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Did everyone just forget about slicing problem?


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As the title says: did you guys forget that the majority wants slicing to where it belongs? If you guys stop demanding what you want from the game then there is no chance it will improve as we want it. Seeing both pre-nerf posts about debuffing and post nerf about buffing it up I can truly see that the number of people who wants slicing put back to it's place. Just don't give up! I am sure BioWare will read our threads and posts and make it up to us :cool: Together we are strong.
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As the title says: did you guys forget that the majority wants slicing to where it belongs? If you guys stop demanding what you want from the game then there is no chance it will improve as we want it. Seeing both pre-nerf posts about debuffing and post nerf about buffing it up I can truly see that the number of people who wants slicing put back to it's place. Just don't give up! I am sure BioWare will read our threads and posts and make it up to us :cool: Together we are strong.


No. Slicing is fine.


Walk around planets. Pick up money plants. Buy stuff with the money. Works fine.

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As the title says: did you guys forget that the majority wants slicing to where it belongs? If you guys stop demanding what you want from the game then there is no chance it will improve as we want it. Seeing both pre-nerf posts about debuffing and post nerf about buffing it up I can truly see that the number of people who wants slicing put back to it's place. Just don't give up! I am sure BioWare will read our threads and posts and make it up to us :cool: Together we are strong.


The problem isn't that we've forgotten about it, we just have a loose pack of wild nerf-herders swinging nerf bats at everything at the moment. It's a bit more pressing to get these bafoons to stop calling for nerfs on every little thing than to get slicing properly fixed. It does us no good to petition for a proper solution when there is a mob trying to nerf everything running around.


Once we get them under control then we can return to getting proper fixes in place.




No. Slicing is fine.


Walk around planets. Pick up money plants. Buy stuff with the money. Works fine.



Despite what some people seem to falsely believe, slicing is meant to provide profit from the missions as well, not just gathering lockboxes from planets. Lockboxes, I might add, that only contain 15-500 credits. In it's current state it does still provide profits from the missions but in such small amounts that the skill does little more than pay for it's own leveling.


Also, when they reduced the yields on lockboxes, it was all around. Lockboxes from missions were hit hard as well. Missions that before gave lockboxes with 1-2k now give 15-500... most I've gotten from a mission lockbox now after the nerf is ~750credits.

Edited by Pandabutt
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Pandabutt I liked your post.


I actually think the same about the nerf mob but if BW don't show us that they will THINK properly next time and will FIX what they BROKE I won't believe in them.


If fact I unsuscribed, sent complains and requested my money back to Origin.

Money is, in the end, the only thing they will give attention..

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Despite what some people seem to falsely believe, slicing is meant to provide profit from the missions as well, not just gathering lockboxes from planets. Lockboxes, I might add, that only contain 15-500 credits. In it's current state it does still provide profits from the missions but in such small amounts that the skill does little more than pay for it's own leveling.


Also, when they reduced the yields on lockboxes, it was all around. Lockboxes from missions were hit hard as well. Missions that before gave lockboxes with 1-2k now give 15-500... most I've gotten from a mission lockbox now after the nerf is ~750credits.


Not sure where you read that sending companions on slicing missions is supposed to be a way to make the big bucks (like it used to be). I still make money on slicing missions and I have slicing on all my guys. I make money any time I'm logged in with missions. It may not be much, but it's more money than I had by not sending my guys on missions.


I was suprised when the money gathering skill made money on missions. I was even more suprised when I still made money after the 'nerf'.


Bioware knew it was an issue and they toned it down. The cries of people who miss their money tree are already dying down.

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slicing is not worth it anymore. you get such a small profit from it, that it just ends up being a waste of time


You still profit from ti though, its basically free credits. I have slicing on my BH and I usually profit between 300-500 credits on rank 2 boxes from missions, and crit a 2k box every once in a while, not to mention the world locations that are completely free credit boxes. How is it broken? So it requires a tad more work than just standing on the fleet making credits... if THAT were the case I'd call it broken, not the other way around.

Edited by Midnight_Malice
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Clueless people will always be clueless.....


Slicing is fine and very proitable. It is a gathering profession. Slicing gathers missions/schematics. Underworld trading & Treasure hunting (340 skill missions) sell easily for 20k. Not to mention 340 skill slicing missions you get, ive sold these epic augments for an average of 50k.


Combine this with the small profit you make from missions and the free nodes you find questing and it is a very good profession.


People just have no idea..

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i dropped my 400 slicing a few days ago, and now i'm almost 400 biochem and loving it. a little annoyed with myself that i wasted so much time with slicing tbh..


I don't want to sadden you but this is just hilarious, you see my friend, BW is going to nerf BIOCHEM :D (I used bio skills and slicing seems like I'm getting punch in the nuts too) Anyways, now if you want to use high level stims, medpacks or else you need to have at "least" 400 biochem. Funny yeah? Not only will it drain money from people who will be FORCED to train it if they want to use meds to have something against those who already have 400 in the skill but also will reduce sales on AH. As all those with skill 400 will craft their own things. Additionaly all superior colours like orange, purple maybe even green will require u having 400 biochem... It is also pretty damn hard to reverse engineer 'cause the chances are as low as they can be (they might nerf it further more). Now, folks, let's assume the skill doesn't require us to have 400 biochem if we want to be average in it. The other major flaw is that ALL the MEDPACKS now heal EQUALLY as OTHER medpacks of the SAME LEVEL.

LET's SUM UP: The skill will grant no income, will eat your monies :D, will BARELY make your life easier but you'll still want it to be competitive. This leaves us 2 options either DROP it for gathering skills to sell the materials to biochem users or to get lvl 400 no matter what kind of medpacks,stims else you wanna use.


About the angry nerf mob. We are many they are but one. Honestly, *we* good guys are much more in quantity than they are. Just don't be shy.

Edited by pyziroki
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Clueless people will always be clueless.....

. Underworld trading & Treasure hunting (340 skill missions) sell easily for 20k. Not to mention 340 skill slicing missions you get, ive sold these epic augments for an average of 50k.


People just have no idea..


You made my day just by saying you've sold augments for 50k. Really! So funny, I'm dying, somebody call an abulance. Either the person you sold augs to was insane or you, sir, are trolling me.

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The slicing nerf was so heavy handed, that you can tell Bioware rushed this game out and has no idea how to balance skills


You are right, they don't because this is how MMOs tend to work. It is VERY hard to predict how a certian aspect of a large game like this will affect the overall world without that world existing, even in a beta. MMOs that have been out 10+ years still get adjustements to origional content.

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You are right, they don't because this is how MMOs tend to work. It is VERY hard to predict how a certian aspect of a large game like this will affect the overall world without that world existing, even in a beta. MMOs that have been out 10+ years still get adjustements to origional content.


No, this was very obvious, this was rushed out the door EA style ( ever play BC2 or BF3?)

It was the combination of starry eyed Star Wars nerds in beta and rushed out the door for christmas release date, that didn't allow bioware to even implement balances.


Look what Blizzard did to consumable like 4 years ago in burning crusade when balancing PVP. This issue would have been very apparent in pvp and operations from day one.


The way slicing was nerfed, had all the signs of panic. The were worried that long term time sinks like Illum would be made worthless. Now that synthweavers are making thousands of credits per day easy- makes pre nerf slicing look quaint.

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Maybe there are signs of rushing the game, but you are here and posting about it... i.e.. playing the game. Seems like thier release didn't hurt too much.


Personally as a gamer, I would rather have the game in my house knowing they can fix/adjust things, rather than them trying to fix every single (projected) issue with it before release. If you have MMO expierence you pretty much accept this when buying the game. They saw an issue with slicing and nerfed it, thats what happens in MMOs... whats the complaint? That they didn't predict what would happen to the non-existant economy from people getting credits for free? Seems like there are much more pressing issues than free credits from a crew skill. Like the almost non existant credit generation from crafting high end items from other skills and nobody wanting them because drops and mission rewards are just as good or better. I couldn't sell an endgame epic focus with willpower, crits, and alacrity ect... mastercraft for more than 60k, this is the best crafted focus for most Sorc's and madness assassins WITH mastercraft, seems like it should sell a lot higher than that. Each craft has a lot of issues, seems like people are more worried about thier free credits getting a slight nerf, because in all honesty, I still make money on my BH while crafting and buying mats from GTM just from slicing alone.

Edited by Midnight_Malice
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The issue with crafting is so common with theme park MMOs where people can loot pieces of gear or pvp for gear. If you ever played a sandbox MMO that wouldn't be the case as all the things in sandbox MMOs

are crafted by players. So either remove lootings gears and pvp rewards or at least make them harder to attain.

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i dropped my 400 slicing a few days ago, and now i'm almost 400 biochem and loving it. a little annoyed with myself that i wasted so much time with slicing tbh..


This is exactly how I felt about Archeology, right before I dropped it for Slicing...


...the day before they nerfed it.

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You made my day just by saying you've sold augments for 50k. Really! So funny, I'm dying, somebody call an abulance. Either the person you sold augs to was insane or you, sir, are trolling me.


I'm not top level, so not sure what people will pay, but I have two characters with around 8-9 augment slots free from crafted kit (including companions), so went looking for level 23-29 augments in the GTN. There were 5 on my server.


I suspect if Augments aren't selling it's as much as anything the out of the way nature of the GTN, where it's s significant detour to go get Augments from the world you are levelling on. I'd certainly have bought three times more than were being sold.

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You made my day just by saying you've sold augments for 50k. Really! So funny, I'm dying, somebody call an abulance. Either the person you sold augs to was insane or you, sir, are trolling me.




Probably had loads of left over credits from prenerf slicing :p


But seriously now...


The Biochem "nerf" is absurd because it kills the crafting skill's ability to provide sellable product.


Real fix would be every crafting profession would provide items from the following catagories.


1) Desirable non consumables. ie:Armortech "orange" items

2) Desireable consumables. ie:Cybertech grenades

3)Special profession exclusive items: ie:Biotech reusable medpacks/stims


Biochem and Cybertech are already almost there and only need a few tweaks to fit this pattern.The others...well may need some design time to make decent consumables that fit the skill thematicly.


Biochem could provide the following


1) desirable non consumable: Implants.

2)desirable consumable: high end stims/medpacks (blues)

3)profession perk:non consumable stims/medpacks that are slightly better than consumable and are the only items that require biochem as a prerequisite for use.




1) non consumable: ear pieces,armor and enhancers

2) consumables: Grenades

3) perk:unique speeders and superior reusable grenades that are the only items that require cybertech as a prerequisite for use.

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Wrong thread my friend.


We were talking about Slicing.


Well I sorta derailed and crashed but...Slicing could fit into the support network of an effective crafting system it currently does not and did not prenerf.


it was a skill that was mandatory for heaps of effort free credits and did little to support crafting as a whole other than cause massive inflation and endless spam from credit farmers who would without a doubt abuse slicing as a money factory.


I am not one to swing a nerfbat about without a great deal of thought and I saw the writting on the wall,slicing was a bad idea.


The slice nerf is however a bandaid and not a fix.All it accomplished was preventing the hemeraging of credits into the game economy and did nothing to make slincing more than a slow working free money machine.


My theory is that most of the anti slice nerf camp are not crafters but people who want a free money machine.


I want a crew skill that serves a function within a crafting system and don't see a need for a free money machine.We have mobs we wack and money falls out so we already have a money machine.


So what we have now is this and this is the painful truth.


Slicing is still a free money machine that works Verry slowly.


Slicing is still the cheapest "gathering" skill to level and if care and time is taken slicing will net you a profit just for leveling it,try that with underworld trading without selling off everything you gather.


Slicing still provides augments and gathering skill missions so um...it still gathers something other than pocket change at a distressingly slow rate.


Prenerf slicing was practicaly mandatory.post nerf it's um...sorta not useless.


We will never see pre nerf slicing profit levels again.the Devs saw it was a problem and nerfed it.I abused the heck outa slicing prenerf and I saw the writting on the wall.It was gonna get whacked with a nerf bat.


It is pointless to point fingers and pine away for the good old days of free nigh effortless fortunes where anyone who wanted piles upon piles of credits and runaway inflation could have it with slicing.


Focus on what slicing needs to be to fullfill a useful role in crafting as a whole.That's my plan.

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The level 50 missions cost me like 1.5k and regularly return 2k or so


I think slicing missions are fine (this coming from someone who has leveled slicing to 400 on like 3 different characters)


My complaint is that the world node spawn times.


On more populated planets i can go through an entire planet and loot maybe 4-5 boxes.


Its almost to the point that its pointless to bother looking for nodes, just powerlevel it to 400 and have 3 companions working around the clock (2 on class 6 missions and 1 on rich yeild class 5s) and enjoy a steady extra ~3k an hour credits and the mission discoveries that you can sell on the ah or vendor (depending on which crew skills)

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