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Sadly SWTOR will be another stepping stone and forgotten


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Seriously I stayed subbed longer to Champions Online and even Vanguard Saga of Heroes then I did with this game. The story line is mediocre after act 2 ends for all the classes and gave me no motivation to keep leveling. Probably 90 percent of the people I talk to experience FPS they are un happy with in Fleet/PVP. Space Combat is beyond terrible, BEYOND TERRIBLE. I am serious who gave the green light for the space missions, they need to be fired and beaten in a back alley for this garbage they gave us. The only reason this game even exists is the Star Wars brand name to go with it. Without the Star Wars brand name the game is a garbage sci fi MMORPG.
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How can you claim it will be forgotten when you yourself have not forgotten Champions or Vanguard?


Wow can you try and not interpret everything in such a literal manner Webster? Forgotten as in the game is going to fail and be another one added to the failed MMORPG pile that has been accumulating for the past 12 years.

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Technically, i dont believe you could have possibly "subbed" since the free month is not yet over. Im not sure if early access counts or not, but it has not been 30 days from the release date of the game...


Also, the door is... ----> This way.

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Technically, i dont believe you could have possibly "subbed" since the free month is not yet over. Im not sure if early access counts or not, but it has not been 30 days from the release date of the game...


Also, the door is... ----> This way.


Don't worry I made sure I kicked a hole through the door on the way out.

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Wow can you try and not interpret everything in such a literal manner Webster? Forgotten as in the game is going to fail and be another one added to the failed MMORPG pile that has been accumulating for the past 12 years.


You made a specific example and he busted it. Either you are being literal and trying to make a sound argument, and are subjected to legit rebuttal.....




... you are making broad generalizations and are ranting like a homeless guy on the street.


Your call, bub.

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Don't worry I made sure I kicked a hole through the door on the way out.


Actually you kicked the door and it broke your foot, because you couldnt tell the difference between wood and durasteel. This game isnt perfect, but it far exceeds that of most "generic" MMOs in terms of quality. I play better games, but i like SWTOR for what it is.

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You played all 8 classes to act 2?!?


You would have to nail my feet to the floor and tie me down to my computer chair to make me level another toon in this game. The first few levels where you walk for 20 minutes here to do a quest and then 20 minutes there to do another? No thanks.

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Don't worry I made sure I kicked a hole through the door on the way out.


More like for the past 7 or so years. Since WoW was really the first BIG mmo. It set the bar for all MMO's after it basically. And all MMO's before it didn't experience the success that WoW did. Back then mmo's were still mostly for a small market. Then WoW came, and mmo's became mainstream and huge. So yea...in this case, imo WoW should be the starting point.


That being said, it's still true. After WoW numerous mmo's have tried to get some of that success that WoW did. They all failed. Most of them pretty much died or went F2P to still be able to generate some profit for the company.


SWTOR...well, as the game is right now it won't even get close to WoW's success and will fail. But that's what patches and the like are for. The game is 'good' right now, and patches have the potential to make it much, much better. Let's just hope they don't go into the same direction that rift did. (stupid balancing, patches making things worse not better, etc)

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You played all 8 classes to act 2?!?


really? thats like saying "you hate salsa?... well have you tried all 864432 combinations of salsa?"


Its no real change to what ever class you play 90% of the decisions you make don't really matter and bioware even admits that the light/dark/neutral system isn't going to matter much endgame anyways. Right now its a flawed gimmick.

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Another troll who didn't even bother to put up a proper avatar picture on the forum is letting us all know how this game is bad and how he will quit...


You should have just disappeared without making a pointless thread in the process.

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More like for the past 7 or so years. Since WoW was really the first BIG mmo. It set the bar for all MMO's after it basically. And all MMO's before it didn't experience the success that WoW did. Back then mmo's were still mostly for a small market. Then WoW came, and mmo's became mainstream and huge. So yea...in this case, imo WoW should be the starting point.


That being said, it's still true. After WoW numerous mmo's have tried to get some of that success that WoW did. They all failed. Most of them pretty much died or went F2P to still be able to generate some profit for the company.


SWTOR...well, as the game is right now it won't even get close to WoW's success and will fail. But that's what patches and the like are for. The game is 'good' right now, and patches have the potential to make it much, much better. Let's just hope they don't go into the same direction that rift did. (stupid balancing, patches making things worse not better, etc)


Theres a difference between popularity and quality.


SWTOR wont be as popular as WoW. The only WOW killer is itself (because its alienating its veteran AND new playerbase with every addition...or is that subtraction? because they really just keep removing things...like talent trees)


SWTOR far exceeds the aformentioned monstrosity in terms of quality. So it fails in terms of not raking in 11 million subs, but succeeds in raking in players who actually care what they play. Fascinating how we interpret "success".

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You would have to nail my feet to the floor and tie me down to my computer chair to make me level another toon in this game. The first few levels where you walk for 20 minutes here to do a quest and then 20 minutes there to do another? No thanks.


Some people are just too dumb to quest in an efficient manner. It sucks when you dont have a questhelper arrow telling you what to do huh?

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Wow can you try and not interpret everything in such a literal manner Webster? Forgotten as in the game is going to fail and be another one added to the failed MMORPG pile that has been accumulating for the past 12 years.


If Star Trek Online can last for 2 years, this game's definitely not going to "fail" by any measurement or metric you could convincingly provide.

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Theres a difference between popularity and quality.


SWTOR wont be as popular as WoW. The only WOW killer is itself (because its alienating its veteran AND new playerbase with every addition...or is that subtraction? because they really just keep removing things...like talent trees)


SWTOR far exceeds the aformentioned monstrosity in terms of quality. So it fails in terms of not raking in 11 million subs, but succeeds in raking in players who actually care what they play. Fascinating how we interpret "success".


Keep telling that to yourself Webster. Whatever helps you sleep at night and believe SWTOR is even considered a "good" mmo atm. Vanguard Saga of Heroes was technically a good mmo at launch but it also failed because the game had many underlying issues like FPS/no end game etc that SWTOR currently has on an equally worse scale.

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Keep telling that to yourself Webster. Whatever helps you sleep at night and believe SWTOR is even considered a "good" mmo atm. Vanguard Saga of Heroes was technically a good mmo at launch but it also failed because the game had many underlying issues like FPS/no end game etc that SWTOR currently has on an equally worse scale.


What do you consider a "good MMO" then? You havent told us what you actually play other than those 2. Do tell.

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Are you really just upset that McQuaid couldn't do what Ohlen has already done?


(To clarify, unlike Vanguard, this game has 2 million subs already and is continuing to grow. It will hit the 3.5 million mark by May. It will then be large enough in the west to toss its weight around against Blizzard. By then it will have had multiple content updates and quite a few bug fixes, and many of the unsubs, who have already been replaced before their first 30 days are even up, will return in droves, running and fleeing from the power of pandas and kung fu fists).

Edited by SnoggyMack
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