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Anyone Else Agree We're Too Squishy?


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Ok, I'm at 47 and even going against more than one silver is a pain because of the fact I normally would have to blow all my defensive cooldowns and also I can't even run with any of my other companions besides freaking Quinn because of the fact we drop so fast and don't have any way of healing ourselves unless we run the Annihilation tree. In my opinion I think Bioware should just get rid of cloak of pain and give marauder heavy armor, or at least make medium armor more effective. Discuss.
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Pre 40 I thought this, but as I got nearer to 50 it felt like the class was just getting stronger. I changed from Carnage to Annihilation at 35 too, that seemed to help.


For 1-2 Silvers I'm fine with Jaesa, for elites I use Quinn, and usually finish on full health. Best advice I can give is make sure Quinn is geared up as much as possible and use the CDs/Interupts in the right situations.


It's not quite as strong as my Sorc was at soloing, but it's still pretty effective..

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Once you hit the higher levels it's all good. Undying Rage and talented Force Camouflage make a huge difference. Not to mention the Bleed health returns as an Annihilation Marauder.


Try Broonmark out instead of Quinn, fully equipped with (I know, it's a *****) blues. Send him in to die, and you'll survive.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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Good 4 you. Using broonmark I assume?


im 38 right now and i solo every h2 i come across..


was 37 when i soloed the first h2 on hoth, no problems with 2 elites at the same time or the champion at the end 1 lvl higher than me with 55k hp.


For the elites i didnt even use saberward, only Cloak, no medpacks

For the champion i used Saberward, 1 Medpack, Cloak


quinn ftw! finshed every fight with arround 70-80% health


neither my vanguard nor my Guardian would be able to the same...its rediculous how strong maras can be


but i have incredible gear for my lvl, all the stuff i get right now from h4 on hoth at lvl 38 result in 20-30 armor less and minus 20 for most of my stats.


+ bichem at 330 right now boosting me with reusable adrenals/stims


never slowed down, never felt squishy, in fact i feel cutting faster trough the content then i did with my vanguard

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I think the trouble isnt so much the squishiness its how fast things go from manageable to dead. Like with my assassin if i start losing, i know i'm losing from about 10% of my HP gone, with my mara i often lose so much so fast im nearly dead before i've set up my full rotation. Fighting more than 1 silver is awkward, and takes more work than just about any class i've played, the lack of CC doesnt help.
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im 38 right now and i solo every h2 i come across..


was 37 when i soloed the first h2 on hoth, no problems with 2 elites at the same time or the champion at the end 1 lvl higher than me with 55k hp.


For the elites i didnt even use saberward, only Cloak, no medpacks

For the champion i used Saberward, 1 Medpack, Cloak


quinn ftw! finshed every fight with arround 70-80% health


neither my vanguard nor my Guardian would be able to the same...its rediculous how strong maras can be


but i have incredible gear for my lvl, all the stuff i get right now from h4 on hoth at lvl 38 result in 20-30 armor less and minus 20 for most of my stats.


+ bichem at 330 right now boosting me with reusable adrenals/stims


never slowed down, never felt squishy, in fact i feel cutting faster trough the content then i did with my vanguard


The issue isn't low level content. It's around 45+, when the content gets harder. Triple silver pulls, and double elites. Heroic 2's have pulls with 3-4 elites sometimes. You can do fine doing all the solo quests, but dont expect to solo the Heroic 2+ on Corellia.

Edited by Selixx
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The issue isn't low level content. It's around 45+, when the content gets harder. Triple silver pulls, and double elites. Heroic 2's have pulls with 3-4 elites sometimes. You can do fine doing all the solo quests, but dont expect to solo the Heroic 2+ on Corellia.


Strange, cause from what ive seen on this forum, most people allways says the class only really starts to shine around that lvl:jawa_biggrin:

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Strange, cause from what ive seen on this forum, most people allways says the class only really starts to shine around that lvl:jawa_biggrin:


In term of dealing damage. not survivability/CC/control/mobility. they stay ****y


nobody will deny the marauder have good damage. it just happen to be the only thing they have

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I have a level 50 sorcerer, and compared to her, marauders are WAY squishy, which is pretty amusing considering marauders are leather melee fighters.


For those that are saying "no, they're not squishy", try playing a different class and compare. Yes, marauders are VERY fragile.

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I dont think anyone here really knows what its like to play a marauder. im starting to get this distinct feeling that some of the replies and accounts people claim are from people who dont even have a marauder and are just trolling the forums.



I agree, were too squishy. In fact im trying my best to post in every thread on the marauder forums to make sure that bioware is taking this seriously.


Ive already made comments on the fact that its near impossible to level solo without quinn or going annihilation.


Just wait till you hit 50 and try to pvp, (even with gear). Youll want to quit fast. Its extremely frustrating at times.

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I'm not sure exactly what your doing wrong, but it must be something because I am also level 47 at the moment and I have NEVER used Quinn. I only ever use Vette and have done since I got her, besides one quest where I chose to use Jaesa. Anyhow, I have no problems questing at all using the Annihilation or the Rage tree, however... I'm using Carnage at the moment to test it and this one isn't as good in my opinion.
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We are not that squishy. Just need to learn when to pop your shield, stims, and meds for both PvE and PvP.


Again, take my advice and try a different class. Compared to a sorcerer, we're jello. Stims/meds on my sorc? That would only happen if I get jumped by an elite...or three while I'm already battling an elite or two.


As I said, though, that could just mean that sorcs are overpowered, I dunno.

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Again, take my advice and try a different class. Compared to a sorcerer, we're jello. Stims/meds on my sorc? That would only happen if I get jumped by an elite...or three while I'm already battling an elite or two.


As I said, though, that could just mean that sorcs are overpowered, I dunno.


Then again, it's all about play-ability and the L2P aspect of the player. I have no problem PvE, I don't even use Quinn. PvP is pretty much the same. I only get rick rolled when gang-banged but even then, Force Camo is the way to go and probably is considered my #1 survivablility skill.

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The last lvl 50 quest alone is proof of that.

What? Darth Fatso is a pushover.



I really have no idea what people are talking about when they complain about PvE survivability. You must be doing something wrong - whether that be gear, spec, or rotation I don't know.


I'm a huge advocate for leveling as Annhi, the survivability it gives is amazing. Someone was talking earlier about soloing Heroic 2+s, and it's true. You can solo a lot of the named Champion mobs you run into sometimes in quest areas too.


Now as for PvP, yeah, we're pretty squishy without our cooldowns. My main problem with that is simply due to buggy combat when abilities don't activate right. I can't count how many times I've gotten a "You can't do that while dead" message while trying to pop Undying Rage.


Some extra passive mitigation would be welcome, but it's not as huge of an issue as some people make it out to be. The main problem I see other Marauders have is that they try to play it as a Juggernaut - that is, jumping straight into a group of enemies and letting loose. We simply aren't built that way.

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I have never had any problems lvling, its been easy like hell.


Ive used Quinn at all time with his epics heals, whats the point using the others?

We are doing enough damage to take down the mobs very fast, while lvling i could easy take out many at the time with him, and easy all elite and champions.

It even gets easier at higher lvl imo :)

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We are waaay to squ.. I am rank 55 and its all about hit and run ... Dot a planer up run use Youre anhi skill run away dot again and sure Youre cooldowns see the dots killing him or use choker but as soon they see you or target get rdy to use Youre steath and get out, or you die....



We die Way to fast i don't understand a healer have heavy armor When we are the warrior class

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We are waaay to squ.. I am rank 55 and its all about hit and run ... Dot a planer up run use Youre anhi skill run away dot again and sure Youre cooldowns see the dots killing him or use choker but as soon they see you or target get rdy to use Youre steath and get out, or you die....



We die Way to fast i don't understand a healer have heavy armor When we are the warrior class


Dude your wrong, and you shouldt dot and then run away rofl..

You must be doing something wrong, we are not that easy to kill cant understand why so many whining about that, it makes me laugh.


In a 1v1 or 1v2 even 1v3 it takes some times to get down if you use your abilities, and know *** to do. I must of the time die about 4 times in warzones, if its going bad its about 8 times thats highest. And allways kill alooot more. And like allways win 1v1 fight gg.

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