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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Agreed. My other game is Vanguard, and it finally has a rival. ;)

Excellent job BW.

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I would never expected to see someone says that the PvP experience in this game spoiled her... The responsiveness is very bad and the "all in one bracket" concept is not... satisfactory (sic). And you compared Orgirimar with Imperial Fleet and you like the Fleet more? :o Well ok... Edited by Rayaleith
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@shoryushoryu Ok I simply HAVE to reply now because the amount of crap comming from you is utterly amazing.


Yeah the combat just feels "right" in WoW whereas it's currently pretty clunky in SWTOR...


WoW is +6 years old, thats why its so finely tuned, its has been under way for a long time.


I'm not sure I will keep playing WoW because the grind to 85 looks crazy time-consuming


Uhm. Leveling is patheticly easier than ever before in wow....


and the expansions are expensive


What the HELL are you rambling about? The client is free of charge, all you do is create a battle.net acc and you sub, then youre ready to go. Theres even a free trail!


I don't really see why I should keep paying a monthly fee to play a game that's inferior to another 6-year-old game.


A classic example of a person turning the words in your own favor. THE AGE OF WOW IS WHY THE GAME IS SO POLISHED.


Look, its obvious you dont have a clue about WoW or how everything works so stop acting wise. Youve barely played it and all you do is throw random mumbo jumbo around that are half lies.

Edited by Amelyssan
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@shoryushoryu ok i simply have to reply now because the amount of crap comming from you is utterly amazing.




Wow is +6 years old, thats why its so finely tuned, its has been under way for a long time.




Uhm. Leveling is patheticly easier than ever before in wow....




What the hell are you rambling about? The client is free of charge, all you do is create a battle.net acc and you sub, then youre ready to go. Theres aeven a free trail!




A classic example of a person turning the words in your own favor. The age of wow is why the game is so polished.


Look, its obvious you dont have a clue about wow or how everything works so stop acting wise. Youve barely played it and all you do is throw random mumbo jumbo around that are half lies.


+5 :D

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Everything about RIFT is better than SWTOR in my OPINION.


I can't count how many times I've heard players on my server in RIFT saying they just returned from SWTOR.


This game is on it's way out along with Warhammer Online and AION.



pretty bold prediction there


question is, how come you aren't on your way out of these forums and back to rift :D


I was pretty upset when I first found out that this game was to be released for the holidays, but it isn't in as bad of shape as people keep trying to make it out to be.

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WoW is +6 years old, thats why its so finely tuned, its has been under way for a long time.






Big BS. The combat was as fluid and smooth as it is today. That fluid combat/smooth gameplay (blizz is known to polish a game til perfection before release to have a perfect gameplay feel) is one of the reasons wow got so big.

Edited by Kserberus
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Big BS. The combat was as fluid and smooth as it is today. That fluid combat/smooth gameplay (blizz is known to polish a game til perfection before release to have a perfect gameplay feel) is one of the reasons wow got so big.


I never touched Vanilla WoW, but combat seems the exact same when I started at BC launch.

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pretty bold prediction there


question is, how come you aren't on your way out of these forums and back to rift :D


I was pretty upset when I first found out that this game was to be released for the holidays, but it isn't in as bad of shape as people keep trying to make it out to be.



I'm on my way out. That's for sure.


I just came by to plug RIFT, WoW, and GW2 and hopefully recruit more MMO players and not Mass Star Wars Effect Age 3: Online Fail Sauce.



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I quit WoW couple of months ago, wasn't doing anything but PvP and some occasional raid healing and I got really really bored to the game, played for years. After a month with SWTOR and leveling one character to 50 I'm kind of thinking about getting back to WoW.


PvP in SWTOR is, uh, well, it's been discussed enough already.


What comes to quests I get so repulsive feeling when I'm killing 30 extra enemies as peaceful jedi knight for bonus exp after I've just told some guy "we won't bomb the ship" to get some light side points. What a hypocrisy. Besides whole questing is basically "go to planet, 2 forces fighting against each other, side tother one, pick up droid parts, destroy turrets, kill people", which is same that it is in WoW.


Voiceovering was pretty fun at first ~15 levels, after that I just spammed spacebar to death and hardly never even read what I was told. Always choose option 1 in conversation and you get light side points, enough for me when the quest descriptions and "lore" is mega-repetative anyway. I don't think I could level up another character to lvl 50, for some reason it feels awkward, and this comes from person who enjoys leveling more than anything in most games.


I can't say anything about end-game, there is no end-game in our server.


I could see myself back in the game after couple of months when some issues about playability and everything else has been fixed. I happened to level jedi guardian, which suffers probably the most of playability. (Not able to attack because I just parried something, yay)

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I quit WoW couple of months ago, wasn't doing anything but PvP and some occasional raid healing and I got really really bored to the game, played for years. After a month with SWTOR and leveling one character to 50 I'm kind of thinking about getting back to WoW.


PvP in SWTOR is, uh, well, it's been discussed enough already.


What comes to quests I get so repulsive feeling when I'm killing 30 extra enemies as peaceful jedi knight for bonus exp after I've just told some guy "we won't bomb the ship" to get some light side points. What a hypocrisy. Besides whole questing is basically "go to planet, 2 forces fighting against each other, side tother one, pick up droid parts, destroy turrets, kill people", which is same that it is in WoW.


Voiceovering was pretty fun at first ~15 levels, after that I just spammed spacebar to death and hardly never even read what I was told. Always choose option 1 in conversation and you get light side points, enough for me when the quest descriptions and "lore" is mega-repetative anyway. I don't think I could level up another character to lvl 50, for some reason it feels awkward, and this comes from person who enjoys leveling more than anything in most games.


I can't say anything about end-game, there is no end-game in our server.


I could see myself back in the game after couple of months when some issues about playability and everything else has been fixed. I happened to level jedi guardian, which suffers probably the most of playability. (Not able to attack because I just parried something, yay)


I think you should try RIFT. It's on sale now for $9.99 and well worth it (especially if your computer can handle higher graphic settings)


PvP is a ton of fun. I'm no hardcore PvPer but I can certainly say it's much better than SW:TORs and I personally enjoy it a bit more than PvP in WoW.

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I'm on my way out. That's for sure.


I just came by to plug RIFT, WoW, and GW2 and hopefully recruit more MMO players and not Mass Star Wars Effect Age 3: Online Fail Sauce.





swtor has more in common with wow than it does with any of the bioware titles you just hinted.


you're a clown lol

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love swtor. makes me realize how bad mmorpg realy are.


WoW catering to kids/trolls making progression not matter.


they are really trying to fix stuff and balancing pvp. if you doubt (read future patch notes)


they are adding the personal combat log for the people they are trying to evaluate their cahr performace with out the damage meter mods for group dps.


i hope they keep it up hopefully they dont try to incorparate poke'mon in .... i might have to leave here if that happens and start getting good at FPS

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Everyone is entitled to their opinions but imho, this game has absolutely nothing on WoW besides the fact that it's STAR WARS.


I like this game don't get me wrong and I haven't played WoW in 2 years but in pure quality of content, immersion, UI, balance.... you name it, this game vs WoW is a no contest.


But to me this game doesn't have to be better, it really just has to be different and good, which it is for the most part. Still lots of things they have to improve but I will give them a few months.


I am done with WoW and will never return, but I can't bring myself to say that this is in any way a better MMO because it just does nothing better than WoW (close to nothing any way), and doe pretty much everything else worse at this point

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I feel guilty & pissed at my brother. We both played WoW each on his account but I quit mine for SW:TOR and he didn't (typical resist to change kind of guy). However, 1 weeks ago after seeing my Sith Sorcerer sucking in ghosts, flirting, and looking as dull as a zombie (from dark points) he asked me if he can try the game. So I gave him access & he rolled a new character and started playing as a Sith Sorcerer too. What is pissing me off is I CAN HARDLY PLAY my account. He is always on! What I feel guilty about is the wasted $$$ subscription fee for his WoW account.
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Everything about RIFT is better than SWTOR in my OPINION.


I can't count how many times I've heard players on my server in RIFT saying they just returned from SWTOR.


This game is on it's way out along with Warhammer Online and AION.



Agree, Rift is so much better, although I wish they were a little more creative with the endgame. Aion, though? That games doing pretty well, for its age. Its no WoW, but its waayyy more successful than WAR.

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I dunno.

I like this game, I was in the beta for about 6 months, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and here.

but after a month's worth of launch time, I found myself logging into WoW tonight.

I completely understand WoW is 7, 8 years old now?, it's had time to mature and from a launch standpoint, this game is solid. But when comparing it to a matured game, one whose combat isn't completely clunky and cramped, this game gets ond hard.

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Some people also have problems with their Video, their sound, their load times, and a host of other problems. Acknowledging that some people have issue is normal. Believing that "everyone" has this issue, as you are attempting, is insane. Most people are NOT experiencing this delay issue you are having.


You are in the minority.

Everyone has it. If you don't have it record a video and post on youtube to prove us wrong. So far everyone I have talked with has this problem and there is videos posted on youtube about it.

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WoW did not even under the beta have problems with the smooth gameplay. You never had to wait for some hidden latency because of the game engine.


WoW had more than it's fair share of issues, random crashes, LAG, etc. As likely one of the few of you old enough to have been there at launch, I assure you this game is lightyears better than WoW was at launch, as it should be. To deny this is nothing by fanboyism and/or ignorance

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