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how you guys enjoying the game so far?


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kind of borring, this is my FIRST mmo ever i have nothing to do.


daily routine.

first, go to IF, bounty board

getting the PvP Daily, move to my Space ship flying to Ilum.

doing my Front Line PvP (that is rocketing the turrets, hidding for a few republics (not wanna wast my time PvPing)

after that sign up for a few Warfronts, this is the more time consuming part sometimes i get 4 times Hutball and loss them all 4.

then i do the 2 missions on Ilum daily.

Pressing Emercency Fleet pass, Turn in my quests, open the bag's and expecting to get tokens for the 100's of time.


try get a group for BT HM, wich is inposable 15 mins later log off.

all around 90 mins work, so kind of borring replay.

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really great game! addicted :p lvl 38 imperial agent as healer, sooo much fun :cool:


I have heard alot of hate on this forum and others (tho on other its sometimes plans to attack this game on the forum...pretty sad if you ask me)


hopefully you have as much fun or more as i have had so far :D

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It was good until you finish your story when you realize it's really where ALL their resources went. I won't stick around for more than 3 or 4 months to wait for them to add basic features because I won't pay to log and do dailies and raid once a week.


This game needs THINGS to do and they need to add most of the good features of SWG and other stuff like:

- housing like in SWG with every item of the game being droppable and movable anywhere in the house

- complete ship customization like in Galaxies (interior and exterior)

- real space combat (with atmospheric)

- city PvP raid

- PvP perks and bases

- social things in cantina like pazaak, sabacc and casino on Nar Shaddaa

- complete racing setup on many planets with vehicle tuning and customization

- complete character customization including post creation

- appearance tab with clothing over the armor with dyes, etc

- swimming

- day/night cycle

- add life to the world by giving adding hundreds of NPC in the cities and give them movements and animation instead of the current awful 24/7 frozen empty worlds

- redo cinematics so they aren't so stiff, laughable, awful and poorly made

- reason to go back and stuff to do on the previous planets

- guild emblem on armor, identification, ship (with complete customization like SWG)

- environment interaction

- more diverse skills like in Champions Online with skills interacting with other skills

- GM event, dynamic event and RP tools like in SWG


They have a lot to do because at this moment, the game is too shallow.


Those are just FLUFF and the game is barely out.

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Waiting till 1.1 hits on the 17th. If it doesn't fix every single bug on it's list and then some then I will be canceling my subscription before the 19th(End of free month).


- Way too many bugs

- Laggy P.O.S engine

- Get gear wayyyy too fast, which I thought would be awesome but now I feel like I never want to log in because I'm almost full Rakata

- Lack of customer support

Edited by Slomoshun
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The solo nature of the class quests aren't making this seem like a multi-player game, level 50s are making PvP frustrating, the graphics and character customization are disappointing, and the performance sucks.



On top of that, the dialogue seems really repetitive and some of the quests are pretty poorly written.

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I've sunk a lot of time into this game so far. Got a Juggernaut to 44 and a Mercenary to 31 and various alts in the 15-20s. By now the "newness" has worn off a bit and I'm getting a bit bored. There's some cool stuff in this game but I can't help but feel WoW does much of the stuff outside of the storytelling better than SWTOR. I don't think this title is quite on par with what I'm used to seeing from BioWare.


But then again I wasn't too impressed with Dragon Age: Origins either. Love the Mass Effect games, though.

Edited by Axxar
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If i play it like I would skyrim or something, its a decent game.

To help just shut off chat immediately in the top left corner. And watch every quest cut scene.

If it takes you less than 2 hours to get to level 4-5, you did it wrong.


But if you come at it from an mmo perspective you will be surely disappointed. You can solo the 2+ heroics at level 8 so just do that instead, to keep the single player feeling alive.


Also added to that would be the class I played when testing this which was Sith - Imperial Agent, I'm sure its similar for the bounty hunter, being the same area and all. However, the agent allows you to duck for cover and snipe people, even at level one, one shotting them. It adds to the thrill I think. Lets you get your RP on.


Try not to look at it as go kill this or that, pay atttention to the cut scene, they did a pretty good job at using the right voice actors so you can occasional get some emotion felt through the speaker. Again, get your RP on or be disappointed. lol

Edited by mcfabulous
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Whatever missions you do from 1-10 is the same thing you are going to do from 11-50 without change. The npc's just get harder. The missions are basically 4 or 5 period fetch, turn on or turn off, kill and gather. At 50 they don't change either so don't get your hopes up for that.
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Not really, for me it got boring at level 40, I had no drive to continue levelling up and playing due to the lack of end game content in my opinion. Also I would find it difficult for me to make a new character, because I really cba to go through another levelling grind process again


Cause end game is all about lvl 40 right? Sounds like MMO's aren't your thing.

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PVE runs great 50-70FPS no large jumps nice and smooth it was great, then I tryed to pvp and **** hit the fan 10-15FPS, so my enjoyment level went from first 15levels being awesome to the rest being I paid 60 dollars I might aswell finish the class story
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Cause the level 50 content is top secretet information only known to those at level 50, right?


You'd be surprised by the amount of people in their 30's and 40's that say the game is perfect. Then you look at the amount of people at 50 that really know how broken the game is. Just because the questing is working doesn't mean the rest of the game is fine.


PVE runs great 50-70FPS no large jumps nice and smooth it was great, then I tryed to pvp and **** hit the fan 10-15FPS, so my enjoyment level went from first 15levels being awesome to the rest being I paid 60 dollars I might aswell finish the class story


Complete opposite for me.


PVE has super bad FPS and PVP is fine. I'm running on a machine that can play any current game at max settings and beyond but yet I get 25FPS in a 16man Operation and 120+ in a Warzone.

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It was good until you finish your story when you realize it's really where ALL their resources went. I won't stick around for more than 3 or 4 months to wait for them to add basic features because I won't pay to log and do dailies and raid once a week.


This game needs THINGS to do and they need to add most of the good features of SWG and other stuff like:

- housing like in SWG with every item of the game being droppable and movable anywhere in the house

- complete ship customization like in Galaxies (interior and exterior)

- real space combat (with atmospheric)

- city PvP raid

- PvP perks and bases

- social things in cantina like pazaak, sabacc and casino on Nar Shaddaa

- complete racing setup on many planets with vehicle tuning and customization

- complete character customization including post creation

- appearance tab with clothing over the armor with dyes, etc

- swimming

- day/night cycle

- add life to the world by giving adding hundreds of NPC in the cities and give them movements and animation instead of the current awful 24/7 frozen empty worlds

- redo cinematics so they aren't so stiff, laughable, awful and poorly made

- reason to go back and stuff to do on the previous planets

- guild emblem on armor, identification, ship (with complete customization like SWG)

- environment interaction

- more diverse skills like in Champions Online with skills interacting with other skills

- GM event, dynamic event and RP tools like in SWG


They have a lot to do because at this moment, the game is too shallow.


Like this list is nice

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