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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The well has run dry


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You just spacebar mashed through all your quests and now you're QQ because there's consequences.


Tough luck. Wait for the rest of the population to catch up or quit your whining.


You are one of the reasons I'm not resubbing.


The community here sucks balls.

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You are one of the reasons I'm not resubbing.


The community here sucks balls.


Lol, really... compare it to WoW than. See what community you dislike more. Besides he has a point. Too much complaining and whining about a game created and designed exactly how they wanted it. If the game isnt for you, than its not for you and just stop playing/quit/unsub or whatever you want quietly, your nonconstructive criticism(complaining/whining) helps nothing. If the whiners and complainers wanted to attempt to change something they would write a helpful constructive criticism thread for BW not a fat rant for all to see.

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Every single planet I'm on says there are 9-30 people on the planet. I maybe see 3-5 of them during a 3 hour questing period. The rest of the time I am by myself. Literally alone in a vast environment.


Does that explain things simply enough?


9 People on Corellia during prime-time. No extra instances, just the ONE. I traveled across 2 zones to help someone with their class quest just because 1) I wanted to prove to myself someone else was around, and 2) I wanted to do something nice for someone else who was obviously also completely alone and desperate for help.


After you hit 30+ on my server, everywhere except Republic Fleet is a ghost-town.


That's not an exaggeration. You simply will not encounter many people. Flying around Belsavis by myself. Flying around Balmorra by myself. Flying around Hoth by myself. Good lord that winter wasteland felt isolating.


The server says "heavy" load...I just don't understand where they all are. Maybe Empire-side? Is 200 people a heavy load?


I understand the issue, it's just that it's completely different on my server.

But when you say it changes around level 30, maybe that is because there's just a lot of players who haven't advanced that much yet.

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I hear that argument a lot: "I don't like the feeling of being alone on a planet." But actually I don't get that one completly. You see, I'm by no means a solo-player. I like grouping and I like flashpoints. I don't exclusively do these things with my guild either, although I prefer a guild-group.


But the thing is that while I'm questing solo, I don't need players to run around me, because all that would accomplish would be that they'd be doing their stuff, while I'm doing mine. The interaction would be limited to a spontaneous grouping when I see someone is waiting for the same questmob or the occasional helping hand when someone is in trouble.


The important thing however is that I'm able to group whenever I need to. I've never waited longer than a few minutes for a heroic-group, a little more for flashpoints. So the social interaction required to play the game is there and works even better than in most older MMOs. The only difference is that there are not hundreds of players around me. But that's only natural and to be expected in a new MMO. Players are spread out in the gameworld, leveling up. The player-clusters will come once most people hit level 50, which is early enough in my book.

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I'm leveling 8 toons, and just got to 40 on the highest. Honestly I felt like you do earlier on and in beta some, but now the game feels more like an MMO should. I recognize names, have some foe's ects. Also they already posted notes about the coming patch 1.1, which will be a huge improvment to pvp imo. So I really think the idea that the game will be the same in 6 months is false.
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While I can't agree personally that SWTOR doesn't provide a far more immersive and interesting gaming experience than WoW ever has(and I played WoW since launch, enjoyed it very much at times, but it was always far more mechanical than this game and always lacked, for ME, the most essential part of an MMORPG, which is that the game reflects genuine care about the story), I agree 100% that the artificially restrictive instancing Bioware is using atm is having an extremely negative effect on the game's atmosphere.


I don't want thousands of people running around the dunes of Tatooine...that would look ridiculous. But instancing the planets to the degree they are makes the world feel lifeless and empty, and is not what people expect from an MMO.


This ought to be on Bioware's top ten fixes list, bc I think it is one thing that could drastically affect the games success both long and short term.

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