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SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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WOW was created dumbed down, it wasnt dumbed down after that fact.


A pre WOW Release reveiw nailed what WOW has been always


A MMORPG on training wheels


Please dont try to suggest WOW at any time was challenging, difficult, or hard as its simply not true


So this game offers a challenge?

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WOW was created dumbed down, it wasnt dumbed down after that fact.


A pre WOW Release reveiw nailed what WOW has been always


A MMORPG on training wheels


Please dont try to suggest WOW at any time was challenging, difficult, or hard as its simply not true


People who want challenge and difficulty are in the minority list. The majority just play it as a pass time and have some fun, not treat as a job. WoW provides content for both parties though. You have hardmodes for the hardcores and regular for the casuals.

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I don't find it clunky at all. Maybe you need to optimize your system for gaming. I can do that as well. However, the PvP lessons are free, the computer work is not.


I have an MSI GT683R............. It's clunky. It by all means not smooth.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Amazing PVP? What?

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I don't find it clunky at all. Maybe you need to optimize your system for gaming. I can do that as well. However, the PvP lessons are free, the computer work is not.


Right now, you are being ignorant. The game has a decent pvp, NOT great. Especially in its current form. It needs a lot of tweaking and changes.

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WOW was created dumbed down, it wasnt dumbed down after that fact.


A pre WOW Release reveiw nailed what WOW has been always


A MMORPG on training wheels


Please dont try to suggest WOW at any time was challenging, difficult, or hard as its simply not true


Post your char that's cleared ALL the HM raids


oh wait :rolleyes:

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I don't find it clunky at all. Maybe you need to optimize your system for gaming. I can do that as well. However, the PvP lessons are free, the computer work is not.

the clunkieness has nothing to to with optimizing a computer.


it has everything with to do with bioware optimizing their engine and getting rid of the ability delay.


unreal. its been acknowledged by the developer and still you tell people to "optimize" their computer?



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I have an MSI GT683R............. It's clunky. It by all means not smooth.


Yeah playing a modern MMO on a Laptop is brutal. I get it now. You can get away with running WoW on a laptop smoothly, but SWTOR is going to struggle for sure.

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Yeah playing a modern MMO on a Laptop is brutal. I get it now. You can get away with running WoW on a laptop smoothly, but SWTOR is going to struggle for sure.


Dude you are ignorant lmao. This game has very low specs. Get off your high horse and realize you are wrong. The graphics in this game are no better than WoW's. Btw I can play any game out to date on the highest rez with 60 fps.... Can you do that?

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it has everything with to do with bioware optimizing their engine and getting rid of the ability delay.


unreal. its been acknowledged by the developer and still you tell people to "optimize" their computer?




Some people also have problems with their Video, their sound, their load times, and a host of other problems. Acknowledging that some people have issue is normal. Believing that "everyone" has this issue, as you are attempting, is insane. Most people are NOT experiencing this delay issue you are having.


You are in the minority.

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I played WoW when it launched a long time ago and it bored the hell out of me after a year or so i usubscribed. When they gave out the 30 days free trial I tried it again but I just couldn't get into it.


With swtor i'm enjoying it so far and even the pvp i find it fun, it is the best pvp i don't know. in wow pvp for me was the high lvl horde camping my corpse and killing me each time i tried to get to my quest objective.


in swtor it'a all the same but i'm actually enjoying the warzones. When I play my JC i find myself not caring if i have to slaughter 50 fish to get 5 golden scale because of the way it is delivered i find myself doing quest after quest I don't even see my lvl until it tell me I lvled, i'm like cool i'm lvl 25 now and i go back to questing. How the quest it given to you really matters and voice acting make it better.


I don't get why people Expect this game to have the same amount of content or polish as WoW. Wow id what almost 8 years now? 3 3 expension big and alot of updates . refining and polishing a MMO will NEVER end because there is always something that need to be fixed, polished, balanced. WoW will always need to be polished and the same thing will happen with TOR, the day a game stop being improved upon is the day the game dies.


in all it's my opinion coupled with my personal experience with both games.. I prefer SWTOR

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Some people also have problems with their Video, their sound, their load times, and a host of other problems. Acknowledging that some people have issue is normal. Believing that "everyone" has this issue, as you are attempting, is insane. Most people are NOT experiencing this delay issue you are having.


You are in the minority.


The thread hasn't been there since pre launch and been restarted like 5 times cause its filling up over and over because of an insignificant minority. Even BW has copped to it existing and are 'working on it'. Denial aint just a river in Egypt. Have you even read any of the quitting posts, ability lag/missfire is almost always a main point.

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I dont like WoW any more. Swtor i start to boot rarely with all the issues and i cant get trough the questing i get very tired from it. You quickly seen the game fast. Planets are all alike. Edited by Rigota
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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.

Totally agree!!!

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Its a fantasy MMO though...its not like there aren't thousand upon thousands of other ones, so why is WoW the special fantasy MMO? Is it really just because of the name?


There's a F2P up to level 20, you should give it a spin, see what's it about and experience how Blizzard tells their stories.

It's actually quite an interesting experience since they due to the limitations of their game use the "show, don't tell" approach.


They don't have overarching storylines either, instead they tell a story within a zone and sometimes there's small connections here and there.


Just like how you in TOR will miss some things if you spacebar, in WoW you will miss a lot if you don't read the quest text and pay notice to the environment you're in since it contains a lot of small clues.


I'd recommend you roll a human warrior. Human because their immidiate area has the 2 low level zones that makes the most extensive use of phasing. Westfall and Redridge Mountains.


Warrior because the way they work in combat is just bloody fun!


N.B. should you decide to carry on, be well advised that once you hit Outland, while you may be treated to beautiful and imaginative areas, the actual questing is really lacking behind how things works in the Cataclysm zones (this includes Azeroth itself since it was retooled for Cataclysm, Wrath of the Lich King exluded).

Edited by Quaade
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I'm still wondering why WoW is so amazing...the time i've played it(played through reg and BC) it just seemed like another fantasy MMO. Is it because of the name it has or what? It really just seems to me like another one of one of those fantasy MMOs where theres thousands upon thousands out there.


WoW did one thing right, it really deserved the name of "MMO".

It doesnt matter if it was PVE endgame or PVP endgame. Regardless of the fact that the lvling process (lvl 60) already took about 20 days of your life it really forced you to spend countless hours so you could manage to be successful in either pvp or pve.


Hell, even no lifers, with no job and nothing else to do, had a hard time in getting everything done they wanted in original wow.


When BC hit, it got casual and since then wow got worse with every addon. Seems like that the strategy for a successful MMO is to really really force your gamers to play so they can eventually see some light at the end of the tunnel

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op must be kidding. it never felt as annoying to level a toon up to 50 in an MMO as it did in swtor. the most repetitive, uninspired, boring, whatever quest design you could imagine. have a look at the 7 years of experience that influenced wow's quest and judge again. the quests in swtor are a damn joke.

My wife and I have been wow players for five years. This is simply not true imho. and anyway who really quests in wow we level now using lfd and bg's. much quicker to endgame

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swtor ruined swtor for me. RIFT is superior in every single way. free character transfers too!





did u like my haiku?


*** is the big deal about rift? I couldn't stand playing that game for more than a month.

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