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Sentinel Needs Serious Love


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My highest game with combat spec came yesterday--and I thought the healers were doing an awesome job, especially for a solo qeue:


Damage 137955

Healing 3439

Kills 32

Deaths 2

Medals 6


I thought it was impressive--especially since I was 2nd in Damage for the match--but then I noticed the person that placed 1st had 283k in damage, with 33 kills, 56k heals, 0 deaths, and 7 medals...and he was a sentinel watchman.


I can't figure out how you guys reach 260K in damage with combat...how many points are you putting in combat? I've done 31(5/31/5) and now I'm at 32 points in combat (7/32/2).


If you really enjoy combat I guess stick it out and see what they do for the spec in 1.2, but tbh I think watchman is superior.

-master strike hits like a truck

-rebuke+overload saber+cauterize= a good amount of self healing/mitigation, and pressure on your kill target.

-Reduced cd on your kick (can lock down healers and casters with ease.)

-build centering extremely fast through dots, force cost abilities, etc. (of spec'd correctly)

-Reduced range requirement on force leap (awesome!)

-constant refund of focus from; slash, merciless slash,Dispatch. (also blade rush making this talent (Focused slash) viable for combat specs also.)

-Can still pick up some goodies from combat to promote consistent focus (dual wield mastery, defensive form, Focus leap.) and can go focus for decreases force stasis cd from the focus tree.


Either way I won't tell you how to play your toon but I think looking into the watchman tree, and looking into how to play it properly may benefit you. Gl amigo

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having reached lvl 50 Sentinal i've noticed there really is no Sentinal gear it all seems to be medium Gaurdian gear and your left changing mods to sorta make it work. the best combo i come up with is rakata battlamaster lightsabers and Columi gear. it would be nice if the jedi knight medium gear was more suited for dps sentinal
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having reached lvl 50 Sentinal i've noticed there really is no Sentinal gear it all seems to be medium Gaurdian gear and your left changing mods to sorta make it work. the best combo i come up with is rakata battlamaster lightsabers and Columi gear. it would be nice if the jedi knight medium gear was more suited for dps sentinal


The Sentinel equipment is horribly itemized.


Literally it is the exact same stats as the Guardian. They don't even prioritize our main stat (Strength) over endurance.


What I had to do was go Rakata Bracers and Waistcord, both from the 400 Synthweaving set, both criticals for Augment slots, both augment slots filled with +strength and then (since I haven't hit BM yet) a mix of Champion and Columi gear.

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My naga help me with my button presses. But so far One on one. I can down anyone except healers and battle masters pretty quickly. BM get a little tricky since im still lower armored than them. And healers I sometime have trouble running them down and and outdamaging their heals.
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If you really enjoy combat I guess stick it out and see what they do for the spec in 1.2, but tbh I think watchman is superior.

-master strike hits like a truck

-rebuke+overload saber+cauterize= a good amount of self healing/mitigation, and pressure on your kill target.

-Reduced cd on your kick (can lock down healers and casters with ease.)

-build centering extremely fast through dots, force cost abilities, etc. (of spec'd correctly)

-Reduced range requirement on force leap (awesome!)

-constant refund of focus from; slash, merciless slash,Dispatch. (also blade rush making this talent (Focused slash) viable for combat specs also.)

-Can still pick up some goodies from combat to promote consistent focus (dual wield mastery, defensive form, Focus leap.) and can go focus for decreases force stasis cd from the focus tree.


Either way I won't tell you how to play your toon but I think looking into the watchman tree, and looking into how to play it properly may benefit you. Gl amigo


Actaully ever since they fixed the whole stuttering issue with the Combat spec. I have been doing easily more Damage being combat spec. When I watch watchmen. I would literally have to ignore the objectives to flirt with 200k damage and if i didnt. I would bearly reach 100k. As combat. I can go after objective and hit 175k easily bsing around. And when i grind damage I rack up 300k plus.


But If they allow Duel speccing. Im going combat and watchmen. Mainly force Watchmen 100% dmg immunity with force camo and its close quaters

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I think part of my problem is knowing what to interrupt--or knowing my enemy. I usually fire off an interrupt whenever I see their cast bar, but there may be some casts I could let go to make sure I have an one ready for their truly special "specials" lol...that 8 second kick takes forever sometimes.


I really need to learn mouse turning!--but maybe I'm not holding it right, or maybe I need a good mousepad, because everytime I hit a thumb button on my naga, it cause me to move the mouse slightly--it jerks my screen around so much I can't tell where I'm facing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great points, by MOST.


To the Trolls ..


Stop Posting BS like 300, 400k plus damage always at the top three of your pvp matches, in rambling one sentence paragraphs, without even a screenshot to back it up. Our issues are well documented and well known. This is unlike "The Chosen One" who seems to inhabit each trolls sentinel. We are putting a lot of effort into legit issues with Sentinel, not making up posts with like "Oh I only got 25k damage this match !"


Its not helpful and not needed, but seems to appear in every single thread about Sentinels issues.


Go make a thread titled "Sentinels are Awesome" and just troll each other to your hearts content until someone has a troll-gasm.

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Great points, by MOST.


To the Trolls ..


Stop Posting BS like 300, 400k plus damage always at the top three of your pvp matches, in rambling one sentence paragraphs, without even a screenshot to back it up. Our issues are well documented and well known. This is unlike "The Chosen One" who seems to inhabit each trolls sentinel. We are putting a lot of effort into legit issues with Sentinel, not making up posts with like "Oh I only got 25k damage this match !"


Its not helpful and not needed, but seems to appear in every single thread about Sentinels issues.


Go make a thread titled "Sentinels are Awesome" and just troll each other to your hearts content until someone has a troll-gasm.


Seriously, I was a HUGE advocate of buffing/fixing sentinel.. but after REALLY practicing, researching, and applying all the new things I learned - Sentinel is honestly fine.


I don't want to say "L2P", but honestly that's all it took for me.

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Great points, by MOST.


To the Trolls ..


Stop Posting BS like 300, 400k plus damage always at the top three of your pvp matches, in rambling one sentence paragraphs, without even a screenshot to back it up. Our issues are well documented and well known. This is unlike "The Chosen One" who seems to inhabit each trolls sentinel. We are putting a lot of effort into legit issues with Sentinel, not making up posts with like "Oh I only got 25k damage this match !"


Its not helpful and not needed, but seems to appear in every single thread about Sentinels issues.


Go make a thread titled "Sentinels are Awesome" and just troll each other to your hearts content until someone has a troll-gasm.


It is not BS though and people have screenshots. It is also not helpful when some of the people complaining say they struggle to break 200k. I am sorry but that is a player issue not a class one. If 200k is rare for a player they just suck period and overbuffing a class will only try to hide that fact.

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It is not BS though and people have screenshots. It is also not helpful when some of the people complaining say they struggle to break 200k. I am sorry but that is a player issue not a class one. If 200k is rare for a player they just suck period and overbuffing a class will only try to hide that fact.


^ This.

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Has anyone pointed out that we can't use 2-3 of our abilities that deal a decent amount of damage because we can't stun or disorient our targets? I am just curious because there are 2 at least off the top of my head that I dont use because in pvp because I can't stun and even with awe I can't use them. It's pommel strike and something else and they can crit for like 3k+ damage.
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I'm calling out all the Watchman spec'd Sentinels who do 300 to 400k.


I believe you are but I also believe you are leaving some information out.


- Are you grouped, in a preform?

- Are you getting healed?

- Do you use macros through a mouse or other device?

- How under geared are your opponents?

- Do you just stay on healers and pad your numbers?

- Do you try to defend objectives, try to win a game, or just try to pad the damage meter?

- Do you just look for certain classes/players that you can always pwn?


I'm thinking it's a few things from above.


I have reached 300k but only because I had a pocket healer. I'm in 1/2 Champion and 1/2 Centurion gear. Most of the time I will hit 150k-200k damage but Commandos will hit over 400k every single time on my server. Our republic side has far less pvpers than the Sith and they are very well geared and usually preform. I have yet to see any Sentinels on my server to consistently hit over 300k so there is some discrepancy here. It's not just L2P. I believe there are other variables involved here for those claiming those numbers.


It's not rocket science to play a Sentinel. It's not hard at all. Calculus was hard. Divorce was hard. Making my first million was hard. It's obvious what abilities you need to use to max out your dps. There's plenty of guides here for people to read and to show them what buttons to press as well. So there's something else going on that you're not telling us. I'd really like to know exactly how you achieve damage over 300k consistently.






- Are you grouped, in a preform? 75% of the time i solo Q, the other time im grouped with random guildys.

- Are you getting healed? Normal spot heals received during any normal game.

- Do you use macros through a mouse or other device? No macros, bind every key and using a gaming keyboard/mouse

- How under geared are your opponents? I honestly don't bother paying attention to that, so no clue. Imps outnumber us by quite a bit so there is a pretty wide range i would assume.

- Do you just stay on healers and pad your numbers? If i see a healer, thats my primary target, obviously. I don't sit on healers all game, no. Ill hard switch to one if they heal my current target. The one healer on my server i have a hard time killing, is only an issue because of guards/shields. Not that they arn't very skilled but its almost impossible to kill a good merc healer with guard/ + their shield.

- Do you try to defend objectives, try to win a game, or just try to pad the damage meter? We always try and win the games no matter what. The only time we really dont care about that is when we are playing other reps in huttball - and then its a massacre.

- Do you just look for certain classes/players that you can always pwn? Honestly no - when i'm in burn mode who ever is unlucky enough to be closest for tab targeting is who im going after, unless i see a healer or someone free casting for a long period of time. Then i focus on them to take pressure off my team.



Have 14 years of game/mmo exp so i understood the nature of the beast before i started playing, so that might give a advantage. aside from that its all about your DPS up-time. i am a BM, but PVP in mostly PVE gear. Im using full Columi aside from a few rat off pieces/BM implants.


If i don't hit at least 300k in a match its because i was defending node. 300k for most sent/maras who know how to maximize in PVP isn't even all that special. Not that 300k isnt good but we can have some stupid numbers is we have a supporting cast. Solo the best i have managed in a VS AFTER the surge nerf is just shy of 500k , which also equates to an assload of healing btw.


Don't miss a CD, use your ability's right away in your priority rotation and make sure your poping relics/adrenals.


Your own survivability is also 50% of the equation. If you cant stay alive, then you cant do dps. The real "pros" know how to balance kicking someones ***, with surviving whats going to happen after they are dead. Think chess - don't just worry about who your currently on, think about whats going on around you and who your next target might be. use objects to LOS people and allow your abilitys to refresh.


I have killed countless ranged by applying dots/OL LS and kiting them around a pole. It sounds retarded but its really effective. Doing well in PVP isn't just about blowing someones face up, ( yes its some of that ) but its doing that while taking little to no damage, and controlling the situation your in. We just happen to have a crapload of CD's to provide enough control to help sway most encounters in our direction. Think outside the box! Think quick, react faster!


As always though, that's just my opinion.

Edited by Bishidoblade
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Most issues people have with Sent/mara stem from a few things.


They are hard to play compared to other classes, but in life no one is guaranteed the same footing, sorry. While a game is a more ideal environment it doesn't change the fact that this is a truth that is rarely if ever deviated from.


Gear matters when it comes to topping charts, but that is the same for every class. I have seen 2-3 sent/mara videos on youtube where the person dumps all the BM gear and wears the lvl 40 pvp stuff and still ends the game in the top 5-6 dps and with few deaths. Why is this? Because they have learned to pick their fights, use CDs at the right time and when to run and hide.


When I solo queue, I find that in a full match I often finish with around 500k dps; 30ish kills and 6-12 deaths. When I queue with friends and especially a healer my numbers look more like 650-750k, 35-50 kills and usually 0-2 deaths. Deaths and downtime reduce numbers more than anything, so staying up matters. I also tend to kill healers first, those that attack my healer freely second if not CCd, then the rest. Healers die SO fast when targeted; plus people neglect to use throw ability for 20% trauma often, disrupt on a 6sec CD (watch/annih) and force charge can be saved as a mid-disrupt CD interrupt.


In the end, the only big issue in PvP and it effects all melee equally is resolve sucking, and every other class having a plethora of knock backs, stuns, roots, etc etc.

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After seeing this thread, I came very concerned about the amount, frequency and vigor of the love that Sentinals have or have not been receiving.


Therefore, I'd like to dedicate the following to my sentinal brother's:



Please note this is SOM SUPER SERIOUS LOVE. Please don protective

gloves before handling.

Edited by VoidJustice
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- Are you grouped, in a preform? 75% of the time i solo Q, the other time im grouped with random guildys.

- Are you getting healed? Normal spot heals received during any normal game.

- Do you use macros through a mouse or other device? No macros, bind every key and using a gaming keyboard/mouse

- How under geared are your opponents? I honestly don't bother paying attention to that, so no clue. Imps outnumber us by quite a bit so there is a pretty wide range i would assume.

- Do you just stay on healers and pad your numbers? If i see a healer, thats my primary target, obviously. I don't sit on healers all game, no. Ill hard switch to one if they heal my current target. The one healer on my server i have a hard time killing, is only an issue because of guards/shields. Not that they arn't very skilled but its almost impossible to kill a good merc healer with guard/ + their shield.

- Do you try to defend objectives, try to win a game, or just try to pad the damage meter? We always try and win the games no matter what. The only time we really dont care about that is when we are playing other reps in huttball - and then its a massacre.

- Do you just look for certain classes/players that you can always pwn? Honestly no - when i'm in burn mode who ever is unlucky enough to be closest for tab targeting is who im going after, unless i see a healer or someone free casting for a long period of time. Then i focus on them to take pressure off my team.



Have 14 years of game/mmo exp so i understood the nature of the beast before i started playing, so that might give a advantage. aside from that its all about your DPS up-time. i am a BM, but PVP in mostly PVE gear. Im using full Columi aside from a few rat off pieces/BM implants.


If i don't hit at least 300k in a match its because i was defending node. 300k for most sent/maras who know how to maximize in PVP isn't even all that special. Not that 300k isnt good but we can have some stupid numbers is we have a supporting cast. Solo the best i have managed in a VS AFTER the surge nerf is just shy of 500k , which also equates to an assload of healing btw.


Don't miss a CD, use your ability's right away in your priority rotation and make sure your poping relics/adrenals.


Your own survivability is also 50% of the equation. If you cant stay alive, then you cant do dps. The real "pros" know how to balance kicking someones ***, with surviving whats going to happen after they are dead. Think chess - don't just worry about who your currently on, think about whats going on around you and who your next target might be. use objects to LOS people and allow your abilitys to refresh.


I have killed countless ranged by applying dots/OL LS and kiting them around a pole. It sounds retarded but its really effective. Doing well in PVP isn't just about blowing someones face up, ( yes its some of that ) but its doing that while taking little to no damage, and controlling the situation your in. We just happen to have a crapload of CD's to provide enough control to help sway most encounters in our direction. Think outside the box! Think quick, react faster!


As always though, that's just my opinion.


I just wanted to add a response to the OP that posted the questions this guy is responding to. If you are a Sentinel ITS IS YOUR JOB TO STAY ON HEALERS. You have a ton of interrupts and the ONLY HEALING DEBUFF in the game. This is hardly 'padding' your numbers.


Also you should be looking for classes that you know you can easily pwn. There are only 8 players max on a team, if I can quickly knock down that number by a few that gives my team a huge advantage. What I can kill easily may be the counter to some of my teammates. Rock meet paper.

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You have a ton of interrupts and the ONLY HEALING DEBUFF in the game. This is hardly 'padding' your numbers.


Stop spreading misinformation. I'm so sick of seeing this. SENTINEL DOES NOT HAVE A HEALING DEBUFF.


Watchman spec has a healing debuff. Not all of us spec the same.

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Stop spreading misinformation. I'm so sick of seeing this. SENTINEL DOES NOT HAVE A HEALING DEBUFF.


Watchman spec has a healing debuff. Not all of us spec the same.


You should read all of your abilites, and stop spreading misinformation. I'm so sick of seeing this.

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You should read all of your abilites, and stop spreading misinformation. I'm so sick of seeing this.



Crippling Throw: Delivers a crippling attack with the mainhand lightsaber, dealing 760-861 weapon damage and inflicting trauma for 15 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.


Crippling Throw does not heal me, it debuffs the target reducing the heals received from healers to that target by 20%.

Edited by Dawginole
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Reading comprehension owns you. Crippling Throw does not heal me, it debuff the target reducing the heals received from heals to that target by 20%.


Who said anything about healing you? You claimed Sentinels don't have a healing debuff...

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Who said anything about healing you? You claimed Sentinels don't have a healing debuff...


Well fk me in the silly face. Context is key. The term "healing debuff" means something entirely different from the mmo's I come from and wherever the rest of you are coming from. I would just refer to this as a debuff, full stop. A healing debuff in games I have played is either a targeted or aoe spell that heals you while hurting the opponent or applying a stat debuff to the target.


This was confusion in the lingo, but I'll eat crow on it anyway.

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Well fk me in the silly face. Context is key. The term "healing debuff" means something entirely different from the mmo's I come from and wherever the rest of you are coming from. I would just refer to this as a debuff, full stop. A healing debuff in games I have played is either a targeted or aoe spell that heals you while hurting the opponent or applying a stat debuff to the target.


This was confusion in the lingo, but I'll eat crow on it anyway.




Feel sort of weird calling it a healing debuff myself, so don't blame you :p

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