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3 big problems with SWTOR


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Alright, since my last thread on this topic got closed (probably due to my comparison with WoW.. which just caused mindless flaming from both sides).. I'll make this one more constructive.


The following are 3 big problems that need to be addressed ASAP if SWTOR wants to thrive:


1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.

2) The MMO factor:


Ask people if they feel like SWTOR is an MMO, and the most common answer you will get is "no". This is due to a few things:


-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.


-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.


Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!


Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.


I know it's pretty early to derail SWTORs endgame, but there is absolutely nothing to do. BW should of been prepared, they should of known that MANY people would hit 50 within the free month. This could be the main reason that SWTOR will fail. It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.

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Only one I disagree with is overly large planets. They need to be bigger. I am on a PLANET, not some random meteorite. I want the population to feel insignificant compared to the size of the worlds that BioWare creates for us.


And the endgame thing... While I have not experienced it yet (soon, I'm 48 right now), there a billion endgame related threads. Just be sure to stay as constructive as possible.


And these things take time. This game is not even 2 months old. It will NOT have everything we want, right away. But if I had to pick which one to fix first on your list? Character/Animation responsiveness is my vote- hands down (or up for two sets of votes).

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Only one I disagree with is overly large planets. They need to be bigger. I am on a PLANET, not some random meteorite. I want the population to feel insignificant compared to the size of the worlds that BioWare creates for us.


And the endgame thing... While I have not experienced it yet (soon, I'm 48 right now), there a billion endgame related threads. Just be sure to stay as constructive as possible.


And these things take time. This game is not even 2 months old. It will NOT have everything we want, right away. But if I had to pick which one to fix first on your list? Character/Animation responsiveness is my vote- hands down (or up for two sets of votes).




About the large planets, I can see where you're coming from. Personally, I love seeing people around me when I level.. but this is just preference / opinion.


And yeah, I agree this game DID just come out.. so it will take them time to polish it up and add more content. Most customers are very demanding though, and they do judge books based on their covers.

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While I don't judge books based on cover... I do judge movies on cover/name, haha... So I can relate.


I too have quite a bit of disappointment with this game, and I will take my subscription away soon, but I will be keeping an eye on it to see what gets added and improved on. There's another MMO heading our way that I really wanna try out because of its first - tried live combat battle system.

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I too have quite a bit of disappointment with this game, and I will take my subscription away soon, but I will be keeping an eye on it to see what gets added and improved on. There's another MMO heading our way that I really wanna try out because of its first - tried live combat battle system.


Totally agree, and I feel the exact same way. I will definitley be checking the SWTOR site often to see what they've fixed / added, but my subscription will not stay.


I wanna try out that MMO as well :D

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There's another MMO heading our way that I really wanna try out because of its first - tried live combat battle system.


Tried it and didn't like it, it's to Asian.

The combat system is fine, graphics nice, but that is all there is to it.

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I think this game will do fine, sure there are a few bugs, but lets give it a couple of months and then see where things are. I have seen some pretty major bugs go live before in other MMO's (remember the 15 minute loot bug in WoW before TBC).


As for end game, every single MMO I have ever played at startup had very little end game in it (WoW and Rift). Also, I think to reach more people devs are beginning to realize that end game doesn't always mean raiding. Look at the pet collecting for WoW and individual instances in Rift.


I do miss an individual activity like fishing, and I wish we could have decorated our star ships and invited people aboard them.


I am sure that there will be lots of endgame within a few months.

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3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.



Omg lol - just lol.

Edited by RocketbootsMOFO
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It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.


This. I had a blast playing with my Sage. I was addicted. I started 20th of December, and reached 50 about 2 hours before the year 2012.


Excited that i had access to all of the endgame content, i couldn't wait to play more. After a few days of playing battlegrounds and trying flashpoints, it hit me. There really is nothing to do, the best part of this game was the journey to 50. Propably because of the new-factor. Everything was new and exciting. Reaching level 50 killed this game for me.


I know i won't be coming back. I love Star Wars, and i sincerely hope they will make a game worthy of the saga sooner than later.


Goodbye, may the force be with you.

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Anything is better than endgame if toddler-filled raids are all we have to look forward to.


Why not spawn into the game at level 50, skipping the (usually boring, excluding TOR) leveling part, pick our skill trees, and hop on into a LFG que (automatic of course, too lazy otherwise), and then raid all night, every night until our eyeballs bleed.


Oh and have Devs develop a constant stream of eye candy armor sets with 'Epic' slapped on the title that will be replaced every month or so, to keep us busy working like pack mules (because God knows people who pay to play are really looking to work on menial tasks for the sake of pixel rewards.).


So you level FOR the end, not for the adventure. Why? For the glorious, almighty endgame, and what a prize it is - finally being allowed to enter into the special club of idiots that swing their bats for virtual goodies and yell at you for doing the smallest thing wrong.


No thanks, bud.


I don't hate endgame, but it's no object of perfection, and definitely not the end all be all of MMO's - not good ones anyway.

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I have seen some pretty major bugs go live before in other MMO's (remember the 15 minute loot bug in WoW before TBC).



I really love to exchange this bug for the ability delay ....


If this are the major bug for you, swtor have massive bugs.

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Alright, since my last thread on this topic got closed (probably due to my comparison with WoW.. which just caused mindless flaming from both sides).. I'll make this one more constructive.


The following are 3 big problems that need to be addressed ASAP if SWTOR wants to thrive:

Ya, these forums are highly flammable.


1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.

As I'm sure you well know, this is being addressed. While I too hope they can do this as quickly as possible, these things take time. They're trying as hard as they can, but issues this big are hard things to fix.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.

Eh, I don't think it's that bad, but it is noticeable.



-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.

I'll agree on this.


-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.

DISAGREE. People who like socializing have to realize that there are those of us who want to quest solo all the way up to end game, THEN get our social gaming going. As it stands, I hate it that some caves AREN'T phased, this means that I have to kill every mob on my way out that I have to kill on my way in again, which is a pain. Generally makes me save quick travel for any time I'm at the end of a cave or building that isn't phased.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.

I prefer people meet out in the world, but when it comes to caves, buildings etc. I believe that they should ALL be phased to avoid the nuisance of having to rekill everything just to get out.


Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!



Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).

Disagree. I want LARGER planets (although I also want those planets to have more things of interest).


3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.

Here's the problem with this, while it's certainly true that more endgame would be better, TOR has a fair amount of endgame for just launching (in fact, it has A LOT of it). Things like bugs, polish, and amount of content come AFTER launch, they're things that are built upon the foundation, not part of the foundation itself.


I know it's pretty early to derail SWTORs endgame, but there is absolutely nothing to do. BW should of been prepared, they should of known that MANY people would hit 50 within the free month. This could be the main reason that SWTOR will fail. It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.


Most people in game are satisfied although they'd prefer more endgame. But you know, this post was overall very constructive... But you really turn off people like me who are reasonable but LIKE the game when you say "SWTOR will fail". It makes you lose all sense of impartiality in my eyes, and makes this discussion overall less desirable for people like me. Though I'll give you a fair chance, because I don't think you meant it like that.

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Ask people if they feel like SWTOR is an MMO, and the most common answer you will get is "no". This is due to a few things:



The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.


Actually, the largest problem I see is people that have an ill defined idea of what a MMORPG is, and then complaining that this is not one.


The second problem is people racing to 50 in the first three weeks of a 7 to 10 year MMO, not understanding that high end content is never, ever, ever ready at release, then complaining that there is no end game content.


Third, people clogging the boards with this type of nonsense.


Eliminate these three, and it will be a much better game. ;p

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1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.

2) The MMO factor:


Ask people if they feel like SWTOR is an MMO, and the most common answer you will get is "no". This is due to a few things:


-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.


-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.


Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!


Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.


I know it's pretty early to derail SWTORs endgame, but there is absolutely nothing to do. BW should of been prepared, they should of known that MANY people would hit 50 within the free month. This could be the main reason that SWTOR will fail. It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.



Okay, what you are saying is:


1. Make the game easier for you to play, and understand.

2. Less Phasing.

3. More people, and smaller planets.

4. More end game.


Cool story, bro. I constantly hear about the delay thing everyone is mentioning, and I myself have experienced it (when I first started playing), but then I realized that sometimes it wasn't happening (Hmm, maybe there is a trick to it? lol). I learned my build's rotation, and I found that it came from me button mashing at the wrong time.


Basically: learn to play.


The rest of your suggestions or whatever are dully noted.


Smaller planets? I'm not sure if MMOs are for you, bro.





Edited by EnsignSorrow
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Actually, the largest problem I see is people that have an ill defined idea of what a MMORPG is, and then complaining that this is not one.


The second problem is people racing to 50 in the first three weeks of a 7 to 10 year MMO, not understanding that high end content is never, ever, ever ready at release, then complaining that there is no end game content.


Third, people clogging the boards with this type of nonsense.


Eliminate these three, and it will be a much better game. ;p


the largest problem are funboy that seem to dont see major problem of the game...

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They already said they are working on ability delay.


I love sharding and instancing. It's nice to know that from a certain point on, all the little ninja monkeys will be eliminated. To me, it's one of the highlights of the game. It's absolutely crucial to your character's story line that you can complete class story quests without the experience being ruined by bad timing with other players. There's plenty of group content if you want it. Thankfully it's not forced down your throat.


Don't know about endgame and don't care. end game whining started a few days in with all poopsockers flooding the forums with their pre-written scripts they've used in every other mmo ever made.


Also, I see a TON of people all over the place. Don't understand people who say the game seems barren. It's completely strange.

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OP you are fail. You think the main focus of a game should always be end-game. WRONG! Every single MMO that has come out has gone that route, and guess what? They have all failed. People are tired of the same old crap at end game, and it is about time someone comes out with something new, rather than just dailies, heroics and raids.
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