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CTD and BSOD issues have existed in this game since as far back as I can remember (August 2011). I have three different computers that I play on and I have experienced CTD and BSOD problems on all of them.


I'm not sure if this problem is isolated to particular "worlds" or "zones" or what-have-you but I seem to come across problems on Taris (Imperial) and lately Belsavis. This issue is well documented here on the forums as well.


In the mean time, please completely remove or severely reduce death penalties until you get this worked out or corrected in some reasonable way.


I am the most fanboi of fanbois (I have two very visible KOTOR tattoos) but the combination of BSOD/DEATH PENALTY is really painful.


Thanks in advance...



Worst Idea Eveerrr!


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Why pre NGE .? that was the CU or do you mean the perma death which was pre publisher 9 i think way way before any NGE crap.


I was a Jedi pre-CU. Nobody that I can recall suffered perma-death. That was in the game for an extremely limited amount of time. I'm really really really certain of this ;)


I did however suffer XP loss when killed (read ganked by a group of 8) bounty hunters. This was a completely different penalty. The death was a result of natural game mechanics whereas here in SWTOR my PC BSODs right in the middle of a fight several times a day.


So I'm looking at a potential loss of 10,000 credits a day or more from a BUG. I don't mind the credit sinks. I don't mind dying. I DO mind losing a measurable amount of credits from something like this.

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So I'm looking at a potential loss of 10,000 credits a day or more from a BUG. I don't mind the credit sinks. I don't mind dying. I DO mind losing a measurable amount of credits from something like this.


10k per day is nothing. I spend more than that using Fleet Passes on my various characters.


That said, if you're getting BSOD, as many have said before, it's not Bioware's problem. It's yours. Update your drivers, replace ancient hardware, etc.

Edited by Daellia
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Repair cost are far too high.


"Time out" timer has got to go, even if they feel they need to punish the player some other way. There must be some way to make dying a crappy punishing experience for the player besides a "time out" staring at you.


The repair costs in conjunction with skill cost are ridiculous in the game already. Forget crafting missions, they cost too much!


On top of wiping out your credit gains for the last while, you just sit there and think about what you did mister! For 10 minutes../log off


Edit: Show us the tattoos.

Edited by Die_Scream
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I agree and in fact I would take it a notch further and say that we should get rewards for dying. Make it so that the easier you die, the better the rewards. This will encourage us to fail better so that we can improve and become masters of failure! Rewards should also scale with time wasted and humiliation. If someone sees you die, you should get extra points. Failure is not an option -- it's a lifestyle! Edited by Shmn
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I agree and in fact I would take it a notch further and say that we should get rewards for dying. Make it so that the easier you die, the better the rewards. This will encourage us to fail better so that we can improve and become masters of failure! Rewards should also scale with time wasted and humiliation. If someone sees you die, you should get extra points. Failure is not an option -- it's a lifestyle!


Well, given the amount of WoW kiddies here I bet they'd like that.

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I agree and in fact I would take it a notch further and say that we should get rewards for dying. Make it so that the easier you die, the better the rewards. This will encourage us to fail better so that we can improve and become masters of failure! Rewards should also scale with time wasted and humiliation. If someone sees you die, you should get extra points. Failure is not an option -- it's a lifestyle!


Yes! Yes! and YES!


I would totally love to see rewards for dying. That's probably the most innovative thing i've heard yet!


*Facepalms at OP*

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CTD and BSOD issues have existed in this game since as far back as I can remember (August 2011). I have three different computers that I play on and I have experienced CTD and BSOD problems on all of them.


I'm not sure if this problem is isolated to particular "worlds" or "zones" or what-have-you but I seem to come across problems on Taris (Imperial) and lately Belsavis. This issue is well documented here on the forums as well.


In the mean time, please completely remove or severely reduce death penalties until you get this worked out or corrected in some reasonable way.


I am the most fanboi of fanbois (I have two very visible KOTOR tattoos) but the combination of BSOD/DEATH PENALTY is really painful.


Thanks in advance...

So because your computer has issues with the game, the barely existing penalties for dying should dissapear? O_o

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If images were possible on this forum, I'd post one of the Joker saying "not sure if serious" here...


EDIT: http://www.8bitbrigade.com/images/smilies/954-not-sure-if-serious.jpg


The death penalty is one of the most relaxed of all MMOs I've played, and I played them all since UO. It's just fine, expensive enough to want you to avoid death, but not crippling enough to stop you playing.

I take SW:TOR anytime over WoW's 10 minutes inability to play which is completely stupid.

Edited by Korrigan
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LOL I remember 3 weeks ago people complaining that the death penalties are NOT severe now they complain about BEING severe


They're not the same people.


The penalties are still not severe at all. And if the OP has problems with BSOD's, he really should be complaining to Microsoft about his repair bills, not Bioware.

Edited by imtrick
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Death...penalties? What penalties?


You have an option to rez right where you died and on top of that you get free stealth to move to a safe area.

If the 2 minute wait is too painful you can choose to rez at one of the many medical stations in the area.

And the cost? I went from 9k credits to 35k just by questing. My repairs are usually around 1k.

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I was a Jedi pre-CU. Nobody that I can recall suffered perma-death. That was in the game for an extremely limited amount of time. I'm really really really certain of this ;)


I did however suffer XP loss when killed (read ganked by a group of 8) bounty hunters. This was a completely different penalty. The death was a result of natural game mechanics whereas here in SWTOR my PC BSODs right in the middle of a fight several times a day.


So I'm looking at a potential loss of 10,000 credits a day or more from a BUG. I don't mind the credit sinks. I don't mind dying. I DO mind losing a measurable amount of credits from something like this.


Do you play any other game where you get the BSOD or just ToR .?


Also i thought BSOD was a PC fault not a game one.

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