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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I vote no on this as well. It's like saying you should be able to make a warrior into a paladin in WoW just because you decided you didn't like the warrior playstyle. ACs are not just different skill trees, they are different classes. Not to mention it takes all of three hours to level to 10 on a new toon.


Sidenote: If you really have the time to level 16 different toons so you can have every single class on the same server, more power to you, but come on!! 8 slots per server is enough.


They are not different classes. This has been discussed to death. Less senseless opinion and more looking and researching the game's own definition of advanced classes, classes and how they relate to you. Heres the link: http://www.swtor.com/classes

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Why would you be able to change classes? If you can switch AC then I should be able to change my Inquisitor to a Juggernaut. The main storyline is such a little part of the actual leveling process. If they allow AC respecs, then they should just let us change our entire class.
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They are not different classes. This has been discussed to death. Less senseless opinion and more looking and researching the game's own definition of advanced classes, classes and how they relate to you. Heres the link: http://www.swtor.com/classes


It has been discussed to death and its been proven false. You're arguing semantics - the definition of the word. That's a horrible basis for a reason to change classes. Just because they are CALLED classes and advanced classes doesn't mean that, by the GENERAL definition of MMO gaming they aren't different classes. Different skill trees, different gear needs, different weapons, different playstyles - these are all aspects of DIFFERENT CLASSES. And before you say it, shared story is NOT indicative of different classes because 80% of the leveling story is shared by ALL classes. Just because you share 20% of it with your opposing advanced class doesn't mean they are the same "class."


I don't care what Bioware chose to call them. It doesn't matter.


'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

And for that name which is no part of thee

Take all myself.



Honestly the devs just should ignore the arguments over this and just add it anyway. Players that don't like it will end up having to get over it and learn to live with it. :p


Except every thread on this so far has put people like you in a very, very small minority. I'm inclined to think the ones that "get over it and learn to live with it" will be you.

Edited by aznthecapn
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They are not different classes. This has been discussed to death. Less senseless opinion and more looking and researching the game's own definition of advanced classes, classes and how they relate to you. Heres the link: http://www.swtor.com/classes


Oddly enough.. Your link it bad.. Please explain how the AC's are not classes and what evidence from other games do you have to support that view.. Bioware, which is all that matters has called them a different class..


They do the same quests?? Irrelevent.. There are countless MMO's that share quests among the play characters.. Name one class specific quest in WOW in any of the expansions areas?? Vanilla way was devided up by race.. All Orcs started with the same baby quests and the same story line.. So the same quests is irrelevent as that logic doesn't fit with other games..


Classes are to simular?? Again irrelevent.. Mages and Warlocks.. Both wore cloth armor, used mana, strictly DPS.. Play style for these two classes were near identical.. So again, you can't make that claim and say the AC's are not seperate classes..


All AC's do have their own talent trees.. Sure.. They share one.. But so what?? How does this effect whether or not they are a class.. A Jedi Guardian and a Jedi Sentinel are still both Jedi Knights.. Guradians wear heavy armor, and Sentinels wear medium armor.. Their fighting styles are completely different.. Their skills are completely different..


So exactly what justification do you have to make the claim that AC's are not classes?? Because as far as I can see.. There are none.. Their simularities don't exclude them from being a class until you can show how a Mage and a Warlock are not a seperate class..


I call it like I see it using the standards set forth by other games.. All the AC's are a class.. That is just the way it is..


No to AC respeccing.. No to class changes.. If you want a new character that does something different.. Reroll like everyone else.. There were no Paladins that became warriors or Deathknights.. No warlocks that became mages or priests.. No Sentinels should not become guardians..

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It has been discussed to death and its been proven false. You're arguing semantics - the definition of the word. That's a horrible basis for a reason to change classes. Just because they are CALLED classes and advanced classes doesn't mean that, by the GENERAL definition of MMO gaming they aren't different classes. Different skill trees, different gear needs, different weapons, different playstyles - these are all aspects of DIFFERENT CLASSES. And before you say it, shared story is NOT indicative of different classes because 80% of the leveling story is shared by ALL classes. Just because you share 20% of it with your opposing advanced class doesn't mean they are the same "class."


I don't care what Bioware chose to call them. It doesn't matter.


Exactly. An operative is a close-range melee-focused stealth character with healing abilities and lots of escape tactics. A sniper is a squishy ranged class who has to decide between dots, aoes, or single target burst damage. There is almost nothing similar about these two classes, even in the way they use shared skills. And try to say that assassin and sorcerer are the "same class," and it's even more ridiculous.


Regardless, MMOs need people to roll lots of alts in order to be successful. They would never add a feature allowing people to change classes without having to reroll, or everyone would just have one toon and done. It's in their best interest to force you to have as many alts as possible because alts = play time.

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Honestly the devs just should ignore the arguments over this and just add it anyway. Players that don't like it will end up having to get over it and learn to live with it. :p


Lucky for the majority of us that Advanced CLASS change will never be implemented because our arguments are valid and cannot be ignored, so it wont be a problem.

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no. advanced class is a class. If you allow switching between them then you might as well allow people to switch to an entirely new class because thats what you are asking for.


Stop using ****** wow as an example. Rift essentially allows you to change your 'advanced' classes and it works fine. Snob.

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That's just your opinion . :p


And the opinion of the vast majority of this thread. Thankfully.



Stop using ****** wow as an example. Rift essentially allows you to change your 'advanced' classes and it works fine. Snob.


Rift is designed this way. Its also the only MMO that is. WoW is used as an example because its the benchmark for MMOs. Its not perfect but, for now, its the standard. Class selection requires forethought and research and is therefore permanent. It also defines you as a player. Changing it randomly damages this and the continuity of the game.


Nothing snobbish about it.

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Its funny how some "claim" that there of the majority against this. It's gonna be added to the game whether you like it or not. So get use to it . :p


If the devs really wanted to know what majority of players want this or not. They could always just email each account holder with an option to vote for or against it. Instead of having people go at it on the forums. :p

Edited by Innocentone
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Its funny how some "claim" that there of the majority against this. It's gonna be added to the game whether you like it or not. So get use to it . :p


Have you been in this thread from the first post? I have. Its not a "claim". The vast majority of unique opinions are against it including the most important one - Bioware's. They had it as an option they wanted back in July. They even put it in game. Then they said "no - not going to happen". Almost every other topic that's been discussed they have weighed in on - except this one. They don't want you to be able to change your class. "Claiming" some level of clairvoyance that it will be added whether we like it or not isn't going to make it happen. Its just going to heighten your disappointment when it isn't.


If the devs really wanted to know what majority of players want this or not. They could always just email each account holder with an option to vote for or against it. Instead of having people go at it on the forums. :p


Except voting isn't a method used by companies like this. Even Blizzard hasn't ever done this and has only polled the community MAYBE twice in 7+ years. All the info they need is on the forums. This thread has 2 stars out of 5. People don't want you to be able to change your class. The case is all but closed.

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I can understand that people play a class and find it's not their style and want to try something different. Fair enough.


But that opportunity is already available - it's called creating another character.


And as far as changing advanced class, I assumed when my trainer told me to be sure of my choice because it could not be changed that it was a choice that I would not be able to change.


Did you all miss that, or think it shouldn't apply to you?


Okay - let me tone that down a bit.


I see people want this changed, but I think it's an unrealistic expectation regarding a character decision you were specifically warned was irrevocable.

Edited by Uluain
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I predict that swtor will end up going the same route EQ2 did over this. AC will be removed at some point and players will pick ac at character creation.


Right now BW can claim they have 16 classes in the game. Allowing AC swapping would be basically telling the mmo market they only really have 8 classes in the game.


Moving the AC choice to character creation would allow them to still claim 16 classes and would cut out the majority of the complaints about i picked the wrong ac.

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I predict that swtor will end up going the same route EQ2 did over this. AC will be removed at some point and players will pick ac at character creation.


Right now BW can claim they have 16 classes in the game. Allowing AC swapping would be basically telling the mmo market they only really have 8 classes in the game.


Moving the AC choice to character creation would allow them to still claim 16 classes and would cut out the majority of the complaints about i picked the wrong ac.


Yay back to topic. I'd be fine with letting it be a lvl 50 perk, especially since they need some more endgame flavor.

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It should be a way to explore the alternative ACs available to your base class, not waffling classes at endgame. Allow it pre-level 50 but not after. I could also see Legacy providing a perk once you have one AC at 50, you get the other AC at level 10, speeding up the process.
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It should be a way to explore the alternative ACs available to your base class, not waffling classes at endgame. Allow it pre-level 50 but not after. I could also see Legacy providing a perk once you have one AC at 50, you get the other AC at level 10, speeding up the process.

Totally fine with it being a Legacy Perk, working a little for it is a completely reasonable compromise. I'm curious to see what the Legacy system has to offer.

Edited by MalignX
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I greatly oppose this idea... but after deep thought I've came to the conclusion, Bioware should allow this and charge $20 (for service fees) to do it.


It would satisfy one of my major arguments against it by limiting it's usage. The advance class would retain it's dignity and not be reduced down to 'some spec'.


I enjoy the game Bioware, go ahead and get you some - everyone else is doing it. Use the money to improve the game and give us even more.

Edited by Sapphix
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I predict that swtor will end up going the same route EQ2 did over this. AC will be removed at some point and players will pick ac at character creation..


I would tend to agree with that.. Having people simply select their AC at character creation is the best answer.. The only reason we are having this discussion is because we choose our AC at 10 and people are to lazy to simply relevel another character to 10 to make another choice.. I fail to see this need to allow people to chang their class..


There is simply no reason it should be added..


As for Bioware's stance?? This issue came up in the beta.. Bioware went to great lengths to NOT add any kind of AS switching.. People's biggest complain was not enough info to make the choice.. Or that they made a mistake.. So.. Bioware dramatically shortened the amount of time it took to get to lvl 10.. Where before it was typical for you to do all the baby quests on a starter world and still only be lvl 8.. You still had to grind out 2 levels on your capital world.. Now.. If you do all the quests on a starter world.. Everyone should be lvl 10 if not 11.. Again, that is doing all the quests as well as in quest bonus quests.. They made it so people could examine both talent trees.. Codex entries were added for both AC's.. It is front and center, what their weapon configuration and what armor they use as well as their possible roles.. All of this was added in the beta instead of allowing the option of AC switching.. So no.. It will not be added.. Bioware has made enough consessions on this issue.. On average, it takes about 2 to 3 hours to get to level 10.. That is skipping all the dialog and just doing the quests.. I don't think that is unreasonable..


If you selected your AC during character creation you would have to create a new character anyways.. Doesn't matter what level you are.. :cool:

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Advanced classes are the SWTOR classes, get over with.


Show me the Sentinel and Guardian stories then. Show me different companions, different ANYTHING other then playstyle. Go on, please. Show me the uniqueness of each class to make them stand so completely different that it would be inconceivable to change from one to the other. If they were unique, separate classes, they wouldn't share common abilities with each other (Knight Abilities) and have the exact same results in terms of story. In fact, they literally have ZERO impact on anything in the game except your role in a dungeon.

Edited by Dunzo
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