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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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There's a F2P up to level 20, you should give it a spin, see what's it about and experience how Blizzard tells their stories.

It's actually quite an interesting experience since they due to the limitations of their game use the "show, don't tell" approach.


They don't have overarching storylines either, instead they tell a story within a zone and sometimes there's small connections here and there.


Just like how you in TOR will miss some things if you spacebar, in WoW you will miss a lot if you don't read the quest text and pay notice to the environment you're in since it contains a lot of small clues.


I'd recommend you roll a human warrior. Human because their immidiate area has the 2 low level zones that makes the most extensive use of phasing. Westfall and Redridge Mountains.


Warrior because the way they work in combat is just bloody fun!


N.B. should you decide to carry on, be well advised that once you hit Outland, while you may be treated to beautiful and imaginative areas, the actual questing is really lacking behind how things works in the Cataclysm zones (this includes Azeroth itself since it was retooled for Cataclysm, Wrath of the Lich King exluded).


I've played WoW before, don't need to again I found it rather boring and tasteless after a few months.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


I rolled a brand new shaman in WoW, and had some fun. But everything in moderation. That includes WoW. I can't believe the abilities a shaman gets by level 30.

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SWTOR has pretty much ruined all current MMO for me, including itself.


I'm not going to re-sub to any MMO that has currently launched.

I might unsub from SWTOR if most issues persist for too long.


Well, who knows. Maybe I'll wait a little bit for GW2 and planetside 2.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Wow I think you like this game a lot.


I honestly cant see how this game is structurally better then any of the established mmos out there. Heck, you cant even resize/alter the UI, something thats been around for almost a decade.


Methinks you just like the SW universe so much you are blind to its flaws.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.

I'm not sure we played the same game.


I've played that game a lot, and it's not interesting, nor intuitive... And it definitely doesn't "look better".

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Everything about RIFT is better than SWTOR in my OPINION.


I can't count how many times I've heard players on my server in RIFT saying they just returned from SWTOR.


This game is on it's way out along with Warhammer Online and AION.


SWTOR may well have saved Rift.

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I'm not sure we played the same game.


I've played that game a lot, and it's not interesting, nor intuitive... And it definitely doesn't "look better".


WoW just isn't fun and hasn't been fun since they overloaded the classes with rubbish and homogenized everything. What I like about SWTOR is I can actually get things wrong.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Indeed tried to play some other mmo's and check friends etc i just cant go back,the lvling in other mmo's is boring,no story,pvp here is nice fast paced but ofc like any new mmo's coming out it need some classes fix etc etc.


Bioware is listening the ARE fixing the issues we have atm daily/weekly bugs etc

PPL need to realize that mmo's need time to grow and nothing can happen in right at start its not a solo game its an mmo and mmo's need time.


Patience is the key for an mmo if u dont have then simply go back and play SP games.


Also ppl who compare new entry mmo's such as swtor now with mmo's aka wow wich is more than 7 years in markets is simply stupid thing to do if u wanna compare it then u need to wait months..hell even +2 years.

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I'm not sure we played the same game.


I've played that game a lot, and it's not interesting, nor intuitive... And it definitely doesn't "look better".


If you think the combat in this game is better and smoother than WoW's......you're beyond saving.

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relly? u play wow and this game has amazing PVP? bro, ...... meh, nvm.


wow pvp is boring and crap

it was nice at vanilla but now its just stupid boring crappy


and yes this game has better pvp

u dont like it then why the hell are u still here? **** already.

oO wait...pve carebear aye? no worry enjoy it.

Edited by Maniigoldo
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I logged into Warcraft after about three weeks being gone and now fully understand why Blizzard is the Grand Daddy of them all.


Yeah and lately Blizzard have been like, "hello sonny, want a boiled lollie?" They are scared and the should be. I logged in after being gone and just stood there thinking, "*** am I doing here"?

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wow pvp is boring and crap

it was nice at vanilla but now its just stupid boring crappy


and yes this game has better pvp

u dont like it then why the hell are u still here? **** already.

oO wait...pve carebear aye? no worry enjoy it.


WoW has responsive gameplay without extra delay upon the global cooldown. WoW also has some form of balance. This game has none and in its current state it is worse than twink BGs in WoW.

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