing right now


Maybe, I'm not convinced.

Just some things seem to have planned rather poor.




US: Only a very small group of US players wants to play on a German/French/English EU server.


EU: French people tend to stick to French servers


EU: Germans tend to stick to German servers.


EU English: Most people will stick to English servers simply because of the time zone and lag.

Common knowledge, people from France and Germany don't speak English all that well.



Bottom line why not split the waves for these groups instead of going first come first serve.

Why does some one from the US have to wait because of 50000 EU French players or the other way around.


You're not going to care that the French have their server and got in but you do care if it is your wave they hog up.

Now add the lack of communication and the fact you paid extra and in the end of the line being the costumer it just tends to be annoying.



Personally I can't help but to feel that this has been handled in a poor way, it reeks incompetence and this company needs to run a MMORPG.

Yeah I have my doubts.

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The evaluation time of the waves based on servers' traffic won't work @ mid-week days.



Lets assume that every wave has 25000 entries. The servers went alive @ 07:00 AM EST-US (13:00 CET-EU). At this time only the non-lifers and those who took day-offs would actually login and play for at least 2 hrs. The rest - Americans prepare for work or they still on their 3rd dream and most of EUs are in their launch time. That means that roughly only the 20% of 25000 entries - maybe less - would actually play the game constantly right now.


The evaluation of servers' traffic won't be accurate even of today peak times for games (16:00 - 22:00). Its Tuesday, many people are busy with real life stuff even after work and won't have much time to play today


The REAL evaluation of servers' traffic will come down to weekend, like it or not.


At the moment is 18:20 PM CET (peak time for EU) and 12:20 PM EST (no peak time for US), so don't expect too many waves per day. Basically they will wait to track servers' traffic @ peak times based on regions (EU - US) to have better accurate values as possible. Even though the best evaluation is during weekend.


If you aren't being able to play the game, chill out, get over the server-first hit to 50 and try to give some colour to your non-life until you get to the game.

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I just hope that the next wave will include the 24th and 25th people. :(


I've already resigned myself to knowing I will have to be on the forums for most of the day or find something else to do, ugh I didn't want to have to go into DS again tonight

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I think it was never clarified either way, guess we have to wait and see.


Nothing has been clarified from the start. Bioware used to be my favourite game company but as this debacle of letting only a small number of players in goes on, when the pre-order price was the same regardless of the date or edition, i am getting more irate with Bioware. The 'one more' is just another insult. I'm still gonna play once I can but Bioware is rapidly falling from my favourite game company and I definitely will never pre-order one of their games again.

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