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Why all the Marauder hate?


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Valor rank 53 here, Class is fine. If knockback owns you, you use your abilities wrong.


then educate me, on how to close the distance to a sorc that is focusing you, despite already popping force camo to try to escape. Also note, I am 400 biochem with rakata stim pack and medpack.


My usual scenario is this: Close on a sorc after he/she knocks people away, I get yanked to the poisen pit by a bounty hunter, I use mu aoe stun on the BH and close back on the sorc, BH uses his stun escape and shoulder slams/rocket punches me then electro darts me while the sorce unloads. I respawn at the start.


Unless I get the jump on someone, or they forget to CC me, I hardly touch ground in most cases.

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then educate me, on how to close the distance to a sorc that is focusing you, despite already popping force camo to try to escape. Also note, I am 400 biochem with rakata stim pack and medpack.


My usual scenario is this: Close on a sorc after he/she knocks people away, I get yanked to the poisen pit by a bounty hunter, I use mu aoe stun on the BH and close back on the sorc, BH uses his stun escape and shoulder slams/rocket punches me then electro darts me while the sorce unloads. I respawn at the start.


Unless I get the jump on someone, or they forget to CC me, I hardly touch ground in most cases.


I kite marauder with my lvl 34 sorc.


leap -> knockback + 5 second root

camouflage -> stun

**** up? -> snare and sprint


Seriously ignore those who claim the marauder is fine and only take skills. you have no knockback, your gap closer is weak and easily countered and you have no stun while everyone else have atleast 2 of these 3 or even 3 in some case giving them an advantage over you for pretty much every situation.

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You are in denial.


Nope he's not. Valor 42. All champion besides chest and pants.

Usually top 3 damage dealer and that's against skilled/dressed 50 pre made.


Mara is a ***** to effectively play. One miss can leave you off. Very rewarding to play though.

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Nope he's not. Valor 42. All champion besides chest and pants.

Usually top 3 damage dealer and that's against skilled/dressed 50 pre made.


Mara is a ***** to effectively play. One miss can leave you off. Very rewarding to play though.


Yeah but how much more effort do you have to put in just to stay on par with the other classes? Also, what's your spec?

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their sleek pvp outfit is a tad better looking on female characters than having this butt-cape flapping around behind my Marauder (in what universe is a butt-cape cool?)


FIrst, I lol'd @ buttcapes. :D


Second, I think that if they ever enable macro'ing in the game, the Sent/Mara is in danger of becoming a fotm. Without macros, the baddies can't handle it, I think. That's the word on the street, and is one reason why macros, as potentially game-changing as they might be, might also have bad effects.

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FIrst, I lol'd @ buttcapes. :D


Second, I think that if they ever enable macro'ing in the game, the Sent/Mara is in danger of becoming a fotm. Without macros, the baddies can't handle it, I think. That's the word on the street, and is one reason why macros, as potentially game-changing as they might be, might also have bad effects.


macros wouold be nice for some things, but true mara players would benefit very little from them, macros help the classes that have a turn based ability rotation (this ability first, then the next, and so on), where marauders have a priority base ability rotation. So unless the macro system is very complex that allows variables, it really would not benefit us much.


Altho I would really love to be able to put relic/adrenal on a single macro


As for the buttcape, I laughed too, an I hate mine

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FIrst, I lol'd @ buttcapes. :D


Second, I think that if they ever enable macro'ing in the game, the Sent/Mara is in danger of becoming a fotm. Without macros, the baddies can't handle it, I think. That's the word on the street, and is one reason why macros, as potentially game-changing as they might be, might also have bad effects.


Macro already exist with gaming mouse. it's not as gamebreaking/game changing as you may think. if anything its only for QoL

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<--- valor rank 32, didnt start pvping until 50, 2 weeks ago, full champion gear (minus weapons). Class IS fine, but needs tweaks, and some way to fight the CC/knockback, bring our damage output up to par with the ranged classes, if not a tad more


That makes me so angry - I'm rank 50 I've got the Ear/Implant/OH/Bracers and got 9 duplicates since your full champion? I seriously hate the system inplace - I wonder if all my duplicates will be converted to champ tokens tomorrow?

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I really don't understand this qq ****. I am usually top 3 (if i dont **** it up). 65,4% of the time No.1 in dmg while going for objectives always (need valor).

And no I don't meet lvl 10 enemy warzone groups only. And that is something I (and I guess many others) are achieving with Annihilation (-> SINGLE TARGET DPS).

I die 0-5 times in a warzone, never more often. Force Camouflage is *********** OP, so is undying rage.


Some questions for ppl having trouble in warzones:

- Whats your gear?

- Whats MMO experience


- What is your level?

- Do you charge into 3-4 enemys like a tank or let someone else do the job?

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I really don't understand this qq ****. I am usually top 3 (if i dont **** it up). 65,4% of the time No.1 in dmg while going for objectives always (need valor).

And no I don't meet lvl 10 enemy warzone groups only. And that is something I (and I guess many others) are achieving with Annihilation (-> SINGLE TARGET DPS).

I die 0-5 times in a warzone, never more often. Force Camouflage is *********** OP, so is undying rage.


Some questions for ppl having trouble in warzones:

- Whats your gear?

- Whats MMO experience


- What is your level?

- Do you charge into 3-4 enemys like a tank or let someone else do the job?


I will answer your questions


- Whats your gear? - Full champion except the offhand.

- Whats MMO experience - Started with UO over 10 years ago, moved to L2 for several years, then some AoC, Aion for 1.5 years and now this.

- -----> WHAT ARE YOUR KEYBINDINGS?! Keys around "wasd" combined with alt + mouse buttons

- What is your level? Lvl 50 obviously

- Do you charge into 3-4 enemys like a tank or let someone else do the job - Nope, only when I think I can drop the ball carrier before I die


My main beef with the class is that for a pure DPS class, we really are not that awesome. Maybe it comes from the fact that we do not have any front-end burst. It takes time to build up rage so that you can unleash. I am carnage specced and it's battering>massacre>gore> and then I can burst. It takes 3 GDs to even prepare to do some serious damage. By the time I might get knocked away, snared, stunned, rooted or whatnot since I have to way to keep the target it place besides a snare. Not good bro, not good. I like the class but I would like to see it perform better. A it is now, you have to put in quite a bit more effort to even be on par with other classes which is just demotivating.

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Do you charge into 3-4 enemys like a tank or let someone else do the job?


I hope you're aware that this is PvP not PvE. it does not matter if the tank jump into 5 guys. it's not like he's going to hold aggro and top them(or just a random IA/BH) from stun -> blow you up




mmo experience : S7 and 9 wow gladiator, UO for about 3 years, Aion for 1.4'ish years. Rift, Warhammer, RoM, AoC, darkfall, Guild wars prophecy/faction/nightfall/EOTN


Gear : Full champion + 5 battlemaster piece

Lvl : 50

everything is bound to a key or mouse button

Edited by mastersloup
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My 2 Cents.



1. @op, have you tried leveling up as any other spec with any other companion? I doubt you will be as successful.


2. Endgame -- We SUCK. On paper the class seems like its very strong and should be able to do things well. In reality, WE SUCK.


Level 50-

missing one peice of champion gear.(boots)

Fully Geared columni some rakata.

Everything is keybound.


Experiece? WoW for 7 years, In vanilla 2 ranks from Grand Marshall. BC 2200 arena team. Wrath went Hardcore PVE held #1 Horde Guild as a raid leader for the entire expansion. Quit early into cata.


next bloody question.

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I hope you're aware that this is PvP not PvE. it does not matter if the tank jump into 5 guys. it's not like he's going to hold aggro and top them


You are wrong about that. 95% of all players tab target the first enemy *****torming through their little team.

Furthermore it's extremely important to pick your targets wisely. You are (unless you are rage and rage sucks imho) no clashbeast. Go for the healers, isolated 1-3 players, ranges, whatever doesn't get you the wholes group attention.

Force Camouflage is a second life every 45 sec in Annihilation btw. (90% at least) It also makes everyone detarget you (VERY useful) Undying rage makes u live at least(!) 5 seconds more.

If you use stims/medpacks and/or have healers it will provide you with another life as well.

Many marauders that are unsatisfied with their class don't pay much attention to their fury bar. Fury abilities are more important than many think.

Berserk in anni for example is an awesome selfheal, predation is a group(!) movement buff which also applies to the ball carrier(!).


Forgot an important question btw:


- What is your spec?

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You are wrong about that. 95% of all players tab target the first enemy *****torming through their little team.

Furthermore it's extremely important to pick your targets wisely. You are (unless you are rage and rage sucks imho) no clashbeast. Go for the healers, isolated 1-3 players, ranges, whatever doesn't get you the wholes group attention.

Force Camouflage is a second life every 45 sec in Annihilation btw. (90% at least) It also makes everyone detarget you (VERY useful) Undying rage makes u live at least(!) 5 seconds more.

If you use stims/medpacks and/or have healers it will provide you with another life as well.

Many marauders that are unsatisfied with their class don't pay much attention to their fury bar. Fury abilities are more important than many think.

Berserk in anni for example is an awesome selfheal, predation is a group(!) movement buff which also applies to the ball carrier(!).


Forgot an important question btw:


- What is your spec?


My spec is carnage, and directly affects my next comment. Although force camo makes people detarget you (an in case of carnage removes snares/roots), every decent player will immediately pop an AoE and reveal you. The speed boost on that is too small or doesn't work.

I also think you are facing bad healers if you are able to take them down just by yourself. That or carnage is complete waste. I know you are trying to help but you defend something that's broken.

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I'd like to know how many people who claim marauder is fine are actually level 50 and have PvPed for some time.


Do you need screenshots? I've been 50 and PvP'ing both in lolzones and on Ilum for nearly three weeks now. Carnage too. Mara is fine. I'd actually prefer all the whiners would re-roll rather than L2P. That way I can finally be somewhat unique in that nobody will play my class.


Also hell the **** no I will NOT share my secrets.


Note: Reason for the above? Nobody ever listens anyways.

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Do you need screenshots? I've been 50 and PvP'ing both in lolzones and on Ilum for nearly three weeks now. Carnage too. Mara is fine. I'd actually prefer all the whiners would re-roll rather than L2P. That way I can finally be somewhat unique in that nobody will play my class.


Also hell the **** no I will NOT share my secrets.


Note: Reason for the above? Nobody ever listens anyways.


Why screenshots? Make a video or ****.

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yet the rage jugg does less damage with EVERY SKILL except slam, but the lesser intelligent people think 30% more damage on one ability means the class does 30% more damage...



Its a shame you cannot grasp that.


Except that for rage Smash IS the money skill of the class. It is where all the real power comes from.

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My spec is carnage, and directly affects my next comment. Although force camo makes people detarget you (an in case of carnage removes snares/roots), every decent player will immediately pop an AoE and reveal you. The speed boost on that is too small or doesn't work.

I also think you are facing bad healers if you are able to take them down just by yourself. That or carnage is complete waste. I know you are trying to help but you defend something that's broken.


I play carnage adn I am generally very good at burning down single targets in pvp.


That being said, healers can be tough, because even with the 20% healing reduction from deadly throw, they can cast a heal that takes as long as one GCD to cast and it will bring them up about 4-5k health. It makes them insanely hard to kill. You can interrupt one heal but then your interrupt is on CD for 6 seconds.


The thing that makes healers so hard for us is the lack of ANY real cc. If we even had one 3-second stun it would redress that disparity.


I honestly think that they should tool down the damage on Savage Kick to like 400-500 and make it a stun or a knockdown.


We don't need two abilities that are useless at level 50.

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I play carnage adn I am generally very good at burning down single targets in pvp.


That being said, healers can be tough, because even with the 20% healing reduction from deadly throw, they can cast a heal that takes as long as one GCD to cast and it will bring them up about 4-5k health. It makes them insanely hard to kill. You can interrupt one heal but then your interrupt is on CD for 6 seconds.


The thing that makes healers so hard for us is the lack of ANY real cc. If we even had one 3-second stun it would redress that disparity.


I honestly think that they should tool down the damage on Savage Kick to like 400-500 and make it a stun or a knockdown.


We don't need two abilities that are useless at level 50.


While at it they should also take a look at pummel strike.

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