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British accents = Empire


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allo-allo-allo, Darth Britannicus is my name, yes i' is.


Ya come to 'a'toine, travel to ma ci'y, and sit downe in ma 'ouse.


Look, here's what i'm thinking. I'mma lorde o' da sith, and ya only have a li'tle bi' o' force powa'. Only now, in da end, do yees unders'and, imma thin'n.


I actually like the accents. Most games have that rather generic North American English so I'm enjoying hearing something different. They could go farther though.


Scottish, Australian, Irish accents ;).


And they should break out the Cannuck accent, eh, you hosers.


- Arcada


There is Scottish, I have heard a few officers speak in a Scottish Accent :)

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In the original trilogy, almost all of the Rebels spoke English with American accents, whereas almost all of the Imperials spoke British English. Why they're choosing to carry that convention back 4000 years when we've got movies in between where all kinds of Republic cultures are speaking with all sorts of different accents, I'm not sure.


Probably for familiarity for those who only know Star Wars from the movies and nothing else.

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There is Scottish, I have heard a few officers speak in a Scottish Accent :)


There may even be some Welsh as well. But there is definitely Scottish, the firs outpost on Balmorra there is an Imp sergeant that has you use an EMP on some auto cannons and he has a defined Scottish accent for one example.

Edited by Hyfy
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If you're noticing the British run the Empire, it's not your imagination. One of the funnier parts at the beginning of the Imperial Agent quest has your Keeper instructing you to "drop the Imperial accent" - whereupon your previously dignified London accent morphs into a bad impersonation of Robert Pattinson's bad impersonation of what an American sounds like, complete with butchery of any word with the letter R :)
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British just have better voices for sounding evil.

Is also why we can assume that we always play the bad guy in Hollywood movies, games and so on. as we are seen as the more stick in the mud compared to the Americans (I guess)

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How the hell did you make the link between needing an accent to be Imperial and then suddenly jumping to they must all be British?!


You realize Britain includes Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland?


Because I'm yet to see an accent that could be any of them but English.


to be fair some imperials have a slight scottish acent as well.


and as it been said the main cast for SW the good guys were all hierd from america and the imps which scenes from the death star were shot in london so they used british actors.

ironically i read somewhere that LA said the acents of the imps was the acent of humans from courcant so not sure if bioware got their thing the wrong way round.

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Hello everyone,


We have recently removed some posts that were straying into discussion of recent real-world politics and occurrences.


As a gentle reminder, due to their volatile nature, real-world political discussions and references are inappropriate for the forums.


Discussion of the origins of the accents heard in game and what their RL analogues may be is fine as long as the discussion remains centered primarily around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and does not stray into RL political territory.


Thank you for your understanding and feel free to carry on.

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This is another reason why I find the game, & Star Wars its self mind you, to be quite racist.

In most games you need to be a British person to be evil, if you want to be a good guy with a posh accent.. well tough luck. BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens. :eek:


I thought that having a selectable voice would've been the first thing they let you do. Seems like a no brainer. I mean I'm an Aussie, & tbh I'd prefer a British or Scottish accent over an American one. Just the same as a yank would probably prefer an American accent over a Brit. & in this timeline I'd much prefer to have my main as a Jedi > Consular (for the more posh accent). Especially given the only other options are sith or a child Imperial Officer wannabe. Everything else has the full blown yankathon accent.


One of the funnier parts at the beginning of the Imperial Agent quest has your Keeper instructing you to "drop the Imperial accent" - whereupon your previously dignified London accent morphs into a bad impersonation of Robert Pattinson's bad impersonation of what an American sounds like, complete with butchery of any word with the letter R :)



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Quick question: What the hell is Lt. Pierce's accent from?


He sounded like a couple of Aussies I know from work but now I'm not so sure.


This is also probably the reason I enjoy playing Imperials, all them sexy voices. Except for Jen Hale... she's the exception.

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This is another reason why I find the game, & Star Wars its self mind you, to be quite racist.

In most games you need to be a British person to be evil, if you want to be a good guy with a posh accent.. well tough luck. BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens. :eek:


I thought that having a selectable voice would've been the first thing they let you do. Seems like a no brainer. I mean I'm an Aussie, & tbh I'd prefer a British or Scottish accent over an American one. Just the same as a yank would probably prefer an American accent over a Brit. & in this timeline I'd much prefer to have my main as a Jedi > Consular (for the more posh accent). Especially given the only other options are sith or a child Imperial Officer wannabe. Everything else has the full blown yankathon accent.


LOL racist? How about keeping consistency..?


Many Imperial actors in the OT were British / had the accent due to where the filmings were....nothing more, nothing less. I love how people try to find some conspiracy. :rolleyes:

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I always thought that in the movies, the Imperials were given British accents because the story is kind of "historical" (trying not to piss the mods off!). You know what I mean.


BUT, knowing me, I'm probably wrong :p

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There is at least one exception to the accent. Kira Carsen

is supposed to be a child of the emperor, but definitely does not have the accent for it (no surprise because the VA is Laura Bailey, who if from the southern US).

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There is at least one exception to the accent. Kira Carsen

is supposed to be a child of the emperor, but definitely does not have the accent for it (no surprise because the VA is Laura Bailey, who if from the southern US).



She also did spend a great deal of time on Nar Shaddaa so her accent is probably from her time there. Plus part of her story is that she kept the fact that she was born in the Empire secret from the Jedi, and that wouldn't really work too well if she was always talking in an Imperial accent.


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I have been commenting about this very thing whilst going through the sith inquisitor story line. Every time she speaks, she sounds like Mary Popins' evil twin, acted badly (true to form hehe)



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I don't particularly notice it when I run around with my Warrior and Quinn, they both speak how I do and most people where I live XD


The way they pronounce certain words is questionable but I don't know if it's me or them using americanised English.

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