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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I fully support AC change... it's very hard to know what you really want to do with a toon at level 10. The glaring strengths/weaknesses of a class don't really stick out til later levels... and only basement dwellers have the time or the give-a-damn to re-roll. I went Merc BH but I realized I wanted to be a PT BH around level 40 after lots of pvp, but there was no way in **** I was going to spend another 100 or so hours to get there. I don't really see how AC change can hurt the game... only encourage people to keep playing and stay interested. I can tell you 100% that I'd quit before I rolled another BH.
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I fully support AC change... it's very hard to know what you really want to do with a toon at level 10. The glaring strengths/weaknesses of a class don't really stick out til later levels... and only basement dwellers have the time or the give-a-damn to re-roll. I went Merc BH but I realized I wanted to be a PT BH around level 40 after lots of pvp, but there was no way in **** I was going to spend another 100 or so hours to get there. I don't really see how AC change can hurt the game... only encourage people to keep playing and stay interested. I can tell you 100% that I'd quit before I rolled another BH.


I'd rather see a boost in levels to another character of the same class.


Have you played no other MMO and realized you rolled the wrong class? My first time in WoW, everyone was telling me I should roll a paladin. After about 30 levels I realized I just didn't like that class yet I couldn't ask Blizzard to switch him to a Priest or a Warrior could I?


It's about perception. Yes they share the same class storylines but only because of the budget. In all intentions these are separate classes and if Bioware gives on this they could jeopardize the integrity of their class system... but that's just my opinion.


It does suck playing a character you don't like and I do sympathize.

Edited by Sapphix
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Do not allow this. You want that class then go level one. I'm sick of this "no investment EZ mode" attitude when it comes to games. If you want to be a flavor of the month class then level one. You have 8 slots per server so you have enough room for one of every base class, or 1 of every advance class if you stick to one faction. Edited by ghostin
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Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.


Sorry I am against being able to drop one AC for another. When you choose your AC you are told that this is permnant and can not be changed.


Also, if they do allow it, it destroys the whole purpose of taking the time to choose your AC or having AC's all together because everyone will be dropping them, changing them and so on, regardless of how much each respec would cost.


Right now, a player that picks an JUggernaut can fill a different role then a player that chooses Maruader.

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IMO Inquisitors and Warriors are as equal as assassins and sorcerers. If you guys get to respec advanced class, I'd like to switch to a warrior. They both are siths are they not?


It seems only fair considering the core of this disagreement is the misinterpretation of how SWTOR class system works. You guys feel that Assassins and Sorcerers are the same, likewise I'd like to argue that Inquisitors and Warriors are just as similar and should have the same options.


How are Inquisitors and Warriors equal?


Inquisistors are either Heal/DPS (Sorceror) or Tank/DPS (Assassin)

Warriors are either pure DPS (Marauder) or Tank/DPS (Juggernaut).


While I can see the partial infernace between Juggernaut and Assassin it still wouldn't be possible. The stories for Warrior and Inquisitor are totaly different, where as the story for Juggernaut and Marauder are the same because they are just a subclass to the Sith Warrior class.

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How are Inquisitors and Warriors equal?


If they was so different, why are they both called sith!? I wanted to play a sith and I'm entitled to request a respec to any of the sith characters they have available.

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I'd rather see a boost in levels to another character of the same class.


Have you played no other MMO and realized you rolled the wrong class? My first time in WoW, everyone was telling me I should roll a paladin. After about 30 levels I realized I just didn't like that class yet I couldn't ask Blizzard to switch him to a Priest or a Warrior could I?


It's about perception. Yes they share the same class storylines but only because of the budget. In all intentions these are separate classes and if Bioware gives on this they could jeopardize the integrity of their class system... but that's just my opinion.


It does suck playing a character you don't like and I do sympathize.


I'm curious, only because I keep seeing this posted by other as well. How do you, and anyone else that thinks the same way, think that allowing a player to change their Advanced Class will jeopardize the integrity of the class system? I just don't see it, but maybe if someone points out something I'm missing I'll follow along with that mentality better.


Don't get me wrong though, I'm still for giving the player the option to change with the right limitations, I won't change my mind on that stance. I'm just curious why people keep bringing this train of thought up.

Edited by Ookami
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But it isn't right to demand the game be ruined for the rest of us.. You have a right to be lazy and make that choice.. But that choice should only effect you.. I did not make that choice and I don't mind rolling another character to try out a different class.. I fail to see why anyone else would.. It is contrary to the concept of classes when we can change our classes at will.. To satify this self admitted laziness.. We may as well have no class at all.. No need for alts.. No need for specs.. Isn't that easy mode?? Like he said.. Do you want an invincibility button as well?? How easy does BW have to make this game?? I wish they would go back old school.. When you die you had to run back to your corpse without gear until you reclaimed it where you died.. I wish this game is much harder than it is.. But that is me.. :cool:


Have a nice day..


Yeah, dont exaggerate on the laziness :rolleyes:, my point is that levelling all over again, doing everything the same isn't 'exciting', on the contrary... So, yeah, in that point I am lazy. Don't understand me wrong, a game should definetely have some kind of difficulty grade, but just being bored by doing everything over again isn't exactly my definition of something 'difficult'...


On a side note: I wouldn't want them to go back to old school, it just pisses you off, atleast for me it does, when you die. 'Easy' games (atleast compared to old school), I find way more relaxing.

Edited by Mormoz
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I'm curious, only because I keep seeing this posted by other as well. How do you, and anyone else that thinks the same way, think that allowing a player to change their Advanced Class will jeopardize the integrity of their class system? I just don't see it, but maybe if someone points out something I'm missing I'll follow along with that mentality better.


Because Advanced Classes are the classes. If you give players the ability to respec then you reduce the available classes from 8 to 4 (per faction). Practically every class can DPS, tank or heal.


Don't get me wrong though, I'm still for giving the player the option to change with the right limitations, I won't change my mind on that stance. I'm just curious why people keep bringing this train of thought up.


Right limitations... I wouldn't be bothered with a one time switch before 15, and I'm compromising. I'd rather see them give us a free level 10 of the same class (AoC and a few others offered this type of system and it was cool IMO).

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Do not allow this. You want that class then go level one. I'm sick of this "no investment EZ mode" attitude when it comes to games. If you want to be a flavor of the month class then level one. You have 8 slots per server so you have enough room for one of every base class, or 1 of every advance class if you stick to one faction.


Agree....let ppl level a new one instead of just change to what they like....i made a Sorcerer first but didnt like it and talents was booring so lvl a Sin instead just to try if it was more fun, so if we can chance AC, can i change one of those to a whole different class? since i might wanna have a BH instead?


Stupid idea

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If they was so different, why are they both called sith!? I wanted to play a sith and I'm entitled to request a respec to any of the sith characters they have available.


Even if the story lines are completely different between the two? I'm curious how BW would create a segway for someone who started off Warrior and decided to go Inquisitor... might be interesting.

Edited by Ookami
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Because Advanced Classes are the classes. If you give players the ability to respec then you reduce the available classes from 8 to 4 (per faction). Practically every class can DPS, tank or heal.



Right limitations... I wouldn't be bothered with a one time switch before 15, and I'm compromising. I'd rather see them give us a free level 10 of the same class (AoC and a few others offered this type of system and it was cool IMO).


Personally I'm not saying the ability to respec your AC over and over again whenever you wish, that I understand could be a problem. I'm talking about once, maybe twice max. Also before 15 is to soon, at least in my opinion. Five levels does not give you a good grasp on if you're going to enjoy playing your AC or not as you do not have a lot of the abilities you do at higher levels. For me at that low level I wouldn't care if I had to start over as it would take less than a day if I have the time. I'm talking about, to take your earlier Paladin example, getting to level 30 and wishing I had gone the other direction. Mind you this is also for something like Guardian > Sentinel, not Knight > Consular.

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Agree....let ppl level a new one instead of just change to what they like....i made a Sorcerer first but didnt like it and talents was booring so lvl a Sin instead just to try if it was more fun, so if we can chance AC, can i change one of those to a whole different class? since i might wanna have a BH instead?


Stupid idea


How is changing an Advanced Class anywhere remotely the same as changing base Classes?


If you created an Inquisitor and ended up wanting a Bounty Hunter then create a Bounty Hunter. In no way, shape, or form is the ability for a player to change from an Inquisitor(Sorceror) to an Inquisitor(Assassin) the same as changing from an Inquisitor to a Bounty Hunter. I wish people would quit thinking this way. We're talking about staying within a given class story line here, not moving from one to a totally different one.

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Even if the story lines are completely different between the two? I'm curious how BW would create a segway for someone who started off Warrior and decided to go Inquisitor... might be interesting.


Hehe, that would be cool wouldn't it. Designers could just sit around all day a plan for wickedly awesome stuff to add to the game. I always wanted to see a split in the storyline that allows you to fall to the darkside or redeem yourself. I'm sure Bioware love to be able to give us all these wonderful options but time and money leads to compromises.


When I first read about the game, I thought it was silly that they did not allow AC respecs. After playing the game for a while and experiencing the different classes I can understand why they didn't and I've come to respect that.


Sometimes we have to compromise our wants, even Bioware. They probably wanted to give us 16 full storylines but instead they was only able to make 8. How can we ask them to compromise again to give us AC respecs?


As far as we know they may be planning to add 16 storylines (one for each advanced class) in future expansions.

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Wholeheartedly against this.


I believe this will damage the game tremendously as people flip flop between classes causing imbalance and adding pressure to development resource to balance every last percentage to the nth degree.



If you look at WoW, you can pick Warrior or Paladin, both tanks and damage, one has healing too. You make that change at the start of the game, then you are unable to change that.


It's the same with advanced classes, there is a wealth of info available before making the choice, SWTOR just allows you to take the class for a test drive before you commit more deeply.


If you are unhappy with your advanced class choice, you should reroll, given it's a three hour investment to get to level 10.


I would hate to think there were cookie cutter leveling builds in one spec, so people could race through content, only to chose an advanced class at 50 with absolutely no knowledge on how to play it.

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Personally I'm not saying the ability to respec your AC over and over again whenever you wish, that I understand could be a problem. I'm talking about once, maybe twice max. Also before 15 is to soon, at least in my opinion. Five levels does not give you a good grasp on if you're going to enjoy playing your AC or not as you do not have a lot of the abilities you do at higher levels. For me at that low level I wouldn't care if I had to start over as it would take less than a day if I have the time. I'm talking about, to take your earlier Paladin example, getting to level 30 and wishing I had gone the other direction. Mind you this is also for something like Guardian > Sentinel, not Knight > Consular.


Why not those ACs too? It's hours spent down a boring class, why do all the planetary quests over again? it's already swapping the abilities, talent tree, and equipment. Reset the class quest and swap out the companions. I'm talking about once, maybe twice max. You get to level 30 and wish you'd chosen a different class. Assassin to Juggernaut, those are both Sith melee tanks, that's already practically the same class.

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Hehe, that would be cool wouldn't it. Designers could just sit around all day a plan for wickedly awesome stuff to add to the game. I always wanted to see a split in the storyline that allows you to fall to the darkside or redeem yourself. I'm sure Bioware love to be able to give us all these wonderful options but time and money leads to compromises.


When I first read about the game, I thought it was silly that they did not allow AC respecs. After playing the game for a while and experiencing the different classes I can understand why they didn't and I've come to respect that.


Sometimes we have to compromise our wants, even Bioware. They probably wanted to give us 16 full storylines but instead they was only able to make 8. How can we ask them to compromise again to give us AC respecs?


As far as we know they may be planning to add 16 storylines (one for each advanced class) in future expansions.


I agree and I see your point. Hopefully, like you say, future expansion will open up more options for the classes. Only time will tell.

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How is changing an Advanced Class anywhere remotely the same as changing base Classes?


If you created an Inquisitor and ended up wanting a Bounty Hunter then create a Bounty Hunter. In no way, shape, or form is the ability for a player to change from an Inquisitor(Sorceror) to an Inquisitor(Assassin) the same as changing from an Inquisitor to a Bounty Hunter. I wish people would quit thinking this way. We're talking about staying within a given class story line here, not moving from one to a totally different one.


Yeah they share the same storyline but that makes up 5-10% of the quests that you get. It's more about the definition of Class rather than sharing a series of quests.


People keep using this example because to us, you're asking to switch classes.

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Yeah they share the same storyline but that makes up 5-10% of the quests that you get. It's more about the definition of Class rather than sharing a series of quests.


People keep using this example because to us, you're asking to switch classes.


Yea, I'm starting to understand why people hate the whole Class/Advanced Class naming convention for seperating the two. :)

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This may sound ridiculous and unrelated but as a parent if I tell my child that they can't do something but then later let them do it, I sacrifice my integrity as a parent.


Bioware is in a similar situation. They stated that advanced classes are permanent and if they go back on that it will create havoc among the players. People will disobey them, talk back, steal the car late at night and bring it back with dents all in it - there will be pandemonium!

Edited by Sapphix
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Allowing respecs of any sort just makes bad players.


First off when you learned your advance class the trainer told you that this was permanent. What part of permanent dont you understand?


Even respecs in the same AC hurts the game. You learn your skills as you play the game while using those skills. Take a healer/DPS AC. You level up as a DPS but then you can respec into a healer and have no clue on how to be a healer but you get the skills to be a healer. There is no learning in these games anymore. Its pick a spec and look up on the net how to do it instead of learning how to do it in the game.


There are threads of people wanting to change factions also. Really? Can there be nothing in games now that make the player live with their choice they make.

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This may sound ridiculous and unrelated but as a parent if I tell my child that they can't do something but then later let them do it, I sacrifice my integrity as a parent.


Bioware is in a similar situation. They stated that advanced classes are permanent and if they go back on that it will create havoc among the players. People will disobey them, talk back, steal the car late at night and bring it back with dents all in it - there will be pandemonium!


I'm now picturing level 16-17 uber-l33t hardcore Sith teens vandalizing my ship, stealing the rims off my landing struts, swiping the radio out of my droid (go ahead, it'll be an improvement), getting one of my companions pregnant, or even taking my speeder for a joyride and not filling the tibanna gas tank.


The next episode on the Jerry Springer will be Sith Youth with an identity crisis. They are coming out to their parents that they want to undergo a class-change because they don't look on the outside what they feel on the inside. And don't miss our segment with a professional MMO psychologist talking about an identity crisis pandemic spreading among our youth and how it relates to a recent increase in ganking.

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Because both are classes.


There's more effective difference in play style between a Shadow and Sage then there is a Consular and Knight.


That's the problem.... they are not the same.


Jedi Knight is the Class.... Sentinel/Guardian is the Advanced/Sub Class. The AC is just an extension or subset of the base which adds further abilites and specializations to said base.

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