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Tatooine = Future Earth


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Look at it from outer space as you are flying in the Anchorhead Spaceport.....


1) you can see an outline of the United States in lights.


2) Post WW3 when the nukes/radiation have all disappeared:

a) It turned earth into a baren lifeless wasteland

b) Human Survivors = Sandpeople


3) The extra sun.....Either:

a) We had a planetary collision which destroyed and ripped half of the sun we have today and created twin suns. (This is simular to how scientists believe we created out own moon btw).

b) A planetary experiment gone wrong which ignited flammable gasses/material on a planetary scale either through colonization or interplanetary mining/resource gathering.


Conclusion: Tatooine = Earth far beyond WW3.

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On the begining of every movie or game:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away




But it could very well be the Earth equivalent (human origin world) in the Star Wars galaxy.



EDIT: Also, the believed potential lore (it isn't confirmed, but proposed as potentially the situation in game), is that Tatooine was the origin world of humans, but in a war with the Rakata and the Infinite Empire, it was turned into a desert. Many of the humans were enslaved and dislocated, and who were left evolved into Sand People.

Edited by ericnlcyg
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Look at it from outer space as you are flying in the Anchorhead Spaceport.....


1) you can see an outline of the United States in lights.


2) Post WW3 when the nukes/radiation have all disappeared:

a) It turned earth into a baren lifeless wasteland

b) Human Survivors = Sandpeople


3) The extra sun.....Either:

a) We had a planetary collision which destroyed and ripped half of the sun we have today and created twin suns. (This is simular to how scientists believe we created out own moon btw).

b) A planetary experiment gone wrong which ignited flammable gasses/material on a planetary scale either through colonization or interplanetary mining/resource gathering.


Conclusion: Tatooine = Earth far beyond WW3.


According to the early datacron Lore bits. A celestial race seeded the Core Worlds with life (mainly human) [that's what the datacron says - though I haven't read it in a while] and that Courscant is the seat of Humanity.


As to point 3a, that's just not how it works, as far as I know. Proto-Earth was hit by a Mars size planetoid which added to the Proto-Earth structure and the extra bits formed the Moon in Earth's gravity well. This however is with solid bodies, the sun being gaseous it wouldn't "split" due to any collision, especially considering the size of the sun.


Point 3b however has some merit to it, as in an episode of Stargate called 2010, an advanced race and Samantha Carter attempt to ignite Jupiter turning it into a second sun. It apparently being a failed star itself.


I will point out, I am not an astrophysicist :p

Edited by Ruliya
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Look at it from outer space as you are flying in the Anchorhead Spaceport.....


1) you can see an outline of the United States in lights.


2) Post WW3 when the nukes/radiation have all disappeared:

a) It turned earth into a baren lifeless wasteland

b) Human Survivors = Sandpeople


3) The extra sun.....Either:

a) We had a planetary collision which destroyed and ripped half of the sun we have today and created twin suns. (This is simular to how scientists believe we created out own moon btw).

b) A planetary experiment gone wrong which ignited flammable gasses/material on a planetary scale either through colonization or interplanetary mining/resource gathering.


Conclusion: Tatooine = Earth far beyond WW3.


1) The united states? Really? All I can say is "-YOU- must be a Yank." Furthermore: In lights? Really? In the middle of the bloody -DUNE- sea?


2) It's confirmed in KotOR (If you ever played it) that Tatooine used to be a lush planet the Rakata turned into glass because of a slave revolt getting out of control. This is revealed to you by the Sand People historians.


3) Or... the Tatooine system had two suns to begin with... as the planet orbits in a rather regular fashion around them, seeing as they set and raise rather simultaneously.(As evidenced in the "New Hope" when Luke stares at the horizone).


If one were to experiment with such things, the magnitude of the explosion when things go wrong would wipe out the solar system with every possible star in the vicinity. Which couldn't be the case, as KotOR reveals the long history of Tatooine and the reason behind the planet turning into sand.


Conclusion = It's a galaxy far-far away, a long-long time ago. I can't stress this enough. Tatooine's lore is KNOWN if you bothered to play KotOR. The Sand People explain it rather plain and simple. So yes, Conclusion is, once again, it's a galaxy far-far away, a long-long time ago.


Haters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn.

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According to the early datacron Lore bits. A celestial race seeded the Core Worlds with life (mainly human) [that's what the datacron says - though I haven't read it in a while] and that Courscant is the seat of Humanity.


As to point 3a, that's just not how it works, as far as I know. Proto-Earth was hit by a Mars size planetoid which added to the Proto-Earth structure and the extra bits formed the Moon in Earth's gravity well. This however is with solid bodies, the sun being gaseous it wouldn't "split" due to any collision, especially considering the size of the sun.


Point 3b however has some merit to it, as in an episode of Stargate called 2010, an advanced race and Samantha Carter attempt to ignite Jupiter turning it into a second sun. It apparently being a failed star itself.


I will point out, I am not an astrophysicist :p


AFAIK, that was a reference to 2010: Odyssey Two written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1982, which was adapted to film in 1984 by Stanley Kubrick.


Far more likely, honestly, then the sun splitting!

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AFAIK, that was a reference to 2010: Odyssey Two written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1982, which was adapted to film in 1984 by Stanley Kubrick.


Far more likely, honestly, then the sun splitting!


I didn't know that. I'll have to look it up, so thanks for the info ^^

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Kubrik didnt do 2010 :p Just 2001


Really? Huh. Cursory examination proves you correct, sir.


<_< Rather silly of me to assume, I suppose. Honestly can't sit through the books or movies. Only reason I read the second one was for school-related purposes. :o

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In star wars lore, no one really knows. All are possibilities.


Aliens! For years people have claimed that their eggs and sperm have been stolen so that must be it!


joking aside, it is interesting that no one seems to know where humans seem to come from. Maybe they really were abducted from our earth?

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Which is weird because in KOTOR the Rakata droid in Dantooine doesn't recognize the two humans (Bastila and Revan) as members of a slave race :confused:


Good point. Though I think there are workarounds. Like humans could have just not have been part of the construction of it (Not saying because of spoilers involved).

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3) The extra sun.....Either:

a) We had a planetary collision which destroyed and ripped half of the sun we have today and created twin suns. (This is simular to how scientists believe we created out own moon btw).

b) A planetary experiment gone wrong which ignited flammable gasses/material on a planetary scale either through colonization or interplanetary mining/resource gathering.


Conclusion: Tatooine = Earth far beyond WW3.


a) This is not how binary star formations are made.

b) This is not how stars are made.

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Not trying to start a fight or anything. But my post was removed for mentioning God because it could be offensive and they don't want religious talk on here. Ok, reasonable to me. But what about everyone taking an Atheist view on this subject. It could be offensive to me. This is more of a question to BioWare Support since I can't reply to their message
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As to the matter of making a new star. There are two important reasons why you can't make a single star system into a binary system and keep the planets there.


1. The star is MUCH bigger than the planet(s). Any collision with another star (you would need to have something the same mass) that was strong enough to pull material from the parent star would cause gravitational fluctuations in the system that would destabilize the planetary orbit(s) and either cause them to spiral into the star or be ejected.


2. Chemical burning and nuclear burning are not the same thing. If you have a fire in front of you, what you are seeing is a chemical reaction that gives off energy. The burning wood (made of carbon) is reacting with oxygen in the air to produce carbon monoxide and dioxide. The reaction requires some energy to get started but once going it goes until it runs out of fuel. The extra released energy comes from the energy that the carbon and oxygen give off as they bond to each other. Nuclear burning works on a different principle. For the fusion that happens in a star positively charged hydrogen nuclei (protons) are forced together until they bind into helium. You may know from trying to push refrigerator magnets together that positive charges don't like to get together with other positive charges. It takes the intense heat (makes them super fast) and pressure (pushes them close together) at the center of a star to make just two protons bond to each other. The released energy comes from the new helium nucleus (with 2 protons) having slightly lower mass than the individual hydrogens (protons) did. That mass is then converted into energy by E=mc^2. Jupiter is less than 1% the mass of the sun (see above how stars are really really big) and to do any fusion would need to be at least 13x more massive (more mass than all the other planets, asteroids, and comets in the solar system) so unless the plan is to siphon off mass from the sun and add it Jupiter to make Jupiter 13x more massive (which would increase its gravity by the same amount and alter the Earth's orbit and the other planets' orbits) there is no way to ever turn Jupiter into a star. If you could pull that off still Earth would orbit between the two stars so they'd almost never be in the same place like you see in the movie where they move together in every shot.


Sources: I am an astrophysicist :cool:

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