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Why all the Marauder hate?


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Even if pommel strike worked in pvp, we don't even have a stun


wtb force push, that would be awesome



Gimme Force Pull.



Also, Marauders are awesome. The only thing i want for them is a talent like the one in Juggies that you can't be CCed after a charge. If we had this we would be AWESOME, might even be a lil' OP. On 45+ i was already doing 200K+ damage with 40+ kills in every Warzone, even managing to kill a few 50s on 1v1 @ World PvP.


Just gotta learn your freaking class.


I had a huge experience with Marauders @ Beta, levelled two different chars and i'm just taking it easy now. But the class isn't broken.

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Everyone please jump on the ragetrain (talkin bout the skill tree) =)


More marauders to be pwnd by me and my anni friends.

Big numbers, huge aoe zerg dmg and more burst makes you imba. GOGO PLEASE! Get your numbers.


Nah, srsly I can come up to 450k dmg (yes while going for objectives) which is only single target damage and I'm certainly not the skilled/best equipped player out there.


With rage I probably could reach 600k or 700k by now? Not sure, only respecced to rage once after anni. That still would make me more useless than I'm as anni right now though..

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Everyone please jump on the ragetrain (talkin bout the skill tree) =)


More marauders to be pwnd by me and my anni friends.

Big numbers, huge aoe zerg dmg and more burst makes you imba. GOGO PLEASE! Get your numbers.


Nah, srsly I can come up to 450k dmg (yes while going for objectives) which is only single target damage and I'm certainly not the skilled/best equipped player out there.


With rage I probably could reach 600k or 700k by now? Not sure, only respecced to rage once after anni. That still would make me more useless than I'm as anni right now though..


Anni > Rage.

Brings more ultility and the damage is better. Rage is getting bigger numbers by AoEing lowbies or fresh 50s.

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Yeah but how much more effort do you have to put in just to stay on par with the other classes? Also, what's your spec?


Annihilation / artifice


Yeah I got to work for it but I'M GLAD I have to. To many dumbed down one button games out there. Luckily here I have a challenge. As simple as that.

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I've been browsing the Sith Warrior forums for a few weeks, and something I've noticed is a rather overwhelming disdain towards Marauders, saying that they're a bad/difficult/inferior class to play when compared to the Juggernaut. I've been playing a Marauder since launch, currently have her at 45, speced in Annihilation with mostly orange commendation gear, and I really don't understand the overwhelming hate. Personally, I love my Marauder, and I've had fun learning how to play her. I don't think I'm an exceptionally good player, not by any means, but playing as a Marauder hasn't been overly difficult for me. I can take down strong enemies and elites up to two levels above me, and still walk out of the fight with 30-40 percent health, so long as have Quinn healing and some medpacks on hand(i need them more for the elites, not the strongs). That being said, I haven't levelled a Jugg yet (or even the Jedi equivalent of a Jugg), I don't do flashpoints/operations, and I don't PVP, so maybe in those circumstances, a Jugg is better, and I have no experience playing a Jugg, so I couldn't say myself which one is better. But as far as PVE goes, I find the Marauder to be a pretty solid and strong class, especially with Quinn tagging along as a healer (I use pretty much no one else).


I guess what I'm trying to ask is why there seem to be a lot of people have a great disdain for Marauders, when I haven't encountered much trouble trying to play one at all? I'd appreciate feedback from PVE players who dislike Marauders, as PVE is what I play almost exclusively.


There's a belief that if people QQ enough about a class it will eventually get buffed. As if developers make class balance decisions based purely on people's QQ, particularly QQ with no data behind it.

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I will answer your questions


- Whats your gear? - Full champion except the offhand.

- Whats MMO experience - Started with UO over 10 years ago, moved to L2 for several years, then some AoC, Aion for 1.5 years and now this.

- -----> WHAT ARE YOUR KEYBINDINGS?! Keys around "wasd" combined with alt + mouse buttons

- What is your level? Lvl 50 obviously

- Do you charge into 3-4 enemys like a tank or let someone else do the job - Nope, only when I think I can drop the ball carrier before I die


My main beef with the class is that for a pure DPS class, we really are not that awesome. Maybe it comes from the fact that we do not have any front-end burst. It takes time to build up rage so that you can unleash. I am carnage specced and it's battering>massacre>gore> and then I can burst. It takes 3 GDs to even prepare to do some serious damage. By the time I might get knocked away, snared, stunned, rooted or whatnot since I have to way to keep the target it place besides a snare. Not good bro, not good. I like the class but I would like to see it perform better. A it is now, you have to put in quite a bit more effort to even be on par with other classes which is just demotivating.


You've got it. I'm a rank 64 battle master. Full champ or higher in every slot. We have a good frame work of a class, no we are not where we need to be though. We are waaaaay to far to the non burst side. Cc fest pvp does not allow for 3 or more gcds to start bursting.


I'll give credit where credit is due, we have some fun and interesting defensives ... But in the end and on our most fundamental level we are a pure dps class that is lacking.


It isn't about being able to have a lopsided game take a screenshot come to the forums and say l2p class is fine.


Offensively we are not where we need to be as compared to other classes.

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You are wrong about that. 95% of all players tab target the first enemy *****torming through their little team.

Furthermore it's extremely important to pick your targets wisely. You are (unless you are rage and rage sucks imho) no clashbeast. Go for the healers, isolated 1-3 players, ranges, whatever doesn't get you the wholes group attention.

Force Camouflage is a second life every 45 sec in Annihilation btw. (90% at least) It also makes everyone detarget you (VERY useful) Undying rage makes u live at least(!) 5 seconds more.

If you use stims/medpacks and/or have healers it will provide you with another life as well.

Many marauders that are unsatisfied with their class don't pay much attention to their fury bar. Fury abilities are more important than many think.

Berserk in anni for example is an awesome selfheal, predation is a group(!) movement buff which also applies to the ball carrier(!).


Forgot an important question btw:


- What is your spec?


You have how many high rank mara responding here in this thread? Battlemasters and champions with years of experience in other mmos.


Sure everyone can use knowledge to brush up and get a bit better, but we are not talking about that here. I'm pretty sure a Battlemaster knows the value of berseks self heal in the annihilation tree for example as well as the mechanics of predation for carrying the ball. Heck go one step further and the added value of ferocity speced predation. No we are talking about the core of the class, while still understanding what we are and aren't capable of.


Mara is not horrible it's not even bad. It is not IMO where it needs to be offensively and it is lacking when compared to other class options out there.

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Do you need screenshots? I've been 50 and PvP'ing both in lolzones and on Ilum for nearly three weeks now. Carnage too. Mara is fine. I'd actually prefer all the whiners would re-roll rather than L2P. That way I can finally be somewhat unique in that nobody will play my class.


Also hell the **** no I will NOT share my secrets.


Note: Reason for the above? Nobody ever listens anyways.


When you are talking with other Mara that have pvped through 60 plus levels of valor there aren't many secrets. Sure you may have some slick tactics but really .. Secrets lol.


Up up down down left right left right a b select before going into the warzone will give you a 15% dmg buff.


Or pressing select In between rounds will heal you up if your Mara is named little Mac.


No there are no secrets ... Sound tactics, pocket healers, guard ... Etc .. No secrets.

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When you are talking with other Mara that have pvped through 60 plus levels of valor there aren't many secrets. Sure you may have some slick tactics but really .. Secrets lol.


Up up down down left right left right a b select before going into the warzone will give you a 15% dmg buff.


Or pressing select In between rounds will heal you up if your Mara is named little Mac.


No there are no secrets ... Sound tactics, pocket healers, guard ... Etc .. No secrets.


Made me giggle :)

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Annihilation / artifice


Yeah I got to work for it but I'M GLAD I have to. To many dumbed down one button games out there. Luckily here I have a challenge. As simple as that.


Except that if you took a class that's working properly and you would put in the same amount of effort as into your marauder you'd destroy things left and right.

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I've been browsing the Sith Warrior forums for a few weeks, and something I've noticed is a rather overwhelming disdain towards Marauders, saying that they're a bad/difficult/inferior class to play when compared to the Juggernaut. I've been playing a Marauder since launch, currently have her at 45, speced in Annihilation with mostly orange commendation gear, and I really don't understand the overwhelming hate. Personally, I love my Marauder, and I've had fun learning how to play her. I don't think I'm an exceptionally good player, not by any means, but playing as a Marauder hasn't been overly difficult for me. I can take down strong enemies and elites up to two levels above me, and still walk out of the fight with 30-40 percent health, so long as have Quinn healing and some medpacks on hand(i need them more for the elites, not the strongs). That being said, I haven't levelled a Jugg yet (or even the Jedi equivalent of a Jugg), I don't do flashpoints/operations, and I don't PVP, so maybe in those circumstances, a Jugg is better, and I have no experience playing a Jugg, so I couldn't say myself which one is better. But as far as PVE goes, I find the Marauder to be a pretty solid and strong class, especially with Quinn tagging along as a healer (I use pretty much no one else).


I guess what I'm trying to ask is why there seem to be a lot of people have a great disdain for Marauders, when I haven't encountered much trouble trying to play one at all? I'd appreciate feedback from PVE players who dislike Marauders, as PVE is what I play almost exclusively.


Im constantly killing 5-7 lv higher players with my annimara. I love my mara.

yah , you gotta react FAST, you gotta keep cool, but thats the point of the class, it is in the description.

I mirror that " fluid and precise movement , find the weak spots from adversaries blablabla"text with my "fluid movement of my fingers over my keybinds".

Ifyou play LIKE A MARUDER your freeking awesome.

Anni mara ftw.

i´ve found the perfect class for me in an mmo. (always played underdog melee)

Mara just requires skill, and thats what i love from it.

Edited by Paralassa
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Im constantly killing 5-7 lv higher players with my annimara. I love my mara.

yah , you gotta react FAST, you gotta keep cool, but thats the point of the class, it is in the description.

I mirror that " fluid and precise movement , find the weak spots from adversaries blablabla"text with my "fluid movement of my fingers over my keybinds".

Ifyou play LIKE A MARUDER your freeking awesome.

Anni mara ftw.

i´ve found the perfect class for me in an mmo. (always played underdog melee)

Mara just requires skill, and thats what i love from it.


The overall structure of your post and the information provided therein makes me believe you're 14+-y old. Can't take that seriously.

Edited by Paralassa
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Seriously ignore those who claim the marauder is fine and only take skills. you have no knockback, your gap closer is weak and easily countered and you have no stun while everyone else have atleast 2 of these 3 or even 3 in some case giving them an advantage over you for pretty much every situation.


By far the best piece of advice on these forums.


Way may be even at level 50 - but until then are completely far behind.

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By far the best piece of advice on these forums.


Way may be even at level 50 - but until then are completely far behind.


They can do their best to make lower level PvP balanced but it probably will not be (and, from my experience, usually never is) balanced in the slightest.

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