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Datacrons riddicilously hard to get?


am i the only one who thinks they are a nice idea to the game, but too often too hard to get so ppl end up not bothering trying to get them?


i dont mind if they are challenging to get, but theres a limit to the madness, the reward for spending hours some times on trying to get one is simply too little and im not saying you should just be able to walk up and grab it, but you shouldnt spend hours on figuring out a way to get it, more visible paths, maybe less harder paths (running ½ a map around on small ledges with the risk of falling down and have to spend 10 mins getting back up aint fun) and maybe plant an elite mob at it.

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Theres several out there, 1 on tatooine in anchorhead you can see it if you stand at the vendor area (crew skills), they are visible with a bright glow but as stated way too hard to get i know several ppl including myself who have tried and tried getting different datacrons and simply just give up and wont bother anymore its more rewarding killing a strong/elite mob and loot the security chest behind it.
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I am level 50 now. I haven't seen one datacron since playing the game. Where are they located??



I went down this list when I hit 50. Stopped at the cunning datacron (Imperial side) on Tatooine. The jumping / surfaces are not precise enough for that kind of extended platforming. Feels like chance. Aside from this, they were all readily attainable. Although the willpower datacron on Taris was very unforgiving.

Edited by Laiov
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I think some of the locations are crazy, and impossbly hard to get.


In a world where jetpacks exist running along pipes and jumping from point to point to get to a location for the datacron. Is absurd.


I was trying to get some of them in Coruscant and with the internet lag and exact jumping needed. I got so frustrated I gave up.


BioWare, please fix. This is an MMO not Mario.


Have the toons use their hand to make jumps more realistic instead of dropping for missing by inches. If you know where to run and jump to why is it so hard to get it right. The way it is setup now it makes players look like idiots, not heroic.

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I went down this list when I hit 50. Stopped at the cunning datacron (Imperial side) on Tatooine. The jumping / surfaces are not precise enough for that kind of extended platforming. Feels like chance. Aside from this, they were all readily attainable. Although the willpower datacron on Taris was very unforgiving.


Thanks for this! This will give me something to do once I get to 50...could be a month or so though =)

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I love them! If I found any whilst leveling I would try get them and only just today started to go back through and get the ones I missed. Just finished Taris (I didn't spend very long on it) and I really liked finding out how to get a couple I couln't figure out whilst leveling.
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they are supposed to be hard to find and /or get too. I love looking for them and spending hours trying to get to them. seems some people just want an Easy Button for everything. Where is the challenge in that? Give me more of these, BioWare. I enjoy them!
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I like them perfectly the way they are (except THAT one on Tatooine, you all know what I'm talking about...). They're challenging and difficult to obtain, but also entirely optional. Don't wanna go out of your way to get one? Don't. It's not going to hurt you any in the long run. If you do enjoy it, though, go for it! The other day I went to make my Willpower matrix cube at level 50, without using any guides. Figuring out where to get the specific datacrons I needed based on rumors in general chat alone was fun for me, it made me feel like I'm hunting something that's actually hidden, as if only a few people knew of its existence.


For one, I had to buy an obscure item from an obscure vendor for nearly 20k credits, then wander deep into the wilderness, find the thing, and use the item on it. For another, I had to kill a difficult to find level ~45 Champion, loot an item from it, take that item to the opposite side of the planet, and use it in an unnoticeable area. None of these are really necessary though, unless you really need some small stat boost or a matrix cube. Even then, all of the matrix cube part locations are relatively simple to reach, even the laggiest person could get them (except that hated one on Tatooine). If you're having trouble with one you can just ignore it, or look up a guide/have a friend help. Really, you could pay a Sage/Sorcerer to reach the thing and use their friendly-target force pull ability to get you to it. I paid a guy on Tatooine 20k credits to do just that, and it was well worth saving 40 minutes.

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Wait til you try and get the +10 one. You need other people to help you.

Yeah, four people. It's the largest datacron group AFAIK. That one was neat though. It's the first datacron I did. The grappling hook mechanic isn't something I expected to see in this kind of game.




Thanks for this! This will give me something to do once I get to 50...could be a month or so though =)

NP. You don't need to wait until 50 to do all of them as something like half of the datacrons are just tucked out of the way in some obscure corner of the map and can be walked to, but since several will require going through heroic areas, attempting them at even level will drastically increase the amount of time you need to spend getting into position. I only waited until 50 because I'd never encountered one and didn't really know what they were until I saw LFG spam in the fleet about the +10 all stats datacron and grouped up for it.




I too found this incredibly annoying, trying to jump up a load of boxes on coruscant to get one datacron which i eventually gave up on because the next box up was too hard to jump up and get to, let us climb the boxes instead.

That's really the only problem with the datacrons as they stand, in my opinion. The jumping is not precise and neither are the platform graphics. Some jumps that don't seem like you should be able to make them result in your character being basically pulled that extra bit up to the platform, as if you were snapping into place, while others that seem relatively straightforward will result in your character being pulled down and off the edge of a platform such that you need to jump early to clear the edge. The result is that momentum seems unrealistic - or at least different enough from momentum in Super Mario Brothers and the sort to work against my motor memory - which makes a couple of the courses a pain rather than a challenge. They are still doable though.


At least one of the datacron paths is bugged. On Belsavis, you can see a transparent bridge over the lava to the aim datacron... which seems to have no collision detection whatsoever. You fall straight through it every time. So you need to take an alternate path to that datacron, the first jump of which is tightly gated by invisible walls and the last jump of which requires a fast mount.



To people who've run into trouble getting some of these: please note that posters who say "they are all easy" and "nothing needs to be fixed" are either trolling or haven't actually done them all. The datacrons are all doable, but some of them are quite challenging. Several are also unforgiving in that one mistake means death and a run back to the start, with no probe, or a run back to the start and five minutes of platforming back to the problematic jump - problematic because of invisible imprecision in the graphics and jumping (which means: trial and error (luck) rather than intuition or motor memory, and therefore attrition).


The first and perhaps most helpful thing you'll need to know about platforming in this game is that it's important to toggle your sprint on and off as needed. Sometimes you'll need to turn it on for one jump, then off for the next, and then on again for a third. This is can be tricky because you are going to find yourself doing it to accommodate limited running space more often than limited landing space or the distance to be cleared. Once you've become comfortable doing that, your success rate should increase significantly.


Keep at it. These bonuses add up as you begin to collect a majority of the datacrons. They are worth getting.

Edited by Laiov
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Datacrons are a complete and utter rip-off of Logos-thingies from Tabula Rasa even the toons reaction to activatinbg them is the same.


Datacrons was one of the deciding factors for not re-subbing, what is required to do them would amount to exploiting in any other game. Presicion jumping wall walking , terrain exploits. Much of it is visualy absurd as you can make jumps you shouldn't be able to.


HEY I am a jedi I can jump 20 or so meters, why can't I jump up on that low roof or that wall it's less than 10 feet. Hey can I move this crate ? Can I have my companion boost me up? Are there any SPACE ladders anywhere , maybe at the SPACE home depot?



It doesn't fit the game genre or the setting.

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I got all the datacrons mapped out on my site.


Here's a link: http://www.swtor-holo.net/swtor-datacron-locations.html

You have some really good info in your guide about the platform mechanics that I haven't seen elsewhere, but you should include a quick map in your videos themselves. When I was collecting these I had to cross-reference what you were doing with somebody else's guide because it was difficult to find your starting points.

Edited by Laiov
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Datacrons riddicilously hard to get?


am i the only one who thinks they are a nice idea to the game, but too often too hard to get so ppl end up not bothering trying to get them?


i dont mind if they are challenging to get, but theres a limit to the madness, the reward for spending hours some times on trying to get one is simply too little and im not saying you should just be able to walk up and grab it, but you shouldnt spend hours on figuring out a way to get it, more visible paths, maybe less harder paths (running ½ a map around on small ledges with the risk of falling down and have to spend 10 mins getting back up aint fun) and maybe plant an elite mob at it.



Then dont get the few that you feel are annoying to get (eg. Ttooine balloon ride).


You won't cry about the +4 Stat since its only +4 (maybe only +2) and we wont have your post taking space for more important issue.


The Datacrons are a nice little thing for explorers or min/maxers to do in their offitime, or while leveling. So far I've gotten all through Belsavis, and only 4 of them have been anoying to get. And by annoying meaning its just waiting a little or having to look a little for some random spawns (Nar Shadaa kiosk, Tatooine balloon, Belsavis Green Shard).


If I ddint get those I'd be out very little in the long run.

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I too found this incredibly annoying, trying to jump up a load of boxes on coruscant to get one datacron which i eventually gave up on because the next box up was too hard to jump up and get to, let us climb the boxes instead.


Yes, this one is a pain. I found that if you angle the camera up a little before you jump it helps. The other one that sucked so far is the one in The Works where again you have to jump and walk across pipes.

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